The Dream

A High School Year to Remember


-Abby’s POV-


I looked around. Where am I?

I was in a beautiful meadow, filled with light green grass swaying gently in the nice, warm breeze. Butterflies of all the colors of the rainbow soared high and low. Some were resting on the pretty flowers that were scattered around the meadow. I saw flowers that I knew, like tulips and roses, and some that I was sure don’t exist in the real word.

For example, there was a clear looking flower towering over the rest. It looked like a sunflower with large petals. Where the sunlight hit, the flower reflected colorful ribbons, almost as if it were glass.

There was another flower, blue in color. This one resembled a rose, but it dripped a black, dense liquid that, when it touched the ground, transformed into mini vines, of blue and black color, that wound themselves into the ground and around the other plants close to it.

I looked down at myself. I was astonished to see myself dressed in an ankle-long, elegant, white dress. It was fit and showed my curves nicely. I was barefoot, I knew because I could feel the grass tickle my feet. My long, black hair cascaded on the sides of my face. I felt something on my head and reached for it. I felt my hands curl around something cold and hard.

I pulled it off my head and looked at it. It was a tiara, made of silver. The design looked like vines winding and overlapping each other. They all reached the center, where sky blue diamonds were arranged in the shape of a simple flower. Engraved on the inside of it in cursive letters, it read

Let your heart show you the way…

An unknown force told me to say these words out loud, to say them as loud as I could. I yelled out the engraved words and for a few moments only silence responded. I then felt the ground rumble lightly for a few seconds.

 A sharp, cold breeze hit me suddenly. I looked at the middle of the meadow. To my surprise, a large circle of crystal clear water had appeared. I approached it cautiously. I knelt down in front of it and bent forward to look at the water. The water looked pure and untouched. The liquid was endless. I then realized that even though the water was clear, I couldn’t see my reflection.

“This circle of pure water shows itself only to the ones who need it the most,” a deep male voice said. It eerily echoed across the meadow. My eyes widened in shock and I gasped. I looked around, but no one was with me.

“I see that you have a decision that is yet to be made,” the disembodied voice continued. “Your heart has decided, but you do not see the truth yourself,”

“W-what decision?” I asked. My voice sounded small and soft.

“This one,”

The water rippled and I saw images fade into view. The coffee shop, the masquerade ball, Yogurt Land , Baekhyun smiling sweetly at me, Luhan grinning cutely and mischievously.

I then knew which decision the voice was talking about. Luhan or Baekhyun?

I swallowed and the images faded. “I will now show you the answer to your question. Like the tiara you are wearing says, I did not choose this for you, your heart did. I am only making this decision clear for you. Is that understood?”

I nervously nodded. The clear water then rippled again. I continued to look at the water intensely, waiting for the answer to show itself. Then an image popped up. I gasped and my vision started to darken rapidly, but not before I saw who the image contained.


I woke up with a start. I was in my bed, safely at home. Beads of sweat were accumulated on my forehead. I wiped them off and sat upright. There was only complete silence. My voice came out as only a soft whisper.


“I’ve made my decision…”


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A High School Year to Remember: Sorry guys I said I was gonna update the next part today, but I can't I promise I will tomorrow! I'll even try to double update!


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Chapter 27: Awe I loved it good thing Abby choose Luhan and Andrea choose Suho I actually was hoping she would choose Kai but I still loved it :)
Chapter 27: naww, that was so adorable!!!! loved this story evry much, from beginning to end. kekeke <3
onewphew #3
amazing story!!!
*claps hands*
Chapter 27: *dies from the mushiness and amazingness* I loved this story. ;)
Chapter 25: PMG. this is the most bestest of the best chapters i've ever read in my life!! this can't get any better. or can it? kekekeke
kdramalover6 #6
Chapter 23: AH! Who is it?! The suspense is killing me! ;P
Chapter 23: yahh. im sooo desperate to know what's gonna happen next. this is so exciting.
Chapter 21: Love this chapter. :) Please update soon. :D
Chapter 18: One of my favorite chapters yet <3 Update tommrow pleazzzz :3
Chapter 17: OMG, im laughing so hard right now, you've got me straight into this, please keep writing, i love this story so much, probs my best one