
One More Chance





“Mommy? What time is daddy going home?” Eun mi asked Dara as the two settled on the couch and decided to watch Eun mi’s favorite cartoon, Cinderella.



“He’ll be here soon, baby,” Dara said as she made her daughter lie on her lap. The movie started and both of them focused their attention on the screen.



Dara finds it funny because even in her old age, she is still fascinated with cartoons. And somewhere in her brain, she is hoping that she’ll get to have a ‘happy ending’ with the one she loves.



It has been three days since Dara and Eun mi moved in Jiyong’s house. Dara was still feeling uncomfortable knowing that her room is just a wall away from Jiyong’s. She was having difficulty in sleeping since she’s new to the environment. Seems like her insomnia is attacking again.



Dara was occupied in her own thoughts that she did not notice the door opened. Jiyong smiled proudly to himself seeing his two girls at the couch. Watching something. He tiptoed towards them, not wanting to make any sound to disturb them, and kissed their cheeks.



“Daddy,” Eun mi said as she glanced up at Jiyong with a smile on her face.



“How’s your day, baby?” he asked as he settled himself beside Dara. He casually draped an arm around her shoulder while his other hand brushed his daughter’s face.



“It’s fine as always, daddy. I missed you,” she said as she crawled her way towards her father’s lap. The movie long forgotten.



“I missed you too, princess,” Jiyong said then he bent down to kiss the top of his daughter’s forehead. Dara just watched the two silently with happiness glowing from her eyes. She still can’t believe that they’re living in one roof and acting like a real family.



“You know what, dad?” Eun mi asked that made Dara turn her attention towards her daughter.






“I want you and mommy to have a happy ending just like Cinderella and her prince,” the little girl said while yawning. Jiyong smiled faintly before taking a peek at his side.



“I want that too, baby. With you,” Jiyong said that made Dara stare at him for a moment.



“You’re sleepy, baby. Let mommy take you to your room,” Dara announced as she stood up from the couch and was about to carry Eun mi but Jiyong shook his head.



“Mommy, I want to sleep with you and daddy, please?” Eun mi mumbled while leaning her head on her father’s chest. She slowly fluttered her eyes close and before Dara could protest to Eun mi’s wish, the little girl is already fast asleep.




























I stiffened on my side feeling Jiyong’s arms on me. Eun mi is between the two of us while we lay in Jiyong’s kind sized bed. I shifted slightly so that his arms would slip away from me. But much to my surprise, he placed it again on me.



I was uncomfortable as hell feeling him just like the old times. I was happy starting anew with Jiyong but then whenever the thought of him not loving me back would just make me miserable. I know I should be contented with our relationship right now but I can’t help myself to be scared.



What if, one day, Jiyong decided that I’m no good for him? What if he got tired of me again? What if, one day, he will say to me that he can’t love me back? I don’t think I’ll be able to handle the pain it will bring. I’ve lost him once; I can’t bear to lose him again.



I shifted towards Eun mi and encircled my arms around my daughter. I felt Jiyong shifting and before I can collect my thoughts, his arms are on top of mine while he encircled his hands on Eun mi as well.



“Dara,” I heard him whisper.






“Do you think Eun mi will be cured?” he asked out of the blue.



“I hope so,” I replied. Sighing.



“I read in an article that there are many surgeries or operations that can cure it. I think it’s called ‘bone-marrow transplant’. Have you heard of it?”



“Yeah, I’ve already asked the doctor to take mine and give it to Eun mi but they said it’s impossible since I’m not a match with her.”



“What? That’s ridiculous. You’re Eun mi’s mom, so for sure, you two will match,” Jiyong said as I felt him tightened his hold on our daughter.



“I know. The doctors are still finding the perfect match for her. I was really angry at them because it’s taking them so long to find a perfectly matched donor. We’ve been waiting for two years already and there’s still nothing,” I blurted out my frustrations. It just felt good having someone to listen to you.



I was waiting for Jiyong to reply when I felt the bed bounced a little. Then I no longer felt his hands on top of mine. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering where Jiyong will go. I was deep in thought when suddenly; a hand was wrapped around my waist. I felt Jiyong at my back, hugging me from behind.



“Don’t worry, everything’s going to be alright,” he whispered near my ear. I nodded my head in agreement, believing in him that everything is really going to be alright.



I tightened my hold on my daughter, praying to the gods above that her sickness will be gone when we wake up tomorrow. And I felt Jiyong’s hold on me tightened while he extends his arms towards Eun mi.



He was whispering sweet nothings in my ear and I relaxed in his arms. Just like the old times, I said inside my head. And when I felt his lips on my hair, I closed my eyes. Savoring the feel of intimacy with him. And before I know it, I was already in dreamland with my daughter and Jiyong.


















I woke up with a start. I glanced beside me and saw that Dara and Eun mi is still peacefully sleeping. My two beautiful girls. I smiled to myself feeling how perfect it is to wake up with them on my arms. I felt complete.



I supported my weight on one elbow as I continued to stare at them. Then I planted a soft kiss on both of their cheeks. My heart never failing to beat faster when it was Dara’s cheek I was kissing.



Soon after, Eun mi started fluttering her eyes. I smiled once again for I know that my little angel is now awake.



“Good morning, baby,” I whispered softly, not wanting to wake Dara.



“Good morning, daddy,” she greeted back as she went towards me carefully. She then bent down and placed a kiss on her mommy’s cheek. “Good morning, mommy,” she whispered.



“You want to wake mommy up?” I asked Eun mi.



“Yes, daddy,” she replied as she giggled. I smiled at her before placing my hands on Dara’s shoulder. Then I shook her gently. “Dara, wake up.”



Dara slowly fluttered her eyes open and when she saw me and Eun mi, she flashed us her radiant smile. I cannot help myself so I bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her soft lips.



I smiled down at her and saw that she has confusion written all over her face. I’m going to stop making her confused all the time. I’m going to explain to her everything.

















“Daddy, here, read this one,” Eun mi said as she handed another letter to Jiyong. We decided that we’re going to read the remaining letters Eun mi and I wrote for Jiyong. I was embarrassed as hell every time Jiyong would read a letter of mine. I never thought when I was writing those letters, that he will one day read all of them.



“Okay,” Jiyong said as he reached for the letter and started opening it. I was feeling nervous as the moment he took out the paper inside the envelope. I recognized the paper. It was the paper I used when I first wrote a letter to Jiyong.



I staggered on my feet and immediately ran towards Jiyong to steal the letter from his hands. He can’t read that letter. He just can’t read it. I tried my best to get the paper from his hands but he won’t let me. Instead, he just looked at me funnily while unfolding the paper.



I heaved a deep breath and moved back towards my seat. I closed my eyes, preparing myself to listen to Jiyong reading the letter I wrote for him.



“Read it, daddy,” Eun mi exclaimed impatiently as she crawled her way towards me. I hugged her tight as I opened my eyes. I looked at Jiyong and forced a smile at him before he started reading the letter.



Dear Jiyong,

            Hey. How are you? I hope you’re doing fine. It’s been six months since I last saw you personally and to be honest, I missed you badly. I always check the internet about you and BigBang and I must say, I’m really proud of the five of you. I know you all would be big and be bigger. Oh, I ran across an article about you and that Japanese model. What’s her name again? Koko? Koki?...... I’m sorry I forgot her name. You introduced her to us last time, right? She was with you when you watched our last concert.

            To tell you frankly, I was not focusing on her that day. I was focusing on you. I was memorizing each and every feature you have. Because I know that that day will be the last time I’ll see you. Even when we’re standing face to face, I’m missing you. I was really hurt seeing you with another girl but then I have to remind myself that I don’t have any rights to be hurt. I read in that article that you and she were going steady already. I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy that you get to settle with just one girl and stopped making girls cry and sad because it was not me who made you want to stick with one girl.

            I’ve accepted it, though. That I’m not the girl you need. I’m not the girl that is fit to be Kwon Jiyong’s girlfriend. Kekeke. Well, I must say, you two look good together. The hottest model in Japan and the hottest idol in South Korea. Match made in heaven.

            Oh, I forgot to tell you. I’m carrying out child. I just got home from the doctor and checked the gender. It’s a she. I was really happy seeing her through the monitor. And while I was looking at her, I was wishing at the same time that you’re with me. But, that’s impossible right? Since you don’t even know that I am pregnant with your baby. I badly want to call you right now to tell you that I’m pregnant. I was imagining you running towards me with your arms wide open and your gentle smile. I was imagining you caressing my back while I throw up in the morning. I was imagining you talking to my stomach, pretending that the baby will hear you. And I was imagining you telling me you love me.

            But that’s all just in my imagination, right? That’ll never happen in reality. Because first and foremost, you don’t love me. It’s painful, yes, but I’ve come to accept the fact that I won’t be the lucky one who will make Kwon Jiyong to fall in love. I’m already envying that lucky girl who will make you fall in love.

            Forgive me, neh? For not telling my pregnancy to you. I just don’t want you to think that I’m trapping you with this baby. I know you still wanted to play and mingle and having a baby will stop you from doing that.  I decided to hide my pregnancy to you because I know that once you heard that I’m carrying your child, you will be forced to be with me. And I don’t want that. I want you to freely do whatever you want to do. I don’t want you to see me as if I’m a cage that jailed your freedom.

            And who wants an idol with a child? I’m sure your fans will surely turn their backs on you if they knew that you got me pregnant. You have a clear future ahead of you, Jiyong. And having a baby on the way will sure blur that future of yours. So I decided to leave, sacrifice the dream I’ve been longing to reach so your dreams won’t be ruined because of me and our baby. And seeing how successful your group is right now, doesn’t make me regret my decision.

            Okay, I need to stop writing now. This is getting longer than I thought. Silly me, I know there’s never a chance of a lifetime that you’ll get to read this silly letter of mine, but I still wanted to let my feelings out. Besides, it’s lonely not having someone to talk to. Kekeke.

            Anyways, always take care of yourself, Yonggie. I hope that one day I’ll get to see you again. Even if it’s just a glimpse of you, it’s fine with me. I’ll be contented with it. Be happy, neh? I love you, always.


                                                                                                                                                                                                 Forever yours,




“I….uhm,” I cleared my throat after Jiyong read my letter. “I’m going to get something in the kitchen,” I said as I set Eun mi beside me and stood up. I felt my knees wobble but I managed to stand straight before going to the kitchen.



I needed water. I said to myself as I headed straight towards the refrigerator. But even before I could open it, a hand stopped me from doing so. I looked back and saw Jiyong staring back at me with his intense stare. I am starting to feel nervous and my heart won’t stop from fluttering.



“Y-You need water?” I asked, turning around again and facing the ref.



“Dara,” he said.



“Hmmm?” I hummed, not turning around to face him.



“Daddy?” I heard Eun mi called. I hesitantly turned around to see why Eun mi is calling out for her dad. I was really hoping for Jiyong to move back so I can catch my breath.



But what welcomes me is his fierce kiss, like it’s demanding something from me. I closed my eyes and everything around me turned black. All I know is that Jiyong is kissing me and it felt different. Odd, it may seem but I can feel something through his kiss. Like he’s telling me something. Like he’s declaring his love for me through his kiss.



My inner self shook her head, making the thoughts go away. There’s no way in hell that Jiyong will learn to love me. I mean, he only sees me as the mother of his child not the woman he loves. There’s a big difference in it.



I closed my eyes tightly, fighting the tears that are threatening to fall. It’s a lost case in my part, eh? Jiyong will never learn to love me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and his kiss gets deeper. We both pulled out from our kiss because of the need of air. I was looking anywhere else but him.



I took a step back, making me bump on the refrigerator. I was panicking inside my thoughts, thinking of ways how to get away from him. I needed to breath and being near to Jiyong is not helping at all.



I glanced at my side and my eyes widen seeing Eun mi’s little body slowly collapsing to the ground.



“Eun mi!” I shouted at the top of my lungs and I ran towards her. I cradled her in my arms while shaking my daughter slightly.



“Eun mi-ah, baby, wake up. Open your eyes for mommy,” I said as I her cheeks. Soon, Jiyong as kneeling beside as he got Eun mi from my arms. He then started shaking her to wake her up.



No. No. No. This is not happening. No. This can’t happen to my daughter.



I looked at Eun mi and saw that her lips are as pale as a sheet of paper and I now noticed that there are some bruises on her arm. I started feeling scared.



“Let’s bring her to the hospital, Ji!” I said. Jiyong stood up with Eun mi in his arms.









I was at dazed and before I know it, we were already at the hospital. Nurses pushing a stretcher where my unconscious daughter lies. The pushed her in towards the operating room where Eun mi’s doctor is waiting. And when the door closed, tears started falling from my eyes.



“Shhhh, I’m here, Dara,” Jiyong said as he wrapped me in his arms and somehow, knowing that Jiyong is with me, I felt that I’m not alone anymore. Jiyong’s here and he’s here to stay.






A/N: Aigoooo, mianhe again if it took me long to update again. :/ I'm really busy nowadays. T_T  Forgive me, neh? *twinkle eyes*

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my faves..re-reading this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.