
One More Chance





“Mommy, hurry!” Eun mi shouted excitedly as she turns towards her mother who is currently going down the stairs.



“Arasso,” Dara replied while giggling, taking the stairs two steps at a time. Eun mi was urging her to move faster because the little girl cannot contain her excitement about their adventure for today.



“Princess, don’t rush your mommy. She might fall down the stairs,” Jiyong reprimanded his daughter while looking down at her. Dara was hurrying her way down the stairs and it was scaring the hell out of him seeing her taking the steps two-steps at a time.



“Sorry, daddy,” Eun mi whispered while looking apologetically at her daddy. Jiyong smiled a little and bent down to kiss the top of Eun mi’s head.



“I’m all set,” Dara cut in that made the two heads look up at her. She beamed her smile at her two most loved people in the world.



“Let’s go?” Jiyong asked her as he held Eun mi’s hands and went towards Dara to circle his other arm on her waist. Dara nodded her head and circled her arm on Jiyong’s waist while her other arm reached out for her daughter.



“Mommy, I’m really excited!” Eun mi exclaimed excitedly as they were climbing in Dara’s Range Rover. They could have used Jiyong’s Bentley but Eun mi kept on complaining that there’s not enough room for her to seat on at the backseat so whenever the three of them would go out, they will always use the Rover.



“Baby, it’s just rehearsal. The actual concert is still two weeks away,” Jiyong said as he glanced at his daughter through the rearview mirror. Then after, he turned his attention towards Dara, who is beside him, and smiled at her.



“But still, daddy. I’m going to see you and mommy perform!” the little girl in the backseat exclaimed as she clapped her hands.



Eun mi’s excitement is understandable. It was her first time seeing her mommy and daddy in rehearsals. Last week, whenever Dara and Jiyong are in for rehearsals, they would drop Eun mi in their respective parents and they will just fetch her when the rehearsals are finished already.



“You must be a good girl there, arasso?” Dara said as the car started its way towards YG Building. She turned her head around to look at her daughter who is comfortably seated at her seat.



“Yes, mommy,” Eun mi replied obediently as she fluttered her eyelids cutely at her mother. Dara smiled contently before turning her head again. She looked at her side and saw Jiyong looking at her. She smiled at him before reaching for his hands.















The three walked along the corridors of YG Building with Dara and Jiyong holding hands and Jiyong’s other hand is holding his daughter’s little hands. Eun mi wanted to take her hands away from her father's grip so that she could skip her way along the corridors but Jiyong prevented her, saying that it’s dangerous for her because Seungri is just around.



Soon, the three are inside the rehearsal room where they saw Bom and big Seunghyun talking intimately with each other.



“Eherm,” Jiyong cleared his throat to gain the attention of Bom and TOP and the other dancers.



“Aunt Bom!” Eun mi called then she sprinted her way towards her aunty and gave Bom a tight hug.



“Aigoo, you’ve grown since the last time I saw you, baby,” Bom said as she planted a kiss on the little girl’s cheeks before holding her hands and leading her towards the man who has a deep set of eyes.



“Anneyeong, uncle Tabi,” Eun mi politely greeted as she smiled at TOP.



“Oh, hello Eun mi-ah,” TOP greeted back while bending on his knees and tapping Eun mi’s head.



“EUN MI-AH!” All heads turned towards the door where the familiar voice came.



Eun mi, seeing the newly arrived person, rolled her eyes and then immediately went to her parents who are sitting beside each other on the bench.



“Daddy,” Eun mi called. Jiyong shot Seungri a glare before collecting his daughter in his arms and settling her on his lap.



“Eun mi-ah, anneyeong!” Seungri greeted with much enthusiasm only to be ignored by the said little girl. “Hul! Baby Eun mi is ignoring me!” Seungri jokingly said after not gaining any response from Jiyong’s daughter.



“That’s because you kept on making her cry, you rat,” Chaerin muttered under her breath but still made sure that Seungri will hear. Seungri just ignored Chaerin and kept on pestering Eun mi.



“Better move away from my daughter, Seungri. Or I will tear you to pieces with my own hands,” Jiyong threatened when Seungri still won’t stop from annoying Eun mi. The poor boy felt shiver ran down his spine hearing Jiyong’s threat. And due to his fear and love for his dear life, he immediately backed away and finds someone else of annoy. And unfortunately, his eyes landed on Chaerin who is busily talking to Jaewook.  



“Seungri still hasn’t changed,” Dara voiced out her mind while staring at Seungri, who is now bickering with Chaerin. She smiled to herself seeing how still normal YG Family is despite the fact that they were separated for a long period of time.



“Yes, he hasn’t. He’s still the same panda you adored way back then,” Jiyong replied after hearing her comment. He then reached for her hands and squeezed it tight. Dara turned towards him and smiled.



“Aunt Minzy! Doggie!” Eun mi then jumped out of Jiyong’s lap and ran towards her aunt Minzy who brought her dog.  



“It’s because Seungri’s not grumpy while this man who is holding my hand is really super grumpy,” Dara teased that earned a glare from the man beside her. She giggled lightly seeing the expression on Jiyong’s face. She was about to more but then Jiyong’s lips immediately sealed hers even before she could open them.



And soon, she was carried away by his gentle kiss that she closed her eyes and let herself savor the feeling of their lips together.



“Yah! These two. It’s not the place to display your affection towards each other, you know. Go home and get a room!” someone said that made the two breaks from their kiss. Jiyong looked around the room and tried to find the intruder. And when he found Seungri on the corner of the room acting suspiciously, he grabbed the water bottle beside him and throws it at the maknae’s direction.



“Ouch!” Seungri exclaimed while nursing the back of his head that was hit by the bottle. “Yah, hyung. You’d you throw that to me?” he asked innocently but Jiyong knows him through his acts. And besides, he’s not that great in acting.



“Whatever,” Chaerin mutter while rolling her eyes at Seungri and sticking her tongue out at him.



“Okay guys, gather around,” Jaewook announced that made the once playful aura in the room became a professional one.














“Okay, this is it,” I chanted inside my head like a mantra. In just a few minutes, YG Family Concert will be officially starting and the girls and I will perform again in front of our fans. I held my hands together and felt them shaking. I closed my eyes and tried to steady the beatings of my heart so that my hands will stop itself from shaking but I failed.



“One… Two… Three,” I then counted inside my head to labor my breathing. I have a feeling that if this nervousness of mine won’t go away soon, I will be hyperventilating in no time. I took in a deep breath and released it after two seconds. I repeated the gesture again.



Then suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see who it was and saw Jiyong smiling at me. And somehow, seeing his smile made some of my nervousness go away. I smiled back at him before returning my gaze where it was before.



“Nervous?” I heard him ask. I nod my head.



“Don’t. You’ve been doing this all your life,” he then said then I felt him bent down and kissed the side of my neck.



Hearing that from him, I immediately turned around to face him. He was looking intently at me through my eyes that I can see some glint of some emotion that is dancing around it. There was happiness, contentment and even love? I don’t think so.



“Thank you, Ji. For being here with me just like the time the girls and I debuted. You never failed to support us,” I said as I encircled my hands on his waist that made us stand closer with each other.



“You don’t have to thank me for that, baby. I’ll always support you no matter what,” he replied before bending his head down and planting a chaste kiss on my lips. My heart started fluttering once more but it’s not because of nervousness, it’s because of the overflowing love I feel for this man.



When our lips parted, the nervous feeling I was feeling earlier is now long gone thanks to Jiyong and the magic of his kisses. I giggled at the thought before enveloping him in my hug.



It has been three weeks since Jiyong and I started sleeping on the same room and on the same bed. I know sleeping with Jiyong is repeating the history itself, but what can I do? The love and desire I felt for him made me willingly surrender myself to him, body and soul.



“The curtains up, baby,” Jiyong whispered in my ears that made me snap out of my reverie. I nod at him and tiptoed to peck him at his lips before hurrying my steps towards my designated place.



What else would be more perfect to open YG Family Concert than BigBang and 2NE1, right? So here we are, on our places and ready to perform once again the song we used to promote a cellphone brand, Lollipop.















My stage with Jiyong and TOP ended and here I am running my way towards the dressing room where I can watch the next stage. The three of us sang ‘Oh Yeah’, and just as I predicted, they still loved us. I’m not boasting or anything but duh, BigBang and 2NE1 can never be replaced. We’re the Kings and Queens of K-Pop.



When I got to the dressing room, I saw Eun mi sitting on one of the couch and her eyes are glued at the television hanging on the ceiling. I smiled as I made my way towards her and settled myself beside out angel.



“Aunt Bom. You’re so great!” Eun mi said as she scooted closer to me. I smiled in appreciation before turning my head at the TV.



“It’s your mommy and daddy’s turn,” I announced that made Eun mi really excited in her seat. She started squirming in her seat and made sure that she will not blink, maybe afraid that she will miss a second in her mommy and daddy’s stage.



As usual, the two is going to perform their hit song together, Hello. In the original plan, Hello is not included in the list of songs to be performed. But after Jiyong had a long talk with YG Sjangnim, it was added. Ah, the power of that brat.



I focused my gaze at the TV when I heard the first note of the familiar song. Seeing Jiyong on stage once more and hearing him rap, it felt like it was just a week after since he last performed, not many years later. He still had that swag that no one can copy, even Seungri.



And I was close to tears seeing my Park sister emerged from that moving platform while singing the first line of the chorus. I felt like a mother watching her daughter finally performing on stage. The way she sang her lines, and the way she moved on stage, and the way she danced her choreography stated that she really missed performing. There was not one even bit that changed with the way she performed.



And seeing the two together on stage, I can’t deny the overflowing chemistry from them. Sure, when they first performed together there was chemistry. But now, it felt like something has changed. Like their chemistry was way deeper than the past. And the looks they are giving each other is such a giveaway. They were looking at each other with love shining in their eyes. But I’m not sure if it is really love that I see in Jiyong’s eyes. I mean, he hasn’t said anything to Dara about him loving her.



They did their choreography just like in the past. There were some changes but it’s just minor. I stole a glance at Eun mi and saw her looking intently at the screen, absorbing the awesomeness of the performance of her mommy and daddy.



When their performance is nearing the end, I was anticipating for their hug. You know? The end part where they will ride that moving platform and they will hug each other. I’m anticipating it like a high-schooler. I was even giggling at my seat due to giddiness! Damn these two for having such a great chemistry and for making me one of their die-hard fan.



When they were already riding the platform, I was biting my lips in anticipation. And I’m sure as hell that their fans are already hyperventilating due to excitement. I bit my lips to stifle the excited groan that is threatening to escape my mouth. I was on the edge of my seat when I saw Jiyong rubbing his hands on Dara and turning his back on her. I know that the hug part is going to happen next so I glued my eyes on the screen, not wanting to miss that particular part.



But what I witnessed next made me release my lip and gapped at the television. Oh my God! Did they just kiss on stage? With thousands of people watching them live?! I noticed that Dara had her eyes wide open and looking at the man who is claiming her lips with so much surprise in her eyes. And at that moment, I knew it was all Jiyong’s plan.



“Smooth, hyung,” I heard Daesung commented on the background.



I can only just nod my head in amazement and then I decided to release my shriek. I jumped up and down in my place as soon as I stood up from the bench. Eun mi just looked at me with confusion written on her face but I can’t contain my giddiness over her parents. And soon after, Chaerin and Minzy joined me in spazzing.















As expected, the stunt Jiyong pulled last night during YG Family Concert was on the morning newspaper. Everyone in South Korea started their morning looking at that particular picture where Jiyong bravely kissed Dara in front of thousands of people.



“Kwon Jiyong and Sandara Park; secretly married?” The headline goes.



“Is it true that the two former idols are already married and the child spotted with the rumored couple is their child? Many have been speculating ever since that picture of the three arises months ago but this maybe is a confirmatory shot? What do you think, South Korea?” Then goes the subhead line.



YG Sajangnim can only shake his head while reading the morning newspaper. He knew that Jiyong is up to something the moment he persuaded him to allow them to perform ‘Hello’ on YG Family Concert. And soon after, a smile formed on his lips when Jiyong’s intention sank inside his head.



On the other side, Dara can only just stare at Jiyong who is happily helping their daughter to eat her breakfast. She still can’t get over the fact that Jiyong really did kiss her during their performance.



“What?” Jiyong asked innocently when he glanced at her. Dara just shook her head and continued to stare at Jiyong and their daughter. But soon after, a giddy smile was slowly crawling her lips remembering the fans’ giddy squeals the moment Jiyong kissed her on stage last night.




A/N: Yey! I updated again! :DD Wohooo. ^___^ And oh, I just can't help myself to add some slight TOPBOM and RIRIN moment. kkkkkk. They are my other favorite pairing aside from DARAGON.. :) Okay, nevermind my blabbering. T_T 

Oh, sorry for the typos and error in this chapter. I was typing in full speed because I'm sleepy already and I'm soooooooo lazy to read it again. So sorry. ^__^ Happy holidays, everybody! 'Till the next chapter. :)

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.