
One More Chance





Dara slightly shook the sleeping Eun mi beside to wake her up. She needed to tell her daughter that she will just be away a while to get their remaining things at Busan and she also needs to look for their house.



Bom and the rest of the girls persuaded her that they should stay at Seoul. Seeing how happy Eun mi is with her new found uncles, Dara couldn’t agree more. Bom then suggested that it was okay for them to stay at her house but Dara immediately disagreed. She doesn’t want to be a burden to Bom so she will look for a house Eun mi and she could live in.



Dara shook Eun mi again but the little girl did not bulge. She sighed as she thought to herself that Eun mi is like her father. A very heavy sleeper. She tried again and hoped that she will be successful this time.



“Sweetie, wake up for a while….,” she whispered in her ear as she rubbed her hands on Eun mi’s shoulders.



Eun mi rolled to her side while mumbling something Dara cannot comprehend. She hugged the doll beside her tighter to her chest as she ignored her mother.



“Baby, please wake up for a while,” Dara said in a pleading voice as she keeps on rubbing her hands on her daughter’s shoulders.



Then seems like a prayer, Eun mi rolled again towards her and tried to open one eye. Dara smiled triumphantly as she stood up from the bed.



“Baby, mommy’s going back to Busan, okay? I’ll just get out things then I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Dara said as she smiled at the sight of her daughter having a hard time opening her eyes.



“M’kay,” Eun mi mumbled as she immediately closed her eyes again and turned to her side. Then as fast as anyone could blink, Eun mi was fast asleep again. Dara shook her head while giggling to herself.



She went towards the table and went to retrieve her bag and placed a kiss on her daughter’s cheeks first before going out of the room.














Eun mi rubbed her eyes tiredly as she opened forming a big ‘O’ for a yawn. She shoves the blanket away from her body and sat up. She then started stretching her little hands and feet while still yawning. When she was done with her stretching, she blinked her eyes several times, trying to shoo away the remnants of sleep in her brain.



After a minute of two, she started roaming her eyes around the room trying to find her mother. Odd, the little girl thought. Her mum never fails to greet her a ‘Good morning’, but her mother is now nowhere in sight. She furrowed her eyebrows as she stood up from the bed.



“Mom?” she called out.



She slipped her little feet inside her bunny slippers before she walked towards the bathroom only to find it empty. She then went towards the closet to look for her mother but it was empty. She walked back towards the bed and sat at the edge.



“Mom, where are you?” she called out once again.



When no one was answering her, fear started boiling up inside her. This was the first time her young mind could remember, of not having her mother beside her when she wakes up. She roamed her eyes once again around the room, hoping that her mother would pop out of nowhere and would kiss her cheeks.



“Mom?” she called once again. Tears started pooling in the brim of her eyes as she tried to blink them away. She remembered her mom telling her that crying is for weak people only. And she doesn’t want to weak. She wanted to be strong.



“Where are you, mommy?” she asked no one in particular as she let the tears flow down her eyes endlessly. It’s okay to be weak once in a while, she thought.




Then soon after, she started sobbing really loud, her young mind imaging thoughts of her not seeing her mother ever again.











Across the hall, Bom could hear Eun mi’s sob perfectly. She sprinted her way towards her room and was shocked to see the little girl bawling her eyes out while sitting on the edge of her bed. She immediately went to her and sat beside the girl.



“Eun mi-ah, what’s wrong?” Bom asked in her gentle voice as she tried to get the little girl to sit on her lap.



“Mommy,” Eun mi said in between her hiccups as she crawled her way towards Bom’s leg and wrapped her little hands around her hips.



“Your mommy’s gone for a while, sweetheart.. But she’ll come back soon,” Bom said, trying to stop the little girl from crying too much.



But Eun mi’s mind only process one thought. Her mother is missing and she is scared to death. The little girl clings to Bom tighter as she kept on sobbing and sobbing. Bom started panicking inside her mind as Eun mi’s cried got louder by the second.



She cracked her mind to think of some ways to make the girl stop from crying and failed to come up with one idea. She then looked at her phone then thought immediately entered. She started dialing a number while the little girl in her arms kept on crying.












 I was just lounging in my couch, enjoying my rare day-off, when my phone started ringing. I stood up from where I was sitting and walked towards the table where I put my phone down. When I got to my phone, it stopped ringing which pissed the hell out of me. I wanted to rest a bit first before going to Bom noona’s house to visit my daughter.



I looked at my phone and saw the notification the Bom noona called me. Eh? Why is she calling me? I grabbed my phone and was about to dial her number when my phone started ringing again. I immediately answered it with a furrowed eyebrow.



“Yeoboseo?” I asked.



“Jiyong, are you free?” Bom noona asked that made me more confused.



“Eh? Waeo, noona?” I asked then I started hearing someone cry in the background.



“Eun mi’s been crying nonstop,” she announced that made me worried as hell.



“Why?” I asked.



“I don’t know… But she kept on asking for her mom.”



“Where’s Dara?”



“She went to Busan to get their things. They’re staying in Seoul,” Bom noona said and I heard her sighed when Eun mi started bawling again. “Can you come, Ji?”



“I’ll be there in a minute, Bom noona,” I said as I hung up the phone and printed towards the table where I last put my car keys.













As soon as I entered Bom noona’s house, I can already hear Eun mi’s cry. I followed the sound and it led me towards the second floor and to her room.



I opened the door and entered and as soon as Bom noona saw me, she heaved a sigh of relief.



“Eun mi,” I called my daughter gently and when she turned her little head around and spotted me waiting for her, she immediately jumped out of Bom noona’s lap and launched herself to me. I caught her and hugged her tight towards me while she cries on my shoulder.



“Hey, what’s wrong, baby? Tell daddy what’s wrong…,” Jiyong cooed her as he placed his hand on her back and caressed it gently.



“Daddy…….I……..Mommy…….she…..,” Eun mi said in between her hiccups that made Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows more. Where the hell is Dara? He asked himself.



“Baby, shhhhh.. Stop crying and tell daddy what’s wrong. Be a good girl, neh?”



I felt Eun mi nodded her head and after a while, I sighed in relief when she stopped sobbing. I made her face me and saw that her eyes are all puffy and her cheeks and nose are red. She then pouted her lips while trying to fight the tears that are threatening to fall again.



I brushed the tears away from her cheeks with my thumbs and kissed her forehead. “What’s wrong, baby? Why are you crying?” I asked, hoping that she could answer me already because I’m freaking worried.



“Mommy’s not beside me when I woke up this morning. She’s always beside me every morning, daddy,” she said and I can hear the fear in her voice. “Where’s mommy, daddy? I want to see mommy,” she said.



I looked at Bom noona and asked her through my eyes if she have any idea where Dara could be. But Bom noona just shrugged her shoulders before standing up and leaving me and Eun mi inside the room.



I sat at the edge of the bed, with Eun mi on my lap, as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Then I started dialing Dara’s number, hoping that she would pick up to ease the fear our daughter is feeling.



After three rings, the other line picked up which made me sigh in relief.



“Yeobose?” she asked.



“Dara? Where are you right now?” I asked immediately. I put the phone on loudspeaker so that Eun mi would hear that her mother is alright.  



“Oh, are you going to visit Eun mi? She’s at Bom’s house. You can go there.. Eun mi’s waiting for you.”



“Mommy!” Eun mi exclaimed.



“Omo, Eun mi-ah.. Aigoooo, you’re awake already?”



“She’s been crying since the moment she woke up.. She’s looking for you,” I said.



“Aigooo, this little girl..,” I can hear the amusement of her voice that made me smile unconsciously. “I woke you up before I went and told you I was going to Busan for a while.”



“I don’t remember you waking me up, mommy!” Eun said, sounding like she’s accusing her mother.



“You’re just like your father.. Forgetting things when you’re too sleepy to care,” Dara blurted that made me stiffen for a while. I didn’t expect her to remember some of my manners with eight years passed by. She still remembers bits and pieces about me just how like I remembered bit and pieces about her.



“When are you going back, mommy?” Eun mi asked with a pout on her lips.



“I’ll be back as soon as I can, honey. Wait for mommy, okay?”



“Daddy and I will wait for you, mommy! Take care.”



“Okay… Love you, baby,” then the line went dead.



I felt envious hearing Dara and Eun mi talking to each other on the phone just now. I can feel the love Eun mi has for her mother and, weird as it may sound, I can feel Dara’s love towards Eun mi through the way she speaks with her at the phone. And somehow, deep inside me, I wanted Dara to love me as well..



I shook the silly thought away. Yah, pabo! You’re hoping Dara would love you yet you don’t love her. Pabo, Jiyong. He scolded himself inside his mind as he stood up and faced his daughter.



“You want to have breakfast first before playing with daddy?” I asked which made Eun mi nod her head excitedly.











I willed my feet to go towards the door and willed my hands to open the door. I was really tired getting our things from Busan then roaming around Seoul to find a perfect house for me and Eun mi. I’m sure that she’s going to be excited.



I was about to walk towards the stairs and go to our room when something caught my vision. I walked back towards the living room and smiled seeing Jiyong and Eun mi sleeping on the couch.



They were facing each other while Jiyong’s hands are wrapped protectively around Eun mi’s body while the latter’s little hands is wrapped around her daddy’s waist.



If this sight while be greeting my every time I will go home all tired and weary, then in no time, I will be rejuvenated again.  Just like now, all the tiredness I felt were gone instantly seeing the two most important person in my life sleeping beside each other.




I immediately grabbed a blanket in our room and wrapped it around them. Then I stared at them a little more, memorizing each and every detail. And when I decided that I should let them be, I bent down and placed a gentle kiss on Eun mi’s forehead before gently placing a peck on Jiyong’s cheeks. I’m confident that they won’t feel that because both of them are such a heavy sleeper.



“Sleep well.. I love you both,” I whispered before turning around and going towards the kitchen with a contented smile on my face.





A/N: Sorry guys if I was able to update this just now. I was busy for the past days and I didn't had the spare time to write.. :)) And also, sorry if this is a boring one.. I'll make it up to you guys soon.. :* Love lots. 

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.