Chapter 11

Into a New World?


“So, how was your date with Sunny?” Chunji asked as Chanyeol dragged his feet into the room.


“It was… interesting…” he simply replied.


“On a scale of one to ten,” Chunji sat up straight, “How annoying was she?”


“Ummm…” Chanyeol tapped his finger against his chin, “maybe around I dunno… infinity?”


Chunji laughed.


Out loud.


So loud that someone in Africa could probably hear.


He rolled around on his bed laughing until no sound came of out his mouth. All Chanyeol could do was just glare at him.


“Stop it. It’s not funny, okay?” Chanyeol glared, “Would you wanna go out on a date with her as well?”


“Sorry, man. I just couldn’t help myself,” Chunji wiped away a tear, still laughing.


Chanyeol pouted, “Well, how was your date with Jessica?”


“What date?” Chunji asked innocently.


“Come on, don’t act like you don’t know. It’s like so obvious that you’ve got the hots for her or something. Plus, we left you two in the house, alone. I mean, something must’ve happened, right?” Chanyeol explained.


“What on earth are you saying? I don’t like her o-or anything like that. Nothing happened, I swear!” Chunji put his hands up, trying to defend himself.


“Are you sure?” Chanyeol raised a brow and Chunji nodded in return, “Then, why do I see her bracelet on your bed?”


Chunji froze, his eyes darted to where Chanyeol was looking. “I… don’t know how it got there…”


“Lies.” Chanyeol said.


“Come on, Channie! Believe me!” Chunji pleaded.


“Nuh-uh, only if you tell me the truth. Why is Jessica’s bracelet on your bed? Did she come in this room while I was gone?” Chanyeol gave Chunji a triumphant smile.


“Okay, fine. She did come in, but we didn’t do anything! She just came in to ask if I was okay or not! Her bracelet must have fallen off or something!” Chunji said quickly.


“Why is the bracelet on your bed then? What did she do on your bed?”


“Nothing! She just came over and sat next to me!” Chunji cried helplessly.


“Whatever you say, Chunji. You can lie all you want but I am not going to believe you,” Chanyeol stated, “I know you too well.” He laughed.


“Well, fine!” Chunji frowned, “Believe what you wanna believe! I swear I don’t have any feelings for Jessica!”


“So, you do have feelings for her!”


“What?” Chunji’s eyes widened.


“I didn’t even ask you if you had feelings for her! You just said it out of the blue. So that means you do like her!” Chanyeol threw back his head and laughed in victory.


“Oh my god,” Chunji face palmed himself, “What has gotten into you, Park Chanyeol?”


“Oh, nothing! Just planning my best friend’s future wedding and his future wife is just next door!” Chanyeol sang.


“I swear to god if you tell anyone about this, you will die,” Chunji threatened, “I will slit your beautiful long legs and then feed you to all those annoying girls at school. Maybe I’ll even tell your parents that you’ve been living with me for a long time and they’ll probably get so mad that they’ll send you off to another boarding school in another country!”


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down with your threats! Chanyeol said sarcastically, “I am so scared of you!”


“Well, heck yeah you better be scared! You live under my roof!” Chunji scolded.


The bedroom door suddenly opened and Jessica popped her head in.


“What is this entire ruckus about?” she rubbed her eyes in confusion and yawned, “I was already fast asleep and then I heard you two screaming at each other so I came over to check up on you.”


“Oh, it’s nothing, Jessica. Chunji and I were just talking about the arrangement for his wedding!” Chanyeol said happily, earning a punch on the back from Chunji.


“Wedding?” Jessica’s eyes widened, “Chunji, you’re getting married? When? With who?”


“With youuu,” Chanyeol whispered.


“No one,” Chunji said angrily, “And you can go back to sleep now, Chanyeol was just telling me about his awesome date with Sunny and how great it would be if they went out together more often.”


“Hey, I didn’t say that!” Chanyeol said.


“Well, I didn’t ask you to exist.” Chunji spat back bitterly.


“Date with Sunny? How was it? Did the two of you have fun?” Jessica skipped over to the bed and sat down next to them.


“It was great fun!” Chunji answered for Chanyeol.


“Shut up, Chunji.”


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RatihFebrianti #1
Chapter 28: I still waiting for next chapter >\\<
Keep writing, author-nim >\\<
Chapter 28: Sunny-ah. What a brilliant plan have you done to my CHUNSICA ! Poor our Chunji~ ;P . Yahh , Sica gonna to leaves ? NOOOOO !! Please update soon , Author-nim :)
SoYou__Angel #3
Chapter 28: Aaaaarrrrrgh, want badly to kill Sunny!! Hate her so much! If she can listen to ChunJi... Poor ChunJi and Chanyeol.. Want to.know the next chapter please ^^
SoYou__Angel #4
Chapter 27: Lee Sunkyu aka Sunny!!! What the hell are you gonna doing now? you ing ... don't you just leave chunsica and Chanyeol in Peace?? haha..., She is really the type of girls that everyone hates LOL! i love your ff.., ChunJi and Jess are so sweet and look good together! Chanyeol is so kind and Sweet towards chunsica! ChunJi and Chanyeol!! total loving their friendship!! i ship them now... hope you keep writing please because i want to see what will happen when Jess will wake up? Does she will go back to her native country? what about her mother and the prince? so many question.. c:
Chapter 27: wow. i'm not amused at all-.- SUNNY CAN YOU PLEASE NOT =.=' fuar
yulkim #6
Chapter 26: finally you've update!!
ouhh sunny!! what a crazy plan do you've prepare to??
dont make jessica in any problem this time fufufu :3
i always put my careness on chanyeol poorness bwahahaha XD
keep updating!