Authors Note

Don't Touch my Girl

I'm sorry for such a horible story my readers. Please tell me what was wrong. Was everything out of place? Did you not get it? Was I that horrible TT^TT I'm really really sorry my story was really bad. *sigh* I will work harder to make you guys happy for my next story and everything with be better and it won't be so messy like my 2 stories I wrote to much on my mind I just added new people. Aish I really do at writing these I'm really sorry. I really don't know what else to write but I'm sorry for such a horrible story. I will work harder no matter what happens I really am sorry about my horrible writing skills *shake head*. I really am sorry for a stupid story that I came up with.....

-Forever still here sistarsasa


P.S I really am sorry for a bad story I still need more help on these =_=



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Goldie98 #1
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!!!!!!
shin_yoonjo12 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^