
One More Chance





“Mommy, you’re phone’s ringing,” Eun mi stated as she pointed towards the table where my phone is sitting.



I stood up from my seat and ruffling Eun mi’s hair first before walking towards the table to retrieve my phone. When I looked at the screen to see who’s calling me, my brows furrowed seeing YG sajangnim’s name.



“Yeoboseo, sajangnim,” I greeted as I picked up the phone.



“Anneyeong, Dara-ah. I hope I’m not disturbing you but I have something to tell you.”



“It’s okay, sajangnim. You’re not disturbing at all.”



Uhm, before I ask. How’s your daughter doing?”



I quickly stole a glance towards the breakfast table where Eun mi is happily eating her pancakes beside her father. I smiled at the scene before returning my attention at the call.



“She’s doing fine, sajangnim. Thank you for asking.”



“That’s great to hear. Anyways, YG family will be holding its annual concert sometime in January. It’s three months from now.”



“Wow, I suddenly missed being a part of YG Family concert,” I giggled to myself, the memories of the past with me having fun on stage with the girls and the rest of the YG Family came back to me with a sense of longingness. “I’ll surely support this one, sajangnim.”



“Well, about that… Someone suggested that I make BigBang and 2NE1 appear again. Even just for the concert. And since all the members are all here in the country and not that busy, I agreed on it. I already talked to Chaerin and Bom and Minzy and they are all excited knowing that you’ll get to perform on stage again after so many years. So, I’m gonna ask you if it’s okay with you?”



Wait, did I hear it right? 2NE1 will be performing again on stage? As in, the four of us? Complete? I can’t believe what I just heard. I’ve missed performing for the fans but there was never a time that I’d imagine myself with the rest of the girls again, performing our hearts out just like the old times. Overwhelming feelings started boiling inside of me that I had to gulp to keep the emotions at bay.



“Of course, sajangnim. I’d be delighted to be a part of YG Family concert again. But I’m not sure if fans will warmly accept me once more knowing that I now have a daughter,” I jokingly added the last part which made the old man on the other line chuckle.



“Oh, you just don’t know how your fans bullied me through YG life to make you comeback,” sajangnim said that made me surprised. I didn’t know that after all these years, there are still some people supporting me even if I already quit.



“Aigoooo. I don’t know what to say, sajangnim. I’m still floating on a cloud nine after hearing that 2NE1 will make an appearance at the YG Family concert.”



 I heard sajangnim chuckled first before replying, “There’ll be a general meeting tomorrow morning. Be here with Jiyong and please make that lazy guy be on time, neh? I’ll see you tomorrow, Dara-ah.”



“Neh. Kamsahamnida, sajangnim. We’ll be there,” I said before ending the call. I placed my phone down on the table again before heading towards the breakfast table.



“Who’s that, mommy?” Eun mi asked as she glanced up at me and smiled goofily at me before turning towards her father. With the way Jiyong wickedly smiling at me, I know both of them are up to no good.



“Better not do it, you two. I know you have something nasty for me and unfortunately, I’m in no mood for it,” I reprimanded then I tried to hide the forming smile on my face seeing their looks.



“Mommy, daddy says he had to go to Japan for a month,” Eun mi said. She then stepped down from her seat only to climb at my lap and sat there while looking at her father with her pitiful face.



“I’m sure it’s because of daddy’s work. You don’t have to worry,” I said as I her hair, which she got from her father, and started eating my food.



“Can’t we go with daddy?” she tilted her head up and looked at me through her hair. I smiled down at her.



“No need for us to go with daddy. He’ll be back as soon as we can notice it, baby.”



“Do you want to go with me?” Jiyong asked as he stood up from his seat and sat down on Eun mi’s former seat, which is beside me.



“There’s no need, Jiyong-ah. We’ll just wait for you here,” I replied as I turned to him and he smiled at me. Then again, my heart never failed to do somersaults inside my chest seeing that smile of him.  



“But I wanted to take Eun mi to Japan,” he argued, looking at me.



“You can take her there some other time, Ji. Just go there and finish your work as soon as you can then go back to Eun mi, neh?” I persuaded him, hoping he will agree and just let the subject go.



“Okay,” he replied with a reluctant smile on his face. I smiled back at him and turned my attention towards my daughter who is finishing her pancakes.



“Mom, I really want to go with daddy,” Eun mi said after she she gulped the pancake in .



“Baby, we can go there some other time.. And besides, you said you wanted to see mommy performing again, right?” I asked with an excitedly glint in my eyes. I just can’t help myself feeling excited about me performing once more.



“Yes! Yes! Yes! I wanted to see you perform again, mommy!” Eun mi replied as she stood from her seat and started jumping up and down in place.



“Easy, baby,” Jiyong said as he placed his hands on Eun mi’s back and supported her and made sure that her back won’t hit the breakfast table.



“Daddy, mommy’s going to perform again! I’m so excited!” Eun mi said, turning towards her daddy while still jumping up and down. I smiled contentedly seeing Eun mi happy and Jiyong smiling towards our daughter with so much affection in his eyes.



“Oh, daddy! I remember something about a video auntie Chaerin made me watch. You were singing with mommy on stage. And you even hugged her there! Daddy, I want you and mommy to perform together,” she’s still on her energetic mode as she jumped towards her father’s lap. Jiyong immediately caught her and her hair lovingly.



“Baby, daddy will be performing also with your uncle Panda, uncle Doreamon, uncle Tabi and uncle Youngbae,” I said as I stood up from my seat and went towards the refrigerator to fetch a pitcher of water.



It’s still a mystery to me why Eun mi didn’t gave a nickname to Taeyang. Maybe because she finds Youngbae’s name amusing already so she didn’t bother giving him a nickname. I smiled as I shook my head before going back towards the table.



“Really, daddy?” she asked excitedly as she wiped her head towards Jiyong. He just nodded his head vigorously with a gorgeous smile on his face. Aigoo, even if it’s not directed to me, his smile really can’t fail to make my heart beat wildly inside my chest.



“Baby, where do you want to go for today?” I asked as I took the seat next to Jiyong and leaned my hands over the table so I can look at my daughter.



“Hmmmmm,” Eun mi said thoughtfully as she tapped her forefinger at the side of her head. Then after a short while, her round eyes met mine as she smiled excitedly at me. “Mommy, I want to visit grandpop and grandmom and aunt Dami. Oh, I also wanted to see Gaho and Jollie!” she said as she turned her attention towards her father once more and looked at him pleadingly.



“Okay…” I said that made Eun mi clap her hands merrily. Jiyong looked briefly at me then he smiled at me before standing up with Eun mi in his hands. I stood from my seat as well.



“I think this young lady needs some bath first before going somewhere, don’t you think so, mommy?” Jiyong asked as he stood in front of me and stared at me for quite some time before turning his gaze towards our daughter.



“Hmm,” I hummed in agreement as I nod my head. Eun mi just looked at me and Jiyong with a smile on her face. And much to my surprise, Jiyong draped an arm around my shoulders.



I looked up at him with confusion written on my face. I know I should be used to him draping an arm around my shoulders, or him wrapping his arms around my waist, or him planting occasional kisses on my face, or him kissing me deeply in my mouth that made me breathless, but I just can’t help myself to wonder why he is doing those things to me.



He then slightly bent down to kiss the side of my head before leading the way towards the stairs to prepare ourselves for our adventure for the day; and that is going to Jiyong’s parents.










“Gaho! Jollie!” Eun mi shrieked wildly as soon as the doors open and revealed two dogs wagging their tails in excitement. Eun mi immediately ran towards the dogs and kneeled in front of the dogs and started tickling them.



“Hi, omma,” Jiyong greeted his mother, who opened the door, as he bent down and kissed the old woman’s cheek.



“Hi, auntie,” Dara greeted as she took her turn in kissing the old woman’s cheek. Mrs. Kwon ushered them inside and made them sit on the couch where they stared at their daughter happily playing with Jiyong’s dogs.



“Aigoo, why didn’t you tell me beforehand that you’ll visit us here. I should’ve prepared something for the three of you,” Mrs. Kwon said as she sat in front of Dara and Jiyong.



“It’s okay, omma. Besides, we’re not going to be here for long. Eun mi just wanted to visit you and appa and Dami noona,” Jiyong said.



“Do you want anything?” Mrs. Kwon asked as she stood in her seat.



“No, thank you, auntie,” Dara said as she smiled warmly at the old woman.



“Okay.. I’ll just call your appa and you Dami noona,” Mrs. Kwon said then went her way towards the stairs.



“Gaho, Jollie,” Jiyong called out for his dogs as he leaned his elbow on his knees as he waited for his pets to reach him. Hearing their names, the two dogs wagged their tails excitedly as they scampered their way towards their owner. Eun mi stood up from the floor and immediately followed the two dogs.



Dara, seeing the excited dogs coming their way, felt nervous all of the sudden. She immediately stood from her seat and went towards the kitchen. She is still scared of dogs after all these years and she thinks that it will not go away anytime soon.



“Daddy, look. Mommy’s still afraid of dogs,” Eun mi said as she pointed her fingers towards her mother who is standing stiffly at the kitchen door, looking at them with fear in her eyes.



“Your mommy’s always been afraid of dogs,” Jiyong said with a hint of amusement in his voice. “She would always run away from me every time Gaho is in my hands,” Jiyong then chuckled. Then, with a wicked thought in his mind, he collected Gaho in his arms and stood up.



Dara, seeing the wicked glint in Jiyong’s eyes, stepped back when she saw him approaching her. “Don’t you dare, Kwon Jiyong,” she muttered under her breath as she wagged her finger in front of him, telling him to stop whatever he is going to do. But seeing Jiyong still advancing towards her with Gaho in his hands, she sensed that Jiyong is not going to follow her demand.



She started backing away once more and when her back bumped at something solid, she started praying for her life. There’s no other way she can escape the situation she is in right now. And her little wicked daughter started laughing and clapping seeing the scared look of his mother, but Dara couldn’t care less.



Jiyong is just three steps away from her and she was very close to tears. She felt her body shaking slightly with the thought of Jiyong’s dog coming in her way. She’s scared of Gaho way before then, and she’s more scared of him now that he has grown bigger.



She tilted her head at the side and closed her eyes tightly. Then she heaved a deep breath. After some time, she heard a boisterous laughter that sounded like Jiyong’s. She opened her eyes and saw him standing in front of her laughing like there’s no tomorrow, Gaho already on Eun mi’s side.



“You,” she hissed as she pointed an accusing finger at him and squinted her eyes at him.



“You should’ve seen your face, baby,” he said while still laughing. He then walked towards her, with Dara still glaring at the mischievous guy, and wrapped his arms around her waist.



“I hate you,” she muttered darkly as she punched his chest. Jiyong then laughed once more before looking down at her.



“I’m sorry for scaring you, baby. I just wanted to play with you,” he said then bent down and placed a chaste kiss on her lips before winking at her. Feeling not satisfied with just a peck on the lips, he dived in her lips again for a deeper kiss.



The moment she felt his lips on her, her fear vanished. And the world around her stopped revolving and just focused on her and him. Butterflies fly wildly inside her stomach and her heart beats liked it wanted to jump out of her ribcage.



“Eherm,” someone cleared their throat on the background and the two pulled out from their heated kiss to see who that intruder was.



“Appa,” Jiyong said as he greeted the old man in front of the couple who wears a smile on his face. Jiyong brushed his fingers through his hair first before wrapping his arms around Dara’s waist. Dara, on the other hand, blushed tremendously seeing Jiyong’s father looking at them with a teasing glint on the old man’s eyes.



“Aisht, these two….” Mrs. Kwon muttered jokingly while giggling beside her husband. “Can’t wait to get home..”



“Aunt Dami!” Eun mi exclaimed that made her gain the attention of the four adults on the kitchen. They smiled at each other before going towards the family room where Eun mi is happily playing with Jiyong’s dog and talking animatedly with her aunty Dami.























It was ten in the evening when Dara, Jiyong and Eun mi arrived in their humble home. Eun mi is already fast asleep the moment they arrived. Well, who wouldn’t be tired with all the talking and playing and running around Eun mi made.



Dara planted a gentle kiss on her daughter’s cheeks before wishing her a silent good night. “I love you, baby,” she whispered as she stood up from kneeling at Eun mi’s side of the bed.



She then walked towards the door where Jiyong is waiting for her. When she got to his side, he draped an arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “Good night, my princess. Sleep tight,” Jiyong said then he flicked the lights out and led their way outside Eun mi’s room.



Soon, the two stood awkwardly in front of Dara’s door.



“Uhhhm, so….. Good night, Ji. See you tomorrow,” Dara said as she nervously turned her back on him and turned the knob of her door. But even before she could enter her room, a hand stopped her from doing so.



Jiyong grabbed her wrist and made Dara turn around to face him. And his lips immediately caught hers. And soon after, they were in their own world, drowned in their heated kiss. Both hearts’ beating fast with the familiar feeling of that ignited fire inside their system.



The desire they felt for each other overpowered any logical thinking they could have done. And before they both know it, they were already inside her room, doing what they have done why back before. Familiarizing their selves once more to the feeling of each other intimately as the night danced away.





A/N: YEY! I updated! Sorry if it took me this long to update this one. I was really busy the past weeks. And the Christmas season isn't helping either. I'm also sorry for this boring chapter. But please accept this chapter as my advance gift for the season. Have a happy holidays, yeorubun! See you all on the next chapter. Thank you for still supporting this story! I love you all! *hugs&kisses*

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ApplerJiDee #1
Chapter 25: A happy DARAGON is always good for the heart! One of my this one this year. Thanks for the story!!!
Chapter 25: I like your story authornim so so great about ♥️ sacrifice,trial, understanding, patient and most of all true love reveal, all the situation happen the result is happy ending forever♥️
Chapter 25: This is a ride which is full of emotions KYAAAAHHH!
Jhanesgabriel #4
Chapter 1: So nice...thank you for this..looking forward for next
Chapter 8: Umurong yong kilig ko nung biglang "knowing im not inlove with you yet" tas leukemia p huhu hard angst ata talaga to, buti nabasa ko sa comments na happy ending
Chapter 7: Hala ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 7: Ang rupok lang ni dara?
Chapter 4: If im on dara's shoes ill also hide my child, hello he brought and even introduced his new buddy to dara, on their final concert and kakabreak pa nga lang nila kahit affair lang yon
Chapter 1: Ang sakit first chap pa lang
Chapter 25: One of my favorite love story. A Sacrifice about true love may results very happy ending you love most and also one of my favorite authornim.