
One More Chance


“What the did you do to Dara?!” Bom hissed under her breath while sending death glares to the guy standing in front of her. The urge to hit the man is really tempting but she is fighting herself. She doesn’t want waking Dara up because of her anger.



“I did nothing to her, noona. I was just talking to Eun mi when she fainted immediately,” Jiyong explained, his eyes worriedly looming at Dara.



“I really ing hate you right now,” Bom hissed once more before she turned her gaze at her Park sister. “If something happened to her, I won’t have the heart to forgive you,” she threatened as she pulled at chair and sat beside the hospital bed where Dara is unconsciously lying.



“Where’s Eun mi, noona?” Jiyong asked. When Dara fainted, he immediately called his Seunghyun hyung and asked if he could look out for his daughter while he brings Dara to the hospital. And seeing Bom rushing to the hospital as well, Seunghyun must’ve told Bom about Dara.



“She’s at Seunghyun’s house,” Bom sighed. Then she remembered something that made her look at Jiyong sharply again.. “And what the did you do to your daughter? She kept on saying that she hates you right now.”



“I really have no idea, noona. I just came from Japan and then the next thing I know, Eun mi is saying that she hates me and Dara fainting on me,” Jiyong answered as he brushed his hands through his hair out of frustration.



“Better find out what’s happening, Jiyong. And get your acts straight if you want Dara and Eun mi to stay with you for a very long time,” Bom said wearily, just wanting everything to be okay for Dara and Eun mi. They deserve better than this.



“I just want us to be a normal family, noona. No dramas and all that . I want to give them what they really want, what they deserve,” he said.



“Then do the right thing,” Bom replied with a sigh. Then turned around to look at Jiyong. “I just have one question to ask you.”



“What is it, noona?”



“Do you love Dara? Do you love her as a man is to woman and not because she’s the mother of your daughter?” Bom asked, praying hard that Jiyong will say yes.



Jiyong sighed and glanced at the girl lying on the hospital bed, and feeling his heart fluttering like the wings of a butterfly. He smiled, knowing full well what his answer is. He now knows what his feeling for Dara is. And he’s sure that he’ll do everything he can to make them stay by his side forever. He was about to open his mouth when something interrupted him.



There was a knock on the door that made the occupants of the room looked up from Dara to the door. And then, Dr. Song came inside with Dara’s chart in her hands. She frowned seeing Bom, she was sure that she told the lady to take care of her friend because Dara is having a complicated pregnancy. She walked towards the bed and checked Dara’s vitals first before turning to Bom.



“Ms. Park, I told you a while ago that she’s not to be stressed right?” the doctor asked with a mild reprimanding in her voice.



“Yes…. I’m sorry, doctor,” Bom apologized.



“Uhm, can you please tell me what’s wrong with Dara? I’m worriedly sick here,” Jiyong said as he cleared his throat. Dr. Song turned to him and her eyebrows furrowed.



“And you are?......” she asked.



“I’m the father of Dara’s daughter,” he said as he stared at the doctor who seems to be staring back at him.



“Oh, is that so? Then you must be the father of the babies she’s carrying, eh?” the doctor asked.



Jiyong was rooted on his spot as soon as his mind processed what the doctor had said. Babies? What does she mean by ‘babies’? Dara’s pregnant? His eyes widen when something entered his mind. Could it be that they’re having twins when they doctor said ‘babies’ instead of ‘baby’?



“What do you mean babies?” Bom asked, shocked as well. Dara hasn’t told anything about having twins. She thought to herself.



“She hasn’t told you? I’ve told her earlier that she’s having twins so she must expect to be tired all day, and eating so much food. Because she’s carrying two babies in her,” the doctor said that made Bom dumbfounded. The two was still gaping at the doctor when Dr. Song clicked her tongue while shaking her heads.



“It seems that she hasn’t told you yet,” the doctor said. “Well, just don’t let her be stressed. And always make sure that she’s comfortable in everything she does. And if she’s not feeling really good, immediately bring her to me. She’s having a complicated pregnancy so I need to monitor her condition. No need to worry about her now, she just needed enough rest. She’s in good hands, I promise you,” Dr. Song finished as she tucked Dara’s chart under her arm and faces the two. “I’ll be going now.”



“Neh… Kamsahamnida,” Bom bowed her head with her mind still floating from what the doctor has said. Dara’s having a………twins?



“Wow,” Jiyong expelled under his breath that made the pre occupied Bom to look at him with bewilderment dancing around her eyes. Then, much to her surprise, the retard smiled as if he won the lottery or something.



“Why are you smiling like an idiot?” Bom asked.



“I just can’t believe that it’ll feel this great knowing that I’ll become a dad,” he said with the smile still plastered on his face. Jiyong immediately pulled a chair and sat beside the bed and held Dara’s hand. He squeezed it lightly before planting a gentle kiss on the back of her palm.



“You’re already a dad, pabo,” Bom said, cannot help but to give up to the urge to smile seeing how Jiyong is reacting to this when they expected the opposite.



“I know…. What I meant was being a dad of…..twins,” he replied. A tint of red rushed up to his cheeks when he said the last word. He’s being giddy and excited at the same time that his heart is beating three times faster than it’s normal pace.



“Huh, you’re swimmers are great,” Bom teased, the tension that was in the room earlier when she entered slowly vanished and turned into a peaceful and playful atmosphere. “Imagine, you got two of them into the goal,” she said before letting out a giggle as she stood up from the bed.



Jiyong just snickered proudly at his noona’s remark while staring at Dara’s angelic face. Imagining her with her stomach so big with his babies made him giggle like a high-schooler having a date with her crush for the very first time. He is sure this time that he’s not going to let her go. He’s going to do the right thing to make them see that he deserve them, Eun mi and Dara.



“I love you, baby,” Jiyong whispered before placing another kiss on the back of Dara’s hand. Bom, who is not that far away from him, heard what Jiyong had said that made her eyes went wide as a saucer. Tears are at the brim of her eyes, threatening to fall anytime. Hearing him say the words Dara has been dying to hear from him made her want to sing praises to all the angels and saints in heaven. “Finally,” she thought.


Bom cleared . The strong feeling of happiness she is feeling for Dara and Eun mi made it hard for her to speak. “I’m just going to get something to eat,” she said. “Do you want something?” Bom added.



“No, thanks noona,” Jiyong said, not even bothering to glance at Bom’s direction.



Bom turned around, with a wide smile on her face, as she strutted her way towards the door. But before she can even get a hold of the door knob to twist it, the door opened on its own and revealed someone that made her glance at Jiyong’s direction worriedly.



“Il woo-ssi,” Bom greeted.

















“BABY EUN MI-AH!” Seungri shouted at the top of his lungs as soon as he entered Seunghyun’s house.



“OUCH! Yah, hyung! Why’d you hit me?” He exclaimed as he nursed the back of his head that was hit by the newspaper Seunghyun was holding. He mustered his puppy eyes at his hyung before pouting his lips that made the older Seunghyun want to vomit the breakfast he just had.



“Why are you shouting so early in the morning? Eun mi’s still asleep, idiot,” Seunghyun said, then he turned around and left the maknae in front of his door, not bothering on helping him carry his luggage.



“Aish, this grumpy old man,” Seungri muttered under his breath while he dragged his luggage inside the house, mumbling incoherent words that only he can understand.



“Uncle Panda?” a high pitched voice of an eight-year old kid said that made both adults to turn their heads towards the stairs. There, they saw Dara and Jiyong’s daughter with Tam-Tam in her hands and her eyes all red and puffy.



“Eun mi-ah,” Seungri said, then he immediately dropped his luggage and opened his arms for the little girl, intending to some more. But much to his surprise, the little girl came running down the stairs and immediately went to his arms, then Eun mi started sobbing.



Seunghyun looked worriedly at the scene in front of him, confused as to why Eun mi was crying in the arms of someone who always until she cries.



While on the other hands, Seungri wrapped the little girl in the comforts of his hug and her back gently. She was mumbling something that he cannot comprehend. His eyebrows furrowed when he caught the words, ‘hate’, ‘daddy’, ‘girl’.



“Shhhhh. Stop crying, Eun mi-ah,” Seungri said gently.



“You’re right, uncle panda,” Eun mi said in between her sobs. Seungri, though confused, made Eun mi to look at him.



“I’m right about what?” he asked.



“Daddy doesn’t love mommy. Daddy has another woman,” Eun mi said and remembering the picture she saw on the internet made her tear up some more. She can’t believe that her daddy can do that to them. In her young mind, she thought they were a real happy family.



“That’s not true, Eun mi-ah. Your daddy doesn’t have another woman,” Seunghyun said as he went towards the two and kneeled before the girl, looking at her straight in the eyes.



“No.,” she shook her head stubbornly as she wiped the tear off her cheeks. “I’m sure of it, uncle Tabi. I even saw it with my own eyes,” Eun mi added.



Shock is an understatement as to what the two older guys felt at the moment they heard what the little girl had said. Surely, she was just imagining things. But can an eight-year old girl imagine her daddy with another woman? Of course, no. So they were really confused as to why Eun mi is saying things like that.



“Where did you see it, Eun mi-ah?” this time, it was Seungri who asked.



“Internet,” she simply replied.



“What do you mean by internet, Eun mi-ah?” Seungri asked once more, getting more confused as seconds ticked by…as if the girl in front of him is telling riddles that are out of this world.



“I was playing in mommy’s laptop last night, uncle. And then I decided to search daddy’s name on the internet. And then I saw a picture of him and a woman. The woman was almost sitting on his lap, uncle!”



“Maybe it’s just photoshopped, Eun mi-ah. You know……fans really are delusional right now. They tend to manipulate photos of their idols to feed their minds,” Seunghyun said while he comforted Eun mi.



But on the other hand, Seungri had inkling as to what Eun mi is talking about. He suddenly remembered the night he saw his Jiyong hyung in a bar in Tokyo with that Japanese model all around him. Jiyong was trying to explain himself to him but he was just too angry to listen to him. Seungri curled his fist into a tight ball and gritted his teeth, mentally cursing his hyung for hurting Eun mi and Dara like this.



“Hyung, do you have any idea where Dara noona is?” Seungri asked Seunghyun, only noticing now that Dara is nowhere to be seen and wondering why Eun mi is in Seunghyun’s house. How silly can he get?



“Oh, of course you wouldn’t know… You just got back from Japan,” Seunghyun mumbled to himself that made Seungri raise an eyebrow. Is his hyung being bingu again? He thought. “She was rushed to the hospital last night. That’s why Eun mi spent the night here,” Seunghyun said to him while guiding Eun mi to seat on the couch.



“What?! Dara’s noona’s in the hospital? What happened to her?” Seungri exclaimed as he followed the two and sat beside Eun mi on the couch.



“Mom fainted last night, uncle. I was so scared seeing mommy fall like that. Good thing daddy was quick to catch her. But I still hate daddy right now,” Eun mi said as she pouted her lips and placed her arms across her chest.



“I’m sure you daddy has some explanation for it, Eun mi-ah. Don’t hate your daddy. Jiyong loves you very much,” Seunghyun said.



“But daddy doesn’t love mommy,” Eun mi stubbornly said then ignored Seunghyun. She turned to her uncle panda who seems to be in deep thought. Eun mi crawled her way towards Seungri’s lap and settled comfortably on it. While Seunghyun, on the other hand, stared at nothingness after hearing what Eun mi had replied to his remark.



“Uncle, can we please visit mommy? I’m really worried about her,” she pleaded her uncle panda as she batted her eyelash cutely at him.



Even though Seungri always teases the little girl up to the extent that she’ll cry, he always makes sure to stop her crying just in time. And being the daughter of his favorite noona and his favorite hyung, Eun mi holds a special place in his heart and he’ll make sure to always protect the little girl.



“Arasso…. But it’s still so early. Why don’t you watch TV first then I’ll call you when we’re about to go?” Seungri said as he patted Eun mi’s head. Eun mi, like an obedient child that she is, nodded her head and stood up from the couch, then she padded her way towards the stairs where she could be going to the room she occupied.



“What is Eun mi talking about Jiyong with another girl? Does that idiot have another scandal?” Seunghyun said when he was sure that Eun mi is out of earshot already.



“I don’t know, hyung. But last time, I bumped into Jiyong hyung in a club in Tokyo. I saw that Japanese model almost seated on his lap but I didn’t give him the chance to explain,” Seungri said as he brushed his hands through his hair and sighed.



“Maybe you should’ve listen to him… You know, there are a lot of leeches in Japan,” Seunghyun said meaningful that made Seungri to crack a small smile, then out of nowhere, the two started laughing like they both lost their heads.





















I gripped tighter onto Dara’s hands every time I remember what that Il woo guy said before he left this room last night. That nerve of that guy. And to think that I almost married Gaho to his dog. I snorted... Who does he think he is, huh? I asked myself, seething in anger and jealousy.






“Il woo-shi,” I heard Bom noona greeted the one who entered the room. My eyebrows furrowed immediately hearing that guys’ name. Does he and Dara got reacquainted while I was away in Japan? I thought to myself. I spun my head around and saw Il woo-ssi. Nothing has changed in him, I thought. And most likely, the stares he is giving Dara doesn’t change either.



“Well, I’m going to get something to eat…. Do you want anything, Il woo-ssi?” Bom noona asked. Il woo guy just shook his head and flashed his smile at Bom noona. Oh come on, not every girl can be trapped in your charms man. I thought to myself.  



“Jiyong-ssi… It’s a surprise that I see you here,” Il woo said as he walked his way towards where I was, which is beside Dara’s bed.



“Of course, I’ll be here…. Where else could I be?” I mocked as I casted a death glare on him but he wasn’t affected at all.



“Maybe in……. Japan?” I can hear some mockery in his tone as well. This bastard! He is making my blood boil every ing second. I just wish he could do me a favor and wipe his face off the earth.



Wait, what does he mean by Japan? Really, I’m clueless right now……



“Dara-yah,” Il woo said that made me look at him with wide eyes. Why calling Dara with that voice of his? He’s like seducing her to come to him! Yah, this guy! As if I’m not here holding Dara’s hands. I cleared my throat loudly but he just ignored me.



“Get well soon, neh? I’ll treat you to your favorite Ramen house as soon as you got discharged here,” he said that made me roll my eyes. Oh please, as if I’m going to let you have your way with my Dara.



“Excuse me, Il woo-ssi. But Dara needs to rest now,” I said, trying to sound civil as I can be. But deep inside, I wanted to burn this man alive for the reason that I don’t know. All I know is that I’m jealous as hell and I can’t wait to get him out of the room.



“Dara doesn’t deserve any of the hurt you’re giving her, Jiyong-ssi. I think she deserves better than you,” Il woo suddenly said out of the blue while looking straight into my eyes. I was rooted on my spot momentarily, not even believing that he just said that. I glanced briefly at Dara’s sleeping face before turning and facing Il woo. And this time, with no pretenses, I squinted my eyes at him.



“What did you just say?” I hissed through gritted teeth.



“I said, Dara and Eun mi deserve better than you,” Il woo repeated.



“You have no right to say that. And who do they deserve? You?”



“If I could make them happy, yes.. They deserve me.”



“But Dara and Eun mi are mine. They can never belong to you. They belong to me ever since,” I said, jaw tight from too much gritting of teeth. I really wanted to shout at this guy, laugh at his own silly jokes but I don’t want to wake Dara up so I’m really hanging on my patience right now.



“I can’t see any ring on her ring finger, yet,” he remarked while looking at Dara’s hand on the side of the bed. He then dared to smirk at me before turning around. “If you won’t do anything about that, Kwon. Then I’ll do it myself,” he finished before walking towards the door and leaving me rooted on my spot.







My train of thought suddenly was put to a halt when I heard the door opened. I sighed as I squeezed Dara’s hand before turning to see who Dara’s visitor is this time. I released a smile when it was Eun mi together with Seungri.  I glanced at maknaes direction and he is avoiding my gaze, I guess he is still angry at me. I’ll explain myself to him when I had the chance, and I hope that he’ll listen.



I stood up from my seat and went towards Eun mi. I was about to lift her up in my arms when she suddenly fastened her pace towards the hospital bed. I frowned to myself. , now my daughter is ignoring me and hates me right now. What is really that I have done?



I was thinking of the possible things I may have done that made Eun mi to hate me when suddenly, someone caught my ears and dragged me outside the room. I whimpered in pain while holding my ears.




“Wh—,“ I was about to ask the person who dragged me out when a palm hit my left cheek hard. My eyes widen as I cradled the cheek that was hit. “Why’d you slap me, noona?” I asked Bom noona, bewildered.



“Explain this, you bastard!” Bom noona almost shouted and almost throw the phone at me. I caught it and my eyes widen seeing what was there. I was seeing the article that was circulating the net for a while now.



! What the double is this?!



I exclaimed inside my head as I stared unbelieving at the hoax of an article that it is. Whoever wrote this article and whoever took that ing picture, I’m going to hunt them and make sure that they die a painful death. They’re responsible why everyone is ing angry at me right now. Especially Bom noona who looks like she’s ready to send me to hell with the way she looks at me right now.





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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.