
One More Chance


Dara’s shoulders heaved as she sighed deeply. Looking straight ahead at Eun mi who is happily playing with other kids on the park, she cannot help but to smile sadly for she feels sorry for her daughter because she can’t give Eun mi the thing that she wanted the most, the happy ever after with her daddy.



“Hey, you seemed to be in deep thought,” Il woo broke through her reverie as he cleared his throat and stared at the side profile of Dara’s face. Even when eight years had passed, she is still as beautiful as he remembered her to be. And he can’t help but to fall for her more and more every time he sees her.



“Oh,” Dara replied absentmindedly then shifted her attention to Il woo. “It’s nothing… I was just thinking how lucky I am to have a daughter like Eun mi,” she said then smiled sweetly at her companion beside her on the park’s bench.



“Well, Eun mi’s luckier to have a great mother like you,” he retorted with looking straight in her eyes, wanting to convey his feelings through his stares.



“Hmmmmmm.. Is that so?” Dara asked, more likely to herself, as she tilted her head on the side… Contemplating.



“You know you can count on me every time, right? I’m always ready to lend you my ears and shoulders whenever you need them…. After all, we’re friends, right?” Even if I don’t want us to remain friends… He wanted to add but decided against it. It’s not the right time to add to her stress when clearly, she’s thinking of too much right now.



“I know that, Il woo-ya… That’s why I’m so thankful of you being there for me all the time… Even if I haven’t done anything for you at all.”



“Oh, believe me, Dara-yah… You’ve done so much for me,” he replied as he stared at nothingness straight ahead. His heart beating unrequitedly for the woman beside him who, he knows, has her heart beating for someone else.



“Mommy!” Eun mi interrupted the two by running towards them with her arms flailing around like the carefree child that she is. Dara put up her brightest smile and welcomed her strong daughter with open arms.



“Hey, tired already?” Il woo asked as he smiled at the beaming child on Dara’s side.



“Not yet, uncle Il woo!” Eun mi replied cheerfully, then she turned to her mother and smiled. “Mommy, I miss daddy already,” she pouted her lips and stood up from the bench, taking her mother’s hands.



“Arasso,” Dara replied while giggling. She stood up and Il woo stood up as well.



“Mommy, do you think daddy’s already home?” Eun mi asked again as they were on their way towards Il woo’s car parked near where they are.



“Hmmmmmm….. I don’t know, baby. Why don’t we call him, neh?” Dara said then pulled out her phone from her bag and was about to call Jiyong when her phone rang. Bom’s name blinked in her screen, telling her that the latter is calling her.



“Where are you?” Bom asked even before she could greet her best friend.



“Eun mi and I are at the park with Il woo. But we’re on our way home already,” she explained, confused as to why Bom sounded so……………urgent.



“Do you have any idea what Jiyong is up to right now?” the one on the other line asked her again, making her more confused than she is already.



Dara climbed in the passenger’s seat when she was sure that Eun mi’s already safely inside, the little girl already found another fascinating thing that is Il woo’s phone.



“As far as I know, he’s supposed to be in YG right now to write more songs,” Dara said as she nodded her head when Il woo looked at her, telling him that they can go now. Il woo started the car and they made their way back to the house.



“If that’s so…. Then why the hell is the media flocking around YG saying that Jiyong called for a press conference?,” Bom asked, the bewilderment can be clearly heard on her voice.



“Huh?” Dara asked, really confused as to why Bom is asking her such thing. “Maybe to introduce the groups that is set to debut with him as the main producer.”



“Aist, whatever… I really have a different feeling about this…” Bom mumbled, more likely to herself. Dara can clearly visualize her furrowing her eyebrows while she tilted her head on the side.



“Aigoooooo…… You’re still the Bominator who is curious in everything,” Dara said then giggled to herself, pleased with herself for teasing her beast of a best friend sometimes. “Anyways,”….she added.. “Why are you there in YG when you’re supposed to be finalizing everything for your wedding? May I remind you that there’s only just two months left, Bommie.”



“Aisht… This Ssantokki……. I’m here because Seunghyun and I need to go to his parents. They wanted to know how the preparation for the wedding is going on……”



“Aigooooo. Now, I feel bad for not helping you with the preparations of your wedding.. I’m supposed to be your best friend and your bridesmaid yet here I am doing nothing to help you,” Dara mumbled, then pouted her lips as if the woman on the other line can see her. Seeing this, Il woo can’t help but to chuckle seeing Dara like a little kid.



“Yah. This Ssantokki….” Bom then clicked her tongue before continuing…. “You don’t have to worry about anything, neh? All you have to do is make sure that that babies growing inside of you, and of course yourself, stays healthy, okay?”



Dara blushed, knowing that Bom really is concerned about her well-being and well as her babies.. “Arasso, Bommie-ah. Thank you,” she said.



“You’re welcome, Ssantokki……. Anyways, I have to go now.. The media is really going crazy around here. I need to find Tabi soon,” then the call ended with Dara staring at her phone like it’s the first time she’s seeing it.



“Omo!” Eun mi exclaimed as soon as the phone she’s holding, Il woo’s phone, started to ring. Dara looked at her daughter and giggled a little seeing her surprised expression. Eun mi immediately gave the phone to Il woo when he parked the car just outside the house.



“I’ll take this first, neh?” Il woo said then excused himself so he could take the call which seems to be urgent. Dara nodded her head and opened the car door and let herself out, then she helped her daughter out and together they made their way towards their house.



Eun mi immediately ran to her room with her mother trailing behind her. “Eun mi-ah, take a shower first, neh? Then we’ll visit your daddy in YG,” Dara said.



Hearing that, Eun mi abruptly stopped and looked back at her mother, who is approximately ten steps away from her. “Chincha, mommy?” she asked, eyes wide in excitement. It has been so long since the little girl last went to YG, and since she also want to see her other uncles, she was  very ecstatic hearing that they will go there.



“Uhmm,” Dara nods her head, then smiled seeing how Eun mi jumped up and down first then scampered her way towards her room to take her shower. Dara really doesn’t get it how that daughter of hers missed her daddy already when they were just separated for only hours. She can only shake her head and smile.



When Dara reached their room, the smile on her face slowly vanished. She slowly made her way towards the bed and sat on the edge. Then her eyes roamed around the room and a sudden thought entered her mind..



Why am I even here? I do not belong here…. Who really does belong here in Jiyong’s house is the woman he loves.. The woman he’s going to spend the rest of his life with.  I’m not that woman.....”



Her shoulders slumped in defeat, heart beating painfully inside her chest. How long can she put up a façade of being the happy-go-luck Ssantokki that she is when deep inside, she wanted to run away from the reality that man she loves more than the world is never going to reciprocate her feelings. Would it be too selfish of her to ask Jiyong to love her back?



She sighed, for she knows that her feelings will always be unrequited. At least she has her daughter and the twins inside her. They’ll always be a part of Jiyong no matter what. They’ll always be a part of him as well as her. As well as how Jiyong will always be a part of Dara.



“Mommy?” Eun mi called her that made her snap back to reality. Dara once again mustered up her smile for she doesn’t want Eun mi to see her sad.



“Yes, baby?” she called out in return, standing up from the bed and fixing her slightly messed up clothes. Then she rubbed her slightly rounded stomach before looking up and seeing her daughter freshly showered.



“Ready to go?” Dara asked her daughter as she offered her hand which the little girl took. She smiled at her mother and thought that she is indeed very lucky to have an amazing mother like Dara.









“Saranghaeyo..” Eun mi simply said but with overflowing feelings that Dara felt. Dara tried to hold the tears on the brim of her eyes and luckily she succeeds. She then, looked down on her daughter and smiled.



“Mommy loves you too, baby,” she replied wholeheartedly.












“GD-ssi, is it true that you’re dating that Japanese model again?”



“Are you going to confirm that indeed, you’re in a relationship with Ms. Mizuhara?”



“What about the rumors of you and Sandara Park-ssi having a child together? Is it true?”



“Are you juggling two women at the same time in your hands, GD-ssi?”



The media started bombarding Jiyong questions after another as soon as he entered the conference room where they will hold the press conference Jiyong had called. He ignored the questions first, but his fist curled into a tight ball after hearing the last question thrown at him. He will make sure that after he is done with this press conference, no one is going to ask him questions like that anymore.



He sat at the chair in the center of the make-shift stage and cleared his throat. Flashes of camera started to blind him when the paparazzi started taking pictures of him.



“First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming here even in a short notice.. I know many of you are asking as to why I called for a press conference.. I called you here to clear something going around the news lately and I’ll also reveal the truth about something today….” He stopped for a while, took in deep breath and reached for the bottle of water on the desk and gulped the contents.



“There is a rumor of me dating Ms. Mizuhara because of a photo taken in Japan while I was there working. But the truth is, I am not dating her. We were catching up with each other because it has been such a long time since I last saw her. We’re nothing but friends. So please, stop making rumors about me and her because it is causing pain to someone special to me…..”



After hearing that, media people started to go crazy again. They started throwing questions at him one after the other. His head started to pound. He is starting to get irritated at these people who keep on bombarding him with questions and not letting him finish what he has to say.



He cleared his throat once more… “I’m just going to say this once. I’m not going to repeat it again. And I will not entertain questions because what I will say will be enough, I know for sure. I’m going to tell you a story. A story of how I was able to know that she is the girl whom I’ll willingly sacrifice my all. How she became my world.” He sighed and looked straight ahead.



“Eight years ago, I was what the people claim me to be… ‘playboy’, ‘careless’,  ‘jumps from one woman to another’, ‘heartbreaker’  and the list goes on. Back then, I never once wanted to be in a relationship for I was still enjoying the bachelorhood has to offer me. Instead, I did flings, affairs….



Then, came this girl whom I was attracted with… The attraction between us was so strong that I decided to make her mine, claim her as mine in any way possible… And since I was still so young and naïve and afraid of relationship back then, I included her in my list of women who I had an affair with…



Being with her is anything a man could ask for… But since I was so stuck up on playing and exploring, I thought I got bored with her and went on to my next conquest…. But that was the gravest mistake I have ever done in my life… Letting her go, that is.



I was busy exploring, playing….not knowing that I already found the girl who is willing to offer me the world on a silver platter. After our affair ended, she went missing from the spotlight.. I was used in seeing her every day for we work on the same company… But after she disappeared, YG seems empty. My world became empty. I tried to look for her in my subtle ways.. But I failed because her friends are getting in the way, doing the best they can so I can never find her again..



I jumped from one woman to another…. Partied like there’s no tomorrow…. And then later on, I got tired from all that. It was when BigBang had disbanded that I thought it’s time for me to have a family of my own. I started searching for the right one… Who could be worthy of having my heart… 



After eight years, she came back and told me I have a daughter. I got her pregnant when we were having an affair and hid it from me. I was angry at her but then I couldn’t stay mad at her. How can I when she sacrificed what she worked hard for…… she sacrificed her dream so she could give our daughter a peaceful life.. away from the cruelty of the artist’s world.



Right then and there, my world shifted… It now revolved around them.. And then, I realized that it was her whom I have been waiting for all this time. It was only her who is worthy of my heart, even if I am unworthy of hers. It was her I wanted to spend the rest of my life with..”



He stopped, looked around the room and sighed. Cameras are sorruounding him and he’s sure that he’ll be the headline tomorrow but he does not care. He wanted to bare his heart to the whole world and let them know how he really feels for Dara. He knows that it’s dangerous for him to reveal that it is Dara because his fans might bash her, but he’s there. He’s going to protect her from all the pain because she had enough. It’s time for him to stop hurting her and just make her feel loved.



“I know all of you are eager to know who I’m talking about… And some of you might have someone in mind… But to clear all this….. I’m talking about Sandara Park. And yes, the rumors are true. Dara and I have a daughter.”



“For my fans, I beg you not to bash her. If you’re truly my fan, then you’re going to accept the fact that I’m still human.. A human who has a heart that is capable of loving. A heart that is capable of hurting whenever you call her names or whenever you say that she doesn’t deserve me… A matter of fact, it was I who is not deserving of her.  This is just my first step on making her see that we can have a happy ever after even after all that had happened.



As my fans, I hope you will support me on everything that will make me happy.. For the past ten years or so, I made all of you happy by performing in front of you all, by being an inspiration to all of you… But now, I’m shamelessly asking you to return the favor…. This time, I want to be happy with her, with Dara and our daughter. I’m talking to you know not as G-Dragon, YG’s producer and former BigBang’s leader, but as Kwon Jiyong, a father and a man who loves the mother of his daughter.”




He finished, eyes getting misty as he stood from where he was sitting and went towards the door, leaving the media in chaos as they tried to catch up on him, wanting to ask more questions. YG security prevented them to do so, putting up a human barricade so they can never follow Jiyong who walked out of the door.













Dara furrowed her eyebrows as she held her daughter’s hands tighter on hers. They were walking towards the entrance of YG Building when she saw a flock of media coming towards her way. She hastened up her pace but the reporters still managed to catch up with her.



And soon after, they were surrounded with reporters and camera flashes. Eun mi shivered a little, afraid of the commotion that is surrounding her. She looked up at her mommy and saw Dara bending down a little so she could scoop her daughter in her arms. She tried to step forward but failed since the reports already blocked her way.



They were asking her something she cannot comprehend because they were throwing the questions rapidly. Her head was staring to throb and she is beginning to feel dizzy. She started hoping that the YG securities could come and rescue her and Eun mi.



And just as if her prayers were heard, the flock of media parted in the middle and came Jiyong. He had a worried expression on his face as he went towards Dara and Eun mi. Jiyong wanted to pound the media into pieces for mobbing Dara and his daughter. As soon as he got to them, he got Eun mi from Dara and placed a protective hand on her back. And with the help of YG security, they made into YG premise safely.



“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly and made her sit on one of the chairs in the lobby. He then looked at his daughter and kissed her cheek before turning his attention on Dara once more.



“I’m fine…” Dara said, smiling a little as she nursed her head with her fingers, drawing small circles on the side of her head.



“Are you sure?” he asked once more…



Dara just nodded in response before standing up from the chair… “Oh, Jiiyong…. Thanks for saving us back there,” she said as she offered him a small smile..



“No need to thank me for that, Dara-yah… I’ll always make sure to protect you and our kids,” he said, looking straight in her eyes and pouring everything his heart had for her on his eyes.  Letting her see what he really felt, what he really wants.



Dara just stood there, with her eyes meeting his.. She blinked, and then blinked again when she saw emotions passed his eyes. They were like saying something to her but she can’t be sure. It was after a moment when they break out from their stares. Eun mi was trying hard to drag her daddy towards the elevator, excited to see her uncles once again.




















Two months had passed already after Jiyong made that press conference. Fans, mostly his, accepted everything about Dara whole heartedly.. There were still some who bash her but his fans made it to a point that they defend her.. But what irritated his most is that others just still can’t seem to understand him and still ship him with someone else..



Dara had read everything what he said in his press conference and she just can’t believe that he really did that… Hope of him loving her back slowly rise from her heart but she immediately crushed it, thinking that he only did that because he wanted to protect his daughter. Of course, he can clearly twist some facts here and there to make it sound like he is in love with her.



She explained it to her friends, that he was just doing that because of Eun mi.. But Bom, Chaerin and Minzy won’t hear any of it. They were sure, 100 percent that what Jiyong said in his press conference was all true. And they are convinced now that Jiyong really loves Dara. Their friend is just in ‘in-denial’ stage and they can’t blame her for it.



“Uwaaaaaaaa,” Eun mi exclaimed as she squirmed excitedly on her spot. Peeking through her mother who is beside her, she admired her auntie Bommie wearing the wedding dress the little girl picked herself. “Aunt Bommie is really pretty..”



Dara nodded her head, agreeing to what her daughter had said. Her eyes becoming misty as she watched her best friend walks down the aisle to meet the man waiting for her at the altar. Shifted her eyes towards Seunghyun who had his eyes glued to the woman walking towards him, lips stretched in a big smile and eyes conveying his love for Bom. She’s happy for her best friend, really.. But she can’t help but to feel a little envious..



Bom is already set to have her happy ever after with Seunghyun… When can she have hers?



The ceremony started, all happy seeing two hearts in love is joined together before them. Dara can’t help to let a tear or two slides down from her eyes. She was sitting beside Eun mi and Eun mi beside her father. She placed her hands atop her rounded stomach as she smiled.. “Babies, look at your aunti Bommie… She’s really pretty, neh?” she whispered..



“Mommy, when are you and daddy going to get married?” Eun mi asked as she held her mother’s hand and stared at her aunt Bom and uncle Seunghyun exchanging their vows of love.



Dara was rooted on her spot, remained silent for she doesn’t know what to answer.



“Soon, princess,” Jiyong said beside Eun mi and offered a small smile before holding his daughter’s other hand. He stole a quick glance on Dara only to see her looking at him.



Dara can only look confusingly at him while he stared back at her, looking straight in her eyes. His deep brown orbs conveying something she can’t decipher but can make her heart flutter inside her chest.













A/N: At last! I updated! kkkkkk... ^___^ Mianher for taking this long... T_T And thank you to those who waited! Kyaaaaaaaah! I must say this is a long chappy, neh? It' my gift to you all! Kyaaaaaah! Anyways, I'm kinda in a hurry right now, but I still posted this first because I don't want you all to be waiting anymore, so I'll go now! :)) KKKKKKK ^__^ Enjoy reading it and 'till next time! HENGSHO~~~


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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.