Chapter Twenty-One


Sunjong POV:

I walked into sixth period surprisingly on time today. I slipped into my seat right when the bell rang.

"So have you chosen yet?" Mir asked, making me jump.

"Geez," I said as I placed a hand on my chest, "You scared me Mir."

"Sorry," He said as he smiled, "Now answer my question: Have you chosen?"

"You know, you are a very nosy and irritating person," I said as I took out my notes.

"Let me guess, Myungsoo and Sungyeol chose eachother," He said as he leaned back into his seat.

"I'll have you know that we are on what some would call a break," I said as he raised an eyebrow, "Meaning that we can't hang out with eachother for a week to re-evaluate our feelings for eachother."

"Ah," Mir said as he tried coalescing his ideas in his mind. "And how's that working for you?"

"Not too well," I said as the teacher started class, "Not too well."


Sungyeol POV:

"What's wrong with you?" Hoya asked me as we walked to my house after-school.

"I have nobody to hang out with but you!" I said as we crossed the street.

"I'm hurt, " Hoya said jokingly as he smiled towards me.

"You know what I mean. I can't hang out with Myungsoo or Sungjong for a week!"

"That would . I'm hanging out with you instead of Dongwoo and I feel like dying!"

"I'm hurt," I said, mocking Hoya's privious comment.

He smiled towards me, "So have you thought about it?"

"Yeah," I said as I sighed, "As I do have feelings for Sungjong, I think I might have stronger feelings towards Myungsoo."

"You know what this means," Hoya said as I nodded, "The decision is up to Myungsoo."


Myungsoo POV:

"What am I doing here?" Sunggyu asked with an annoyed tone.

"I called you over here because I need help deciding on who I am going to chose!" I said as I pulled out a yearbook.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes as he sat down on the floor beside me while mummbling something I couldn't quite make out.

"What was that?" I asked as I flipped the pages of the yearbook.

"I said that I should be with Woohyun right now," He said while throwing his hands in the air.

"Quit whining. He is at soccer."

"True. So what exactly do you need help with?" He asked as he looked over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, "Have you been listening to anything I've been saying for this past week? I have to chose between Sungjong or Sungyeol."

"Do you have to? I mean what's so bad about being friends?"

"Back at you," I said as Sunggyu blushed, looking at the ring on his finger.

"I'll make it way easier on you," Sunggyu said as he faced towards me, "I want you to list out pros and cons. I want you to go through all your experiences and memories and I want you to call the person who pops into your head first."

I looked at Sunggyu with wide eyes, "Oh my gosh Sunggyu. I think I know which one I'm going to choose."


Author's note:

A little rushed, but I'll update way more tomorrow! Thank you for reading, commenting, and subscribing! It means a lot!


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taekai93 #1
Chapter 20: Myungjong<3
Chapter 28: Hehe, I loved it!! Your stories are amazing!!!! You know, I really think you should make a sequel to this. Like how they form as Infinite now. I mean, that would be awesome!! Lol. I could help, too xDD Just kidding, you dont have to! xD
choco31 #3
Chapter 29: omo..this story so cute :)
i loveeeeee it! thannks author -nim :)
Chapter 29: its end??? finaly they join in Infinite group... I just think that how if ispirit in world wide also using rings with infinite's symbol...
exo_infinite_suju #5
Chapter 29: at the end sungjong is alone? what the... T3T ma myungjong and yeoljong feels..
Chapter 29: Awww it's over, but the ending was super awesome!
The place they meet is the place where they become Infinite!!
Chapter 27: They're all going to audition and become infinite!!! I know it!!!
Chapter 24: YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Go MYUNGEOL!!!
Chapter 23: OHHH! They should all be singers and audition! And then POOF! Infinite (인피니트) is born!!!!
But besides that, I WANNA KNOW WHO MYUNG LIKES!!!
Chapter 21: I think I'd go with what the others said... Myungsoo will choose Sungyeol :)))