Chapter One


Woohyun POV:

  I walked down the school hallway like I owned the place. The walls were freshly painted, the floors were recently waxed, and the lockers were cleaned from all vandalism for the new school year, erasing the privious years from the school. I held my head high as people greeted me when I walked past them. I was student body president this year, and captain of the soccer team. I knew this year was going to be a good year for me.

  "Woohyun!" One of my friends, Sunggyu, called my name from the end of the hallway. I smiled as I walked towards him, to our shared locker. When I reached the locker I started putting in the combination.

  "How was your last day of summer, Sunggyu?" I asked as I opened the locker, taking out the physics book I didn't need until after lunch from my backpack and placing it neatly in the locker. "Ready to kick and be valedictorian?"

  "It was okay," He shrugged, "I didn't do much. But I am ready for this year."

  I smiled and opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted.

  "Woohyun!" All of a sudden Sunggyu and I looked towards the ownder of the voice: Hyuna. "Woohyun," She said again as she reached my locker, "You didn't call me last night."

  I sighed as I closed the locker, exchanging looks with Sunggyu. "Sorry babe. I was busy. I promise I'll call you later."

  "Okay, bye Woohyun and Sunggyu," And then she turned away from us and started walking away.

  "Well I guess I don't have to ask you how you spent your last day of Summer..." Sunggyu said as the bell rang.

  "Yeah, well, I have to go to government. See you later," And with that I walked away from Sunggyu and to my first class.


Sunggyu POV:

  I sat down in my first class: AP Calculus, and took in my surroundings. The walls were an off white and the windows were big, letting the sun light the room. There were about twenty students already in class, conversing amongst themselves.  I was ready for the school year. It was my last year in high school and I wanted to spend it well. Also I was worried that my friends and I would be seperated after high school and we wouldn't talk ever again, so I wanted to do everything I put my mind.

  "Hey," My friend Myungsoo sat down in the open seat next to me as he dropped his Calculus book on his desk, "What's up with you?"

  "Me?" I asked as he smirked.

  "No, the person behind you," He said as I was about to look behind me but he stopped me, "Yes you. You look sad."

  "Oh no, I'm fine," I said as I forced a smile on my face.

  "Sure you are," Myungsoo said as the bell rang, and the teacher walked towards the front of the room, starting class.

  "Myungsoo," I whispered towards him so the teacher wouldn't hear me, "Aren't you a little worried about what we'll be doing after high school?"

  "No, I'll be working at my father's coorperation," Myungsoo whispered back, not looking at me.

  "Well, I meant with all of us friends, I mean are we still going to be friends after high school?" When the words escaped my mouth Myungsoo looked at me, but didn't say anything.

  "Sunggyu, the year just started, stop worrying," And with that Myungsoo looked back towards the front of the class to pay attention to the lesson.

  I looked towards the teacher, and the formulas she was writing on the board but I couldn't focus. I couldn't stop thinking about this morning. Hyuna coming up to Woohyun and I kept replaying in my mind, but only the part where he told her he would call her. I knew that what he said was a lie, and that he wasn't really going to call her, but I couldn't help but feel jealous. Why was I jealous of one of Woohyun's flings whom he has probably already forgotten about? Did I like Woohyun as more than a friend? I smiled to myself as I started taking notes: Of course not.







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taekai93 #1
Chapter 20: Myungjong<3
Chapter 28: Hehe, I loved it!! Your stories are amazing!!!! You know, I really think you should make a sequel to this. Like how they form as Infinite now. I mean, that would be awesome!! Lol. I could help, too xDD Just kidding, you dont have to! xD
choco31 #3
Chapter 29: omo..this story so cute :)
i loveeeeee it! thannks author -nim :)
Chapter 29: its end??? finaly they join in Infinite group... I just think that how if ispirit in world wide also using rings with infinite's symbol...
exo_infinite_suju #5
Chapter 29: at the end sungjong is alone? what the... T3T ma myungjong and yeoljong feels..
Chapter 29: Awww it's over, but the ending was super awesome!
The place they meet is the place where they become Infinite!!
Chapter 27: They're all going to audition and become infinite!!! I know it!!!
Chapter 24: YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Go MYUNGEOL!!!
Chapter 23: OHHH! They should all be singers and audition! And then POOF! Infinite (인피니트) is born!!!!
But besides that, I WANNA KNOW WHO MYUNG LIKES!!!
Chapter 21: I think I'd go with what the others said... Myungsoo will choose Sungyeol :)))