
One More Chance








“Explain this, you bastard!” Bom noona almost shouted and almost throw the phone at me. I caught it and my eyes widen seeing what was there. I was seeing the article that was circulating the net for a while now.



! What the double is this?!



I exclaimed inside my head as I stared unbelieving at the hoax of an article that it is. Whoever wrote this article and whoever took that ing picture, I’m going to hunt them and make sure that they die a painful death. They’re responsible why everyone is ing angry at me right now. Especially Bom noona who looks like she’s ready to send me to hell with the way she looks at me right now.



“This isn’t what you think it is, noona,”  I explained and tried to give her back her phone. She grabbed the phone in my hand with so much force that I feared for my life for a while.



“Then what does the picture means, you scumbag,” Bom seethed.



“Stop calling me names, noona,” I pleaded. I think my ears will bleed with all the names noona is calling me. I know I deserve that names but don’t you think it’s too much?



“You deserve every ing name, you douchebag!” Bom said as she hit the side of my head. I whimpered in pain, but I dare not say anything because it might cause my death.



“Let me explain, noona.”



“That’s what I wanted you to do, ,” Bom noona rolled her eyes but immediately look back at me with her scrutinizing eyes.



I sighed as I brushed my hands through my hair then prepared myself to tell Bom noona what really happened. “We were just catching up. Like old times. And then the next thing I know is she’s already next to me, almost sitting in my lap. She was trying to seduce me. And th—“



“I know that stupid is nothing but a home wrecker! Doesn’t she read the news online?! Your picture with Eun mi and Dara is all over the internet!” Bom exclaimed while flailing her hands, emphasizing her point.



“But noona, I haven’t released statement yet about Eun mi and Dara. So everyone who will see that picture will think that it’s just a rumor,” I explained, being frustrated every second that ticked by. I want to go back inside and be beside Dara. What if she suddenly wakes up and I’m not there?



“Then why don’t you release a ing statement, then?”



“That’s what I’m going to do after Dara recovered already,” I said then sighed once more before going back to what he is explaining before... “I was about to succumb to temptation when Dara and Eun mi flashed in my mind. Right then and there, I knew that being in Japan is totally wrong. So I immediately hop on the plane going here.. Then, all this happened,” I drew a deep breath when I was done explaining myself, hoping that Bom noona believed me.



“You shouldn’t be that careless, you idiot,” Bom noona said through gritted teeth and I can do nothing but to bow my head in guilt and embarrassment.



“I know…. It’s my fault.. I’m sorry, noona,” I apologized sincerely before bowing my head more, not really wanting to meet the angry stares noona is giving me.



There was a long silence that transpired between us. I suddenly had the urge to walk back inside the room, sit beside Dara’s bed, hold her hands in mine and wait for her to open her eyes again. I was about to do about that when Bom noona sighed loudly. I shifted my gaze at her and I can see how this is affecting her also. I understand her, though.. It’s Dara and Eun mi who’s involved and was hurt with this. And hopefully, I can make everything all right now.



“You’re really stupid, Kwon. Hurting Dara with the same woman all over again,” Bom noona said wearily as she took the seat beside her and stared at nothingness, probably tired from hitting and cursing me.



I was dumbfounded for a while with what Bom noona said. I’ve hurt Dara before with the same woman? With Kiko? When? And why? I started asking myself as my brows met in confusion. I can’t remember a moment where I let them two meet. As far as I can remember with my stupid brain, after I ended my affair with Dara, I jumped on that model next…….



“You don’t remember, do you?” Bom noona asked that made me nod my head immediately. “You brought her to our last concert, pabo. Do you have any idea how Dara might have felt at that moment? Seeing you two together, even if you’re not acting intimate with each other?” she sighed first before continuing… “You’re really ed up, Jiyong.”



“I don’t have any idea, noona. I don’t have idea that I’m hurting Dara that time….”



“Of course you won’t have any idea… You don’t even know that Dara’s already in love with you that time.” Bom noona rolled her eyes at me before snorting.



“I’m sorry, noona,” I apologized dejectedly while bowing my head, in shame of showing the face of the man who hurt the best friend of this woman whom I’m standing in front of. What have I done? I asked myself. 



“You don’t have to say sorry to me, Jiyong… I’m not the one who has been hurt by you..,” then, I felt a hand on my shoulder so I looked up. I saw Bom noona looking at me straight in the eyes, her orbs talking to me, pleading. “Please make everything right, neh? I don’t want Dara to get hurt anymore. She has suffered enough. It’s time for her to be happy. Like really happy. Can you do that, dongsaeng?”



I heaved up a deep breath before smiling at Bom noona, telling her that that’s what I’m going to do now. “I can, noona. And I will,” I replied which made the older girl in front of me smile in content. I smiled back at her and sighed, then, after some time, our attention was at the door to Dara’s room.



From the inside, we heard Eun mi’s high pitched shriek. “Mommy!”



My eyes widen and before I could even think staright, my feet is moving to its own accord and going towards the room.

























As soon as Jiyong entered the room, he saw Eun mi on the side of Dara’s bed, with her arms wrapped tightly around her mother and her little head buried on Dara’s lap. He smiled gently seeing the scene of Dara and Eun mi and thought that he’s the luckiest man alive having them in his life.



He slowly made his way towards them, taking his time in reaching them. Seungri, on the other hand, observed his hyung not far from where Dara and Eun mi is hugging each other. And he can proudly say that his hyung has finally got some sense into his brain. He can see the way his hyung looked at Eun mi and Dara, and he can proudly add that he is happy. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he watched his hyung.



“H-Hey,” Jiyong said as soon as he was two steps away from his daughter and Dara. Both heads turned to him and he had to gulp down the nervousness forming inside him. He doesn’t know why he’s feeling nervous at the moment, maybe he doesn’t know how to approach the woman he realized he loves who happens to be the mother of his daughter and is currently carrying his twins.



He cleared his throat first before speaking again.. “Do you want anything? Are you thirsty?” he asked while looking back and forth at Eun mi and Dara.



Dara just shook her head before gazing down at her daughter again. She smiled tenderly at Eun mi as she brushed her hair with her hands. “How are you, baby?” she asked.



“I’ll just go and tell the doctor that you’re finally awake,” Jiyong said before turning around and heading towards the door, leaving Dara, Eun mi and Seungri in the room.



“I’m fine, mommy. Are you okay now, mommy? I’m really worried about you,” Eun mi asked worriedly then pouted her lips. Dara giggled seeing how her daughter looked like her father whenever she will pout her lips.



“Don’t worry about mommy, baby. I’m okay now,” Dara said reassuringly.



“Are you sure, mommy?” the little girl asked again, still worried about her mom.



“Hmmmmm,” Dara nods her head and smiled. She bent down a little and placed a kiss on top of Eun mi’s head before wrapping her in a hug again. “I love you, princess,” Dara whispered.



“I love you too, mommy. And I love daddy also. But I hate him right now,” Dara smiled some more after hearing what her daughter had said. Eun mi isn’t making a sense with what she’s saying but who cares?



“Baby, please don’t hate daddy….” Dara said.



“But he was with another woman while he was in Japan, mommy! I saw it with my two eyes,” Eun mi reasoned out as she pulled herself out of the hug and sat at the chair beside Dara’s bed where Jiyong is sleeping every night while he watches over Dara.



“Let’s hear daddy’s explanation first, okay? I’m sure everything’s just a misunderstanding,” Dara said then shifted her attention to the right where she saw her favorite dongsaeng leaning on the wall with his hands inside his pockets.



“Anneyeong, Seungri-ah,” Dara greeted cheerful as she beamed at the younger guy who is walking towards them.



“How are you, noona?” Seungri asked as he casually placed his hands on her shoulders.



“I’m fine, Seungri-ah. Thank you for coming here…… By the way, is there any chance that Bom’s here too? I can smell her presence from here,” Dara said as she jokingly sniffed the air, as if she really smells Bom’s presence. Both Eun mi and Seungri can only laugh at Dara’s antics and stopped when the door opened and revealed Bom.



“I told you she’s here,” Dara remarked then winked at the newly entered. Bom can only shook her head in amazement seeing how her Park Sister is back in her old self again, as if nothing happened. She’s now wondering whether Dara saw the picture of Jiyong with other girl or not….



“How are you?” Bom asked worriedly as she strutted her way towards them and sat at the side of the bed. Eun mi, seeing her auntie, excitedly jumps on Bom’s lap while Dara’s hand is latched on hers.



“I’m fine, Bommie-ah....” Dara said then smiled gently at her Park sister before glancing at Seungri then back at Bom. “Wow, I’m really touched knowing that you all got worried over me. It’s a good thing that the maknaes are busy with their schedules, or else I’m going to endure Chaerin’s nonstop rants and Minzy’s sobbing,” she said before giggling to herself.



“Of course we’re worried about you, noona,” Seungri said the cleared his throat before teasingly adding… “Especially Jiyong hyung…. I can see from the bags under his eyes that he hasn’t slept a good night sleep. Seems like he’s busy taking care of a certain rabbit.” He then wiggled his eyebrows playfully at Dara which made the later to smile like a shy girl caught staring at her crush.



“Ouch! These people….. Always fond of hitting me…..” Seungri exclaimed then mumbled as he nursed the back of his head where Bom hit him with her bare hands. Who in their right mind to tease a woman who just recovered from a sickness? It’s only the stupid maknae of BigBang who is forever the trouble maker.



Eun mi wiggled at Bom’s lap and jumped into Seungri’s arms. Then, much to everyone’s surprise, Eun mi placed a gentle kiss on Seungri and smiled tenderly at her uncle. Dara wondered what happened why Eun mi and Seungri seems close when in fact, Eun mi hated her uncle Seungri because he keeps on teasing the little girl up to no extent.



Before Dara can open and ask the two what happened while she was unconscious, the door opened and revealed Dr. Song with Jiyong trailing behind her. Dara immediately bowed down her head in embarrassment seeing the look Dr. Song is giving her. She knows the good doctor said that she’s having a complicated pregnancy and she’s not allowed to be stressed but she was really shocked and hurt after seeing that picture of Jiyong and that girl.



She heaved in a deep breath before mustering up the courage to look up at her doctor and smile. She can see in her peripheral vision that Jiyong is just beside Seungri, who is still holding Eun mi in his arms, and looking at her worriedly before glancing at their daughter who is still not in talking terms with her daddy.



“Ms. Park,” Dr. Song said.



“I know…. I know… I’m sorry.. I promise it won’t happen again,” Dara apologized as she bowed down her head and placed her hands protectively around her stomach. Then her eyes widens when she realized that the doctor might say something about her pregnancy with Jiyong still around.



“Uhmmmmm. I—“



“Fainting is really not good for the babies, Ms. Park…” Dara was about to tell the doctor that they could talk in private about her condition for she’s not sure yet if she’s going to tell Jiyong about the baby, but it’s too late. The doctor already blurted out everything she wants to hide.



Dara buried her head in her palms and sighed for the nth time. She, then, lifted her head and glanced briefly at Jiyong’s direction. She furrowed her eyebrows when Jiyong doesn’t seem to be surprised about what he heard and he just stood there and listened carefully at to what the doctor is saying.



“You can go home later…. And Ms. Park, please follow everything I told you so that you and the babies will be healthy. We don’t want any complications, do we?” Dara nodded her head and sighed once more, not really knowing how many times had she sighed that day, and smiled at the doctor…



“And Mr. Kwon, take care of your wife, neh?”



“He’s not m—,“ Dara was about to deny that Jiyong is her husband, though it sounds good in her ears.



“I will, doctor. Thank you,” Jiyong interrupted her and smiled apologetically at first before returning his attention towards the doctor who is reminding him all about the do’s and don’ts for Dara. Jiyong nodded his head enthusiastically and memorized by heart each and every word Dr. Song is saying.



When the doctor is already out of the room, they all went back to what they were doing before Dr. Song and Jiyong entered the room. Dara was happily chatting with Bom while Eun mi is playing a guessing game with Seungri. While on the other hand, Jiyong sighed and went to where Dara’s things are placed and organized it so Dara won’t have to worry about her things anymore when they go home later.



Dara’s ears are on Bom but her eyes travelled somewhere, specifically on the guy who is arranging her things on the corner of the room with a sullen face. The smile on her face faltered as she sighed silently. She wanted to burst into tears as soon as she saw Bom but she held her emotions inside and mustered up a happy face so they won’t have to worry about her anymore. But deep inside, seeing that picture, it feels like a thousand needles pierced her heart and the air she was breathing was suddenly snatched away from her.



She needs to stop thinking and hoping that she could the happy ending she wanted with Jiyong. Because if she continues with the false hopes, she could really be disappointed and her world might crash when it’s too hard to let him go. She needs to move on and forget the feelings he has for Jiyong because he will never love her back just like how she wanted him to. And now, she feels empty knowing that Jiyong is forced to stay with her longer because of the babies. She doesn’t want to burden him anymore with everything that is related to her. But what can she do?  ‘Fate must be playing a trick on me’, she thought to herself and sighed.








All the pretense of being happy and jolly is for the sake of herself, her twins, Eun mi, Bom, Seungri, and of course Jiyong. She just wanted everything to be okay, is it too much to ask?







A/N: Hey, guuuuuuys... :)) Do you still know me? kkkkkkk ^__^ Rather, does anyone still read OMC? T_T I'm really really sorry for the long wait.... T_T Please don't kill me, neh? I still have to finish this one... :))) Oh, this is nearing it's end (i think?)... Maybe 3-4 chapters left... T_T I'm going to miss you all! I don't want ti end this yet but I can't think of anything to add anymore... HUL~


P.S..... Follow me on twitter, guuuuuys! I follow back and I really want to talk with you there! kkkkkkk ^___^  @bttrflygrl




OMOOOOOO! 1 more and OMC will reach 300 SUBBIES!!!!!  






Hugs and kisses! <3 :*

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.