
One More Chance



@beaheartssyou, @harui19, @VictoryMagic14, @maratotpot, @MollieYG21,

@tryshingggg, @ForPandaTokki, @jhoan_BJVIPS,  

(did I forgot someone? T_T aigoooo. pardon my poor memory)













“Mommy?” Eun mi called for her mother as she sat right up on the bed and rubbed her eyes with her hands. She looked at the window and noticed that the sun is still not showing..



She set the blanket aside and sat at the edge of her bed. Seeing her rabbit slippers, she jumped out of her bed and slipped on her slippers. She reached for tam-tam on the bed and hugged the purple plushie before walking towards the door. Turning the knob, she opened her door wide and went out of her room, leaving her bedside lamp still open.



At her seventeenth step, she stopped and faced her parent’s room. She furrowed her eyebrows and thought is it’s right whether to go in, but her thoughts were put on a halt when the door suddenly opened and revealed her daddy. She smiled and extended her arms, letting her daddy know that she wanted to be carried.



Jiyong, though confused as to why his daughter is standing in front of their room, scooped Eun mi in his arms and placed a gentle kiss on top of the little girl’s head. “Why are you still awake, princess?” Jiyong asked his daughter gently.



“I suddenly woke up, daddy. And I wanted to see mommy,” Eun mi replied, pouting her lips. She then peeked through her daddy’s shoulders to see whether her mommy is inside the room. “Is mommy asleep already, daddy?”



“Hmmmmm… I woke up because mommy’s not beside daddy.. I think mommy’s somewhere around here.. Why don’t we look for her, neh?”



“Uhm.” Eun mi nods her head and together with her daddy, they started looking for her missing mommy.




Jiyong slowly walked down the stairs, making sure that he’s not producing any sound. He knows where he can find Dara. Every night for the past months, he will wake up in the middle of the night to find Dara not beside him. He panicked when that happened the first time. He thought that Dara left him only to find her in their kitchen, rummaging through their refrigerator.



A smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he spotted her, as usual, looking for something to eat. He looked at his daughter when he heard the little girl giggled quietly, seemingly amused seeing her mommy in the middle of the night, looking for something to eat.



Jiyong bent down to put Eun mi down and the little girl immediately ran towards her mother. Hugging Dara at the back, Dara can’t help but to release a yelp of surprise. She turned around only to see her daughter and Jiyong not far away from her. She smiled at her daughter and hugged her as she reached for a can of corn hidden at the farthest part of their refrigerator.




“Why are you awake, baby? It’s still evening.. Little girls like should sleep some more so you can grow more,” Dara said as she placed her food on the table as she settled her daughter on a chair and sat beside Eun mi.



“I suddenly woke up and I wanted to see you mommy.. I went to your room but daddy said he woke up also because you’re not beside him.. So we went to find you,” Eun mi explained, looking at her mother with her puppy eyes.



“Aigooooo.. Mommy got hungry so I went here.. I was hoping that no one will notice my absence but I failed.” Dara, then, placed a kiss on Eun mi cheeks before reaching for the can of corn.



Jiyong went to the refrigerator to get a box of milk and a bottle of water. Then, he pulled a chair beside his daughter.



“Mommy, I’ve noticed…. You keep on eating corn… I thought you don’t like corn, mommy? I thought it’s only aunti Bommie who loves corn,” Eun mi asked as she tilted her head to the side, looking at her mother with questioning eyes.



Dara, hearing what her daughter had asked, smiled. Seeing how Jiyong is with them right now and Eun mi curious to her appetite, she decided that it’s time to let Eun mi know that she’s going to be a noona or an unnie. She looked down at her daughter and tucked Eun mi’s hair behind her ears.



“It’s because your brothers or sisters really want corn,” Jiyong said, beating Dara to it. Dara shifted her eyes at him and seeing him looking at her with eyes full of emotion; her heart can’t help but to skip a beat.



Eun mi whipped her head in her daddy’s direction, a big smile plastered on her face as she looked expectantly at her daddy.



“I’m going to have a brother or sister, daddy?” Eun mi asked, eyes shining from too much excitement.



“Yes.. And it’s not just one.. We’re having twins!” Jiyong said proudly, smiling from ear to ear as he glanced at Dara’s direction.



“Really? Kyaaaaaah! I’m going to have brothers and sisters!” Eun mi squealed, then she jumped out of her seat and faced her mother, who is looking at her with happiness radiating in Dara’s eyes. Seeing her daughter happy is making her happy also. Seeing Eun mi happy is enough for her to let her inhibitions melt and forget for a second about how reality really .



Eun mi kneeled in front of her mother, with Jiyong and Dara looking at their daughter, confused as to what she’s about to do. Much to Dara’s surprise, Eun mi placed her hands on top of her mommy’s slightly rounded stomach and gently caressed it.



“Anneyeong, babies,” Eun mi said in her gentlest voice, her lips near her mommy’s stomach because she wanted to be sure that her sibling would hear her. “This is Eun mi unnie or noona… Aigoooo.. I’m so happy and excited to meet you! Please come out soon, neh? I love you.. And mommy and daddy,” then, Eun mi placed a gentle kiss on Dara’s stomach before standing up and smiling at her mommy then her daddy.



Jiyong stood up from his seat and bent down so he could look straight in her daughter’s eyes, the same as Dara’s eyes. “And I love you too, princess,” Jiyong said softly.



“How about mommy, daddy? Do  you love mommy as well?”



“Of course, baby. I love your mommy,” Jiyong replied, then looked at Dara and stared at her as he added: “So much,” that made Dara ran out of air to breathe. That made her heart stopped its beating. And that made the butterflies in her stomach go haywire. His eyes, it’s full of emotions that she can’t help but to be pulled at it, be drowned at the emotions playing around his eyes.. And then, suddenly, she believed him.






















“Hyung……. Ji hye noona said you wanted to talk to me?” Jiyong asked as he peeked inside the president’s room. Seeing Hyun suk busy on his laptop, he welcomed himself inside and sat at the couch where his hyung could notice his presence.



“Oh, Jiyong-ah.. You’re here,” Hyun suk said, glancing to where the younger guy is sitting comfortably.



“What is it that you wanted to tell me, hyung? I still need to finish one song so I could go home already..,” Jiyong said, obvious that he’s impatient on what the older man has to say to him.



Hyun suk smiled, then glanced once more at the younger guy before standing up from his seat and walking towards Jiyong, only to sit beside him.


“Ever since the stunt you did three months ago,” he started, pertaining to Jiyong’s press conference which literally shook South Korea, especially the netizens. “YG’s phone line never stopped ringing because of producers wanting you to guess at their shows. And that’s the reason why I’m having frequent migraine nowadays…” he paused, then sighed. “I declined them on your behalf because I know you won’t agree to any of it.. And I thought they’ll stop bothering me. But I was dead wrong, each and every day, they keep on calling… Hoping that you’ll guess on their show..”



“So? Where is this leading to, hyung? Just get straight to the point. I badly want to go home now,” Jiyong said impatiently as he stared at his hyung.



Hyun suk sighed. Never did he imagine himself pleading to his once artist and now producer. But he will do it, for the sake of not having any migraine anymore because of the phone calls he receives every day.



“Can you please, Jiyong-ah, indulge one of the producers’ request and appear on their talk show? Just once?”



“Sure, hyung..” Jiyong replied nonchalantly, making Hyun suk surprised at his reply. He thought that he’s going to push to younger guy some more so Jiyong could agree to his pleas but no, Jiyong agreed immediately to his demands.



“But I’ll have to bring Dara and Eun mi with me,” Jiyong said with a mischievious smile on his lips as he stood up from the couch and stretched his arms and legs. Then he turned to his hyung and smiled sweetly which made the older guy shiver in fear because he knows that Jiyong has something in mind.



“Are you sure about that, Jiyong? You might want to think about bringing Dara and Eun mi with you..”



“Why would I still need to think about it, hyung? I want the world to know that I’m happy with them… I want the world to see how contented I am with my family so they could be happy for me as well.”



“You’ve already proven your point, Jiyong-ah.. When you’ve made that press conference, everyone understood what you meant, they felt your sincerity when you said everything.. No need to expose them to the media. I’m sure, many would bash Dara and your daughter after your appearance,” Hyun suk said, eyebrows forming a straight line for he can’t see Jiyong’s point.



“No hyung, it’s still not enough… And I don’t care if they bash Dara and Eun mi, I’m here. I’ll protect them. I’ve failed doing so in the past but now, I’ll make sure that they’ll be free from pain. As long as they’re beside me, I’ll protect them from everyone who wants to hurt them. I’m tired of hiding Dara.. I want the world to see how lucky I am to have her. How lucky I am to have a great daughter. So, even if you continue with your litany, hyung. My mind won’t change. I’ll bring Dara and Eun mi with me when I make my guesting to whatever show that is..” Jiyong turned, then walked towards the door.



Hyun suk can only shake his head, a small smile forming on his lips as he watch Jiyong’s back as the latter went out of his office. He now he see what the younger man is doing.. He now understands why Jiyong is doing all this… The poor guy just wanted the world to see how serious he is with Dara and his daughter.
































“Aunt Chaerin!” Eun mi exclaimed, seeing who is the one behind the door as she peeked behind her mother who opened the door. The little girl skipped her way towards her auntie, whom she missed so much, and launched herself at the giggling blonde girl.



“I missed you so much, auntie Chaerin,” Eun mi said and wrapped her arms around her auntie’s neck and placed a loud peck on CL’s cheeks. Chaerin giggled and kissed the little girl back on her cheeks.



“I missed you too, baby Eun mi.”



“Aigoo,” Dara said, widening the opening of the door so that the two could enter the house. “You don’t need to carry Eun mi, Pudong-ah… She’s heavy and she’s not a baby anymore…” Dara jokingly said as she sat beside Chaerin on the couch, rubbing her stomach..



“Yes… I’m not a baby anymore because mommy has babies in her stomach now, auntie Chaerin! I need to grow up fast so I can take care of my brothers and sisters when they go out of mommy’s stomach!” Eun mi beamed happily at her auntie, proudly announcing that she’s going to have siblings now.



“Aigoooo.. Eun mi’s too cute,” Chaerin mumbled as she pinched the little girl’s chubby cheeks. Then she turned her attention towards the older girl who seems like she has swallowed a watermelon. “How are the babies doing there, unnie?”



“There fine.. They’re throwing their tantrums again but it’s something I can handle,” Dara said, feeling her babies kick under her palm. Chaerin looked bewildered for a second but when her mind processed what her unnie said, she smiled.



“Oh.. I heard from Seungri that Jiyong oppa is going to guess at Go Show.. And he also said that you and Eun mi will be guesting as well, Jiyong oppa’s request,” Chaerin informed the older girl, making Dara to look at her the younger girl with much confusion in her eyes. Why do she and Eun mi needs to guess on that show as well? Dara asked herself.























“Are you tired already?” Jiyong asked as he wrapped the blanket around Dara’s shoulder, kissing her forehead in the process that made her heart leap.



“Eun mi really did all the talking in there,” Jiyong said, chuckling to himself as he started the engine. He looked at his rearview mirror and saw his daughter already peacefully sleeping. Well, who wouldn’t be tired when that daughter of his started talking as soon as the producer signaled that they’re being filmed.



Dara giggled, remembering the antics of her daughter that made everyone in the studio be pulled at her cuteness. “Well, she’s my daughter after all..” Dara joked, smiling from ear to ear when she remembered how her daughter revealed almost everything about them in national television.



Imagine her embarrassment when Eun mi started telling how her daddy would kiss her mommy ever morning.. How her daddy would hug her mommy when Jiyong was about to go to YG. How her daddy would always hug her mommy from the back.



And yes, due to Eun mi’s talkativeness, everyone in South Korea knows that they’re having twins. The little girl was just so excited about everything so she started telling the story about. And what are the names she had in mind for her siblings. Her excitement radiates around the room that made all the people inside the studio very happy.



“Yes, she’s your daughter all right,” Jiyong agreed, a smile plastered on his face. “But she’s my daughter as well,” he added proudly, almost boasting to Dara.



Dara laughed, a real laugh that made the guy beside her to glance at her. He’s happy seeing her like this, happy. The smile on his face widens some more, revealing his gums.



“Yeah, yeah.. She’s your daughter because if she’s not, then where would she get all the mischievousness she has in her bones?”



“Arasso,” Jiyong agreed.. “But half of her mischievousness came from you,” he added.



Dara laughed once more, placing her hands atop her stomach. And on the side, Jiyong is becoming addicted to her laugh.. It sounds serene in his ears. And from today onwards, he promised himself that he will do the very best he can so he can hear her laughs often.



“Aigooo, I’m sleepy, Jiyongie,” Dara said as she inclined her head to the headrest, then she closed her eyes before letting out a yawn.




Jiyong’s heart ran in full speed, hearing that familiar nickname Dara used to call him back then. He glanced at his side and saw his goddess already far away in dreamland.



“I love you, Dara-yah.. My heart’s in your hands now,” he whispered softly, letting out the words he’d been dying to tell her but too afraid to say it out loud. Dara’s sleeping now when he first said those three words, but he’s going to make sure that she will hear him loud and clear the second time he’s going to say the three words that is exclusively for her, his Dara.



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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.