Chapter 17

Into a New World?


During that dreadful dinner, Sunny clung onto Chunji like there was no tomorrow. Chanyeol was trying his best to win over Sunny’s affection with his derpy charms while Jessica just sat there, feeling miserable as ever.


“Excuse me, I think I need to use the restroom for a while…” Chunji stood up abruptly and said.


“Awww, make sure you come back soon, baby,” Sunny cooed.


Chunji walked away quickly from the table. Jessica cringed at the sound of Sunny’s voice. “Since when did she start calling him baby?” She thought to herself as she sunk even further down her seat.


Without Chunji at the table, none of them spoke out. Sunny took out her cell phone and started fiddling with it. Jessica stared at her food blankly leaving Chanyeol confused and looking back at forth from Sunny to Jessica.


Chanyeol cleared his throat awkwardly and decided to break the thick tension between them. “So… Sunny… how about we go to the cinema to catch a movie after dinner?”


Sunny looked at him, uninterested. “Um… how about no. I mean unless if Chunji is coming along.”


“But Sunny!” Chanyeol exclaimed, “I really, really want to go out with you!”


Sunny scoffed at Chanyeol’s loser-ish demeanor. “I would rather eat a bucket of live earthworms than go out with such a big queer like you.”


Chanyeol bit his lip and rolled his eyes. He had to come up with a insanely brilliant idea for Sunny to go out with him and not kidnap Chunji. “Oh, well if you don’t go out with me, I guess I won’t get to tell you all the things about Chunji,” Chanyeol shrugged nonchalantly.


Sunny’s eyes immediately lit up at the sound of Chunji’s name. “What do you know about Chunji that I don’t?” she asked him.


“Well, I sure know way more things about him than you do considering that I live with him,” Chanyeol replied sarcastically.


“Why don’t you just tell me now? You don’t have to waste the rest of my night, you know?”


Jessica rolled her eyes in annoyance for the umpteenth time and spoke up. “If he told you right now, Chunji could come out of the restroom any moment. And it’s not like he’s gonna be in there for the rest of the night, right? So you two obviously need to go somewhere else to talk.”


Chanyeol turned to look at Jessica; who had a stoic look on her face. He couldn’t tell whether she was being sarcastic or serious about the whole thing.


“That actually makes sense… you’re actually smarter than I thought,” Sunny said slowly, “Hmm, I’ll go out with you, Chanyeol, but only to discuss Chunji.”


“Great!” Chanyeol exclaimed, mentally fist pumping because all his ‘hard work’ paid off.


Chunji returned a few minutes later and the dinner continued normally. By normally it means that Sunny is still clinging onto Chunji, Chanyeol dropping random lame jokes and Jessica looking disconnected.


After about twenty minutes of remaining calm, Chunji couldn’t take it anymore. “Err, Sunny, sorry but, I think I have to go home now.” He said, hoping that she wouldn’t insist on bringing her with him.


“Oh, that’s alright. You and Jessica can leave, Chanyeol and I are going somewhere,” Sunny said casually.


Chunji’s eyes widened and he almost jumped in joy. He didn’t need to spend any more time with Sunny! He patted Chanyeol on the back and grinned widely at him. He took Jessica’s hand and skipped out of the restaurant.


“So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” Jessica asked Chunji when they reached home.


“Oh, that…” Chunji ran his fingers through his hair nervously. His mouth went dry and his stomach felt funny. His face paled a little and Jessica stared at him, concerned.


“Are… are you… okay?” She asked him.


“Yeah… I’m fine… it’s just t-that…” he stuttered.


“You don’t have to tell me now if you’re not feeling fine,” Jessica said, “I know it’s been a… not exactly very nice night. We can talk tomorrow. Good night.” She faked a small smile before turning around to go to her room.


“Wait no!” Chunji grabbed her hand to stop her from going anywhere, “This is very, very important.”


“Okay…” Jessica replied.


“Err… um… what… what d-do you think about… m-me?” Chunji squeaked. Yes, he was so terrified that his voice came out just like a little squeak.


“You?” Jessica asked, surprised. Her eyes widened and she could feel the colour rushing up her cheeks. She still wasn’t quite sure why she felt that way around him.


“Yeah… me…” Chunji said. He saw the look on her face and he immediately regretted asking that question. She looked confused and shocked. He cursed himself mentally.


Jessica had no idea what to say and just stared at him for a couple of seconds. She thought about his question and she knew the answer but just didn’t know how to put it in words and also, she knew that Sunny wouldn’t be very happy about it.


“I think… I think you’re nice…” she said in a small voice.


“Nice?” Chunji thought, “Isn’t that a code for the friend-zone or something? Oh crap.”


“And…?” Chunji asked, expecting another answer.


The two of them just stared at each other. The tension filling the air was thick as none of them spoke up. Chunji wasn’t sure of anything but he could sure feeling his hopes crashing down.


“I’m so sorry,” Jessica suddenly broke down and hugged Chunji tightly, “I j-just don’t know how to say it… Sunny is going to be so mad at me if she ever f-found out… and I’m so scared of her…” she cried into Chunji’s chest.


Chunji’s forehead crinkled in confusion but he hugged Jessica back anyway. He her hair gently while she cried. “Don’t think about Sunny… she’s not a very good person,” he whispered softly.


“B-but she was good to me! She took me to places and w-we h-had so much f-fun together…” Jessica looked up at Chunji with tears streaming down her pretty little face.


“Sometimes in life, people are like that. They act like they’re good or nice to you but they actually have an ulterior motive,” Chunji said, holding Jessica in his arms. And then Chunji did something that he didn’t even expect to ever do in his whole life. He bent down and kissed Jessica on the lips.



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RatihFebrianti #1
Chapter 28: I still waiting for next chapter >\\<
Keep writing, author-nim >\\<
Chapter 28: Sunny-ah. What a brilliant plan have you done to my CHUNSICA ! Poor our Chunji~ ;P . Yahh , Sica gonna to leaves ? NOOOOO !! Please update soon , Author-nim :)
SoYou__Angel #3
Chapter 28: Aaaaarrrrrgh, want badly to kill Sunny!! Hate her so much! If she can listen to ChunJi... Poor ChunJi and Chanyeol.. Want to.know the next chapter please ^^
SoYou__Angel #4
Chapter 27: Lee Sunkyu aka Sunny!!! What the hell are you gonna doing now? you ing ... don't you just leave chunsica and Chanyeol in Peace?? haha..., She is really the type of girls that everyone hates LOL! i love your ff.., ChunJi and Jess are so sweet and look good together! Chanyeol is so kind and Sweet towards chunsica! ChunJi and Chanyeol!! total loving their friendship!! i ship them now... hope you keep writing please because i want to see what will happen when Jess will wake up? Does she will go back to her native country? what about her mother and the prince? so many question.. c:
Chapter 27: wow. i'm not amused at all-.- SUNNY CAN YOU PLEASE NOT =.=' fuar
yulkim #6
Chapter 26: finally you've update!!
ouhh sunny!! what a crazy plan do you've prepare to??
dont make jessica in any problem this time fufufu :3
i always put my careness on chanyeol poorness bwahahaha XD
keep updating!