Valentine's Day

A High School Year to Remember





“Remember the last time we were here?” Abby asked and made a face, the memories flashing in her mind. It was Valentine’s day, about four months after the couples had started dating.

Andrea chuckled. “You slipped and your coffee flew onto Luhan.”

“Nice way to meet a person, right?” Luhan said and grinned, remembering what Abby had told him when they met.

Abby pouted. “Hey! It was your fault!” She pointed an accusing finger at Andrea. “If you weren’t trying to get away from these guys, that wouldn’t have happened.”

“Yeah, but we wouldn’t have met.” Suho pointed out.

He hugged Andrea and looked at her lovingly. She giggled and blushed lightly at the contact. Abby made a face.

“And this is why I hate Valentine’s Day.” She blew her fringe out of her eyes and sat down at a table, crossing her arms.

Luhan walked over to her. “Well you’re going to like it, because this time you’re spending it with me.” He grinned and tapped her nose. “Do you want the regular?”

Abby’s eyes widened. “You still remember?”

“Of course I do. I met you because of it, right?”

She smiled and nodded. Even though she didn’t like Valentine’s Day because of sweet, mushy stuff like this, it sent a giddy feeling over her knowing he still knew those small details, like her favorite flavor of coffee after so long.

He left to order as Suho and Andrea sat down at the table, still giggling and whispering as they usually did.

Abby rolled her eyes and was about to mutter stuff about Valentine’s Day, couples, mushiness, and being corny when a vanilla bean frappuccino was placed in front of her.

She forgot all about the couple and happily started to sip the cold drink. Luhan chuckled and sat next to her, also holding the same flavor coffee. He watched Abby intently and the latter hadn’t noticed.

He thought that her obsession with coffee was cute. Everything about her was cute, even her 4D personality. She could be happy one moment and sad the next, but he thought that she looked beautiful with whichever emotion she decided to show.

She finally looked up at him and blinked. Her chocolate brown orbs looked at him quizzically.

“Why are you staring at me? Are you a stalker or something?”

Luhan didn’t answer and kissed her gently and sweetly. After a bit, he broke the kiss and smiled while Abby looked slightly dazed and confused.

He chuckled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “There’s no reason for me to want to watch my gorgeous girlfriend, even if it seems like I’m a stalker.”

She blinked and her eyes widened. “So you are a stalker?!”

Luhan rolled his eyes. “Nice way to kill the romantic mood.” He flicked her forehead lightly.

Abby grinned and shrugged. Luhan smirked and leaned closer to her. “I’ll get you later.”

She gasped and was about to say something when Andrea piped up. “Stop having a lovers spat, you guys! It’s Valentine’s Day!” She grinned and hugged Suho.

Suho hugged her back and kissed her temple. Andrea giggled and pushed his head back playfully. Abby rolled her eyes and refrained herself from saying something that would surely get herself killed by Andrea.

For a while, the couple had stopped being so mushy and shared a cookie together. Suddenly, Andrea gasped. “I have an idea!” She stood up. “We should do something special today!”

“Yeah! We should have a double date or something!” Suho exclaimed.

Luhan grinned. “That sounds good to me.” He looked at Abby. “Do you agree?”

She frowned and was about to say no, when Luhan enlarged his already big doe like eyes and pouted at her. “Please?”

She sighed in defeat. She couldn’t resist his aegyo even if her life depended on it.

“Alright, I’ll go.”

Andrea clapped cheerfully. “Good! Now, we have to plan where we’re going.”


After a lot of agreeing and disagreeing, both couples settled on going to a Valentine’s Day fair held a few blocks away. There would be games, food, and fireworks at the end of the night.

They all walked to the fair and went on their separate ways. Suho and Andrea were playing games while Abby and Luhan were just walking around.

“Hey! Young man! Care to win something for your pretty girlfriend?” A man running a game stall called.

Suho turned around and smiled. He led Andrea over to the booth. The prizes ranged from teddy bears and roses to couple necklaces and rings.

The man smiled. “All you have to do is pop ten balloons with these darts here.” He held out ten darts and gestured to a board full of colorful balloons. “The prize depends on how many you manage to pop. You have to at least get five to win a prize.”

Suho paid the man for the darts and grinned at Andrea. “I’ll win you something.” He said with determination.
A minute later, he was pouting while the guy at the booth shrugged.

“Better luck next time” He said and continued to call out to couples passing by.

Suho turned to Andrea. “It’s harder than you think!” He frowned. “It must be rigged or something.”

Andrea smiled and shook her head. “I’ll try then.”

Before Suho could stop her, she walked over to the booth and paid the man for ten darts. He watched as she popped balloon after balloon.

“Yes! I won!” She cheered and beamed.

“Well done, young girl. What prize would you like?”

She pondered for a moment and then pointed at a Rilakkuma teddy. She skipped back to Suho hugging her prize and grinned at him.

“What did you say about the game being rigged?”

He crossed his arms. “You got lucky.”

Andrea grinned even wider. “Aww, does poor Suho not want to admit that he at playing games?”

He shook his head and smiled. He cupped her face and wordlessly kissed her and she let go of the teddy out of shock. She soon gave in and kissed him back, her arms around his neck.

Suho broke the kiss and picked up the Rilakkuma bear and held it out to her,

“Fine, I admit I do at those games.” He chuckled and took her hand. “Let’s go do something else.”

She laughed at him and took his hand. “I won’t tell the others about this.”

Suho sighed in relief. “Good. They would tease me forever, especially Abby.” He shuddered.

Andrea chuckled and kissed his cheek. “Kaja!” She exclaimed and started to skip off in another direction, dragging Suho along.

Suho smiled lovingly and her. And this is why I like her so much.


At about ten, everyone gathered in a huge field to wait for the fireworks to start. The moon was out, glowing brightly. The sky was specked with stars here and there and there were no clouds in sight.

Couples were everywhere in sight, holding hands, whispering to each other, and enjoying each other’s company.

Andrea and Suho were one of those couples. Suho had bought Andrea a ring after not winning anything at the game stalls as well. The stone was a beautiful emerald green and sparkled slightly under the moonlight.

Abby, on the other hand, was stopping herself from blurting stuff at random people. She was enjoying herself, but she could only stand so much lovey stuff.

Luhan looked around nervously and gulped. He held onto a small white box and glanced at it while Abby wasn’t looking. I hope she’ll like it…

“It’s starting!” Someone yelled.

The clear sky was abruptly filled with all colors of the rainbow: dark blue, neon green, bright orange, and many more.

Oohs and ahs could be heard here and there as the sky continued to be filled with bright sparks of color.

Suho and Andrea cuddled while watching the sparks. Abby smiled and watched the sky in awe because of its breath-taking beauty.

Luhan hid the box behind his back and approached Abby. He smiled and stood in front of her. She ripped her eyes away from the fireworks and looked at him.

“Yes, Luhan?” She blew her fringe away from her face and looked at him quizzically.

He didn’t respond and showed her the white box. Her eyes widened as he slowly opened the lid to reveal a necklace. It was a simple chain with a heart shaped pendant. The gemstone was a light blue sapphire.

He took it out of the box and stood behind Abby. He moved her hair to the side and clasped the necklace in place, his fingers gently brushing against her skin in the process.

Abby took the pendant and looked at it closely. It was engraved on the back with the words: together forever. She turned to him with watery eyes and embraced him tightly.

“Thank you so much. I love it.” She said softly.

Luhan smiled and her hair. “I’m glad you do.”

For a few moments, they stayed like this. Out of the corner of her eye, Abby spotted Andrea and Suho gazing at each other. They gently kissed and continued to watch the fireworks that were almost about to finish.

Abby looked at Luhan and cupped his face. He gazed at her and smiled. She smiled back and they shared a sweet kiss as the final fireworks, shaped into a heart, lit the sky…


Author's Note:


This story is finally over!

Took me some time to think of how to finish this story.

Anyways, I will be writing more fanfics, especially for Baekhyun and Kai lovers~

Come and join me at my on going story:

The City of Darkness

I hope to see you there! ^^


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A High School Year to Remember: Sorry guys I said I was gonna update the next part today, but I can't I promise I will tomorrow! I'll even try to double update!


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Chapter 27: Awe I loved it good thing Abby choose Luhan and Andrea choose Suho I actually was hoping she would choose Kai but I still loved it :)
Chapter 27: naww, that was so adorable!!!! loved this story evry much, from beginning to end. kekeke <3
onewphew #3
amazing story!!!
*claps hands*
Chapter 27: *dies from the mushiness and amazingness* I loved this story. ;)
Chapter 25: PMG. this is the most bestest of the best chapters i've ever read in my life!! this can't get any better. or can it? kekekeke
kdramalover6 #6
Chapter 23: AH! Who is it?! The suspense is killing me! ;P
Chapter 23: yahh. im sooo desperate to know what's gonna happen next. this is so exciting.
Chapter 21: Love this chapter. :) Please update soon. :D
Chapter 18: One of my favorite chapters yet <3 Update tommrow pleazzzz :3
Chapter 17: OMG, im laughing so hard right now, you've got me straight into this, please keep writing, i love this story so much, probs my best one