
One More Chance




Dara bolted up from the bed and immediately ran towards the bathroom when she felt that she’s going to throw up. She ducked down on the floor and emptied her stomach. It was really difficult for her, since she did not ate anything last night even though Jiyong prepared her favorite food. Beads of sweat started rolling down from her forehead as she made gagging sounds.



Jiyong, on the other hand, opened his eyes immediately when he felt that Dara’s not beside him anymore. Feeling alarmed all of the sudden, he sat right up on the bed and furrowed his eyebrows when Dara is nowhere to be found. He jumped out of the bed and was about to go outside and look for Dara when he heard weird sounds coming from the bathroom. He quickly made his way towards where the sound is coming from and sighed in relief when he saw Dara on the floor of the bathroom.



But his relief turned to worry immediately seeing Dara having a hard time. He grabbed the towel on the towel rack and settled on his hunches beside her. He collected her hair and pulled it back gently. His other hand started caressing Dara’s back gently as the later kept on emptying her stomach.



“Are you okay?” he asked when Dara shook her head and grabbed her hair from his hands, telling him that she’s okay now.



Dara nodded her head as her reply and tried to stand up but her knees failed her. Good thing, Jiyong was beside her and was there to catch her. He slowly stood up then assisted Dara to stand up. He held her elbow as support as she made her way towards the sink to brush her teeth.



“I can manage now, Ji. Thanks,” Dara said and hoped that Jiyong took the hint that she’s not comfortable having him there beside her as she brushes her teeth. But just as the stubborn man that he is, Jiyong remain standing beside her while his hands is still on her elbow.



Dara sighed defeatedly before reaching for her toothbrush. But a small smile painted on her lips when she remembered how Jiyong held her hair and how he caressed her back while she was throwing up. And she must admit, having him there for the first time made her feel lighter. Like they were together in this for their babies.














“Good morning, princess,” Dara greeted her daughter as she sat at Eun mi’s bed and bent down to place a kiss on her forehead. Eun mi stirred in her sleep and her eyes slowly fluttered opened, then she smiled brightly seeing her mother.



“Good morning, mommy!” she greeted back enthusiastically. Eun mi, then, settled herself beside her mother and wrapped her little hands around Dara’s waist. She, then, extended her head and kissed her mommy’s cheeks before settling herself again in the warmth of her mother’s hug.



“Baby, do you still hate daddy?” Dara asked after a while.



Eun mi looked up at her mother and saw Dara smiling down at her. The little girl pulled back from their hug and placed her hands on her knees, her legs crossed above the bed. Eun mi sighed before answering her mother. “No, mommy. I don’t hate daddy anymore. I love him too much to hate daddy, mommy,” she confessed.



Dara smiled in relief as she bent down and kissed Eun mi’s cheeks. “But I’m still mad at daddy because he was with another woman in that picture, mommy!” Eun mi retorted that made Dara’s smiled to slowly vanish.



Dara cupped her daughter’s face and smiled seeing how Eun mi is pouting her lips. “Baby, that’s just daddy’s friend. They were just hanging around in Japan while your daddy is still there,” Dara lied. She doesn’t want to tell a lie to her daughter but she doesn’t want Eun mi to think badly of Jiyong, either. She wants Eun mi to see that her father is a great man. That Jiyong is someone she could look up to.



“But why is the woman almost sitting in daddy’s lap, mommy? You’re the only one, and me, who are allowed to sit in daddy’s lap!” Eun mi reasoned out as she furrowed her eyebrows at confusion while she stared at mother.



“Baby, she’s really not sitting in your daddy’s lap. They were just sitting too c-close to each other that’s why it seems like she’s sitting on your daddy’s lap,” Dara said, then she swallowed the lump forming in when she remembered the picture she saw the past four days.



“Is that the truth, mommy?” Eun mi asked.



“Hmm,” Dara bobbed her head in confirmation.



“Daddy doesn’t have another woman?”



“No. Daddy doesn’t have another woman, baby,” Dara said as she Eun mi’s hair.



Eun mi nodded her head happily as she jumped out of the bed, leaving her mother staring at her with a smile on her face.



“Where’s daddy, mommy?” Eun mi asked.



“He’s preparing our breakfast, baby,” Dar replied as she, too, stood up from the bed and extended her hands at her daughter. Eun mi beamed at her mother happily while she took her mother’s hand. And together, they walked towards the stairs to the kitchen where Jiyong is busily preparing their breakfast.















Jiyong stiffened on his spot when he felt two small arms wrapped around his thighs. Then, as he realized who must be hugging his legs, a small tugged at his lips. He bent down and held the arms around his legs and slowly, he turned around finding Dara seated on one of the chairs in their breakfast table with a radiant smile on her face while their daughter looking up at him with her puppy eyes.



He smiled at Dara’s direction first before bending down and gathering Eun mi in his arms. Eun mi smiled at her father then buried her face on Jiyong’s chest as her arms were wrapped around his neck.



“I’m sorry, baby… Daddy’s really sorry for making you cry,” Jiyong whispered in Eun mi’s ear before planting a soft kiss on the top of her head.



“It’s okay now, daddy. I don’t hate you anymore. Mommy explained everything to me already. I love you, daddy,” Eun mi replied, then she looked up and kissed her daddy’s cheeks.



“I love you too, princess,” Jiyong replied. He, then, made his way towards where Dara’s is sitting and occupied the seat beside her, with Eun mi sitting on his lap.



“Are you okay, now?” he asked Dara worriedly as he scans her face with his eyes.



“I’m okay now, Jiyong. Thank you for being there,” she replied as she hid her face away from his scrutinizing gaze, afraid that he will see the reddening of her cheeks.



“You don’t have to thank me, Dara. I promise that I’ll always be here for you and Eun mi. I won’t make the same mistakes again” he said while looking at her. Dara furrowed her eyebrows as she was confused as to what Jiyong is talking about, she looked at him straight in the eyes and was about to ask him what he meant by that when their eyes met. And just like that, everything around them seems to be forgotten for they were drowned in the deepness of each other’s orbs.



It seems like a lifetime when Dara looked away first. There was something in Jiyong’s eyes that made her breathless, like it was a powerful force that was pulling her to him. She placed her hands discreetly on her chest and felt the fast beatings of her heart. It took her a while when it went back to its normal pace. She sighed in relief and faced Jiyong again.



“Let’s eat?” Dara asked with a smile on her face.



“Let’s eat!!” Eun mi shrieked excitedly as she jumped down from her father’s lap and settled herself between her mom and dad. Jiyong briefly glanced at Dara, who seems to have a smile on her face, before he started entertaining the never ending questions of his daughter. And just like that, they enjoyed their breakfast with the ever so joyful Eun mi throwing questions here and there.



















“Uncle Il woo!” Eun mi shriek in excitement as soon as she saw who is sitting on their couch and patiently waiting for her. She ran her way down the stairs that made her mother, who is sitting beside their visitor, to be nervous.



Eun mi threw herself in Il woo’s way as soon as she was standing in close proximity with the said man. Il woo, who is amused at the cuteness and liveliness of the little girl, immediately caught the laughing Eun mi in his arms much to Dara’s relief. He settled them both on the couch, with Eum mi sitting on his lap.



“Uncle, what made you come here?” Eun mi asked as she fiddled with Il woo’s necklace with a cross pendant.



“I just want to visit your mommy and I missed you, little one. So yeah, I’m here,” Il woo said then ruffled Eun mi’s hair that made the latter pout her lips. She doesn’t want anyone ruffling her hair because she had a hard time tying her hair back.



“Uncle!” Eun mi whined as she scampered away from Il woo’s lap and sat beside her mother who is giggling at the cuteness of her daughter and her friend.



“Hey, are you fine now?” Il woo, then, turned to Dara and asked her with worry masking his voice. He roamed his eyes at Dara and sighed in slight relief when he didn’t see any indication that she’s still not feeling well.



“I’m fine… I heard from Bom that you visited me at the hospital.. Thank you, Il woo-yah,” Dara said as she smiled at him before turning her attention to her now grumpy daughter because of her messed hair. She helped Eun mi to tie her hair again so that the little girl would stop pouting her lips.



“Why were you rushed to the hospital, anyway?”



Dara turned to him and smiled seeing how worried he is for her. She sure is lucky to have friends that give importance to her. “Well,” she giggled then placed her hands atop her stomach and patted it lightly. “There are just some stubborn creatures inside me that made me feel so restless.”



Il woo furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he stared at Dara like he is seeing her for the first time. He may be great in memorizing his lines in movies but when analyzing things, he’s slow like a turtle.



Dara laughed heartily seeing how Il woo looked confused and frustrated at the same time. She knows that he would not get it immediately when she talks in riddles. She was about to open and tell him to not mind what she said when someone cleared his throat in the background.



“Daddy!” Eun mi shriek once again, then jumped down on the couch and ran towards her daddy who is walking down the stair.



Jiyong had his eyes focused on Il woo and he is secretly sending death glares at him. He hastened his pace but stopped for a minute to collect his daughter in his arms. Eun mi immediately wrapped her little arms around her father’s neck as she beamed proudly.



He squinted his eyes at the man beside Dara while he sat at her other side. Eun mi wiggled her feet, telling her daddy that she wanted to go down. Jiyong gently put her down and the little girl made her way towards the stairs, maybe going to her room. He turned his attention back to Dara and Il woo while he scooted her Dara.



Dara felt the tension between Jiyong and Il woo but she was at lost as to why there is such an atmosphere around them. She turned to her side slightly and saw Jiyong looking intently at Il woo, like he is sending a threat to Il woo.



“Dara, can I take you out to eat, right now? You don’t have anything scheduled for today, right?” Il woo asked while looking back at Jiyong with the same intensity of stares the latter guy is giving him.



“No,” Jiyong said.



“You’re not Dara,” Il woo retorted but, daunting him.



“She can’t be stressed… she can’t be restless either.. And she’s not allowed to be tired. So I think it’s best for Dara to just stay here in our house,” Jiyong replied, emphasizing the word ‘our’. He smirked secretly when he saw Il woo’s shoulders slumped in defeat.



“It’s okay, Jiyong. Having a dinner outside won’t do any harm to me. Besides, Il woo is a good friend. I’m sure he won’t let anything bad to happen to me,” she said while smiling at Il woo. She was really confused as to why Jiyong is acting like a possessive husband over her when in fact, he’s not. Which is totally saddening to the part of Dara but she is  gradually learning to accept the fact that she and Jiyong can never happen.






“You don’t need to worry, Jiyong….” She cut him in midsentence as she smiled at him. Jiyong wanted to rip Il woo’s mouth when he smiled triumphantly, like he was teasing him for Il woo can take Dara out for a dinner. Jiyong can only sigh in defeat as he slumped his shoulders on the couch. His head mocking him for his idiocracy.



“Oh, and besides….. You mentioned that you needed to write ten more songs for the new group YG sajangnim is going to produce, right?” Dara reminded him. But for all honesty, he can’t focus on his writing skills when Dara will be out with Il woo later. He just can’t stay put knowing that she’ll be out with another guy. A guy who wants to steal something that belonged to him..



“Arasso,” Jiyong whispered in defeat as he stood up from the couch and walked aimlessly towards the stairs, planning to sulk in their room. He heard that they’ll be taking Eun mi with them since he will be too busy to look out for her. Duh, he’s Eun mi’s daddy. Of course he will always have time for his daughter. He rolled his eyes at no one in particular as he climbed the stairs half-heartedly.



When he was inside the room, he lied down the bed carelessly, with his feet dangling on the edge while his left arm rests on his forehead. He must think of a good plan on how to let Dara see how much he loves her. Action speaks louder than words, yes…. And besides, he felt that if he told Dara that he loves her, she won’t believe him. With all the things he had done to her and all the painful memories he gave her, he doesn’t think Dara will take his words seriously. So, he will just show his feelings through his actions.



He was lying on the bed for about five minutes when a thought crossed his mind. He smiled to himself as he sat right up from the bed and reached for his phone sitting quietly on the bedside table. He scrolled down through his phonebook and smiled once more when he found who he is looking for. He tapped the call button and pressed the phone near his ears, waiting for the other line to pick up.



“Hyung! I need you to call all the Medias and tell them that I’ll be doing a press conference in YG Building in two hours. It’s about time to clear the rumors speculating around the internet and about time to let them know about Dara and Eun mi,” he said then ended the call, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he stared at his phone’s screen saver which is a picture of him, Dara and Eun mi.



“Everything’s going to be okay really soon, I promise,” he whispers his words of promise at the picture before whispering, “I love you both and I’m sorry,” with so much emotion in his eyes and voice.  









A/N: HUHUHUHUHU T_T ...... This is really nearing its ending.. I'm so gonna miss you all! I don't want to end this yet but if I add more problems to it, the story will just be going in circles and the plot will be chaotic.. HUL~~! I don't want that and I'm sure that you guys don''t want that either... Anyways, there still some remaining chapters, neh? Thank you for still supporting this story even if it's not that great.... I really appreciate it! I LOVE YOU~~



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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.