Camping part 2/5

Don't Touch my Girl

LunaFly-Super Hero


Minwoo woke up and saw that his arms were around _________ he didn't want to wake her up so he left his arms like that. When _________ woke up she was scared but she knew not to scream and she knew that Jieun was there so she kissed Minwoo's checks and told him to wake up.

"Minwoo Oppa get up we need to go"
"Aish Baby 5 more mintues please"
"Oppa anyo we'll get in  trouble"
"Wae I still want to sleep with you"
"Aish Oppa get up hurry Mrs.Kim is coming"
"Ne Baby Panda", Minwoo sat up and kissed _________ on the cheeks and they both saw Jieun.

"Ugh Niel Oppa are you up yet?"
"Oppa get up"
"Aish Bowya"
"Anyo hurry up and get ready"

_________ and Minwoo looked at each other and smiled. When Jieun left the room they started to laugh Niel was confused but he didn't care. Minwoo and _________ was laughing while they got ready because Jieun tired to act cute with her "boyfriend" Niel and they just thought it was funny.

When Minwoo and _________ both finished they walked to the center to meet with Mrs.Kim and Mr.Kang.

"Ok students today's event is a little hunt", Mr.Kang smiled.
"So what you guys have to find is small Korean Falgs lying around here", Mrs.Kim explained.
"And who ever finds the most will win something back in Korea"
"WAH", everyone one said at the same time.
"Everyone has to find a partner and play ne?"
"Mr.Kang Mrs.Kim what is we don't want to play?" Minwoo asked.
"Well everyone has to play or sit here with us until all the students come back", Mr.Kang answered.

"Minwoo Oppa I want to do this though"
"Aish do we have too"
"But Oppa is only happens once in a while please"
"Wae?" Minwoo said that pretty lound and so all the attention was on them.
"Aish nevermind Oppa we don't have to play I'll just go find another partner"
"Bowh? Anyo", Minwoo grabbed _________'s hand, "Let's play together then"
"Oppa Chinja? You don't have to play if you don't want to"
"Ne Oppa Chinja and I will play for you"
"Oppa Gomawo", _________ smiled and hugged Minwoo.

Everyone was all in aw's excepte for Jieun and Niel (who was not paying attention). Jieun was really pissed that everyone saw that and she didn't want this love of theirs to go to people's head. She really hated it but didn't care and they started the game.

"Minwoo Oppa let's go this way"
"Ne coming"
"Oppa are you sure you want to do this?"
"Ne I do because I don't want you to be with another guy"
"Oh anyo"
"YAH I heard what you said what do you mean by it"
"Aish noting chinja nothing"
"Aish what ever let's go Oppa look there's the first flag"

After a couple of hours Minwoo and _________ found 10 flag while they were walking it started to get dark and _________ couldn't really see the way anymore.

"Baby Panda where are"
Minwoo was cut off by the scream,"AH!~"
Minwoo quickly turned around and didn't see _________, "Baby Panda where are you?"
"Ah Oppa ouch Oppa I'm down here ow this hurts"
"Aish I told you to hold on to me"
"Oppa I was readying the map"
"Aish forget the map come here"
"Oppa I can't my ankle hurts"
"Bowh?" Minwoo quickly went down to where _________ was at, "Let me see"
Minwoo took her ankle,"Ow Oppa that hurts what are you doing?"
"Aish your bleeding a lot wait araso"

Minwoo went through the backpack they brought and saw a handjer cheif and wrapped _________'s ankle. He also used all the water to wash off the dirt and the blood.

"Ouch Oppa that hurts"
"Anyo it's ok I'm here"
"Oppa", _________ was breathing hard.
"Ne _________ everything will be alright"
"Oppa mianhaeyo"
"Wae? I'm the one to be sorry"
"Anyo chinja mianhaeyo", _________ was not feeling so good she started to trail off and Minwoo got scared.
"Yah yah yah stay with me here araso? We'll be alright araso? Do you want to eat?"
"Ne Oppa please"

Minwoo went through the backpack and saw some small snacks that they had packed and gave them to _________. Minwoo was so scared he didn't want anything to happen to _________ he promised N that he would take good care of his little sister and he won't let anything happen to her. Minwoo didn't know what to do he was scared he didn't want to leave _________ in the dark to go find help he wanted to stay with her.

Back at the camp:
"Aish where are these 2 kids?" JB looked around.
"Mr.Kang where is _________-sshi and Minwoo-goon?"
"Molla I sent Mrs.Kim to go look inside",
"Mr.Kang I can't find them anywhere", Mrs.Kim said out of breath.
"Aish ok let's go find them I only want _________'s friends to come though", Mr.Kang said with a little worry.

JB, Zelo, Ji Hoon, Kwangmin, and Mrs. Kim was together while Jongup, Jr.,Jeongmin, Youngmin, and Mr.Kang was together. They both went in different direction.

"Minwoo-ah if you could hear me please yell", Mrs.Kim was scared.
"Baby Panda we're coming just wait", Zelo yelled.
"Little Melon please we need to find you please yell for us", JB yelled.
"Yah Minwoo where are you guys?" Kawngmin yelled.
"Aish _________ Minwoo where are you guys?" Ji Hoon ruffled his hair.

It was late and _________ got tired so she fell asleep in Minwoo's shoulders.

"_________-ah please show us where you are at", Mr.Kang started to get scared.
"Yah Baby Panda don't scare us please come out", Jongup started to get worried.
"Aish Minwoo-ah where are you guys at?" Jr. got mad at Minwoo for not caring for her.
"Yah Minwoo you better not be playing a game", Jeongmin yelled.
"_________-ah Minwoo where are you guys at?" Youngmin yelled.

Mr.Kang and Mrs.Kim couldn't find them. They all came to a meeting point and was really worried for these 2. They all didn't know what to do they all didn't want to leave them there.

"Aish Jongup Hyung what do we do?" Zelo kicked the dirt.
"Aish mollayo Zelo", Jongup put his arm around Zelo.

Soon Minwoo heard voices and he thought they were near. Minwoo took out the flash light but waited to us it so he started yelling.

"ZELO-AH, JONGUP HYUNG, JB HYUNG, JR.-AH, JI HOON HYUNG, JEONGMIN HYUNG, YOUNGMIN HYUNG, KWANGMIN HYUNG WHERE ARE YOU GUYS AT PLEASE COME HELP US", Minwoo yelled and got scared he didn't just want to stay there over night. The sudden yelling scared _________ and she woke up.
"Bowh I think I hear someone yelling", Youngmin looked up.
"Huh? Oh I hear it too lets's go hurry", Mr.Kang motion everyone to follow.
"Mr.Kang Mrs.Kim please help we are down here", Minwoo waved the flash light.
"Mrs.Kim please find us", _________ yelled.
"Oh? I hear my name hurry", Mrs.Kim ran ahead.
"Look Mrs.Kim there is a light go there", Ji Hoon pointed out.
"Ne hurry let's go", Mr.Kang ran faster.

"Aish we finally found you guys", Mrs.Kim said out of breath.
"Minwoo-ah _________-ah come here", Mr. Kang motion.
"Mr.Kang if we could have went up then we would have but we can't", Minwoo said.
"Bowh wae what happen", Jongup looked down.
"Aish Jongup Oppa don't worry", _________ said.
"Minwoo-ah what happen?" Mrs.Kim asked.
"_________ slid down and hurt her ankle", Minwoo said.
"Can you come up _________-ah?" Mr.Kang looked.
"Teacher molla", _________ stared to tear up.
"Aish don't worry we'll help", Jeongmin smiled.

Minwoo handed them the backpack and flash light. He helped _________ up and gave her to JB and Jongup. They both helped her walk but it was hard for her to walk so Minwoo carried her on his back all the way back to the campus.

"Ok kids go get ready for bed araso? Don't go anywhere tonight stay in the cabin", Mr.Kang said in a soft voice.
"Araso", they all answered together.

Minwoo had carried _________ back to the cabin. When he walked in he saw Niel standing up worried about them.

"Oh you guys are back. Gwenchana?" Niel asked in worried.
"Ne gwenchanayo", _________ answered.
"Oh _________-sshi what happen?"
"Oh umm I slipped and hurt myself"
"Oh araso mianhaeyo"
"Anyo no need to be sorry"
"Bowh wae"
"Because it was not your fault it was mine and I'll be ok"

Minwoo had set _________ on the bed and went to go get changed. _________ wanted to get change but her ankle was hurting. She didn't want to ask Jieun because Jieun would just be really rude no matter what happens. Mrs.Kim had came in with bandages and walked to _________.

"_________ do you want to change the bandages?"
"Ne please Mrs.Kim"
"Gomawo Mrs.Kim"
"Aish it's nothing I'll help you get ready to"
"Ne gomawo"
"It's ok stop saying thank you I'm here for a reason"
"Araso araso", _________ smiled.

Minwoo had walked into the room and saw that Mrs.Kim was helping _________ put on the bandads. He felt bad and didn't know what to do he saw that she was dress and ready to sleep so he decied to tell Mrs.Kim to let him do it.

"Mrs.Kim I got it now you can go to sleep", Minwoo walked in.
"Oh Minwoo-ah are you sure?"
"Ne Mrs.Kim you need some rest so I'll do it from now"
"Oh araso well good night you guys sleep well"
"Ne", they all answered together.

Minwoo was putting the bandads on _________'s ankle and saw all the scratches on her ankle. Minwoo felt really bad that he couldn't do anything to help this not happen.

"_________-ah mianhaeyo"
"Aish Oppa stop saying that"
"Wae chinja miahaeyo"
"Oppa I'm fine everythings ok"
"Aish chinja mianhaeyo for not being there to not let this happen"
"Anyo Oppa it was my fault for falling"
"YAH AT LEAST I CARE ABOUT HER", Minwoo yelled back.
"If you care so much then kiss her", Jieun sat up.
"Fine", Minwoo yelled.

Minwoo breathed and so did _________. Minwoo leaned in closer to _________ then soon their lips meet. Everything else seem to not be there anymore _________ was happy to know that she has had her first kiss and she doesn't regret it at all. So did Minwoo he didn't regret it at all. This long thoughtful kiss had ended when Jieun yelled.

"YAH YAH I GET IT AISH JUST GO TO BED NOW", Jieun got jealous and laid in bed.

Minwoo was nervous and didn't know what to do, so he went back to wrapping _________'s ankle. _________ smiled because she knew Minwoo was shy after the kiss, so was _________ but she didn't care because it got Jieun jealous and because she knew that it will only happen once.

"Ok _________ I'm done"
"Oh gomawo Oppa"
"Ok well let's go to sleep now"
"Ne we should"

Minwoo and _________ fell fast asleep. Minwoo soon wrapped his arm around _________ to keep her warm and safe. _________ tunred and was close to Minwoo's chest. Minwoo had kissed _________ on the head and fell back asleep. This so called fake love started to get real to Minwoo and he started to fall for _________. This fake love was still fake to _________ because she knew that they won't be going out after Freshmen year and that the lie would be over by then.

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Goldie98 #1
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!!!!!!
shin_yoonjo12 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^