Chapter Five


Sungyeol POV:

Myungsoo and I were walking around after-school. Dongwoo and Woohyun had soccer, Hoya was busy, Sunggyu was doing homework, and Sungjong had vocal lessons leaving Myungsoo and I with nothing to do. We walked down the sidewalk away from the school in silence as students around us were yelling and running around.

"Sungyeol, does it seem like Hoya and Dongwoo are more awkward than normal?" Myungsoo asked as he looked towards me.

"Uhm, yes. Maybe it's because they love eachother so much," I said jokingly.

"That must be it," Myungsoo said as he sighed.

"It was a joke," I said as I looked at him as he looked at his feet. "Are you okay Myungsoo?"

"What?" He looked at me, "Of course. I guess I keep thinking about what we will all be doing when this school year is over."

I laughed, "Myungsoo, you're so worried about the future. You need to live in the present."

"Obviously I live in the present," Myungsoo said.

"Yeah, but your head is in the future. You keep worrying about things that shouldn't matter now. Like, what is one thing you really want to do?" I asked him as he looked like he was in deep thought.

"Well, I really want to do something fun. Like go to an amusement park. I've never done that before." He said as he nodded.

"That's a little expensive, but since I love you we can go," I said as he adverted his attention from his deep thoughts and then back to me.

"Wait, you mean go right now? But I have homework and if I don't get it done then my parents will be mad, and-"

"Myungsoo! You're living in the future. Come back to the present." I said, interupting him.

"Do you really want to go? Do you know where it is? What if we get lost?" Myungsoo asked.

"Do you ever stop worrying? You should live every once in a while." I said, rolling my eyes. Myungsoo was so serious all the time, he needed to let loose.

"Well technically I live everyday," He said, narrowing his eyes towards me.

"No, I'll show you what living really is like," And with that I took his hand in mine as I led him to the amusement park.


Myungsoo POV:

We were here: the amusement park. Sungyeol had led me to the biggest rollar coaster in the whole place and right now we were in line looking at the height of it.

"Sungyeol, aren't you worried that this ride isn't safe?" I asked, taking in the ride. It was a little too high for my comfort.

"Nah," Sungyeol said as he shook his head, "That's not exactly what living is for me. Living for me is seeing something you want to do and go for it. If you worry all of the time, you never do anything."

"Ah," I said as the line progressed forward. "Well, I'm a little nervous."

"It'll be fine," He said as the ticket guy stopped him because the ride was full. He turned around and faced me with a cheesy grin on his face, "Myungsoo! We get to sit in the front of the next one."

"Oh great," I said, hoping that the ride would never come back, but it did in no time.

I showed the worker my wrist band as he let Sungyeol and I through, and onto the rollar coaster. The seats were in pairs, so Sungyeol and I were the only ones in front. We put on our saftey bar and waited until everyone got on. My heart was beating a little faster. I had to admit I was a little scared for the ride.

"Myungsoo," Sungyeol laughed, probably noticing my discomfort. "Don't worry it'll be fun. Are you nervous?"

"Yes," I said, realizing there was no use lying.

"Don't worry," He said as the ride started.

The ride wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. It was actually very fun. The wind rushed past me as the rollar coaster moved at an unbeatable speed. I looked at Sungyeol whom was laughing and I laughed with him. This was the most fun I've had in years. I didn't worry or notice anything except what was infront of me: Sungyeol. I didn't even notice until after the ride had stopped that we were holding hands.

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taekai93 #1
Chapter 20: Myungjong<3
Chapter 28: Hehe, I loved it!! Your stories are amazing!!!! You know, I really think you should make a sequel to this. Like how they form as Infinite now. I mean, that would be awesome!! Lol. I could help, too xDD Just kidding, you dont have to! xD
choco31 #3
Chapter 29: omo..this story so cute :)
i loveeeeee it! thannks author -nim :)
Chapter 29: its end??? finaly they join in Infinite group... I just think that how if ispirit in world wide also using rings with infinite's symbol...
exo_infinite_suju #5
Chapter 29: at the end sungjong is alone? what the... T3T ma myungjong and yeoljong feels..
Chapter 29: Awww it's over, but the ending was super awesome!
The place they meet is the place where they become Infinite!!
Chapter 27: They're all going to audition and become infinite!!! I know it!!!
Chapter 24: YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Go MYUNGEOL!!!
Chapter 23: OHHH! They should all be singers and audition! And then POOF! Infinite (인피니트) is born!!!!
But besides that, I WANNA KNOW WHO MYUNG LIKES!!!
Chapter 21: I think I'd go with what the others said... Myungsoo will choose Sungyeol :)))