
One More Chance



Thanks blackVIP-tryshingggg for the banner!

I love it! :)) <3







I was driving along the Han River hoping to find Dara and Eun mi. Dara texted me a while ago and said that they’re at the Han River, strolling with that Wooyoung guy. I snorted remembering how bitter I felt whenever the name of that guy will cross my mind.



I squinted my eyes and stopped my car when I saw three figures, the two are familiar, walking along the Han River and laughing happily. I gritted my teeth when I realized that it was them. Eun mi was walking a little bit in front of them. ‘I need to get them back,’ I said to myself. I immediately parked my car in the vacant parking space and coolly walked towards them.



“Daddy!” Eun mi exclaimed as soon as she saw me. I smiled affectionately seeing her running her way towards me and I welcomed her in my arms, then I lifted her up and walked towards Dara and that guy.



“Daddy, this is uncle Woo,” Eun mi said excitedly while pointing her little hands at the said guy.



“Kwon Jiyong,” I introduced myself as I offered my hand in a handshake. I can see in my peripheral view that Dara is looking intently at me, as if she knows that there’s something wicked going on inside my head.



“Nice to meet you, Jiyong-ssi. I’m Jang Wooyoung,” he said as he accepted my handshake.



“Nice to meet you too,” I said dismissively, as if I’m interested in him. And then turned my gaze towards Dara. I smirked at her before coming near her.



“Hello, babe. I missed you,” I said softly, but loud enough so that the guy beside her would hear. And since I’m still not contented on making him hear me, I leaned on Dara and kissed her quickly on her lips, with our daughter still in my arms.



“Yah,” Dara reprimanded quietly as she puts her hands on my chest. I smiled naughtily at her before turning again towards Wooyoung and smiling at him.



“Uhhhhmm, I guess it’s my cue to leave.. Bye, Dara-ah. Take care of yourself and Eun mi, neh? I’ll see you two again soon,” he said and ruffled Eun mi’s hair first before turning his heels around and walked away from us.



“You don’t have to do that, Ji,” Dara said in a reprimanding voice as she turned to look at me.



“Do what?” I asked innocently as I tilted my head. My grip on Eun mi tightened as she wrapped her little arms around my neck. Ah, it feels so good and it feels so right having my daughter’s arms around me.



“You don’t have to kiss me in front of Wooyoung.”



“Why? What’s wrong with that?” I asked, confused.



There was a moment of silence as Dara turned away from me and stared at the river. I looked at Eun mi and gave her a questioning look, asking why her mom is acting that way. But she just looked at me innocently before turning her gaze at her mother. I waited for Dara to turn around and tell me what’s bothering her, because honestly, it’s bothering me also.



After a long time, I heard her sigh before she turned towards us. And I was a little confused seeing her smile. I thought she’s somewhat not in a good mood, yet now, she is smiling at us.



“Nothing, let’s forget about that,” she said as she went nearer and wrapped her arms around my waist. There is it again, the fast beatings of my heart.



“Daddy, I want ice cream,” Eun mi said.



I was about to agree and take them to the nearest ice cream parlor when I remembered that Dara’s not allowing Eun mi to eat sweet stuff because of her sickness… But Eun mi was healed already, can she eat ice cream now? Ah, I don’t know… Maybe I’ll ask Dara..



“Babe, is she allowed to eat ice cream?”



“Yes, let’s go..” Dara immediately replied as she smiled sweetly at our daughter before dragging us both towards my car. And her reaction made me more confused seeing how her emotions turned a 360 degree turn. Must be women and their being moody. I thought to myself.





















Dara stirred in her sleep as she felt the sunlight hitting her face. She crunched her nose and turned towards the other side of the bed and reached for someone. But her eyebrows furrowed immediately when she felt nothing but a blanket and a pillow. She opened her eyes and blinked away the remnants of sleep.



She sat right up when she saw that Jiyong’s not on his side of the bed. ‘Where did he go?’ she asked herself as she turned her gaze at the bathroom, only concluding that it’s empty as well. ‘Maybe he’s preparing breakfast’ she thought.



Dara was about to stand up from the bed and go to Eun mi’s room when a small piece of paper on Jiyong’s pillow caught her eyes. She immediately grabbed the paper and smiled seeing the letter Jiyong left for her.




            You look so peaceful while you sleep and I didn’t have the heart you wake you up. I’m off to Japan for a while to finish that work YG hyung is pestering me about. I’m sorry that I won’t be there with you when you go to the hospital to check if Eun mi is really okay now. I really want to be with you and give you the strength you need. I’m really sorry, baby. And besides, I think you won’t need me there anymore. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met in my entire life.

            Kiss Eun mi a ‘good morning’ kiss for me, neh? And be careful. Tell her that I love her and I hate to be away from both of you. I’ll finish this work as soon as I can so that I can come back to both of you in no time. Arasso?




Dara’s smile stretched wider seeing his signature. He used the nickname she gave him long time ago. She placed down the letter on her side and stood up from her bed. She was half-way through the bathroom when Eun mi’s voice called her attention.



“Mommy,” Eun mi said sleepily.



“Good morning, baby,” Dara greeted her daughter as she made her way towards the door, where Eun mi is standing, and bent down to kiss her cheeks.



“Where’s daddy?” she asked.



“He’s off to Japan for a while, baby. But he promised to come back as soon as he can,” Dara said as she guided her towards the bed and sat down. She then placed her daughter in her side and smiled seeing how Eun mi is holding onto Tam-Tam so tightly.



“Today’s my check-up, right mom?” Eun mi asked, she then looked up at her mother and saw her nod.



“Don’t worry, baby. Everything’s going to be alright,” Dara replied, assuring her daughter and herself, before she plants another gentle kiss on Eun mi’s cheeks.



“I know, mom. That’s what daddy also told me,” Eun mi said then smiled brightly at her mother.



“Anyways, you want to prepare some breakfast?” Dara said as she turned towards her daughter and when she saw her nods, she stood up and held out her hands. Eun mi grabbed her mother’s hands and together, they walked towards the kitchen with smile on their faces.














“Hey, are you okay?” Bom asked Dara, who is sitting beside her in one of the benches in the hospital’s waiting room.



“Yeah, I’m fine,” Dara said as she nodded her head.



“Are you sure?” Bom asked once more.



“Yes… I’m just nervous about the result. I hope it’s gone for good,” Dara muttered, meaning the cancer cells on Eun mi’s body.



“Don’t worry.. Everything’s going to be okay,” Bom said reassuringly as she taps Dara’s back.



“Thank you, Bom. You should be at the mall today, choosing your wedding dress but here you are with me… Thank you, really,” Dara said as she looked straight in Bom’s eyes.



“Yah, stop with the emotions, really. It’s creeping me out,” Bom said as she pretended to shiver much to Dara’s happiness. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips before she giggled.



“Ms. Park?” a voice said that made Bom and Dara look up and saw a nurse together with Eun mi.



“Mommy!” Eun mi exclaimed and immediately went to her mother. Dara Eun mi’s hair and smiled lovingly at her before turning towards the nurse.



“The doctor wants to see you now,” the lady in white said politely as she smiled at Dara before turning her heels away and started to walk. Dara stood up from her seat and made Eun mi sat beside Bom.. “Wait for me here, arasso?” she asked Eun mi and when the little girl nodded her head, she smiled once more before turning around and following the nurse.



“Please wait here for a while,” the nurse said as they both entered what seems to be like an office. She then offered a seat to Dara which the latter took after thanking the kind nurse. Dara fiddled with the hem of the blouse as she kept roaming her eyes around the room, hoping she could find something that will settle her nerves.



“Ms. Park? You can come in now,” someone called her from the inside. She almost jumped out of her seat as she stood up. She first regained her composure before walking towards the door.



“Please, seat,” the good doctor offered the seat in front of his desk as he shuffled through the stack of files on top of his desk. And when he saw what he was looking for, he smiled gently and looked at Dara.



“Well……?” Dara asked, nervous about the result.



“You don’t have anything to worry about, Ms. Park. The operation went successful and there’s no cancer cells that can be traced in Eun mi’s blood anymore,” the doctor announce with a genuine smile on his lips.



Dara sighed in relief and smiled at the doctor through her misty eyes. Hearing those words from the doctor made her feel like the burden she has been carrying on her back ever since then was lifted off on her. She stood on her feet as she beamed at the doctor in front of her. She doesn’t know what to say. Even words are incomparable as to how grateful and happy she is.



“I….. W-…..I. Thank you,” Dara stuttered as she bows down her head and let the tears flow from her eyes. Feelings and emotions bursting from her heart.



“It’s my job to help people, Ms. Park. No need to thank me,” he said and then stood up from his chair and stood beside Dara. “And as I’ve told you, Eun mi’s a strong kid.”



“Yes, she is,” Dara answered proudly. She wiped her tears away and looked at the doctor once more. “You don’t know how happy I am right now.”



The doctor just smiled some more seeing how relieved the mother in front of him looked. “Why don’t you treat your daughter to a celebration, neh? I’m sure she deserved it after all that struggling with cancer..”



Dara just nodded her head and smiled again. She then turned her heels around and went out of the room with a huge smile plastered on her face. She can’t wait to tell Jiyong that they’re daughter is finally cured. That they don’t have to worry anymore about Eun mi and they could live as freely as they can.



She immediately fished her phone out of her back pocket and dialed a familiar number while walking along the hallway towards where she left Bom and her daughter. She was busy with her phone that she didn’t notice someone approaching her way, also busy with something that he didn’t bother to look at his way.



“Ouch!” Dara yelped when she collided with someone. Her phone was thrown back and almost on the floor if not for the strong pair of arms holding her in place.



“Omo, mianhe. I wasn’t looking at where I’m going,” a manly voice said which made Dara turn to look at him because of the familiarity of his timbre.



“Omo,” Dara gasps as soon as she has a clear view on who is holding her. “Ilwoo-yah” she exclaimed.



“Oh, Dara-ah. It’s you,” Il woo greeted back with a smile on his face. “It’s been so long…”



“Yeah, it’s been so long. Many things had happened,” she replied as she composed herself once more and retrieved her phone that is not far away from them. She dialed Jiyong’s number once more and frowned when he is not picking up his phone.



“How have you been?” Il woo asked as she was putting her phone back in her pocket.



“I’ve been fine.. How about you? Do you have any girlfriend now?” Dara teased because as far as Dara can remember, Il woo said that he is waiting for someone and that someone was still taken way back in the past.



“I’ve seen her again after a long time but I’m still not making any moves.. Anyways, I read in a newspaper that you already got a daughter…. You’re married already?” he asked.



“Aniyo. I’m not married but I do have a daughter. Oh, I would like you to meet her! I’m sure Eun mi’s going to be happy meeting another friend of mine,” Dara said as she held Il woo’s hands and dragged him towards the bench where Bom and Eun mi is sitting.



“I’m glad that you’re still not married,” Il woo said softly that made Dara turn to look at him, bewildered.



“Eh?” is all that she can say.









Meanwhile, in Japan…….



“Hi, Jiyong.. It’s been a long time, right?” Kiko said as she sat beside Jiyong and offered him a glass of beer.



“Yeah, it’s been a long time,” he agreed. Accepting the glass of cold beer and taking a gulp.



“Why don’t we eat at this newly built restaurant just around the corner?” she asked.



Jiyong was about to decline when Kiko suddenly laughed, sensing Jiyong’s discomfort. “Oh, Jiyong. Say yes, please?” she then batted her eyelash at him. “For old times’ sake?”



Jiyong contemplated for a while before nodding his head half-heartedly. Kiko smiled triumphantly as she stood up from her seat and looked back at Jiyong before going her way towards the exit of the bar.



Jiyong closed his eyes tightly before standing up from his seat and following Kiko outside.






A/N: GUYS! Mianhe if it took me this long to update this one. T_T Aigooooo. And please, don't kill me....... *run away and hide* 


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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.