
One More Chance


Dara stirred in her sleep and unconsciously reached out for Jiyong beside her. And as usual, he was not there for he is still in Japan, probably working. The feeling of déjà vu dawned on her when she sat at the bed while hugging her knees close to her chest.



She was alone again, just like how alone she was when she were in Busan, preparing for Eun mi’s arrival. Dara let out a deep sigh and stared at nothing in particular. Now that she has another baby growing inside her, she needs to decide whether she will tell Jiyong about the baby or not.



Yes, she knew that Jiyong had been really loving to Eun mi. He never forgets to show their daughter how much he loves the little girl. But there’s a voice inside Dara’s head that says Jiyong is not going to love this baby. He will be frightened with sleepless nights, and diapers, and vomits, and all the things acquainted with babies. Dara’s afraid that he will leave the three of them and find a younger and more beautiful girl.



She shook away the negative thoughts as she set aside the blanket covering her. Then, she stood up went out of her door to wake her princess up. It was always Jiyong who wakes Eun mi up but since he’s still not there yet, she does it instead.



“Baby?” Dara said gently as she entered Eun mi’s room and opened the lights. She smiled seeing Eun mi peacefully sleeping with Tam-Tam in her chest.



“Good morning, baby,” she said, then bent down to kiss Eun mi’s cheeks. And as the heavy sleeper that Eun mi is, she didn’t bulge that made Dara’s smile to widen.



“Rise and shine, baby,” Dara said as she pulled the blanket away from Eun mi’s body and started tickling the little girl.



“Mom,” Eun mi groaned and pulled back the blanket but she failed.



“Wake up now, sweetie....” Dara purred and kissed Eun mi’s cheek once more before playfully tickling her at the side of her body.



Eun mi started flailing her arms wildly while wiggling her body. She threw a fit of loud laughter before finally giving up to her mother’s wish and waking up.



“I’m up, mom..” Eun said, surrendering in her and her mom’s little battle. “Good morning, mommy,” she greeted cheerfully as she sat at the bed beside her mother and kissed Dara on the cheeks.



“Let’s go prepare our breakfast,” Dara said then, stood up from the bed before offering her hands for Eun mi to take.



But even before the mother and daughter could exit Eun mi’s room, a booming voice coming from downstairs halted them on their steps. Dara looked at Eun mi and smiled seeing how excited the little girl is.



“DARA-YAH! EUN MI-AH! WHERE ARE YOU?” Bom shouted as soon as she opened the door. Good thing that she demanded Dara yesterday for a spare key so she can freely barged in. She smiled triumphantly before heading towards the stairs.



“Yah, there you are. I’ve been stretching my vocal cords since the moment I stepped inside your house,” Bom whined as she walked towards the bed, walking past Dara and Eun mi, and slumping herself on the comfortable mattress. “Ah, this is life,” she said to herself while rolling back and forth on top of the bed, enjoying Eun mi’s bed.



“I can’t believe I’m seeing this again,” Dara groaned, feeling embarrassed for Bom because Eun mi is seeing this side of her auntie. Dara fights the giggle that are threatening to escape when she remembered an instance when Bom also did the same on her bed while they were still in 2NE1.



“Yah, ahjumma….” Dara called playfully that made the 8D queen on the bed stopped rolling and looked at her as if she is ready to eat Dara alive. “Stop rolling on the bed and join us for breakfast.”



“Call me that again, and you’re dead,” Bom threatened as she stood up from the bed and walked towards Dara and Eun mi. She, then, placed her hands across Dara’s shoulders and jokingly tried to choke her.



“Auntie Bom, please don’t try to kill my mom. I’m sure daddy will seek revenge if you kill my mommy,” Eun mi said while controlling the laughter that is pending to erupt on her little mouth. She was just teasing her aunty Bom but the look on the older woman’s face made her curios.



“Let’s go get breakfast, neh?” Dara said as she turned around and bent down a little so she could look straight in her daughter’s eyes. When Eun mi nodded her eyes, Dara smiled and kissed the top of her head before holding her daughter’s hands and walking towards the stairs with Bom trailing behind them.















“Auntie Bom, when is your wedding?” Eun mi asked the lady across her as she munched on her favorite pancake her mother had prepared for her.



“It’s five months away from now, Eun mi-ah,” Bom replied, as she too munched on the strawberry pancake Dara had prepared for them. It was still a mystery to her how Dara learned how to cook when in the past, all she knew is cooking a kimchi pancake.



“Uwaaaa,” Eun mi let out a giddy giggle before turning towards her mother who is staring absentmindedly into an open space. “Mommy,” Eun mi called. Dara snapped out of her reverie and focused on her daughter. “When are you and daddy will be going to get married?”



The fork Bom was holding stopped in midair as soon as she heard what the little girl had asked. She looked at Dara and saw that she has this sad look on her face that made Bom want to sat beside her Park sister and hug her really tight. But she knew Dara too well, she knew that that 4D queen is the strongest woman alive.



Dara cleared as she ruffled her daughter’s hair. She doesn’t know what to answer the little girl. She doesn’t want to crush the hope residing in the little girls’ heart that somehow, they can have the happily ever after they wanted. But she also doesn’t want to fed her false hopes that it can indeed happen to them.



“Baby, you know what?” Dara sighed before continuing, “…..Wedding isn’t really necessary. As long as you both love each other, you can have the happy ever after you want. Wedding is just an hour ceremony while loving each other can last a lifetime,” she finishes then glances at Bom who is shaking her head, disagreeing with what she said. Dara can only shrugged her shoulders in response before turning towards her daughter again.



“But mommy, you and daddy love each other, right?” Eun mi asked once more, her eyes full of hope.



Not wanting to lie to her daughter, she can only reply, “I love your daddy. Very much. And I love you, too.”



Eun mi, seemingly contented on her mother’s reply, nodded her head eagerly and beamed her charming smile before continuing eating her favorite breakfast. While on the other hand, Bom looked worriedly at her Park Sister but Dara just nods her head and smiled, saying that she’s okay.



“Eun mi, you want to play with your uncle  Tabi and uncle Doraemon? They missed you already,” Bom said.



“Yes, auntie Bom. I would like to play with my two uncles! I missed them two! And oh, is uncle Panda going to be there? I missed him too! And uncle Youngbae! I missed uncle Youngbae too!” Eun mi exclaimed while bouncing happily on her seat, excited meeting and playing with her uncles again.



“Oh, but your uncle Panda and uncle Youngbae is still busy with their works,” Bom said that made Eun mi pout her lips cutely. “But don’t worry, I’ll text them that you’re missing them so that as soon as they finished their work, they will come and play with you also,” hearing this, Eun mi was back again in her bouncing, joyful self as she stood up from her seat and jumped on Bom’s lap.




“Is it okay for you if I take your mommy for a while?” Bom asked once more.



“Why auntie Bom?”



“It’s just because I missed your mommy and I wanted to go to the mall with her. It’s been ages since we went to the mall with just the two of us.”



“It’s okay for me, auntie Bom. Juts make sure that you bring mommy back to me and daddy okay?” Eun mi whispered in Bom’s ear before giggling and stepping down on Bom’s lap so that she could follow her mother who is in the kitchen. Bom can only shake her head while smiling.


















“So, where exactly are we going?” Dara conspicuously asked Bom, who is seated beside her while fumbling through her car’s stereo, playing the songs they knew by heart. They were inside Dara’s car and were going somewhere after they dropped Eun mi in Seunghyun’s house.



“Hospital,” she nonchalantly replied as she leaned her head back on the headrest.



“And why are we going to the hospital?” Dara asked again.



“Aisht, why do you have so many questions?”



“Just answer me, Bom.”



“We’ll going to get you checked. See if the baby’s growing healthy,” Bom answered while crossing her arms on her chest. Then, as soon as she heard her song ‘You and I’ playing on Dara’s stereo, she forgot about the world and sand along that made Dara sighed in defeat. She can never really win against Bom is she wants something, Dara concluded.



As soon as they arrived in Seoul National Hospital, Dara had a feeling that she and Bom were expected that day. She looked beside her and saw Bom walking confidently towards the nurse’s station.



“Uhm, excuse me… Can you tell me where is Dr. Song’s office? The head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology?” Bom asked to the squealing nurses when they had a sight of Dara and Bom.



“Uhm, take the e-elevator and go to the floor f-floor, then the first door in the right is Dr. Song’s office,” one of the nurse said as she pointed her shaking fingers towards the elevator ahead.



“Thank you,” Bom said before strutting her way towards the elevator with Dara trailing behind her.



“When is Jiyong going back home, anyways?” Bom asked as soon as they were enclosed in the four corners of the elevator.



“I don’t know. But he said that it will take him two months to finish that work,” Dara answered.



“Make sure you won’t make the same mistakes, Dara-yah,” Bom said, pertaining to hiding her pregnancy to Jiyong.



“I don’t know, Bom,” Dara replied while shaking her head, eyes darted on the open space. “I’m not sure if telling Jiyong about this baby is the right thing to do. I just don’t know what to do anymore,” the feeling of the uncertainty hitting her hard.



“I’ll always be here, neh? We always will be,” Bom hugged her Park sister and squeezed her playfully that made the frail girl laughed slightly. She then patted Bom’s back, telling Bom how thankful she is to have her before breaking their hug just in time for the elevator doors to open.



The two padded their way towards the said office and knocked three times on the door before someone opened it from inside and welcomed them with a warm smile plastered on the attendant’s face.



“Ms. Park, I’ve been expecting you. Come,” a doctor on her late thirties motioned for the two girls to come and take the seat in front of her table. “Well, why don’t we get to the point, neh? Let’s get you checked?” Dr. Song said and motioned for Bom to follow her to one of the room’s inside.



“It’s not me who wants to get checked, it’s her” Bom said then pointed her fingers at Dara.



“My mistake,” the doctor apologized as she bows her head before turning towards Dara who is glaring at Bom. “Shall we?” Dr. Song motioned for the door. Dara nodded her head and stood up while smiling at the doctor.


















“Hmmmmm, as far as I can see, you’re on your third month now.. And it seems to me that the baby is healthy,” the doctor said that made Dara sigh in relief. She smiled at the doctor before focusing her gaze at the monitor where a blip is shown.



“Oh! Look at what we have here………….” the doctor exclaimed joyously while Dara had her eyes wide as a saucer.




















“Mommy, can I play with your laptop? Please?” Eun mi asked her mother when they were sitting quietly on the couch, watching some variety show that is being shown in the TV. Dara looked at her daughter and smiled before kissing her forehead.



Dara stood up on the couch while holding Eun mi’s hands. She, then, turned the TV off and they walked towards the stairs. It was time for Eun mi’s bed anyways, playing a little on the internet won’t hurt.



“Baby, I’ll just go get my laptop in my room. Why don’t you proceed to your room now, neh? I’ll follow you,” Dara said which made Eun mi to nod her head like an obedient child that she is and obliging to her mother’s request.



As soon as she changed into her sleepwear, Dara grabbed her laptop on the way as she padded towards Eun mi’s room. She smiled seeing her daughter dressed up from sleeping as well. She placed down the laptop on the table. Eun mi immediately beamed and went towards the table and sat in front of it. And before Dara could notice, her daughter is already happily playing a game in the laptop.



“Baby, you must sleep at exactly 8:30, arasso? After you’re done, just leave the laptop on your table. Mommy’s going to sleep now.. Good night, baby,” Dara said when she felt her surrounding rotating. She first kissed Eun mi’s forehead before exiting her daughter room and walking towards her room.



“Omo!” Dara exclaimed. She was just halfway towards her room when she felt two strong hands wrapped around her waist. Her heart beat flutters smelling that familiar scent of his. She smiled, the dizziness was all long gone, before she turned and faced Jiyong, the man she has been missing.



“Hello, baby. I’m back,” Jiyong said huskily before claiming her lips. Marking his territory. Dara closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, to pull him closer to her, as she deepened the kiss.



There was something in the way he kisses that made the inhibitions in Dara’s mind scampered away. There was something in Jiyong’s kisses that the fears Dara is feeling now totally forgotten. And right there and then, she knew what is the best thing to do. And that is to tell Jiyong about this life growing inside her. And she’s sure that Jiyong now be there with her all throughout the way.



“Ji, I have something to tell you,” Dara said when they both released from the kiss to gather the air they both needed.



“What is it?” Jiyong asked as he placed his hands on both side of her cheeks and staring straight into her expressive eyes.



“I’m p—,“ Dara was interrupted when she heard cried coming from Eun mi’r room. She glanced briefly at Jiyong and saw he has a worried look on his face, his gaze directed at Eun mi’s room.



Not waiting for Dara, Jiyong immediately took the steps that led him towards his daughter’s room. He opened the door and saw his Eun mi on the side of her bed, her head buried at her palms.



“Princess, what’s wrong?” Jiyong asked as he made his way towards Eun mi. Eun mi, on the other hand, looked up when she heard the familiar voice of her father. She sniffled as she squinted her eyes at him.



“I hate you, daddy!” Eun mi exclaimed then turned her back on him. Leaving him dumfounded on his spot.




“What have I done, baby? Tell daddy what’s wrong?” Jiyong pleaded as continued his pace towards his crying daughter.



“I really hate you, daddy! I hate you,” Eun mi exclaimed once more. Dara furrowed her eyebrows hearing what her daughter had said. Jiyong looked at her helplessly, asking her what’s the matter that Dara can only shrug her shoulders. She really doesn’t know what the matter is.  



Dara, decided that it was Jiyong and Eun mi’s own matter to deal with, went towards Eun mi’s table and collected her laptop. But what she saw made her turn cold. Her fingers stopped midway when she was about to close it. Her eyes widening, not believing what she is seeing at the moment. There, in big, bold letters is the title of the article:



G-Dragon caught being intimate with a Japanese model in a bar in Tokyo.



A drop of tear fell down from her right eye. She was in certain just a while ago that Jiyong is going to be there for her all the way, but seeing this, she’s not sure anymore.



And suddenly, Jiyong and Eun mi’s voice were muffled. All she could hear now is the broken beat of her heart. The shattering of her little hope that it could work between them. Dara clutched her chest when she felt like the air in her lungs is lacking. She drew deep breaths and leaned her hands on the table, fearing she might fall down.



But even if she fought really hard for her to stay upright, the stress, the pain, the longing, the confusion, the fear, the doubt…. All made her feel restless. And before she knows it, her vision is slowly becoming unsteady; her body becoming weaker that she can’t support her own weight anymore.









She heard them call her name and she felt herself being carried by Jiyong.



Then after that, there was nothing. Only darkness. 







A/N: OOOOOOOOO! I updated! kkkk ^__^ Oh, and as you can notice, I've written this whole chapter in Author's POV.. :)) And guuuuuuys, mianhe if it took me this long to update.. I've been busy with school and all that stuff so forgive me, neh? T_T And also, sorry for the mistakes here. I'm too sleepy to re-read this again. LOL! :DD Thanks to those who keep on commenting and subscribing. I really appreciate it. Really! :)) 'Till next time, guys! HENGSHO! <3

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my faves..re-reading this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.