
One More Chance





There was a knock on the door that made Dara look up from what she’s doing. She briefly glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and frowned, wondering who their visitor is at seven in the morning. The person behind the door knocked again so Dara had no other choice but to stand up and open the door.



She was looking down on her feet when she was opening their door that she didn’t notice the smile plastered on the visitor’s face. And the moment she looked up, she was shocked.



“Anneyeong, Dara-yah,” the visitor greeted her.



“Yah, what are you doing here early in the morning?” she asked as she smiled back at him and widens the opening of the door and welcomed him in.



“I just wanted to visit you and Eun mi. I’m really attached to your daughter, set aside the fact that we only just met yesterday,” he said as he walked inside and sat at the couch.



“Wait, Il woo-ah. I think Eun mi’s awake already,” Dara said as she excused herself and went upstairs to check on her daughter.



“Mommy, is daddy already back?” Eun mi asked her mother groggily while rubbing her hands on her eyes.



“Good morning, baby. No, daddy’s still not back. But your uncle Il woo’s downstairs,” Dara said as went towards her daughter. She discarded the blanket on Eun mi’s body before kissing her cheek a ‘good morning’ kiss.



“Uncle Il woo’s downstairs?” Eun mi asked, excitement immediately shown in her eyes.



“Yup,” Dara nodded her head and smiled seeing how her daughter jumped out of the bed and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She waited for her daughter and smiled some more seeing Eun mi emerged from the bathroom wearing fresh clothes.



“Let’s go?” Dara asked as she reached her hands from Eun mi to grab.










“Uncle Il woo!” Eun mi exclaimed and threw herself at their visitors arms. Il woo, surprised but amused, immediately caught the hyper girl in his arms and chuckled seeing Eun mi all excited.



“Good morning, Eun mi-ah,” Il woo greeted and ruffled Eun mi’s hair that made the little girl pout her lips cutely.



“Uncle,” Eun mi whined. “I had a hard time tying my hair..”



“Sorry,” Il woo apologized while controlling his laughs. Eun mi smiled, saying that it’s okay, before jumping out of Il woo’s arms and sitting beside him on the couch.



“Uncle Il woo, I remember you saying that you’re going to let me meet you dog!” Eun mi exclaimed, remembering what the older guy had promised her yesterday.



“Oh, I haven’t forgotten about that, Eun mi. My dog is just outside,” he said then stood up and reached for Eun mi’s hands. “Come, I’ll let you meet him now.”



“Mommy!” Eun mi called out to her mother who is currently busy in the kitchen preparing their breakfast. “I’m just going to meet Uncle Il woo’s dog outside,” she said.



“Arasso,” Dara answered which made the little girl shriek in excitement.













“Uwaaaaa! She just looked like Gaho,” Eun mi exclaimed as she crouched down so that she can see the dog in front of her clearly.



“You’ve seen G-Dragon’s dog?” Il woo asked as he tilted his head on the side, confused as to why this little girl knows G-Dragon’s dog.



“Uhuh,” Eun mi nodded her head earnestly. “Daddy even have another dog.. Her name’s Jollie.. She also looked like Gaho,” she said then giggled remembering her daddy’s dogs back in her granma’s house.



“Daddy?” Il woo asked once more, really confused on who she is calling ‘daddy’. “Kwon Jiyong is your daddy?”



“You didn’t know, uncle? My daddy is the most popular song writer here in Korea, even worldwide. I’m so proud having him as my daddy,” Eun mi said proudly as she puffed her chest and beamed at the gaping man in front of her.



“If he’s your daddy, when why is he not here with you and your mommy?” he asked, still not believing everything.



“He’s currently in Japan. Mom said daddy needs to work there but he will come back to us as soon as he can.”



Il woo cleared his throat and regained his composure. He, then, bent down on his knees and smiled at the little girl in front of him. Yes, he can now recognize bits and pieces of Kwon Jiyong in this little girl, now that he knows Jiyong is the father. He smiled sadly for he realized that he can never have a chance with the girl he had been silently loving all these years.



“Uncle?” Eun mi called and brought him back to reality.






“Do you personally know my daddy, uncle?”



“Uhm, no. I don’t personally know your daddy. But I saw him often visiting the set of the series I had with your mommy. He always visits your mommy and always brought your mommy’s favorite foods,” he answered, remembering that particular day when Jiyong visited the set and the smile on Dara’s face made his heart beat painfully.



“See, daddy’s so sweet to mommy!” Eun mi exclaimed as she gently touched the dog.



Il woo, not wanting to talk about Jiyong and Dara anymore, reached for his pocket and pulled out his phone. “Why don’t I take a picture of you and my dog, neh?” he asked as he waved his phone in front of Eun mi.



“Sure, uncle!” she said before she sat on her heels and wrapped her little arms on the dog’s neck. She then beamed at the camera while Il woo took a shot of her and his dog. Then he typed something on his phone and seeing the result, he smiled as he put it back on his pocket before inviting Eun mi back inside the house.













I knocked on the door and my eyebrows furrowed when no one is answering. I knocked again only to be disappointed. Maybe they’re out? I thought to myself as I nudged Seunghyun beside me.



“What?” he asked as he placed a hand on my waist.



“Do you think they’re out?”



“I don’t think so. Try knocking again,” he suggested.



I knocked once more. But still, no one is answering. I’m starting to feel frustrated. I really want Eun mi and Dara to come with me so I can pick out my wedding dress. I can’t possibly drag Seunghyun with me. I won’t be getting any good remarks from him whenever I will ask about a dress. He’s like an alien and I love him because of that.



“Dara-yah, Eun mi-ah,” I called as I knocked again.



“Let’s come back later. Maybe they’re still asleep,” Seunghyun said as he nudged at my side, making me turn reluctantly. Aish, I really want to go with Dara and Eun mi. Where they hell are they? I asked to myself. I was about to follow Seunghyun to the car when my ear caught a sound of small footsteps coming towards the door.



I eagerly faced the door and smiled. Maybe they just woke up. I tapped my feet on the ground as I waited for the door to open. Seunghyun is already calling out my name but I ignored him.



“Auntie!” Eun mi exclaimed as she struggled with the door.



“Anneyeong, Eun mi-ah,” I greeted as I pushed the door open and entered the house. “Where’s your mommy?” I asked as I bent down to kiss her chubby cheeks.



“She’s still asleep, auntie Bom,” Eun mi responded as she pouted her lips cutely at me. I giggled at her sight and lead our way towards the stairs and to Dara’s room.






“Yah!” I shouted as soon as the door to Dara’s room opened. “Wake up now, Ssantokki,” I said as I held Eun mi’s hand and together we walked towards the bed where Dara is still lying.



“Mommy, wake up,” Eun mi said as she sat at the side of the bed and nudged her mother on the shoulders.



“Eungh,” Dara moaned as she rolled onto her side with her eyes still closed. She then reached for the pillow and hugged it tightly in her chest.



“Dara-ah, wake up. You need to accompany me to the mall today. I’m going to look for my wedding dress,” I said as I sat beside Eun mi and shook Dara by her shoulders.



“Not………..” Dara mumbled as she kept on tossing and turning.



“What?” I asked and looked questioningly at Eun mi, asking her why her mommy is still asleep.



“I’m not feeling well,” Dara said. She, then, opened her one eye and peeked at us. She smiled faintly seeing her daughter beside her. She reached for Eun mi and her hair gently before closing her eyes once more.



“Are you sick?” I asked, worried over my Park sister. I extended my hands and placed it on her forehead to check if she has a fever. I sighed in small relief feeling her temperature normal.



“Aniyo,” she mumbled again. “I just can’t stand up from the bed. My body feels so heavy and my surroundings kept on circling.”



There was a sudden thought that entered my mind, an idea why she was feeling like that in the morning. But I immediately brushed it away, thinking to myself that Dara won’t let the history to repeat itself.



“Arasso. Just rest, okay? I’ll take Eun mi to the mall with me,” I said as I stood up and smiled down at Dara.



“Hmmm.” Dara agreed, then she opened her eyes once more to look at her daughter who is looking at her worriedly. “Go with auntie Bom. I’ll be fine the time you guys will be back. Be a good girl, neh?” she said then smiled faintly before closing her eyes again.



“Okay, mommy. Get well. I love you,” Eun mi said then bent down to place a gentle kiss on her mother’s cheeks before standing up and reaching for my hands.



“We’ll get going now, Dara-yah,” I said as I slowly closed the door behind me and followed Eun mi to her room where she changed her clothes.

















I stiffened on my spot when I felt her hands drawing small circles on my chest. I don’t know how the hell she suddenly was beside me when she was just in front of me a while ago.



Music blasted behind us but all I can hear is the fast beatings of my heart. Her hands were doing something in my body that is long time forgotten. But now, it is all coming back to me. The feeling of  some woman teasing you with their hands until you just can’t take it anymore.



I don’t feel it with Dara. The way this woman is touching me feels a lot different with the way I’m feeling whenever Dara would touch me. This touch felt lustful while Dara’s felt shy. This is what I’m craving for. This is what I’m missing. The feeling of being wild and free. The feeling of being single and enjoying anything it has to offer.



I was about to reach for her neck to bury her lips on mine when the image of Dara and Eun mi entered my wondering mind. And the sight of them made me turn cold. I took  hold on her finger and stopped her when her hands are about to reach my pants.



“Why, Ji? We’re just about to begin,” she purred that made me want to puke all over at her. And remembering the thought of me missing playing around made me disgusted with myself.



“This is wrong,” I hissed as I forefully stood up with my tense jaw. I badly want to go home now. Home, with Dara and Eun mi.



“Stay, Ji. The night is still young,” she said then scooted away from where they were seating a while ago, making space so that Jiyong can comfortably seat.



“I need to finish my work here as soon a possible,” I said while shaking my head at her. Declining her offer for me to seat beside her.



“Why are you in a hurry, anyways?” she asked.



“I have to get back to my family as soon as I can,” I replied, getting ready to leave when I heard someone from my back that made me stiffen on my spot.



“Hyung,” the maknae darkly muttered. I turned around to face him and was greeted with his glare.



“Seungri,” I greeted.



“What the do you think you’re doing with here, hyung?” Seungri spat that made me wave my hands infront of him, telling him that what he saw is nothing.



“I didn’t do anything stupid, Ri. I was just about to leave,” I said as I walked towards him but he immediately turned his back on me. And then he started walking away.



“,” I cursed under my breath before following Seungri, ignoring the girl that I left on the seat. Knowing him and his belief in me, he will feel betrayed because he will think that I’m cheating on Dara. But no, I would never ever cheat on Dara.



“Ri, let me explain. Don’t jump into conclusions,” I said as I caught up with him when he was about to open his car.



“I already saw everything, hyung. Tch,” he said then he clicked his tongue as he shook his head. “Why are you doing this to Dara noona, hyung? You’ve hurt her in the past with that………girl and now you’re going to hurt her again for the same ing girl. Get your act straight, hyung.”



“Nothing happened, Ri. And I will never hurt you Dara noona again.”



“Huh, and to think your daughter thinks highly of you.” Seungri continued, ignoring what I had said. “I will not tell this to Dara noona. No, because I don’t want to see her hurt again. But hyung, please be honest with her and tell her that you’re not ready for a relationship yet. Tell her that you’re still not yet done playing around. You’re just giving Dara noona and Eun mi a false hope that they can have the happily ever after they deserved.”



I was about to open my mouth once more and explain eveything to him when he opened the car of his door and went inside. He slammed the door before zooming past me. Leaving me alone on that parking lot.



That was the longest speech I’ve heard from Seungri. And this is my first time seeing him this angry at me. And knowing that he felt that way because he thought that I was going to hurt his Dara noona made me feel so little of myself. The maknae who kept on following my every move and the maknae who almost worship the ground I walked on hated me now. I tottaly messed up.



Reaching for my phone in my pocket, I smiled seeing my display photo. It was Dara and Eun mi sleeping. I took the photo secretly when Eun mi slept on our room one night. They looked so peaceful, so serene like angels. My angels.



I smile at the thought before composing a new message for Dara. Deciding what is the best and realizing my true feelings, I’m finally coming back home to my family.




















“No. No. No. No,” I chanted like a mantra while eyeing the thing on my hands. I was seating at the side of the bed. Tears started to pool at my eyes as I thought about the future.



Jiyong hasn’t told me he loves me already. I’m still not sure on where I stand in his life. For all I know, I’m just the mother of his daughter. Just that. Nothing too special.



“Why is this happening to me?” I asked myself as I lifted my head up and looked at the ceiling. Praying to someone up there that this is just a dream.



I heared voices from downstairs but I couldn’t care less. I knew it was just Bom and Eun mi. I have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment.



I looked back at the think I’m seeing and the tears on my eyes decided to roll down in my cheeks. I wiped them away as I gripped tighter to the thing. Wishing for it to disappear.



“Dara?” Bom asked. I looked up from where I was looking and forced up a smile at her.



“Eun mi, why don’t you go to your room first?” I heard Bom said to Eun mi which my obidient daughter immediately obliged. Then when Eun mi is already out of our sight, Bom slowly made her way towards me.



“Bom,” I called for her when she was half-way towards me. Then I lifted my hands, the one that is holding the thing, and showed it to her.



She loudly gasps as she placed her hands on . Eyes wide open as she looked at me then to the thing. She stopped walking and just stoo there, in the middle of the bedroom. Seeing her expression, I know that I’ve done something wrong again. And with just that, tears started flowing from my eyes uncontrollably.



And before I knew it, I was bawling my eyes out while burying my head on my palms. The thing fell on the floor and I ignored it. I felt Bom’s warmth on me and I was thankful that she’s here. I don’t know what I’ll think anymore if I’m alone.



“How can this happen again? When things are still not yet clear between us. I don’t even know if Jiyong has some feelings for me or if he’s just staying with me because of Eun mi. Why did I let this happen?” I ranted while my head is buried on the crook of Bom’s shouders. She kept on my back, calming me and comforting me.



“Dara,” Bom whispered in my ear. I know she doesn’t know what to say to me right now. Well, if you’re in her shoes right now, I know you will also have nothing to say.



“I’m scared, Bommie-ah. What if, one day, he realized that he is just wasting his time on me, on us? What if he decided to leave us and find someone who is worthy to be his wife? I don’t think Eun mi and I can take it,” I said as I held tighter onto Bom.



“Don’t over think things, Dara. I’m sure Jiyong feel won’t do that to Eun mi. He reall loves his daughter,” Bom said as she comforted me while still my back gently. I cried harder knowing that he will only just love Eun mi, there’s never a chance that he can love me the way I wanted him to love me.



“Yes, he loves Eun mi,” I agreed.. “But is he going to love this baby growing inside me knowing that he does not love the one carrying it?” I asked that made Bom speechless on her spot.






A/N: Omo, this is the longest chapter I have written so far. I'm so happy! :)) kkkkk ^__^ And since many are threatening my life because of that fish(LOL), I decided to not just write her name. kkkkk ^___^ Enjoy reading guys! And sorry for the mistakes here, I'm too lazy to proofread. :)) 'Till next time~ HENGSHO

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.