The Worst School Day

Don't Touch my Girl


_________ woke up to the sound of her alarm. _________ got up and got ready for the first day back to school from winter break. When _________ was finished she went down stairs and cook some food for her and left a note for Minwoo.

The not said:
Annyeong Good Morning I hope your not tired don't forget today is the first day back of school so hurry don't be late.

Always here _________^^

After _________ finished eating she went outside and she saw Jongup, Zelo, JB, Jr., Maru, Daehyun, and Youngjae all waiting for something.

"Yah are you crazy standing in front of my house", _________ said seriously but smiled.
"Oh annyeong good moring Baby Panda", Zelo stood up.
"Good Morning", Maru smiled.
"Goood~ Morning", Jr. giggled.
"Hey be nice to me I'm older than you", Daehyung pouted.
"Annyeong", Youngjae smiled and bowed.
"Good Morning my Little Melon", JB smiled and hugged _________.
"Good Morning sweety", Jongup smiled and kiss _________'s head.
"ㅋㅋ Oppa wae?"
"Bowh?" Jongup looked at _________.
"Oppa I have presents for you guys and you guys didn't even dare come over to make me happy", _________ pouted.
"Mianhaeyo", JB hugged _________ again.
_________ went into her bag and got out the presents,"Here this is for Maru, Youngjae, Daehyun, Zelo, Jr. Jongup, and JB"
They all opened it,"Wah"
"Oppa~ do you guys like it?" _________ asked as they were walking.
"Ne", they all answered together.
"ㅋㅋ you guys are so cute", _________ smiled.
"Oppa come on we have a long was to go", _________ tugged on Jongup's sleeve of his uniform.

_________ and the guys all walked to school together. People were staring at them and giving them weird looks. _________ felt sad about it and didn't know what to do. When they arrived at the front of the school they Maru, Daehyun, and Youngjae all went to their school while the rest went to the school right next to it. When _________ walked in she saw Teen Top she smiled and bowed from a far so that people wont stare at her. She saw Ricky and Gayoon together smiling and giggling _________ smiled and kept on walking. _________ looked ahead of her and saw Suzy smiling with a guy right next to her. It was Kwangmin they both had that eye sparkle that Ricky and Gayoon has, _________ smiled and walked to her locker.

"YAH YOU STUPID WHERE'S MINWOO?" one of the girls yelled at _________.
"How am I suppose to know", _________ smirked.
"I thought you guys were going out?" the other one tittled her head.
"I don't know about that why don't you ask him", _________ nodded her head.
"Ok fine we'll do so here he comes", another smirked and run up to Minwoo.

"Minwoo Oppa where's your girlfriend?" The girl named Misik asked.
"Over there", Minwoo pointed to _________.
"Bowh? Your still with this stupid smart ?" The girl named Minji was shock.
"Ne wae?"
"Well Oppa she was with other guys this morning", Suuny pouted.
"Stop calling me Oppa"
"But Op-"
"I told you to stop and those are her friends so calm down", Minwoo looked at _________ and walked away.
"AISH WHAT THE HELL WHY DOSE HE STILL LOVE YOU?" Minji walked up to _________ and was about to hit her.

Minji was about to hit _________ until L.Joe came over and held her wrist.

"Yah are you crazy", L.Joe took Minji's wrist and flicked her to the wall.
"L.Joe Oppa", Minji teared up.
"Yah don't call me that"
"No and a warning if I see any of you guys trying to hit _________ again then I'll break you to peices", L.Joe gave them a glare and they ran away.
L.Joe hugged _________,"Gwenchana?"
"Ne L.Joe Oppa gwenchanayo", _________ looked up at L.Joe.
"Araso let's go to class", L.Joe smiled and walked _________ to class.

_________ was in homeroom with Boyfriend, Gayoon, and Suzy. _________ didn't talk to anyone it was the first day of school so everyone was stuck in homeroom to figure out their classes. _________ had to go get her books from her locker, so she left the class room and went to her locker. Teen Top had went out as well and saw _________ standing by her locker with tears in her eyes.

'Minwoo Oppa is saying sorry to me like this? How nice not even to my face', _________ whipped her tears aways and closed her locker.
L.Joe grabbed _________'s hand before she could even close her locker, "What's wrong"
"Oppa it's nothing don't worry", _________ got her hand free from L.Joe's grip.
"Are you sure"
"Ne Oppa I am don't worry", _________ faked a smile.
"Araso see you at lunch?"
"Ah molla I might sit with someone else today"
"Araso annyeong"
"Annyeong L.Joe Oppa Teen Top", _________ smiled.

Soon it was lunch time and _________ walked to the dance room. _________ had the music up really loud and was dancing along to the beat. It maybe slow but the song was soothing and nice to dance too. L.Joe was looking for _________ since no one knew where she was, looked every where for her until he heard some music. L.Joe looked through the window and saw _________ dancing, he smiled and slowly walked in so that she won't stop dancing. L.Joe smiled and just watched _________ dance.

'I guess this is how she relaxs herself by dancing', L.Joe smiled.
'Aish where is she at?' Minwoo looked from class to class.
'Wah she's so good she looks like an angel dancing in the sky', L.Joe soon stood up and walked up behind _________.

L.Joe soon hugged _________. She looked up and smiled at L.Joe. Minwoo was near the dance room and when he looked into the window he saw L.Joe's arms around _________. Minwoo couldn't take it anymore he slammed the door open and pushed L.Joe to the wall. Minwoo was about to punch L.Joe until _________ ran up and stood right in front of L.Joe.

"GET OUT THE EN WAY _________", Minwoo yelled.
"MINWOO-SSHI WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH", _________ yelled back with tears in her eyes.
Minwoo looked at _________,"Because I...I still have feelings for you"
"Then why did you get with Luna I don't understand"
"Because you seemed so mad at me you didn't even want to see me"
"You didn't even care about me"
"I do"
"Then tell me why did you just leave me to walk to the cabin by myself why didn't you help?"

L.Joe turned _________ around and hugged her. Minwoo just stood there and stared at _________ and L.Joe, he had tears in his eyes. L.Joe felt bad for _________ and walked her out of the dance room. L.Joe had took _________ to the back of the school so that they could sit and talk.

"_________ gwenchana?"
"Oppa molla", _________ still had tears falling down her face.
L.Joe whipped her face," you still have feeling for Minwoo"
"Do you"
_________ looked down,"Ne"
"Did you guys ever go out?"
"Oppa he told me to pretend because he wanted to get Jieun jealous but I guess I'm the one that's jealous"
L.Joe's heart broke into millions of pieces,"Ah chinja why don't you just trust him?"
"Oppa he said sorry to me but he wrote me a letter saying sorry"
L.Joe sighed,"Ah ne well you should talk to him"
"Oppa I have nothing to say to him"
L.Joe looked at _________ and kissed her check,"I have fallen for you _________. So did Niel but he knew to let go so I guess I have to let you go to"
"I know it's late to tell you Niel-ah still likes you but he knows that he will never have a chance with and I know the same thing"
"Oppa chinja", _________ had more tears in her eyes.
"I do want to be your boyfriend but I can tell Minwoo really likes you too. To say that your still his girlfriend even when he's going to with Luna-sshi"
"Oppa do you want help?"
"Oppa I can help"
"What do you mean"
"Oppa what I mean is that I can help you find the right one"
L.Joe smiled,"Chinja? Someone like you right?"
"Mmm maybe", _________ smiled.
"Araso let's go", L.Joe smiled and got up.

L.Joe and _________ was on their way back to the class room until Luna came out and looked sad and mad.

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Goldie98 #1
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!!!!!!
shin_yoonjo12 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^