
One More Chance





“Eun mi has a leukemia.” Dara forced the words out of . She was fiddling with her fingers, nervous about what Jiyong has to say. It was never her intention to hide another big thing from him. It’s just that, she was looking for the perfect timing.



She looked at Jiyong and saw his emotionless face. He is looking at her as if she was not there in front of him. His hold around her waist tightens more. Then, after a minute, his hands fell lifelessly to his side.



Dara wanted to cup his face and shout at him. Tell him to say something. Show some emotion. She was getting more nervous and scared as time pass by with Jiyong just staring at her. This is the state where Kwon Jiyong is the scariest. Him being silent.



She placed her hands at both sides of his arms and shook him slightly. “Ji, please say something,” she whispered while looking at him with pleading eyes.



Jiyong blinked rapidly. The words Dara had said is only sinking in now. He looked at her straight in the eyes, hoping to find amusement dancing around it but all he could see is fear in her brown orbs.



“You’re joking, right?” he muttered. Shaking his head while forcing a smile on his face. “Please, tell me you’re joking, Dara,” he said.



“I’m sorry,” Dara replied. She bit her lower lip, fighting the tears that are threatening to fall from her eyes. Her heart was slowly breaking into pieces seeing Jiyong’s emotion slowly showing in his eyes.



“Why did you only tell me this now?” he asked. His hands that were hanging limply on his side earlier made its way to her shoulders. He doesn’t know how to deal with the feelings he is feeling at the moment. He was intending to start a new with Dara so that Eun mi, Dara and he can live as a happy family, but then this happened. He was starting to hope that maybe, he can have his own family that he has dreamed for so long. Only to find that his daughter has some illness and he only knew this now.



“Tell me, Dara!” his voice rising up a notch. “Why just now?” he demanded while shaking her by her shoulders.



The tears on the brim of her eyes slowly crawled its way down to her cheeks. Dara was regretting her decision of hiding Eun mi from Jiyong. And she was regretting not telling Jiyong about Eun mi’s sickness as early as possible. She thought she was doing what is for the best by hiding it to him, but what she only did made the situation worst. If she could only turn back time.



“I’m sorry,” she whispered between broken sobs. She planted her face on her palms as she pours her tears out from her eyes. She doesn’t know anything to say but to say ‘sorry’ to him.



Jiyong felt a painful tug at his heart seeing Dara broke in front of him. He was being inconsiderate shouting at her when it was her who suffered a lot. She was all alone when she raised their daughter. She was all alone when the news of Eun mi having a leukemia broke. She was all alone taking care of their daughter when it the first place. And for the first time in his life, he vowed to himself that Dara will never be alone anymore. He will be there with her facing this problem they have right now. He will be there with her taking care of Eun mi and making sure that she gets well.



With that in his mind, he slowly wrapped her in his arms. Hugging her tightly towards him, making her feel that she’s not alone anymore. “It’s going to be fine,” he whispered comfortingly through her hair.



“I’m sorry, Jiyong. I’m really sorry,” she repeated. She buried her face to his chest, seeking the warmth she has been craving for a very long time. With Jiyong’s arms wrapped safely around her, Dara felt as if she could withstand anything that will come her way. She found strength in his arms that she has been looking for ever since Eun mi was brought into this world. And just like a miracle, she immediately believed in him that it is really going to be alright. Because she is not alone anymore.



“We’ll get through this, neh? The three of us. We’ll get through this,” Jiyong murmured as he tightens his hold on her.



“Thank you, Ji. For being here,” she said.



“I’ll always be here for the two of you. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be by your side,” he said as he gently her back up and down. Dara calmed and her tears stopped flowing down from her eyes. “You need to stay strong for Eun mi, neh?” Jiyong said as he planted a soft kiss at the top of her head. Dara closed her eyes, letting her feel the contentedness and peace his kiss brought. She nodded her head and smiled through misty eyes.



After a very long time, she’s not alone anymore. She now has Jiyong with her.
























“Mommy! Can you walk a little bit faster?” Eun mi’s high pitched voice made me life my head up and look at her.



“Aigooo, go ahead. I’ll just follow you,” I said as I waved my hands, dismissing her. She was happily holding her daddy’s hands as we walk towards Jiyong’s house. Yes, you heard it. We’re going to live in Jiyong’s house.



It has been two weeks since that day I told Jiyong about Eun mi’s sickness. And it has been two weeks since my relationship with Jiyong got better. It was as if we were back in the old days, when Jiyong and I were having an affair. The only difference now is that we have a daughter. I sighed as I continued walking.



“Dara noona, you’re getting older, eh?” Seungri walked beside me as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. This rat, teasing his noona.



“Yah! I still look like a teenager, you know,” I stuck out my tongue at him. Making him laugh at my silliness.



“Yeah, you’re right, noona. You don’t look like a mother with your baby face and all,” he said as he placed his arms on my shoulders. I smiled at him. “I’ll go first, noona. I want to tease Eun mi,” he said as he chuckled slightly before running away from me.



“That rat, laying his filthy hands on my Dara unnie,” Chaerin muttered darkly beside me while throwing daggers at Seungri’s back. I laughed heartily knowing that Chaerin’s only jealous of me because Seungri can casually drape his arms on my shoulders while he can’t do the same to her.



“Yah, Chaerinnie, don’t be jealous, okay?” I . She turned her eyes at me while narrowing her eyes.



“Unnie!” she said irritably as she scowled at me. I know she doesn’t want to be teased with Seungri but I know better. She’s just in in-denial stage and she just can’t accept the fact that she’s attracted to her one and only arch nemesis.



“Okay, okay.. I won’t tease you again with him,” I said while laughing as I put my palms up in surrender.



When we were at the door, I can hear faint cries of Eun mi. I narrowed my eyes at no one in particular. I know who caused Eun mi to cry like that. Seungri never failed to tease Eun mi to no end and he will just only stop if he made Eun mi cry.



I fastened my pace towards my daughter but I did not forget to glare at Seungri first. “Your uncle panda made you cry again, baby?” I asked gently when I got to my daughter. I scoop her in my arms as I placed a kiss on her forehead.



“Mommy, uncle panda said that daddy doesn’t love you. He said that daddy has someone else that he loves and he has another daughter,” Eun mi whined as she pouted her lips at me. I was momentarily rooted on my spot. I know Seungri meant it as a joke but I can’t help myself to feel hurt knowing what Seungri said was true. That Jiyong doesn’t love me.



I shook my head as I forced a smile. “Don’t believe your uncle panda, neh? He just wanted to make you cry,” I said.



“B-But what if it’s true, mommy? What if daddy really has another daughter?” she asked me. Her little eyes filled with fear and confusion.



Damn Seungri! I’ll corner him later. I reminded myself as I Eun mi’s back. I glanced at Seungri and saw that he was holding his stomach in pain. I turned my eyes on Jiyong and saw that he walking towards Eun mi and I with a smirk on his handsome face. Chaerin has a triumphant look on her face as she stared mockingly at the weeping rat.  



“Daddy,” Eun mi whispered as Jiyong held his hands towards me. I gave Eun mi to him as the little girl willingly went to her daddy’s arms.



“Is it true, daddy?” she asked.



“Of course not, baby. You’re the only princess that daddy have,” Jiyong said then he planted a kiss on Eun mi’s forehead.



“Yehey!” Eun mi merrily clapped her hands. “Then that means you’re the king and mommy is the queen,” she said. I smiled seeing how happy Eun mi is in the arms of her father.



“Uh-huh,” Jiyong nodded his head before turning his gaze towards me. Our eyes met for a second before I smiled at him. He smiled back at me and surprised me with a wink. Aisht, this Kwon Jiyong. Never failing to make my heart flutter.



“Then, daddy, can you promise me something?” Eun mi asked. I was shaking my head vigorously because I know that Eun mi is up to no good. Eun mi has this uncanny force that made the people around her do what she wanted them to do. Fulfill the promises she made the people around her promise to her.



“Sure, baby. Anything,” Jiyong replied after a heartbeat. I groan loudly making the two look at me weirdly. Eun I was giggling at me while Jiyong looked at me with confusion and worry written on his face.



“Can you give me many sisters and brothers? So that I’m not the only princess that you and mommy will have. I also want to have a brother!” she said as she beamed her pretty smile at her daddy. I immediately blushed at my little girl’s wish. Aigoooo, Eun mi-ah. You’re placing mommy in an awkward situation. I said inside my head.



“Sure, baby. How many brothers and sisters do you want?” Jiyong asked while smiling. I can hear the laugh in his voice that made me blush some more. He is taking it as a joke while I’m silently praying for Eun mi’s wish to come true. Yah! Sandara Park! Get your thoughts together!



“I want many, daddy! I want our house to be filled with my brothers and sisters!” she said as she clapped her hands once more.



Jiyong then turned his gaze on me before winking at me. “Hear that, mommy? Guess we have to fulfill our daughter’s wish soon.”



WHAT? I gaped at them with my mouth slightly open. I was rooted on my spot while the two continue planning on making more rooms for Eun mi’s supposed ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’.



“Let’s grab something to eat?” I heard Jiyong asked. I shook my head and turn my gaze at them. Eun mi nodded her head before Jiyong walked towards me. He placed Eun mi on his hips before encircling his other hand on my waist. Omo, my heart is really beating fast right now.



I was about to pull away from Jiyong’s hold when he bent down and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked at first but then closed my eyes as I savor the moment with him. I am fully aware of my daughter clapping and giggling at the side.



When our lips parted, I looked up at him and saw him smiling at me. I smiled back up at him as he lead our way towards the kitchen.







A/N: Okay... T_T Sorry guys if it took me this long to update this. I was really busy with school stuff and all. And I was having a writer's block. :/ Forgive me if this chapter is boring. Aigooooo. And oh, I'll be finishing this story soon. I decided to just make it a short story. 12-13 chapter, perhaps? Anyways, thanks to those who still support this story! Hope you will support this until the end. :)




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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.