Chapter 13

Into a New World?


“So… why exactly did you bring me here?” Chunji asked Chanyeol questioningly as he led him into a room, blind-folded.


“I will tell you soon, very soon. It’s just that it’s a very… um secret conversation so we need to keep it on the down low. We can’t let anyone find out about this,” Chanyeol replied with a whisper.


“If we’re supposed to keep it a secret, how is blind-folding me going to make everything better?” Chunji asked, “Won’t more people look at us and wonder what we’re doing?”


“Oh… yeah,” Chanyeol said, “I didn’t exactly think of that. Hm, maybe we should try a more natural approach next time…”


“Natural approach, sure,” Chunji scoffed.


“Okay, okay! We’re here now! Get ready, I’m going to take off your blind fold very soon,” Chanyeol stated excitedly.


“I can do it my-“


“NO, you can’t remove it yourself. I have to do it!” Chanyeol shouted a little bit too loudly.


“Okay, fine.” Chunji sighed.


Chanyeol extended his arms and reached over to Chunji and took off his blind fold. Chunji squinted as his eyes adjusted to the new lighting.


“Where the hell on earth are we at?” Chunji asked, perplexed as ever.


This is the secret location,” Chunji whispered.


Chunji looked around. The room had green painted walls and white ceramic tiled floors. There were small tables and chairs and there was also a bar-like counter in the front with a large menu in front of it.


Chunji cocked his head to the side as he tried to figure out where they were. The place seemed rather familiar to him. Chanyeol on the other hand, had already noticed Chunji’s confused face and was beyond amused.


“Wait a second,” Chunji said slowly as the memories came back to him, “Isn’t this aunt’s frozen yogurt shop? We used to come here all the time after school last year! And we’d always sit at that corner!” Chunji pointed to a specific table at the end.


“Um…” Chanyeol muttered, “You weren’t supposed to find out that easily.”


“Well, but I did and I just wanna ask you, if this conversation is so important, why did you bring me here?” Chunji asked.


Before Chanyeol could speak, Chunji opened his mouth and gasped. “Oh my god, you’re not gonna tell me you’re actually secretly gay and you’ve had feelings for me all this while, right?”


Chanyeol’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared right through Chunji.


“Dude… what the hell… I’m not gay…” Chanyeol said slowly.


“Oh, okay... sorry for just assuming things…” Chunji apologized and laughed awkwardly, “So what did you bring me here for?”


“I just wanted to ask you what you think of Jessica.” Chanyeol said.


“I think she’s fine. She isn’t causing a ton of problems so; I guess I’m fine with that. And another thing, she’s not a total ! I’m quite okay with her living with us.” Chunji said.


Chanyeol shook his head and looked at Chunji seriously. “No, I don’t mean what you think of her like that but… what do you think of her? You know, in terms of girlfriend material and… stuff… you know,” Chanyeol said awkwardly.


“Oh…” Chunji paused, “Are you sure you’re okay? You look kinda pale and oh, it’s really hot in here. Maybe I should bring you to the hospital and they can prescribe you some medicine or whatever.” Chunji said quickly, avoiding Chanyeol’s question.


“No, I’m not sick. I’m totally fine. Don’t try and change the subject, okay?” Chanyeol said, “I just wanna know the answer. Don’t lie, you know you can’t lie to me.” He smirked.


“I think… she’s quite… pretty.” Chunji said in a small voice as he slid down further in his seat.


“She’s what?” Chanyeol teased, pretending not to hear what he had said so that Chunji would say it again.


“I think she’s… yeah, you know, she has a nice face and everything…” Chunji said, getting more embarrassed by the second. Never has he imagined that Park Chanyeol would be asking him about serious girl questions.


“And what’s that word that you use to describe someone who has a nice face…?” Chanyeol tapped his chin, “I think it starts with a P.”


“P…retty.” Chunji huffed.


“What? Who’s pretty? Me?” Chanyeol asked.


Chunji scoffed. “You? Pretty? Not even possible in a million years’ time,” Chunji laughed at his own joke evilly.


“Oh, save your laughing for later when I tell Jessica that you think she’s pretty!” Chanyeol threatened.


“Oh my god, NO! You can’t tell anyone!” Chunji shouted.


“Tell anyone what?” Chanyeol said mockingly.


“Fine! You win this time!” Chunji pouted, “But, you can’t tell anyone that I think Jessica is pretty, okay?”


“Okay, great!” Chanyeol smiled brightly.


The two of them left the store after a few minutes of Chunji trying to kill Chanyeol with his two bare hands. Chanyeol was basically jumping with joy and all the thoughts going through his head were, “OMG! Chunji likes Jessica      ~”. He smiled to himself as his head bobbed along to his music.


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RatihFebrianti #1
Chapter 28: I still waiting for next chapter >\\<
Keep writing, author-nim >\\<
Chapter 28: Sunny-ah. What a brilliant plan have you done to my CHUNSICA ! Poor our Chunji~ ;P . Yahh , Sica gonna to leaves ? NOOOOO !! Please update soon , Author-nim :)
SoYou__Angel #3
Chapter 28: Aaaaarrrrrgh, want badly to kill Sunny!! Hate her so much! If she can listen to ChunJi... Poor ChunJi and Chanyeol.. Want to.know the next chapter please ^^
SoYou__Angel #4
Chapter 27: Lee Sunkyu aka Sunny!!! What the hell are you gonna doing now? you ing ... don't you just leave chunsica and Chanyeol in Peace?? haha..., She is really the type of girls that everyone hates LOL! i love your ff.., ChunJi and Jess are so sweet and look good together! Chanyeol is so kind and Sweet towards chunsica! ChunJi and Chanyeol!! total loving their friendship!! i ship them now... hope you keep writing please because i want to see what will happen when Jess will wake up? Does she will go back to her native country? what about her mother and the prince? so many question.. c:
Chapter 27: wow. i'm not amused at all-.- SUNNY CAN YOU PLEASE NOT =.=' fuar
yulkim #6
Chapter 26: finally you've update!!
ouhh sunny!! what a crazy plan do you've prepare to??
dont make jessica in any problem this time fufufu :3
i always put my careness on chanyeol poorness bwahahaha XD
keep updating!