N Oppa your home

Don't Touch my Girl



_________ woke up and she was in Minwoo's arms, but someone else had their arms around her as well. She looked and saw it was really. She didn't freak out she just lightly pushed Ricky

away and got out of Minwoo's grip and left to get ready and cook for the guys. _________ was still tired but she had to make them food before all of them leave again. _________ cooked something fast so that they could just eat and go like they usually do.

Boyfriend and Teen Top woke up to the delious smell of food. They all woke up and went to see what it was in the kitchen. They all saw the food on the table and they just stared at it like a ghost made it and just left. _________ came out of the bathroom from washing her hands and saw that the guys were all at the kitchen. When she got there she saw that they were all just standing there staring at the food. _________ giggled and walked in front of them.

"Oppa ppalli come eat", She motiong them to come eat.
"Ah you made it?" CAP was shock.
"Mm ne", _________ beamed.
"WAH I miss home made meals", Changjo smiled and sat down.
"This smells so good", Jeongmin smiled.
"Home made form the heart yes", Niel smiled and sat down.
"Ppalli ppalli it will get cold soon", she motiong the others to come sit down.
"Araso", Youngmin and Kwangmin said at the same time.
"Ye", L.Joe sat down.
"Mmm?" Chunji looked around.
"Wah so yummy", Ricky smiled.
"Oh I'll be back", Minwoo walked away from the table.
"Ah Oppa araso", _________ was getting sad.

Minwoo went to the bathroom to wash up. He was jealous that _________ called everyone Oppa and that he didn't get a good morning. Minwoo was different he became jealous really fast compare to how he was before he met her. Everything has changed Minwoo maybe a gangster and cold but he has _________ to change everything for him. Minwoo stayed in the bathroom and thought about it he became more and more jealous just thinking about _________ and L.Joe or her and Niel. He hated it even though she said she never liked L.Joe or Niel she will always look like a couple with those 2.

_________ nocked on the door,"Minwoo Oppa ppalli the food will get cold"
"Ah araso coming", Minwo snapped out of his thoughts.
"Araso ppalli they saved you some"
"Ne coming", Minwoo came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen.

Minwoo went to sit down at the table by himself and ate his food they left him. _________ didn't want to let Minwoo sit by himself so she left the guys and went to go sit with Minwoo. She sat right next to Minwoo. She didn't talk to him because she knew that he was mad at her. She just sat there and looked somewhere else. Minwoo soon got even more mad because she didn't even notice him and say hi.

"Yah why are you not talking to me?" Minwoo looked up.
"Bowh? What do you mean?"
"What I mean is earlier you didn't even say good morning to me you wont talk to me right now. What's wrong?"
"Oppa so you are mad at me", _________ had tears in her eyes.
"Yeah I'm mad at you"
"Mianhaeyo Oppa molla", a tear fell down _________'s face.
"Yah why are you crying?"
"Oppa forget just eat", _________ got up and went to the guys again.

"Gwenchana?" L.Joe stood up and went to _________.
________ whipped her tears,"Ne Oppa gwenchanayo"
"Hey tell the truth", Niel walked over to _________.
"Oppa wae nothings wrong", _________ put a fake smile on.

Suddenly the door bell rung. Ricky and Youngmin ran to the door and answered it.

"Annyeonghasayo", Youngmin and Ricky bowed and smiled.
"Huh annyeong is my sister home?" N asked.
"Ne she's over there", Ricky pointed to the living room.
"Ah thanks", N bowed and walked in.
"Ricky Oppa who's where?"
"Ah your Oppa of course", Youngmin smiled.
"Chinja? N Oppa~", _________ smiled.
"Wah my little baby is here aish I thought I came to the wrong house", N put an arm around _________'s shoulder.
"Aigoo anniyo Oppa", _________ pouted.
"Yah why is there tears in your eyes?" N asked.
"Anniyo Oppa it's nothing", _________ faked a smiled.
"Araso that Minwoo kid better be treating my little girl good"
"Aish Oppa he is", _________ looked at the others, "Ah Oppa this is Teen Top and Boyfriend"

"Annyeong I'm Teen Top's leader CAP", CAP bowed.
"I'm Chunji", Chunji bowed his head.
"I'm Niel", Niel bowed.
"I'm Changjo", Changjo did a 90 degree bow.
"I'm L.Joe", L.Joe bowed his head.
"And I'm Ricky", Ricky stood there.

"Annyeong I'm Boyfriends leader Jeongmin", Jeongmin bowed.
"I'm Youngmin", Youngmin bowed.
"And I'm his twin Kwangmin", Kwangmin did a 90 degree bow.
"Minwoo is also in the group", Jeongmin looked for Minwoo.

"Ah by the way where is he?" N asked.
_________ sighed, "Molla"
"Oh araso", N agreed and sat down.
"Annyeong N Hyung where is Minho Hung?" Minwoo bowed.
"Oh there you are Minwoo", N smiled, "Ah Minho is studying because he wants to be extra perpared for finals"
"Oppa that's not till next year though"
"Yeah but next year is just around the corner"
"ㅋㅋ araso Oppa", _________ smiled.
"Oh araso Hyung gomawo", Minwoo smiled, "Ah Hyung can we talk?"
"Ah ne yah baby I'll be back araso?"
"Araso Oppa"

Minwoo and N had gone outside to the back yard to talk.

"N Hyung I don't know what to do"
"About what?"
"About her"
"Wae? She is what you wanted right?"
"Ne she is but lately I have been getting jealous"
"Well about how she is always so close to L.Joe and Niel and she calls everyone Oppa"
"She is my sister and I know her best her only friends she can make is guys because they seem to like her more than their actual friends that they have"
"But Hyung she's my girl"
"I know but you just have to accept that she will be with guys alot she is really nice"
"Hyung so I shouldn't stay mad at her"
"Ne you shouldn't she is a special girl"
"I know Hyung gomawo"
"Yeah no problem when ever you have a problem just call me or text you know I'm always here"
"Hyung you take much better of me than my real Hyung"
"Because now I trust you"
"Gomawo Hyung"
"Yeah hey let's go inside it's cold"

Minwoo and N walked in N ran to _________ and hugged her because he was cold. _________ smiled and hugged him back. N stayed for another 6 hours with them. Everyone was over, JB and Jr. was there Zelo and Jongup was there as well they all hung out and enjoyed a day off. It was the best thing ever everyone was together and having a great time. No matter what came bettwen they would always giggled about it. Everyone was just joking around. Soon N left he kissed his little sisters head and left. One after another everyone left because it was soon getting late and they didn't want to walk home late at night.

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Goldie98 #1
Chapter 22: Update soon pls!!!!!!
shin_yoonjo12 #2
Chapter 13: please update soon ^^