
One More Chance


“They want you to guess on Strong Heart, Jiyong-ah,” YG said when the younger guy is sitting on his couch comfortably, listening to him on who wants Jiyong on their show again.



“Hmmmmm..” Jiyong hummed, thinking about what the older guy had told him. “When will be the shooting for it?”



“Next week, I think?” YG replied, smiling.



“My schedule’s clear next week. I can go,” Jiyong said, standing up from the couch and walking towards YG’s collection of bear bricks.



“They want Dara to guess also,” YG said slowly, testing the words..



Jiyong immediately whipped his head towards where YG was sitting. Eyes squinting and lips forming a disapproving pout, he shook his head no. He, then, walked towards YG and sat at the edge of his table, looking like the carefree child he once were.



“No.. Dara’s entering her third trimester. I don’t want her getting tired, or stressed, or anything that can make her uncomfortable. As much as possible, I don’t want her moving around the house. I just want her to lie on the bed and rest all day long.”



“You know you’re over reacting, neh?” YG inquired with a smile on his face, teasing the younger guy in front of him.



“I’m not over reacting, hyung. I just want what’s best for her…for the both of them. I don’t want to burden her anymore. She’s carrying my babies and all I want is to somehow lessen the stress she must be feeling.. I was not there when she was pregnant with Eun mi. I was not there to help her.. But I promised that I’ll make it up to her. And that’s what I’m doing now,” he replied, looking at the ground while fiddling with the hem of his shirt.



YG’s smile widens as he stood up and placed his hand on top of Jiyong’s shoulder. He leaned beside Jiyong and said, “I know, son. I was just teasing you a while ago….” Then, a pregnant silence consummated the two, Jiyong was too drowned in his thought that he did not react with what YG said. After a while, YG broke the silence by clearing his throat.



“Why don’t you propose to her already, eh? It’s really obvious that you love her..”



Jiyong looked at his hyung and smiled. Not just his ordinary smile but the kind of smile that shows his gums.. Or what the netizens want to call, “gummy smiles”.



“I’m working on it, hyung,” he proudly said.















“Yah, hyung! Don’t you know it’s freaking one in the morning here? I’m in the middle of my beauty rest,” Seungri rants on the phone as he rubbed his eyes with his hands sleepy. He glanced at his side and groaned seeing the time. It’s almost two, and here is his hyung calling him for something her doesn’t care about.



“I know.. I know.. Mianhe for disturbing your sleep but I really need to ask you one favor. It’s really important,” Jiyong whispered on the phone, afraid that he will wake the sleeping pregnant woman on the other side of the bed. He stood up from the bed and went outside the room.



“Arasso,” Seungri mumbled, still irritated that his beauty sleep got disturbed.. “What is this favor you’re going to ask me, hyung? And don’t you dare ask me to look for that fish, ‘coz it won’t happen hyung,” he ranted still, not minding if he’s talking to someone who’s older than him.. Besides, he’s Seungri.. He dos it all the time.



“Pabo..” Jiyong hissed, then he went towards the kitchen and sat at one of the chairs. “Why would I ask you to look for her when I will propose to Dara soon?”



“MWOH?!” Seungri shriek, eyes widening as he sat right up on his bed. A goofy smile plastered on his face.



“You really have a loud voice for a guy, Seungri-ah.. Not to mention you can scream like a girl,” Jiyong said, rolling his eyes at no one in particular. “Anyways, can you go to Ginza and drop by in a store called ‘De Beers’? I’ve already paid for it.. All you need to do is get the ring I’ve bought and bring it with you when you go back here tomorrow.”



“I know that store, hyung! There are so many ‘De Beers’ store in Korea.. Why does it have to be in Ja—,“ Seungri did not finish his sentence when he realized something. HOLY ! ‘DE BEERS’ IS ONE OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE JEWELLRY SELLER AROUND THE WORLD.



“You’re rich, hyung,” Seungri commented after he gained his composure back. He pouted like a nine-year old. Envious on how rich his Jiyong hyung can be.



“I know, maknae.. No need to rub it in my face,” Jiyong said, a smirk forming on his lips as he imagined what Seungri will look like as he said those words. “I’m counting you on it, neh?”



“Neh, hyung.. I’ll bring your ring with me when I go back there,” he replied, then he ended the call. He now wondered what his Jiyong hyung had bought, besides, there are still some rings in ‘De Beers’ that cost lower than three hundred thousand dollars.












The next day, Seungri dragged himself to the store his hyung wanted him to go. He was not feeling well but he forced himself to go to the store and get what his Jiyong hyung had bought for his favorite noona. Entering the store, he noticed that no one is inside except for the attendants. Well, who would dare enter this store when they can go to Tiffany’s, which is a little bit cheaper than De Beers..



Seungri looked around, smiling appreciatively at the set of rings displayed beneath the glass. Each ring screamed sophistication and beauty. He took his time in looking at the rings and thinking to himself what to buy when he proposes to Chaerin. “Yah, you need to make her agree first to be your girlfriend before thinking on what ring to buy when you propose to her. Pabo,” his mind said, mocking him as to how he can’t make the girl to agree to be his girlfriend.



“Uhm, excuse me.. I’m here to pick up something for my friend,” Seungri said in smooth Japanese as he smiled at the attendant.



“May I know who is your friend, sir?”



“Kwon Jiyong,” he simply replied.



“Yes.. Mr. Kwon ordered a ring.. Can you wait for a minute, sir? And can I ask what’s your name?” the attendant asked, the smile on her face never faltered, showing how professional she really is.



“Lee Seunghyun… But my friend calls me Seungri.”



“Okay, sir.. I’ll just get the ring Mr. Kwon had ordered,” she said then turned her back and walked towards the door. And after a while, the attendant went back with a paper bag on her hands.. She smiled politely at him and handed him the bag.



“Thank you, sir,” she said. Seungri smiled and was about to walk away when he forgot something. He turned towards the attendant once more and asked her a question..



“Can I ask what kind of ring my friend bought?”



“It’s ‘De Beers Round Brilliant Platinum’. It’s actually one of our most expensive rings.”



Seungri’s mouth hanged open as he stared at the attendant.



































“Hey Jiyong, are you okay?” Dara asked, looking at the guy in front of the computer as he kept on coughing.



“I’m fine, Dara.. I think I just caught the virus spreading around YG Building,” he said as he typed away on his computer then let out a cough.



“Are you sure?” she asked hesitantly and went to his side. She placed her hands on his forehead and gasped softly when it felt hot.



“Jiyong, you have a fever,” Dara said, pouting at him. She felt a little bit angry because he is not taking care of his body so well. He keeps on checking on her that he failed to check on his health too.



“It’s not a fever,” he denied as he looked up at her and smiled. “Why don’t you go and rest now, neh? It’s already ten in the evening,” Jiyong said, luring her to rest already.. She’s already on her eight month of pregnancy; her stomach’s so big that she can’t do the things she’s always doing. Sure, she had been pregnant then, but the size of her stomach now is twice bigger when she was carrying Eun mi.



“You also needs to rest, Jiyong..”



“I’ll rest after this,” he replied.. Dara sighed in defeat before turning around and walking towards their room.



And when Dara is already out of sight, he opened the tab he closed when Dara entered. He sighed in relief when Dara didn’t notice what he had been doing all along. He was ordering the things he needed for his grand proposal to her over the internet because he’s so lazy to go outside and shop.



When he was done with what he’s doing, he closed his laptop and stood up from his seat. He glanced at the clock hanged on the wall. His eyes widens when he noticed the time. It’s already three in the morning. He spent five hours in front of the computer. He shook his head as he stretched his arms and legs, the cough he was nursing a while ago had vanished.



He went to the drawers on his table and got the velvet box where the ring is placed. Seungri gave him the ring as soon as that guy walked inside his studio, then how money can buy everything. He chuckled to himself remembering that day.  He opened the lid and smiled seeing how beautiful the ring is. He examined it further and a thought entered his mind.  “Why does he need to propose to Dara over candlelight dinner when he can do so anytime? The dinner does not matter. All that matters is how he will ask her to be his wife and how she will respond.”



And when he heard something in the kitchen, he smiled. Putting the box of ring inside his pocket, he made his way down towards the kitchen. There, he saw her standing awkwardly in front of the dining table. A hand placed atop the table and her other hand placed on her stomach.



He walked to her side. “Hey, are you okay? You look like you’re in pain,” he said as he placed his hand on her back and his other hand on her arm.



Dara looked up at him and smiled, “I’m okay… The kids just kicked,” she said, then let out a whimper as another pain hit her. She closed her eyes tightly as she gripped on the edge of the table.



“Are you really okay?” Jiyong asked worriedly.



It took her time before answering him. She let out a deep sigh and smiled at him, pain is no longer there. “Yeah, I’m fine.. I just got hungry again.”



“Uhm.. Dara. I need to tell you something very important,” he started.



“What is it?” she asked.



“Do you remember the time we had an affair?”



“Ahhhh… yes, of course,” she said, not really sure on why he’s asking her such question.



“We were happy then, right? Well, I was so happy during those days.. You were anything a guy could ask for. But I was blinded with what I thought I wanted then. Yes, I was still young back then that I tend to play around and flirt with girls. But that part of my life is over now. Standing in front of you now is a different Kwon Jiyong. Back then, people see me as a man who will never settle down.. a man who will never have a family of his own but will change girls every second until he gets old. But I changed, over the years I’ve changed.



When our affair ended, I continue on with my games. I played around, change girls every now and then. Until some time that I felt bored, that I felt that I don’t want that kind of life anymore. And then, I suddenly wanted to have a family of my own. I started searching for my possible wife but no one can meet my standards,” he paused as he looked straight in her eyes, showing through his orbs the love he felt towards the woman standing in front of him. Heart beating in rapid pace, he held her hand and placed it just above where his heart is, making her feel his heart. She, on the other side, was confused as to why Jiyong is saying things to her that makes her heart beat in hope.



“And then, you came back with Eun mi.. Yes, I was angry at first when I knew that you hid Eun mi from me. But it died eventually and it was replaced with something I cannot recognize at first. When you and Eun mi started living with me, I felt complete. Like I already found the family I was looking for. And as days passed by, I saw how great of a mother you are. How loving you can be towards Eun mi. How you can easily give up something just for the sake of our daughter.. And that’s when I thought that I wanted you to be the mother of my children.



When I found out that you’re pregnant, I was so happy. And by then, I was sure how I felt about you.. But I decided that I will not say it because you might not believe me. I thought action speaks louder than words but if that’s true, then you should already know why I am doing all these for you.. But seeing how you still feel confused, I guess I need to say it then,” he finished then heaved a deep breath. His eyes are shining because of unshed tears. He squeezed her hand softy as he opened his mouth, ready to tell her those three words.






“Owwwwwww,” Dara whimpered as she clutched her stomach, pain is evident in her face that made the guy standing in front of her be worried up to no extent.



“What’s wrong?” Jiyong asked, then he placed his hand on top of her stomach and caressed is gently.



Dara pursed her lips, bearing the pain she is feeling. “Go o….on,” she crooked, wanting to hear the words she’s been dying to hear from him. She felt like her chest was about to explode hearing what he said..She felt every emotion, every feeling he wanted to convey. And now, she just wanted to hear the words from him so she could pull him into her arms and hug him really tight.



“I…….” Jiyong hesitated, seeing how Dara’s face contorted with pain.. “I think I should bring you to the hospital,” he said then was about to turn around to get the car keys when Dara’s hands stopped him.



“I’m okay, Jiyong… I-It’s just the k-kids are kicking r-really hard that i-it hurts my……… owwww,” she exclaimed, then doubled up as another pain hit her. She gripped the edge of the table, knuckles turning white. Dara bit her lower lip as she silently talked to her kids.. “Babies, not now please… Daddy is about to tell me something that I’ve been dying to hear.. Not now, please..”



“I really should bring you to the hospital, Dara.. I don’t think the babies are just kicking. You’re about to faint from too much pain you’re feeling,” Jiyong, then, combed his hands through his hair as he looked at Dara. She was in so much pain, it was obvious in her eyes.



Dara nodded. She can’t bear the pain anymore. It was like ripping her stomach in half. Jiyong was halfway through the stairs when Dara felt liquid gushed out from her lower part. hanged open and eyes wide as she looked down between her legs.  



“Jiyong…” she called out loudly so Jiyong could hear her. Jiyong, ready to break into a run towards their room, stopped on his tracks and turned to look at Dara. “My water just broke.”



“Oh ,” he exclaimed and wasted no time in running towards their room to get his car keys.








A/N: Uwaaaaaaaa! I updated! At last.. Kkkkkkkk ^___^ Sorry for the long wait.. T_T I was so busy and so lazy to update so, yeah.. Forgive me neh? 

And oh, the next chapter is OMC's last chapter.. *cries* Yes, sad to say.... One More Chance is almost at its ending.. T_____T Aigoooooo.. I feel emotional already.. 

But on the lighter side, I have a surprise for you at the next chap. It's what I promised Bea unnie.. Sooooooooo, yeah! See you all on the next chappy! Ppyong! 



Sorry for the typos and errors.. LOL!

I don't proofread my work soooo, yeah.. :))



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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.