Chapter Four


Woohyun POV:

It was the end of the week: Friday after-school, and Dongwoo came over after soccer practice. He said he needed to talk to me, so we were in my room. He was pacing my room as I took out my government homework to get it over with. I was sitting at my desk and he was behind me, out of my vision because I found his pacing distracting.

"Woohyun, I have to tell you something, but it has to be a complete secret," Dongwoo said, not breaking his pacing.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked while I opened my government book.

"Hoya-said-he-was-in-love-with-me," Dongwoo said the sentence fastly as it molded together so it came out like one word.

"Wait what?" I lookd up from my government homework. He didn't just say Hoya loved him... did he? "Did you just say Hoya is in love with you?" I raised an eyebrow towards the pacing Dongwoo.

"Uh, yes that is what I said. One of my best friends is in love with me," He sat down on the bed as I spun around in my chair and leaned back so I was fully facing Dongwoo.

"Please don't tell me you laughed in his face," I said as Dongwoo shook his head. He was known for laughing in all types of situations, and I just hoped this one wasn't it. Hoya and I were good friends, and even though Dongwoo and I were also good friends, I didn't want Dongwoo hurting Hoya.

"No, of course not. I was too shocked." He said as he took a deep breath and laid on the bed.

"You know what? I have noticed you guys being a little more awkward lately. So what did you say?" I asked, suddenly very interested.

"Uhm... Well I asked him to repeat what he had said because, you know, I was so surprised."

"What are you going to do? I mean I don't want this messing up our group's friendship." I said as Dongwoo sat back up and rolled his eyes.

"Nothing. I'm going to pretend like he didn't say anything. I mean, people like us Woohyun, we don't love. We aren't committed." Dongwoo said the last part in a way which let me know he had been thinking about it for a while.

"People like us?" I asked Dongwoo as I raised an eyebrow, hoping he'd clarify.

"Yes, players. We aren't into the same thing everyday. We are spontaneous and we like different people, you know?" Dongwoo said as he tilted his head.

"Yeah," I muttered as I turned back to my homework, but I didn't know. If people like me weren't supposed to love, how come I've been having a strong attraction towards a certain someone? And what if I was a player to get their attention?


Sunggyu POV:

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a normal guy looking back at me. He had light brown hair like me, and small eyes. I sighed as I brushed my hair to the left with my fingers. It was seven at night on a Friday and I had nothing to do. I had finished my homework in two hours and have been standing infront of the mirror. I started singing a random song that popped into my head as I looked at myself. I could be a singer if I wanted to be, and that's what I wanted to do. Sungjong was telling me that he wanted to be a singer when he grows up, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him I had the same dreams. Maybe it was because everyone: my friends and family, expect me to be an engineer, or a CEO. That's what I'll do after high school, I'll try to be a CEO of a coorperation after going to an ivy league college like my father wants me to do.

"Sunggyu, is that you?" My mom yelled up the stairs.

"Uhm, no it's my Ipod," I said back to my mom. I hadn't realized how loudly I was singing.

"Well, it's a beautiful song." I heard my mom say, and then I heard her walk away.

I sighed, that was close. I looked back at myself and realized that I couldn't stand infront of my mirror all night and sing to myself, so I decided to do something. I called the first person that popped into my head, whom happened to be first on my speed dial even though I had their number memorized: my best friend Woohyun.

"Hello, Sunggyu?" I heard Woohyun say on the other end but I also heard another voice.

"Woohyun, what are you doing?" I asked, not wanting to bother him if he was busy.

"I'm just hanging out with Dongwoo, what about you?" I instantly felt sad thinking that Woohyun was busy and hanging out with someone other than me.

"Oh, just bored but I can tell you're busy," I said, about to hang up but Woohyun yelled at the other end.

"Wait!" My heart skipped a beat, anticipating what he was going to say next, "I'll be over in ten."

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taekai93 #1
Chapter 20: Myungjong<3
Chapter 28: Hehe, I loved it!! Your stories are amazing!!!! You know, I really think you should make a sequel to this. Like how they form as Infinite now. I mean, that would be awesome!! Lol. I could help, too xDD Just kidding, you dont have to! xD
choco31 #3
Chapter 29: omo..this story so cute :)
i loveeeeee it! thannks author -nim :)
Chapter 29: its end??? finaly they join in Infinite group... I just think that how if ispirit in world wide also using rings with infinite's symbol...
exo_infinite_suju #5
Chapter 29: at the end sungjong is alone? what the... T3T ma myungjong and yeoljong feels..
Chapter 29: Awww it's over, but the ending was super awesome!
The place they meet is the place where they become Infinite!!
Chapter 27: They're all going to audition and become infinite!!! I know it!!!
Chapter 24: YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Go MYUNGEOL!!!
Chapter 23: OHHH! They should all be singers and audition! And then POOF! Infinite (인피니트) is born!!!!
But besides that, I WANNA KNOW WHO MYUNG LIKES!!!
Chapter 21: I think I'd go with what the others said... Myungsoo will choose Sungyeol :)))