Oppa Wae

Don't Touch my Girl

Girls Generation-Girlfriend


The next morning _________ woke up and she was still tired. She sat up and looked out the window, it was a beautiful day. She wanted to go outside and mess with the little kids next door but she wanted to talk to Minwoo as well so she stayed inside until Minwoo woke up.

Around 9am Minwoo had woke up and went down stairs. _________ was hiding then when Minwoo came out she would scare him.

Minwoo was at the end of the stairs, "BOO!"
"Aish yah you scared me", Minwoo pouted.
"ㅋㅋ Oppa got scared I finally scared Minwoo Oppa YAY", _________ giggled and clapped her hand.
"Aish your always my little kid"
"Oppa~", _________ whinned.
"Aish nevermind Oppa", _________ pouted and walked away.
Minwoo ran up behind her and hugged her,"What's wrong baby somethings on your mind and I know it"
"Oppa it's nothing", _________ took Minwoo's arms off her waist.
"Bowh? You never do that to me when I have my hands around you baby please tell me"
"Anni Oppa it's ok"
Minwoo went to sit next to _________,"Baby somethings on your mind just tell Oppa and he will tell the truth"
"Aish araso Oppa"
"Ok then babe what is it huh?"
"Oppa", _________ paused for a long time,"Why did you drink that night?"
"Oppa~", _________ whinned.
"Aish araso I'll tell you"
"Ok", _________ pouted.

"When I was younger my family always gave me a fake ID I could use it to do anything. In middle school I fell for Jieun and I wanted to get her off my mind so I tried beer for the first time at a young age. The people there didn't even care about me they just gave it to me even though I look to young. After drinking one beer I really liked it but I keep drinking on the low when I was younger. It's only been about 2 years since I have drinked. That day was a long time since I have last put a beer to my mouth. The guys never really knew about it and what I did but they soon will drink as well."

"But Oppa that's not what I wanted to know"
"Then what is it?"
"Oppa why did you have to drink again?"

"I drinked that night because I was mad I didn't want you and L.Joe to be together I wanted you to be with me and not him. You seemed to like him a whole lot more than you liked me, and that bothered me a lot. It made go crazy thinking about you and L.Joe together, so what I wanted to do was drink and make it go away. But that never did it stayed in my head forever. Even till today I have you already but please promise that you would never to someone else and only me"

"Oppa I promise"
"Kasahamida Babe"
"No problem Oppa", _________ smiled and kissed Minwoo.

After talking to Minwoo _________ ran outside and saw the kids all playing in front of her yard waiting for her to come out. _________ smiled and saw that they were bulding snow man and having a snow ball fight. She giggled and joined them, Minwoo had followed _________ out and saw how playful his baby girl was. He smiled and was not really paying attention then a snow ball hit him in the face.

Minwoo giggled,"Yah who threw that"
All the kids giggled and pointed to __________,"She did"
"Anniyo Oppa I didn't really"
"Yah come here", Minwoo ran to _________ and spun her around.
"Oh~ Unnie have a boyfriend I'm telling N Oppa", one of the girls giggled.
"Noona I thought you were waiting for me", one of the boys pouted.
"ㅋㅋ N Oppa already knows Lily-ah but go ahead and Byunmi-ah you will always be to young for me sorry hone"
"Buy you just called me hone", Byunmin pouted.
"ㅋㅋ that doesn't mean anything hone I call a lot of people that", _________ giggled.
"No you don't", Minwoo pouted.
"Oppa your different", _________ turned around and hugged Minwoo.
"Araso but you better have a pet name for me soon"
"Aish araso Oppa I will", _________ bent down and picked up snow and threw it at Minwoo.

Then soon a snow ball fight began boys vs. girls. They all had a great time playing around in the snow. Minwoo smiled at how playful his girl was with kids. Minwoo really enjoyed kids and so did his girl so he was happy to know that. It was the best day for everyone because it was a beautiful day to just play outside.


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Goldie98 #1
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!!!!!!
shin_yoonjo12 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^