
One More Chance





Eight years after....



It has been….what? 8 years? I sighed. It’s been a long time. And now, here I am, driving my way back to Seoul with my eight-year-old daughter with me. I glanced at my side and saw that my own angel is sleeping, with her head rested on the seat and her hands wrapped tightly around the seatbelt. I smiled. If it’s not for this little girl, I won’t be going back to Seoul… But what can I do? She made me promised…..






“Mommy,” Eun mi said weakly as she reached for my hand and held it tight against hers.



“Yes, baby?” I asked.



“I want to see daddy, mommy. Promise me that you’ll let me meet him,” she said.



“I promise, baby,” I said as I leaned in and pecked at her forehead.




If you’ll ask me, I don’t want Eun mi to know his father. I know I sound selfish but I don’t want her getting hurt over the fact that her father and I would never have the happy ending she wants. Eun mi grew up with the thought of happy ever after do exists. I can only smile sadly at her knowing that I could never testify that it really does exist.



Hearing her pled for her to meet his father, I was having second thoughts. But then, if it meant Eun mi to be happy then I will do it with everything that I have. And in fact, I think this is the right time to let Kwon Jiyong know that he has a daughter.



I can already imagine his reaction whenever I will talk to him about him having a daughter with me. He would surely go bersek knowing that I hid his child from him for eight years. I was really intending to let him know about her, but then so many things clouded my mind that I eventually forgot about it. It’s my fault, I know, and I’m taking full responsibility to it.



I rounded on the familiar corner that led to Bom’s house. She said that the maknaes are there as well, waiting for me and for their favorite niece. The girls never failed to visit me and Eun mi when we were still in Busan. They would always shower her with gifts that the little girl would brag about to her playmates.



And whenever the girls would visit me, they would talk about their career. Bom became a solo artist after 2NE1 disbanded, as well as Chaerin. Minzy decided to finish her studies first before going back to the industry. I was exceptionally happy for them as they are for me.



I parked in front of Bom’s house. I released myself from the seatbelt before turning side wards and waking up my little girl.



“Eun mi, baby, we’re here,” I said as I kissed her cheek before shaking her slightly. She fluttered  her eyes open slowly before smiling up her radiant smile at me.



“Where are we, mommy?” she asked as she rubbed her eyes with her hands. Then she looked outside the window and her eyebrows furrowed.



“We’re in Seoul already,” I said as I started collecting my things from the backseat, “This is your aunt Bommie’s house,” I finished as I looked back again at her. I saw her eyes widen for a minute hearing Bom’s name. Eun mi’s really excited about visiting Bom and the rest of the girls.



“Let’s go now, mommy!” she exclaimed excitedly as she immediately opened the car door and ran towards the gate of Bom’s house. I could only shake my head seeing the excited state of that little girl. I went out of the car and waited patiently beside Eun mi in front of Bom’s gate.



“Oh my God!” I’m sure that’s Bom’s booming voice. I glanced at Eun mi and she has this wide grin plastered on her face. “Chaerin, Minzy! Dara and Eun mi are here!” Bom shouted as she continued sprinting towards us.



Eun mi immediately hugged Bom’s leg when the latter got to us. “Aigoooo, I missed you, baby.” Bom said as she bent down and picked up Eun mi in her arms.



“Bom…. Eun mi is not lightweight nowadays,” I warned with a smile seeing how Eun mi looks so happy.



“I don’t care,” she said as she placed a kiss on my cheeks before walking inside with Eun mi in her arms.



“Eun mi, baby!” Chaerin and Minzy exclaimed while running towards Bom. Aisht, these girls haven’t change a bit… I shook my head and cleared my throat to get their attention. The two maknaes glanced at my side and ran to me.



“Unnie!” they exclaimed as they wrapped me in their tight hug as soon as they got to me. I hugged them back for I missed them so much. It has been four months since I last saw them for they are all busy with their schedules.



“Aunt Bom, aunt Chaerin, aunt Minzy,” Eun mi said that earned the attention of her three aunties. “Mommy promised me that she will let me meet my daddy!” she exclaimed excitedly.



I heard their soft gasps but I tried to ignore it. I know they will be asking me so many questions later but I’m sure they will understand. I’m doing it for Eun mi.



“Come on, let’s eat!” Chaerin said as she guided us towards Bom’s kitchen.



“Do you want chocolate cake, Eun mi-ah?” Minzy asked as she was slicing up a piece of cake and offering it to Eun mi.



I was about to open my mouth and remind Minzy about something but Eun mi beat me to it.. “You know I’m not allowed to eat anything sweet, auntie,” she said as she smiled sweetly at her auntie Minzy.



“Aigoo, I’m sorry…. I forgot,” Minzy said as she apologetically smiled at Eun mi and placed the slice of cake in her plate. I sighed in relief knowing that Eun mi is responsible enough to know what is allowed for her and what’s not.



We started eating as Eun mi keeps on updating her aunties about what happened to her for the last four months. She was exaggerating at some points that would make us burst into fits of laughter. I can see clearly in my daughter’s face that she is happy, and as long as Eun mi is happy, I’m contented.












“Dara,” Bom said as she sat beside me on the couch in her living room. “Where’s Eun mi?” she asked.



“She’s taking a nap at with Chaerin and Minzy,” I said as I looked at my best friend and smiled tenderly at her.



“She’s one strong girl, isn’t she?” Bom asked as she placed her hands on top of mine and squeezed it.



“Hmmmm,” I nodded in acknowledgement.



“About her father……… Are you ready to tell Jiyong about your daughter?” Bom asked.



I looked at her, “Yes, Bom. I promised her. And you know I never break my promises to her. I only want her to be happy. And if meeting her father would make her really happy, then I’ll tell him about her.”



“I know…. It’s just that, it has been eight years.. Don’t you think he will have doubts about him being the father of Eun mi? And if ever he believes it, I’m sure her going to be really mad about you hiding his daughter away from him.”



“It’s not entirely my fault, is it? I only hid my pregnancy from him because I know that he’s not yet ready for a child,” I said as I looked away from Bom and started fiddling with the hem of my blouse.



“So, when are you planning to meet him?” Bom asked once more. Seems like she wants to be updates about this plan of mine as well.



“I’m going to YG Building tomorrow morning…. Want to accompany me?” I asked. Actually, I need Bom’s presence for me to completely face Jiyong again. I don’t think I have enough strength to face him all alone.



“Yah, why so sudden? You can meet him next week, or the day after tomorrow,” she said as she slightly smacked my head. Aisht, this ahjumma, still as violent as ever.



“You know I don’t have much time left, Bommie,” I said sadly as I looked straight in her eyes, letting her see how painful it is for me.



She immediately wrapped me into tight hug while caressing my back.  “Aigooo, Dara-yah… Be strong, neh?” she said as she patted my head.



“I’m trying to be…” I said as I let the tears flow down from my eyes heedlessly. The fear and pain completely swallowed me whole that my whole façade of being strong totally broke down. This is the first time in two years that I cried again. First time after hearing that dreadful news that made me want to curse the heavens and the hell.



Bom just stayed silent while she keeps on caressing my back. Words won’t even comfort me right now. All I need to have more time….
















I scribbled some more on the music sheet lying lifelessly in front of me while Seungri keeps on singing in the background. I have to finish ten songs in a week and I’m as pressured as hell. Sajangnim kept on rejecting the songs I present to him.. Saying that I’m not as inspired as I am when I wrote the songs, ‘Haru-Haru’, ‘Lies’, ‘Butterfly’, ‘Hello’, etc.  



BigBang already disbanded three years ago. With us being in the industry for almost ten years, all the members suddenly felt tired of it. It seemed like we all lost interest of being in a group. And after disbanding, we all pursued what we wanted to become.. Seunghyun hyung focused his acting and is now the award winning actor. Daesung went into variety shows and sometimes performs as a solo artist. Youngbae and Seungri became a solo artist. And I, well, I became YG’s main producer, aside for Teddy hyung.




And now, Seungri is recording for his next album which will be released in two months’ time. I still have to add three more songs in his album but I just can’t write the perfect song for him. It seems like something is really bothering me that blocked my creativeness in writing.



I erased what I wrote on the music sheet a while ago and closed my eyes, hoping that I could get my brain into working to give me some good ideas. I tapped the pencil I’m holding against the table.



“Noona!” Seungri exclaimed. I shrugged my shoulders and do not bother to open my eyes and look at the ‘noona’ Seungri is pertaining to. I’m sure it’s Bom noona who is here for has to record as song as well.



I closed my eyes tightly.. Focusing on getting some ideas for a good song. But suddenly, out of nowhere, Dara’s face popped out inside my mind. Eh? Why did I suddenly think of her?



“Dara noona!” Seungri exclaimed excitedly against the microphone. I immediately opened my eyes. Seungri was already sprinting his way out of the recording booth towards the new comer who is just on his mind seconds ago.



I slowly turned around, afraid that I’m just imaging things inside my head because of too much thinking. And when I got to see her in the flesh, my lips curved into a smile. Sandara Park, the woman whom I had an affair with eight years ago. The woman who went missing in action for eight years after their last concert. Now stood in front of me with a smile on her face.



I stood up from where I was sitting. The smile in my face never leaving my lips. I locked my gaze with her and I suddenly felt so fuzzy inside. Ah, maybe I’m still attracted to this goddess? Well, who wouldn’t be? She is just so perfect. It seems like she hasn’t aged a bit. She still looks like the same eight years ago.



“Jiyong?” Bom noona called for my name that me made snap out of my reverie and my gaze at Dara.



I looked at her and smiled, “Yes?”



“Dara wants to talk to you,” Bom noona said and I furrowed my eyebrows immediately. She wants to talk to me? Why? I asked myself. I nodded my head and looked at Dara again. She still has that smile plastered on her face.



“Why don’t we leave these two to have their talk, neh?” Bom noona said as she clutched Seungri’s collar and dragged him outside the recording room. “Teddy oppa! Come with us,” she screamed from the outside when she noticed that Teddy hyung is still sitting in his chair.



Teddy hyung slightly shook his head for Bom noona is showing her out of this world tantrum again. When Teddy hyung was about to close the door, I heard Seungri screamed in anguish. I can only pray for the maknaes life.



“How are you, Jiyong?” she asked that made me look at her. She sat at the couch as she fiddled with the hem of her blouse.



She’s nervous, I know. She always fiddled with the hem of her blouse whenever she’s nervous.



“I’m doing great.. How about you? It’s been what? Eight years?” I said as I took the seat beside her.



“Yeah… It’s been a long time….” she said as she bit her bottom lips. “Actually, I have some very important thing to say to you.”



“Oh, really? What is it?”



“Remember our affair eight years ago?” she asked that made memories of me with her floods my mind.



“Yeah.. What about it?”



“Well, you see……….” she hesitated as she turned her gaze away from me and locked in the table. She then heaved a deep sigh. Why is she nervous about these things? She’s just asking about our affr--..



“We have a daughter…” what?!



I whipped my head towards her and saw that she’s looking at me. What did she just say? I-I have a d-daughter?! I waited for her to open again and say, ‘Hahaha, I’m just joking, Ji. You should’ve seen your face’, but no. She just looked at me and waited for me to say something.



Is this real? I asked myself. I closed my eyes and opened them again, hoping that when I open my eyes, I would see the comforts of my room. Dara just stared at me with unreadable expression in her face. But dang, she sure is serious!




My heart skipped a beat when it finally sunk in my thick head. There was an unfamiliar thug in my heart that made me restless immediately. Then warmth suddenly spread inside of me like a wild fire. I have a daughter.



But wait……..



“Where is she?” I asked after some silence.



“She’s in Bom’s house with Chaerin and Minzy,” she replied.



“Why did you hide this from me, Dara?” It doesn’t make any sense at all. If she only said that she was pregnant with my child way back then, our daughter would’ve grown up with her father beside her.



“Actually, I don’t have any plans on telling you abo--,”



“WHAT?!” I exclaimed, cutting her sentence short. “You don’t have any plans on telling me that I have a daughter?!” Anger. I can feel anger boiling up inside of me. It’s enough hearing that Dara hid my daughter from me for eight years, but knowing that she doesn’t plan on telling me made me reach my highest point.



“What can I do? You’re still so young and seemed like you can’t let go of single life yet. I thought that you’re not ready yet for a big responsibility like having a child on your own.”



“But still, you should’ve told me! That’s my child you hid from me, Dara! My child!” I shouted as I stood up from the couch and started to pace back and forth.



“I know. I realized my mistakes. I should’ve told you about her,” she said as she bowed her head and sighed.



“Jiyong?” she called after some time of me being silent and just pacing around the room. I didn’t bother looking at her. I’m still angry at her for hiding my child from me for eight years. Ghad! Can you believe that? I had a child eight years ago and I just knew about her now. I want to strangle her neck for hiding a big thing like that from me.



“Eun mi wanted to meet you……. She really wants to know who her father is so if you have time, can you please see her? It has been her lifelong dream to meet you,” she said in a small voice but I still heard it loud and clear.



“If you hadn’t hide her from me then maybe now, my daughter’s dream has been fulfilled long time ago,” I said through gritted teeth as I combed my hair with my hands.



“I’d like to meet my daughter as soon as possible. I’ve already lost eight years of her life…… I don’t want to miss another second,” I said as I stopped pacing and stood in front of her. I looked at her and I can see relief flooded her eyes. She forced up a smile and stood..



“When I said as soon as possible, I meant today,” I said as I grabbed her hands and led the way outside the room. I’m going to see my daughter today. I thought to myself. I felt that familiar thug again inside my heart and realized that even if I haven’t seen her yet, I already love my daughter






A/N: Okay, first of all.... I wrote this chapter because of Dara unnie's birthday! Kyaaaaah! ^___^ Then, to clear up some confusions, Kiko is out of this story forevah! :DD Hahahaha.. :D Okay, I'm getting crazy here already, so enjoy and till next time! Muaaaaah.. :*

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.