Camping part 3/5

Don't Touch my Girl

100%-Guy Like Me


_________ had got up early and wanted to get ready. So she sat up and got off the bed. Her first step she fell on to the groud. She tried to get up but she couldn't get up she was irratated and didn't know what to do. Niel had woke up from the loud thump and he saw _________ on the ground. He smiled and got up to help her get up.

"ㅋㅋ _________-ah gwenchana?"
"Oh Niel-sshi ne qwenchanayo"
"Oh araso so where do you wanna go?"
"Oh I was going to get ready but I'll just wait for Minwoo Oppa"
"I can help you"
"Oh anyo it's ok I'll just wait for Minwoo Oppa anyways I'm cold"
"Oh araso well I'll see you later. Well do you need help to go the bed?"
"Ne please"
"ㅋㅋ araso"
"Yeah no problem"

Niel had help _________ to the bed and went out to clean up and get ready. _________ sat in the bed and waited till Minwoo got up she didn't know what to do so she just sat there and thought about something.

"ㅋㅋ Little Melon what are you thinking of?"
_________ lost her thoughts and saw JB, "Oh JB Oppa your up?"
"Ne I am and I heard you needed help"
"Oh ne I do"
"Do you want me to help"
"Oh are you sure Oppa?"
"Ne I can help you it's ok"
"Oh araso well Oppa I have clothes hanging up in our closet can you get it for me?"
"Ne I will"
"So Oppa do you know what we are going to do today?"
"Oh ne Mr.Kang said that we are going on a hike today"
"Oh chinja araso gomawo"
"Ne well he said we'll see because he wants everyone to participate in this"
"Aish Mr.Kang doesn't have to worry about me I'll be fine"
"Yeah he knows but he wants you to have fun here"
"Aish Mr.Kand is being to nice now"

"_________-ah what do you mean?" Mr.Kang walked in.
"Oh Mr.Kang oh mianhaeyo"
"Aish anyo it's because I know your my best student and I want you to enjoy this camping trip"
"Aish Mr.Kang I'll have fun here"
"Araso but _________-ah can you walk?"
"Anyo I tried to walk earlier but I just fell"
"ㅋㅋ Little Melon is so clumsy"
"Yah JB Oppa that's not nice"
"Well it's funny"
"Aish Oppa stop talking"
"ㅎㅎ _________-ah and her friends get along so well"
"Ne Mr.Kang we do", _________ said and hit JB's arm.
"Ne Mr.Kang", JB smiled and rubbed his arm.
"Oh Mr.Kang can you get Mrs.Kim please"
"Oh ne come on JB we need to go"
"Araso Mr.Kang"
"Gomawo Mr.Kang"

Mrs.Kim came to the cabin and helped _________ get change in the washroom across from their cabin. Mrs.Kim brought _________ back and saw that Minwoo and Jieun was already up and ready to go for todays event. They all looked ready except for _________ because she had an ankle that hurts and she was dressed for something else.

"Mrs.Kim I got it from here", Minwoo went up to Mrs.Kim and _________.
"Oh araso Jieun come on let's go for todays event"
"Ne Mrs.Kim", Jieun said and left.
"Baby Panda gwenchana?"
"Oppa you didn't get up early enough", _________ pouted.
"Wae what happen"
"Nothing and ne Oppa gwenchanayo"
"Araso come on let's go eat before today's event"

Minwoo help _________ walk to the dinning place to eat their breakfast. It was hard for _________ to walk and Minwoo knew it but he wanted her to talk so that it wont hurt that much. Minwoo was helping _________ a lot he got her breakfast and threw it away and he even help her cut her food even though she can do that by herself.

"Aish Minwoo Oppa I can do the things by myself too you know"
"Ne I do but I just really want to help you"
"Aish Oppa I'm not a baby you know"
"Ne I know but why is your nickname Baby Panda"
"Because I love pandas and i'm N Oppa's baby sister so I got the name Baby Panda"
"And what about Little Melon"
"I love to eat Melons and JB said I'm his little sister too"
"Aish araso you got me I'll let you do somethings by yourself"
"YAY Gomawo Oppa"
"Yeah yeah now let's go"

When _________ got up she saw that Minwoo had already left her there still at the table. She pouted and limped all the way to Jongup.

"Jongup Oppa can you help me"
"Ne I will hey where is Minwoo-sshi"
"Up there", _________ pointed.
"Oh ok well I need to talk to him"
"AH aish"
"I'll help you _________-ah", Ji Hoon came and carried her.
"Ji Hoon I can walk"
"Ne I know but doing this is better than letting you walk"
"Oh araso Oppa what ever you say"

Ji Hoon had carried _________ to where they were meeting for their next event. Ji Hoon had walked behind Jongup and Minwoo to see if they would ask to help _________ but they never did. When they had got the where they were meeting Ji Hoon put _________ down for her to stand up so that she is use to it. She smiled and hugged him.

"Ji Hoon Oppa thank you again"
"Oh anyo it's ok that's what I'm here for"
"Aish Oppa", _________ playfully hit his arm.
"Ok students as you know it was hard finding Minwoo-ah and _________-ah because they were stuck don't blame them for today's changed event", Mr.Kang said.
"Now today we are going to go hiking but only some and the others will stay here and we will do another event", Mrs.Kim smiled.
"Mr.Kang Mrs.Kim you don't need to do that we can all go hiking", _________ said before they split up the groups.
"Are you sure Miss.Cha?" Mr.Kang looked at her.
"Ne I am Mr.Kang I can do this I want to hike today"
"Ok well I'll give you guys 5 mintues before we start the hike ne?"
"Ne", everyone said together and left.

_________ had slowly walked her way back to her cabin without Minwoo's help. She was mad because he didn't even care to walk with her and she started to slow down. She saw Minwoo, Niel, and Jieun walk in and she stopped and tears ran down her face. She didn't know what to do her ankle was hurtting and Minwoo didn't even help her she needed help up the stairs and she couldn't do it herslef. So she decided to walk to the little creek that they had and she sad down there and waited till Mr.Kang called them back.

She made it too the little creek and saw some water running through, she even saw a little water fall. She smiled just a little but soon tears came to her eyes she didn't want to do the hike but she knew that it would be good if Minwoo and the rest did it because they have never went camping before. _________ was kind of weak and couldn't walk that well she offered to do stuff for the other students but they wouldn't let her because of her ankle. She thought she was usless to everyone and that she shouldn't be there anymore.

Soon she heard Mr.Kang call all the students to met up again. _________ got up and wipped away her tears and slowly walked there. She saw that everyone was happy laughing and smiling, Minwoo was talking to others and seem to not care about _________. _________'s eyes started to get watery she didn't want to cry in front of everyone so she turned around and tears streamed down her face.

Jongup saw _________ crying and ran to her, "Yah Gwenchana? What happen is everything ok?"
_________ pushed Jongup away,"Aish Oppa gwenchanayo"
"Yah tell me"
"Anyo everythings fine"
"Then why would you cry all of a sudden"
"Why do you need to know"
"_________-ah what's going on?"
"Aish Jongup Oppa just forget it ok I'll be fine", _________ rised her voice and everyone was looking at them now.
Minwoo looked at them,"_________ gwenchana"
"Uh Mr.Kang umm can I be excuss for this event I promise tomorrow I'll do the event"
"Ne _________-ah go ahead you need the rest. Do you need anyone to stay behind to help you?" Mr.Kang nodded.
"Anyo I'll be fine"
"Ok then well students find a partner and let's go there would be one left out so please make one group of three"

_________ walked back to the creek and sat there. She was irratated at everything at the moment it was cold and she didn't like it she couldn't or wouldn't stay in the cabin to stay warm. After a couple minutes of silence it started to snow. Snow was falling down from the sky it was so pretty _________ loved it she really enjoyed her time alone at the camp. She wonder around the camp and found some food to eat she even saw some animals near the camp area. _________ really enjoyed it because she never really got to do things like this. _________ was bored so she went and walked around the area she was so interesting in the things she was not paying attention to where she was going and to the time she didn't care.

_________ walked around and saw a family walking in the snow and playing around with the snow. She smiled and greeted them then contiuned to walk around. It was the best thing that _________ could do to not be in the way of the others she wanted to be hiden for a while so that no one would be irratated at her being in the way. _________ was walking until she saw a reagular road then she walked back to the camp it was getting dark and she knew where she was going. She watched everything around her and paied close attention to the cars that came and left the place. It took _________ about an hour to get back because it was dark and she had no flash light. She was scared but she knew that she would make it back to the camp all she had to look for was a camp fire that night.

_________ looked up and saw smoke so she knew that she was close to the camp. She smiled and walked into the camp area. She looked around to see no one standing around she saw all of them sitting near the camp fire they all looked warm and confortable. _________ was cold but she didn't mind, _________ looked up and saw a bunch of girls around Minwoo and saw that his arm got hurt. _________ wanted to go and ask him if he was ok but she didn't want to because it would be awkward for her to do so. She saw how everyone had a smile on their face and she was happy for them to smile but she was cold and she felt left out of the Freshmen year camping trip. Everyone seem to enjoy it except for her, she seem to hate it and she wanted to go home but she paid to stay so she had to stay.

JB and Jongup was looking around the camp fire to see if they saw _________ sitting around anywhere. They couldn't find her they thought that she was sleeping already and didn't really care to look for her in her cabin. _________ saw that everyone was having a good time and she didn't want to ruin it so she looked around for a log or something to sit on but there was none so she went to the creek and sat there. When _________ got there someone was already there, _________ just casually walked up and greeted the person. She knew that they were sad and wanted to confor them in some sort of way.

"Annyeonghasayo my name is Cha _________"
"Huh? I'm Jung Krystal"
"Oh chinja I heard of you"
"Oh chinja? What kind of rumor did you hear"
"Oh I heard that your one of the nicest person ever and that they would do anything to become your friend"
"Chinja people say that about me?"
"Ne they really do well everyone dose it's just their scared to talk to you"
"Oh chinja? I'm not that scary"
"ㅋㅋ I thought you were scary"
"Bowh chinja?"
"ㅋㅋ anyo I'm just kinding"
"Oh aish araso"
"ㅋㅋ so why aren't you over there by the camp fire"
"Well I have no one to talk to"
"Well you will if you talked to them"
"Chinja you think everyone would really like to talk to me?"
"Ne everyone really would love to talk to you"
"Wah daebaek"

"Well _________-sshi why aren't you over there?"
"Umm because I'm just a usless girl if I go I would have ruined everyones event today that's why I didn't go today"
"Ah your the one everyones beed chatting about"
"Bowh? Ah ne"
"Well all the girls have been saying that your only doing this because you want to get Niel's attention"
"Oh chinja", _________ sighed and looked down. 'Do they really all think that? Aish I guess I really am the girl who ruinned everything'
"Ne they do and all the guys think that your cheating on Minwoo because they saw the day you hurt yourself a bunch of guys came to help and they saw JB and Ji Hoon helping you"
"Ah chinja?"
"Ne well _________-sshi I'll get going thanks agian"
"Oh ne anytime Krystal"

Krystal had ran back to the camp fire while _________ sat there and started to cry. She didn't know what to do or where to go so on one would find her. So _________ went back to the cabin and grabbed a small blanket sitting at the end of the bed and left the camp site. _________ went ok the trail she went on earlier and she ran into the famil again _________ greeted them and asked for a little favor.

"Anneyonghasayo my name is Cha _________ and I'm one of the students from the Performing Arts School"
"Oh chinja aren't you that girl that greeted us earlier?"
"Ah ne that was me"
"Oh araso well you can call me Mrs.Lee and these are my kids Lee Hyungwoo and Lee Sunwoo"
"Ah Annyeonghasayo", _________ bowed.
"Annyeonghasayo Sunbae"
"Aigoo well you can call me Mr. Lee then"
"ㅋㅋ araso uh...Mrs.Lee Mr.Lee may I ask a favor"
"Oh ne go ahead"
_________ dropped on her knees,"Please please let me stay here for tonight I'll sleep outside for all I care just let me stay here"
Mrs.Lee quickly went over and picked up _________,"Aish _________ don't ever go on your knees again araso?"
"_________ Sunbae don't you have a cabin?" Hyungwoo asked.
"Ne I do but I just heard....stuff and I don't feel comfortable to stay there"
"Oh chinja? Aish ah kids go inside our cabin we are going to talk to _________"
"Araso Appa", Hyungwoo and Sunwoo both ran inside.

"Ok _________ tell us everything it's ok"
_________ broke out in tears, "Mrs.Lee Mr.Lee I can't take it anymore I'm use to people always talking about me behind my back but they just can't stop"
Mrs.Lee hugged _________,"Aish _________ don't you ever talk to your parents about it? Or even your older sibblings?"
"Mrs.Lee the thing is my parents died and my brother is studing off somewhere far from Seoul"
"Aish mianhaeyo for bringing it up"
"Anyo you needed to know"
"Well why do you feel so uncomfortable?" Mr.Lee asked.
"Well I told my friend that I would pretend for him"
"Pretend what?" Mrs.Lee asked.
"That I would pretend to be his girlfriend and yesterday I hurt my ankle and people have been saying that I did this to myself to get someones attention and that I'm cheating on my friend because all my friends are guys"
"Aish no need to worry about this I was just like you I had a bunch of guy friends and it looked like I was going out with each and everyone of them", Mrs.Lee smiled.
"Ne it's true", Mr.Lee giggled.
"Chinja", Mrs.Lee whipped away _________'s tears.
"Ne chinja and tonight or when ever this week you feel uncomfortable just come to us ne?"
"Araso Kasahamida Mrs.Lee and Mr.Lee"

"Aish anytime and here let me put in my number for you", Mrs.Lee smiled.
"Bowh wae?"
"Just in case you want to talk to someone we live in Seoul too so see you around"
"ㅋㅋ araso", _________ smiled and put her blanket down on the bench near the fire.
"Oh _________-ah what are you doing?" Mr.Lee looked at _________.
"Ah fixing my place to sleep"
"Aish anyo go sleep inside on the couch", Mr.Lee pointed inside.
"Ne and I can tell the kids like you", Mrs.Lee smiled.
"Oh how?"
"Well they keep looking at you and they are boys"
"ㅋㅋ well thanks again Mrs. and Mr. Lee"
"Aish any time"
_________ smiled and walked inside to put her blanket down on the couch and she started to play with the 2 boys. Mr. and Mrs. Lee smiled and walked in they were happy to have a girl interact with the 2 boys. _________ was an entertainment to the family she sung and danced and she even acted with the 2 boys. They all had a blast together and soon it was time for everyone to sleep they all said good night to each other and went to bed. _________ laid in the couch and just smiled she had a blast, she started to tear up a little because she was sad that she didn't have her parents or borther around so that they could have the same exact fun as she did tonight. Soon _________ fell fast asleep Mrs.Lee came out with and extra blanket and laid it on top of _________ to keep her warm at night.

"AISH let's go tell Mr.Kang and Mrs.Kim"
"ANYO we can't tell them"
"Well because it's late and maybe tomorrow she will come back"
"Ne we'll just sleep tonight and see what happens"
"Ne well let's go to sleep and not worry"

Niel and Minwoo laid in their beds, Jieun was worried but she didn't care that much because she hated _________. Minwoo was really worried and didn't want to sleep but he did anyways because he trusted _________ to come back.


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Goldie98 #1
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!!!!!!
shin_yoonjo12 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^