
Don't Touch my Girl

Infinite-Come Back


'Ah weekends are here I hope it won't go by fast', _________ sat up thinking.
'Oh gosh I need to go before I get in trouble', _________ stood up really fast and got her clothes and got ready.

After getting ready _________ quitely ran down stairs cooked herself some eggs and sausage for breakfast. She finished eating and headed out before any of them could get up. She was satify that she was quite and no one woke up. _________ forgot her bus card so she had to walk there. She didn't mind at all she loves to walk around Seoul by herself. _________ put her headphones in and started to walk to Top Media High. She walked to Top Media High and she ran into some guys.

"Oh mianhaeyo", _________  bowed and kept walking.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" One asked.
"I said I was sorry so take it", _________ turned around annoyed.
"Eh Hyung she looks pretty just calm down", the other one said.
"Hyung can we play with her for a while?" the youngest one ask.
"No now I'm leaving", _________ smiled a little irritated one.
"We're not letting you go", the eldest said.
"Only 3 of you guys and 7 of us what are you going to do", someone shouted.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Baek Percent. _________ ran to them and Jongwhan hugged her. Sanghoon also hugged her but after the hug he moved her behind him. _________  stood there really scared to finally see a fight break out or maybe. But she was really scared to see such thing happen.

"Oh mianhae Sunbae", the leader bowed.
"Sunbae? For what you are a grade above all of us right?" Minwoo looked mad.
"Ne but you are Sunbae on the streets", the youngest said with his head down.
"Oh no just like school your the Sunbae and we are the Hoobae", Chanbum smirked.
"So since your the Sunbae we give you a chose to stay here and let things happen or leave and this never happened", Chanyoung smirked.
"A-a-araso", the leader said bowed and they all left running.

"Wah Sunbae they are afraid of their Hoobae just like", _________ paused before she could finish her sentence not brining them up.
"ㅋㅋ why did you stop?" Rokhyun smiled.
"Wow you guys were so scary but Rokhyun changes the mood really fast", _________ was amazed but she smiled.
"Ne he always does that", Chanyoung shrugged and walked away.
"Come on we need to go", Minwoo nodded his head for everyone to go.
"Oh Minwoo Sunbae kasahamida", _________ bowed.
"Aish can you stop being so respectful?" Sanghoon put his hand around Hyukjin's shoulder.
"Anniyo not until I have permission from the eldest", _________ shook her head.
"Hyung give her permission hurry I can't take this respectfulness", Sanghoon lightly hit the leaders arm.
"Anni we need to know her better first", Minwoo lifted his hand.
"See", _________ pointed to Minwoo.
"Aish Hyung but we know she's not afraid to talk to people like them and us", Jongwhan joined.
"Anni it takes time", Minwoo siad again.
"But Hyung we won't see her for a long time", Hyukjin whinned.
"Stop it guys it's ok if he wants it to take time then I'll try everything to get what I want like today", _________ shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

"Hyung your so mean", Rokhyun slapped Minwoo's arm.
"I'm not it her chiose", Minwoo shook his head.
"Aish Hyung your so stubborn", Chanbum finally spoke.
"Anniyo I'll do my best today and every other day", _________ smiled.
"Hyung just please", Sanghoon began to beg.
"We'll see", Minwoo just kept on walking.

Soon they all were at Baek Percent's hide out. There was boards, paint, nails, hammers, and so much more to fix the hide out. It took almost the whole day to finish what they wanted to be finished. With an extra helping hand it was much faster. It was 8pm now and everything was done. Everyone was satisfy with the hide out. They had nicely painted walls, a new room, and nice fixed tile floors. Everything was perfect it felt like a home it was warm again. _________ was really tired after helping them out she sat of the couch and fell asleep. Baek Percent was cleaning the trash that was all there. They came in and saw that _________ was sleeping peacefuly after a hard work day. They didn't want to wake her up so they gave her a blanket and fixed her better on the couch. _________'s face was so tired looking Jongwhan smiled at her.

He thought it was very thoughtful for her to come and help them finally fix their hide out. Everyone was so tired they all fell asleep on the other couches or on the floor. Baek Percent didn't really have enough space for everyone to sleep on a couch and there was no bed rooms sadly. The hide out was not like a regular house it did't have rooms so who ever made it really wanted the family to bond together.

Back at home Minwoo started to get worry and he didn't know where _________ could be. He called her but she didn't pick up. He got worried about what happened to her. He didn't even see her this morning and he became really scared. Minwoo didn't want to tell N because he didn't want N to worry about his sister. Minwoo was really scared and called _________ again.

Finally she picked up the phone and answered.
"Yah where are you? Come home"
"Oh mianhae who are you?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm Jongwhan"
"Ne wae?"
"What did you do to my girl?"
"Nothing she's sleeping on the couch"
"Ok just keep her there"
"Why would we leave?"
"Just keep her there"
"Ok mianhae gosh"
Minwoo hung up the phone and ran to Teen Top's hide out.  Minwoo knocked on their door he was freaking out.

"Hyung Hyung they have her"
"What do you mean", CAP rubbed his eyes.
"Baek Percent they have her"
CAP was shock, "BOWH?!?!!?"
"Ne Hyung Jongwhan answered her phone"
"Yah kid wake up we need to leaave now", CAP yelled.
"Wae Hyung", Ricky got up pouting.
"They have her", CAP looked at everyone.
"BOWH?!?!?!!? Let's go", L.Joe slipped on his shoe and ran out.

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Goldie98 #1
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!!!!!!
shin_yoonjo12 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^