
One More Chance





An eerie silence floated around the car as the two kept their eyes locked on the road. Dara inwardly sighed while fiddling with the hem of her blouse. She’s really nervous about Jiyong meeting Eun mi. While Jiyong, on the other side, kept his hold on the steering wheel while thoughts floats around his head.



What is she like? Do I look like her? Does she look like Dara? Is she healthy? What is her favorite food? What are her favorite toys?  Questions like that kept on repeating inside his great mind.



Dara cleared her hroat for she can’t stand the silence anymore… “Uhmmm, Ji? I’m really sorry about hiding her from you,” she apologized once again.



Jiyong wanted to face her and tell her that it’s alright but he can’t. It’s not alright in his part knowing that he had a daughter eight years ago but he will only get to meet her today. A long time has passed already and her ‘sorry’ won’t bring the time he lost with her.



“You really should’ve told me about your pregnancy back then, Dara,” Jiyong said as he sighed and continued driving. “I may have acted like I’m not responsible enough to be a father but I still have the rights to know that I have my own flesh and blood growing inside of you.”



Dara bowed her head down, feeling embarrassed of herself. She continued fiddling with her blouse and kept shut for she cannot think of anymore words to ask for his forgiveness.



The car came to a stop. Dara looked up and saw that they were already in front of Bom’s house. Okay, this is it. Dara chanted inside her head like a mantra. She heaved a deep breath before reaching for her seatbelt and unlocking it. She took in a deep breath once more…. She was about to open her car door but someone beat her to it.



Her heart must be really energetic right now for it keeps on beating ten times faster than her usual heart beat rate. She looked up and meets with his brown orbs that she can’t help but to be mesmerized for a while. That deep brown orbs that keeps on haunting her for the past eight years.



She gasps softly when she felt his hand on her wrist. The electricity that she always feels way back then whenever his skin would touch hers is still there. And now, she realized that her attraction for this man is still there. She let him guide her outside the car and whispered a silent thank you.



Jiyong just nodded his head and proceeded towards the gate. He pressed the buzzer and waited for someone to open it from the inside. Dara stood beside him but made sure that there is a tiny distance between them.



It seemed like forever to Dara before Minzy opened the gate with a smile on her face.



“Jiyong oppa!” Minzy greeted as she enveloped the said guy in a friendly hug.



Jiyong hugged the younger girl back and smiled. He wanted to greet her back but it seems like he lost his tongue a while ago. Tiny beads of sweats trickle down his forehead. His heart is really beating fast right now.



“Unnie!” Minzy then greeted Dara while placing a peck on her cheeks. Dara smiled at her and asked, “Minzy-ah, where’s Eun mi?”



“She’s in the living room. Chaerin unnie, Eun mi and I are watching some of our videos when we were still in 2NE1,” Minzy said as she let the two enter the gate and guided them towards the house.



“Aigooooo…… You shouldn’t have made her watch those videos. I’m sure she will bug me later to teach her the dance steps,” Dara said as she crunched her nose remembering that one particular day when Eun mi throwed her tantrums to her because the little girl wanted to learn their choreography for ‘I am the Best’.  



“No worries, unnie. We’ve already taught her the dances to almost all our songs,” Minzy beamed happily as she opened the door and walked further inside the living room.



Dara glanced at her side and saw Jiyong looking all calm and collected. But she giggled to herself seeing him playing with his car keys on his hands. This only indicates that he is surely nervous about meeting his daughter.



“Mommy!” Eun mi exclaimed seeing her mommy walking towards her. Dara immediately smiled and extended her arms. The little girl humped in her mother’s arms and wrapped her little arms around Dara’s neck.



“You’ve been a good girl to your aunties?” Dara asked as she placed a kiss on her cheeks.



“Hmmmm,” Eun mi bobbed her head proudly.






Eun mi glanced curiously at the man standing beside her mother and tilted her head on the side. The man looked familiar but the little girl just can’t pin point where she saw him. She racked her little brain hoping to remember that familiar face.



“Aha!! Ahjussi,” Eun mi exclaimed while wiggling her feet, indicating that she wants to go down from Dara’s arms. Dara complied and put her down gently. Eun mi immediately stood in front of Jiyong while smiling up at him.



“Ahjussi,” she called once more. Jiyong looked down on the little girl and his world stopped spinning. This little girl standing in front of him is his daughter. His little girl. It seemed surreal for him but it’s true. He now has a daughter.



“I just watched a video of you and mommy performing.. Aunt Chaerin said that it was your concert then. And you even hugged mommy!” Eun mi said excitedly as she glanced at her mother’s way then focused her attention back at the man she called ‘ahjussi’.



“Eun mi-ah,” Dara called for her daughter. “Come here,” she said as she motioned for her daughter to come to her side. Eun mi immediately complied and when is standing in front of her mother, Dara crouched down so that she’s as the same height as her daughter.



“You said you want to meet you daddy, right?” she asked. Eun mi excitedly bobbed her head up and down, a genuine smile plastered on her face, anticipating what her mother would say to her.



“You see……” Dara reached for her daughter’s face and held it against her hands. “That man over there is your daddy,” she choked out as she pouted her lips slightly towards Jiyong, who just stare at the mother and daughter.



Eun mi’s eye widens hearing what her mum had said. Her life-long dream of meeting her father has finally came true? She glanced towards Jiyong and smiled. She looked back at her mother and asked, “Mum, can I go to him?”



“Of course you can, sweetie,” Dara said as she pushed her daughter slightly away from her towards Jiyong’s direction.



Eun mi staggered to her feet and immediately sprinted her way towards her father. She hugged his legs as soon as she got to his side and tears immediately roll down from her face. Soon after, she started sobbing as she held tighter to Jiyong’s legs.



Dara was about to go her daughter and comfort her for Jiyong just stood there like he was electrified on the spot, when he looked down and smiled. He held Eun mi’s arms and slightly pushed her away from his legs only to gather her in his arms. He scoops Eun mi in his arms and held the girl tight to his chest.  



He can’t describe the feeling of finally being able to hold his daughter in his arms. All he can say is that the feeling is exquisite and right at that instance; he knows in himself that he would do everything for this little girl.



“C-Can I call you ‘d-daddy’?” Eun mi asked as she looked at Jiyong’s eyes.



Jiyong gulped down the lump forming in his throat. “Of course,” he said as he placed a kiss on her forehead before enveloping her again into a tight hug.










I kissed my daughter’s head for like a thousand times now. She’s still sobbing in my shoulders as she kept on mumbling things I can’t comprehend. I caressed her back while saying soothing words to stop her from crying.



“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, daddy,” she said as she placed a kiss on my cheek. I closed my eyes as I held her tighter to me, afraid that she’s going to be stolen from me.



“I’m sorry I came only now, princess. But I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere,” I said as I placed another kiss in her forehead.



I can’t believe I really have a daughter. Three months ago, I was just a simple producer in YG Entertainment wondering when will I be able to build a family of my own. But feeling Eun mi’s arms wrapped tightly around me made me believe that this is all real. That I now have a daughter whom I already loved with all my heart.



“Daddy, look at mommy… She’s crying really hard,” Eun mi giggled as she whispered in my ears. I turn around and saw Dara wiping the tears that continuously roll down from her eyes.



I know she felt guilty of hiding Eun mi from me, and she should be. In fact, I’m still a little mad at her for what she had done. You can’t blame me, can you? I missed eight years of my daughter’s life and no matter how hard I can try to make it up for those missed birthdays, New Years, Christmas’s, etc… You can’t ignore the fact that I missed eight years of her life.



I should’ve been there when she said her first words. I should’ve been there when she took her first steps, and most importantly, I should’ve been there when she first opened her eyes.



“I think you should make your mommy stop crying now,” I whispered to Eun mi as I placed her down. She nodded her head at me and went towards her mother who continuously cried.



“Baby, I’m so sorry that you got to meet your daddy just now….,” Dara said in between her sobs while hugging Eun mi against her.



“It’s okay, mommy. I don’t blame you. What’s important right is daddy is here now and we’re complete!” the little girl said excitedly as she comforts her mother.



I shook my head while fighting the smile that is threatening to muster up on my face. Seeing Dara and Eun mi acting in reverse, I mean Eun mi comforting Dara and the latter crying like a bay, looks really amusing to me.



I looked closer at Eun mi and now notice the similarities she has with Dara. Eun mi surely got her looks from her mother. But there is one feature that she surely got from me. Her deep brown orbs. I thought to myself proudly.



“Eun mi…,” I called hesitantly, not wanting to disturb their mother and daughter moment, while walking towards them.



“Yes daddy?” Ah, it feels really great hearing her call me ‘daddy’ with that cute little voice of hers.



“Do you want some ice cream? I know a place where they sell really delicious one,” I said. I assume that she likes ice cream because her mom loved it to death. I remember one time, when Dara and I are still in our affair, she would bug to no end to buy her some ice cream.



“Uhhhmmm… I’m not allowed to eat any of those, daddy… But I love them because mum loves them too, but…..” her face fell, leaving her sentence unfinished.



“One ice cream won’t hurt, right baby?” Dara asked Eun mi. The little girl happily nodded her head while smiling goofily at her mother.



Eun mi went towards me while reaching out for my hand. I held her little hands against mine as she started dragging me excitedly towards the door. I was about to turn around but when I saw Dara walking towards the kitchen, I furrowed my eyebrows.



“Where are you going, Dara?” I asked that made Eun mi stopped in her tracks and look back at her mother.



“I-I’m going to the k-kitchen,” she stuttered as she looked down at the floor.  



“You can’t just leave me all alone with Eun mi.. I’m still learning my way around kids. I need your help,” I said and unconsciously, a smile slowly crawled my lips. Dara was stunned for a bit with what I said… Heck, I was even stunned with myself as well. But as the cool Jiyong that I am, I acted nonchalantly with the goofy smile on my face.



“Mommy, come on!” Eun mi motioned for her mum and Dara, after composing herself, went to us and held Eun mi’s other hand. And together, we walked towards my car.





























Two maknaes giggled giddily while watching the backs of two adults and one adorable kid walking towards the car parked outside.



“Ahhhh, they looked like a happy family,” Minzy said as she placed both her hands on her chest and looked dreamily at the three people.



“I really hope that they’ll become the family Eun mi really wants. A happy one with full of love and happiness,” Chaerin solemnly said as she placed her hands on the maknae’s shoulders while still looking at their retreating backs.  







A/N: Hohoho... Originally, I'm not supposed to update today because I was having a hard time writing this chapter... But then I struggled because it's Dara unnie's birthday today! LOL! Anyways, I noticed that some of you took notice of the hints I placed in chapter three.. Hihihihi.. Keep it up! And I have a question for you guys, should I make this a long one instead of short story? You know, the twenty chaptered fics like that? What do you think?



PS.. Sorry for the typos and errors in the last chapter and this chapter. I really don't proofread my works and I immediately post them up as soon as I'm done.. Forgive me, neh? 'Till next time! :D

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.