Chapter Nineteen


Sunggyu POV:

I was rushed into the auditorium with my fifth period class so that we can get good seats for Woohyun's speech. I took a deep breath as I straightened out my posture. I had Hoya by my side because we had the same english class.

"You okay?" Hoya asked me as he raised an eyebrow.

Hoya raising his eyebrow reminded me of Woohyun and how Woohyun always raised his eyebrow. I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them again, smiling.

"Yeah I just feel a little light headed...." I said.

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" Hoya asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"No," I said suddenly, "I want to see Woohyun's speech."

"Me too," Hoya said as he smiled towards me, "I want to see what this big surprize of his is!"

"Knowing Woohyun it's going to be good," I said as I returned Hoya's smile.

The teacher ushered us to sit in the front row where we happened to meet Sungjong and Dongwoo. I sat down one seat away from Dongwoo so that Hoya could sit by him, and then Myungsoo who happened to be walking behind us sat beside me. A couple minutes of waiting Sungyeol walked up to us.

"Sunggyu, do you mind if I sit inbetween you and Hoya?" Sungyeol asked.

"Of course not," I said as Myungsoo and I moved down. I knew that the three youngest were having relationship problems, so I wanted to help them as much as I could.

"Quiet down!" Our principal said to the whole school as we all stopped talking. "Now let's welcome the student body president Nam Woohyun!"

The whole room filled with applause as Woohyun appeared on the stage infront of us. He looked really good in the nice outfit he was wearing. He smiled as he waved at the school, quieting us down.

"Hello. As all of you know I am Nam Woohyun," When he said his name he got a few cheers and whistles. He stopped and smiled before begining again. "Well.. I... I know this speech is a little late as we started school weeks ago," He chuckled nervously. He looked so cute. "But I know that we will have an amazing school year this year! I am a senior and I promise I will leave this school on a good note." Woohyung said as he tugged at his jacket. Was Woohyun okay? This might not alarm anybody, they might not even notice, but there is just something different about Woohyun.. But what?


Woohyun POV:

"Is it hot in here?" I said as I took off my dress jacket, earning myself whistles.

Why was I so hot? I fanned myself with the papers my speech was written on as I continued talking, "As I was saying, it's going to be a good year and if you have something that you need to talk to me about don't be afraid. I am probably the friendliest person ever," I said as I earned a laugh out of the audience. That was good. I had to incorperate my surprize though somehow... "Well I know that nobody came to hear my stupid and lame speech about the school though."

I took the papers and ripped them up infront of the school and let them fall onto the floor in fragments.

"So where was I?" I said as I started tugging at my tie. Why was it so hot in the auditorium. "Ah right, I know you came so you could see the magical surprize that Woohyun has," I said mocking the gossip I heard around the school.

"Before I start though, does anyone else find it strangely hot?" I asked as I heard some 'yes's and muffled 'no's. "It could be because I'm so nervous."

I took of my tie and unbottoned the top two bottons of my shirt as I rolled up my sleeves, "And no, the surprize was not to strip infront of the whole school. I actually have something to say, and I really have to say it now because I feel like I'm going to pass out. So you know me as the player, with a different girl for each day of the month. That used to be true. But I've actually fallen for someone, and I've fallen for them hard. So I was shopping with my good friend Dongwoo yesterday and I got rings, one for me and one for you. It has the infinity symbol on it, just like Hoya and Dongwoo's, as I hope that we will be together forever. And no Hyuna it's not you." When I said that the auditorium bursted into laughter as I smiled but I had to quickly continue, "So anyway, I really like and care for this person. We haven't been friends for long, only half a year but he means the world to me." I felt myself get light headed and my world started spinning. I took a deep breath as I held onto the podium.

"Kim Sunggyu. I love you."

and then my world went black.

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taekai93 #1
Chapter 20: Myungjong<3
Chapter 28: Hehe, I loved it!! Your stories are amazing!!!! You know, I really think you should make a sequel to this. Like how they form as Infinite now. I mean, that would be awesome!! Lol. I could help, too xDD Just kidding, you dont have to! xD
choco31 #3
Chapter 29: omo..this story so cute :)
i loveeeeee it! thannks author -nim :)
Chapter 29: its end??? finaly they join in Infinite group... I just think that how if ispirit in world wide also using rings with infinite's symbol...
exo_infinite_suju #5
Chapter 29: at the end sungjong is alone? what the... T3T ma myungjong and yeoljong feels..
Chapter 29: Awww it's over, but the ending was super awesome!
The place they meet is the place where they become Infinite!!
Chapter 27: They're all going to audition and become infinite!!! I know it!!!
Chapter 24: YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Go MYUNGEOL!!!
Chapter 23: OHHH! They should all be singers and audition! And then POOF! Infinite (인피니트) is born!!!!
But besides that, I WANNA KNOW WHO MYUNG LIKES!!!
Chapter 21: I think I'd go with what the others said... Myungsoo will choose Sungyeol :)))