
One More Chance





I glared at Dara’s back while she is busily rummaging through her clothes. We were supposed to have a family day, I mean me, Dara and Eun mi but then suddenly, Dara announced that she have to meet someone. My anger immediately boiled inside remembering our conversation just a while ago…..






“Baby, where do you plan to go today?” I asked Dara as I tightly wrapped my arms around her waist.



“Hmmmm, why don’t you and Eun mi just stay here, neh? I have someone to meet later,” she said as she held my hands and slowly untangle them from her waist. She then went towards the bathroom much to my dismay.



But as stubborn as I am, I followed her inside the bathroom. She was in the action of taking her clothes but I still remained standing there, looking at her back. And besides, I’ve seen her already so it does not bother me anymore, aside from the fact that my body is starting to feel something seeing her flesh.



“Yah! Jiyong, I’m going to take a bath!” she shouted as soon as she noticed that I’m standing inside the bathroom and looking at her while she is undressing herself.



“Tell me first who you will meet later,” I demanded as I pouted my lips. She giggled as she put on her robe before walking towards me.



“I’m meeting Wooyoung later,” she said that made my eyes widen.



“WHAT?! Wooyoung? Jang Wooyoung from 2PM?” I asked. I can already feel the smoke coming from my nostrils.



“Yes, Wooyoung from 2PM,” she replied nonchalantly like it’s the most common thing in the world.



“How come you know him? As far as I know, he is just a mere fanboy of yours.”



“He’s from Busan. We met there and became friends. He even knows Eun mi, and Eun mi knows him. They’re even close. I’m just going to meet up with him because he happens to be here,” she explained as she started to walk towards the shower stall.



I immediately grabbed her hands and turned her around so she could face me. Then I placed my hands on both side of her hips so she won’t escape from me. “But he’s your fanboy,” I grunted.



“So?”  she asked.



“SO?!” I repeated with my eyes as wide as a saucer. “Your fanboys are making their comebacks as your avid fanboys! And you’re actually friends with three of them!” I stated as I brushed my hands through my hair in frustration.



“You’re over-reacting, Ji. I’m just friends with them, what’s wrong with that?” she asked me innocently as she wiggled her body and tried to escape me.



“I’m not over-reacting, Dara. All I’m saying is that you’re being friends with your fanboys. Look, for example, Kim Jaejoong and Lee Donghae went to the YG Family Concert just to see you again on stage. And you even allowed meeting them after the concert, aside from the fact that we have an after party. You decided to hang out with them than to be with us. That’s saying something, right?” I said as I gasped in a mouth full of air and loosen my hold on her waist.



“Where is this leading to, Jiyong? If I don’t know better, I will assume that you’re jealous over them,” she said as she turned her back at me.



I sighed. “What if I say that I am?”



She faced me once more confusion marring her beautiful face. “What do you mean by that?” she asked.



“What if I’m jealous? Will it make any difference?” I asked as I pouted my lips and looked down. This is the first, the very first time that I felt possessive over someone, aside from Eun mi, and this is also the very first time that I acknowledge that I am, indeed jealous. Dara’s the only woman in this world who can make me feel a thousand emotions at the same time and she is the only woman in this world that can make me kill a hundred or even a thousand of fanboys.



I lifted my head when I heard her giggling. “Silly,” she said. And much to my surprise, she wrapped her arms on my neck before tiptoeing to plant a quick kiss on my lips. “You don’t need to be jealous of them, Ji,” said her reassurance.






“We already have a daughter. Do you think I can easily set aside that fact and mingle with those guys you so called my ‘die-hard fanboys’? And besides, I’m already contented having you and Eun mi.”



With what she said, I immediately wrapped my arms around her and started placing kisses all around her face. I can feel the fast beatings of my heart inside my chest, like it wanted to jump out of its cage.



After a while, I was starting to deepen the kiss on when she suddenly pushed me away.



“Enough with the kisses, I still have to freshen up and meet with Wooyoung,” she declared as she pushed me through the door. And when I heard the clicking of the lock, my face twisted in jealousy knowing that she will still meet up with that Jang Wooyoung.






“Mommy, where are you going?” I heard my daughter’s voice that made me snap out of my reverie. I glanced towards the door and saw our daughter looking at her mother with confusion in her face.



“Come here, baby,” I motioned for her to come to me. I sat her on my lap as we continued starting at Dara who is now fixing her hair.



“I’m going to meet up with your uncle Wooyoung, baby. You want to say something to him?” Dara said as she turned her attention towards our daughter.



“Uncle Woo’s here?” Eun mi then excitedly jumped out of my lap and stared brightly up at her mother. I cannot help but pout in my place seeing how my daughter is all excited about this man.



“Uhum,” Dara responded.



“Can I come, mommy? Please?” Eun mi pleaded. I was about to protest and tell Dara that no one’s going to leave the house  but then she already said yes to our daughter that made Eun mi shriek gleefully. And seeing how she is happy about meeting that man, I don’t want to disappoint or make my daughter sad. So instead, I kept all the bitter feelings inside and just forced a smile at them.



“Mommy, can daddy come with us, too? I want daddy to meet uncle Woo!” Eun mi exclaimed as she made her way back to me and hugged me tight.



I glanced at Dara’s direction and saw that she is staring at me. As if questioning me with her stares, if I wanted to go with them or not. And I already knew in the first place that if ever I come with them, I will not be held responsible for my actions if ever my jealousy limit will reach its edge.



“Maybe some other time, baby,” I said while planting a kiss at the top of my daughter’s head. “Daddy still needs to finish something at YGE. I’ll just pick you and your mommy up later when you’re done meeting that uncle Woo of yours.”



“Are you sure, daddy? I really want you to be there,” Eun mi said while pouting her lips cutely at me. I chuckled at her cuteness and pinched my daughter’s cheeks before bending down a little to kiss her cheeks.



“Some other time, baby. Don’t worry, there’s still a next time,” I reassured her that made her nod her head.



“Why don’t you get ready now, baby?” Dara said. Eun mi nodded her head like an obedient child and immediately climbed down my lap to go to her room.



“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us, Ji?” Dara asked as soon as Eun mi is already out of earshot.



“Yeah,” I said reluctantly before standing up and walking towards her. I engulfed her entire form in my arms as I roamed my eyes hungrily around her face. “You know what?” I asked as I pecked a kiss on her lips.



“What?” she then wrapped her hands around my neck and stared back at me while a smile is tugging at her lips.



“I’m really happy that you’re the mother of my daughter,” I kissed her again on her lips and this time, I made it longer and deeper and much more meaningful. And just as I thought, my heart never fails to do some somersaults inside my chest while I savor the feeling of Dara’s lips on mine.



“Mommy, I’m ready,” Eun mi’s voice broke us apart. I plant one last kiss on her lips before walking towards Eun mi and kneeling down so that I can see her eyes.



“Be careful, neh? And don’t be out for too long. I love you, baby,” I said then planted a kiss on Eun mi’s forehead before kissing her cheeks gently.



“Yes, daddy. I love you too,” Eun mi replied and kissed me on the cheeks as well. I smiled contentedly before rising up my feet.



Dara reached for Eun mi’s hands and when they are about to exit the door, I blurted out what was making me feel uneasy about them meeting this Wooyoung.



“Make sure that you both come back to me, okay?”



Dara stopped on her tracks as she slowly turned around to face me. And what I saw in her face made me smile a little, aside from the fear I’m feeling inside. She is smiling at me and looking at me straight through my eyes with all the love in the world shining at her beautiful brown orbs.



“We’ll always come back to you, Ji. Always,” Dara said.
















“Hyung, why do you look like you’ve been dead and then went to heaven and had been resurrected?” Seungri greeted Jiyong as soon as he saw the latter walking along the corridors of YG Building.



“I’m just happy, rat. And please shut up,” Jiyong retaliated while glaring at the poor maknae before rounding at the cafeteria.



“Yo!” Youngbae lifted her two fingers that formed a V-shape to greet his two friends. Jiyong immediately went towards Youngbae’s side and sat beside him, not making any room for Seungri.



“You’re still a bully towards Seungri, Ji,” Youngbae said while looking pitifully at Seungri who is standing in front of their table.



“Whatever,” Jiyong said while smirking at Seungri. Left with no choice, Seungri pulled another chair and sat at the other side of Youngbae.



“Hyung, have you heard the news?” Seungri started as he nudges Youngbae at the side. Jiyong rolled his eyes at no one in particular.



“What news?” Youngbae asked.



“TOP hyung and Bom noona are engaged,” Seungri announced proudly as he dramatically puffed his chest. Youngbae just chuckled seeing the antics of their maknae before smacking him at the back of his head.



“Yah, hyung! Why’d you hit me?” Seungri complained, nursing the back of his head while mumbling incoherent words. “You all hit me whenever you like,” he added that made both Jiyong and Youngbae chuckle in amusement.



“Pabo, I already know about TOP hyung and Bom noona’s engagement,” Youngbae said.



“They’re engaged? Wow,” Jiyong commented, looking all happy for his friends.



“Yeah. They’re finally tying the knot even if they just started their relationship,” Youngbae said. Seungri, now afraid of being hit again by his hyungs, decided to just shut up and just listen to their conversation.



“I’m really happy for them,” Jiyong said.



“How about you, hyung?” Seungri cannot help himself to ask. As soon as he realized what he just asked, he immediately clamped his mouth with his hands and stood up and ran away from the cafeteria.



Deafening silences mediate between Jiyong and Youngbae. And it took Youngbae a little while before clearing his throat. He doesn’t know what to say first so he just placed his hands on Jiyong’s shoulders and tapped it gently.



“You know what’s missing between you and Dara noona?” Youngbae asked that made Jiyong looked at his friend.



“What?” Jiyong asked.



“Marriage,” Youngbae simply replied with a smile on his face. After hearing what his friend has said, Jiyong can only smile at Youngbae before turning his gaze away from his friend.



“Ji, do you love Dara noona?” Youngbae asked him out of the blue.






“Because I can clearly see that Dara noona loves you,” Youngbae said, not even letting him finish what he has to ask first.



Jiyong was stopped for a second; thinking about the question Youngbae had asked him. Is he in love with Dara already? Is that the reason why every time Dara is near, his heart will beat fast against his chest? Is that the reason why every time Dara smiles at him, he always felt breathless? Is that the reason why he was so happy that she is the mother of his daughter? Is that the reason why he wanted to have more children with Dara? And is that the reason why he cannot foresee his future with anyone else aside from Dara?



Jiyong heaved a deep sigh as he scratched his head. His thoughts floating towards Dara and Eun mi who is probably enjoying their meeting with Wooyoung.



“Do you love Dara noona?” Youngbae asked him once more.



“I don’t know,” Jiyong replied while shaking his head. “Yes. I think.”






A/N: Ahhhh, I'm glad I managed to update this one. ^__^ Holidays can really keep me busy like a bee. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll be ending this soon. :)) Just bear with me for a little while more, neh? Kkkkkk ^__^ I really do appreciatel your comments and I read them all. So, if you have time, kindly drop a comment and I'll surely read it. Thanks! Lovelots, guys! :**

PS: Belated Merry Christmas, guys and advanced Happy New Year! :) 

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.