
A High School Year to Remember


-Abby’s POV-


“No, I am.”

Kai pulls Andrea from Suho and hugs her protectively. Andrea pushes him away and crosses her arms across her chest.

“Actually, neither of them are.”

Jace snickers.  Kai flares. “What are you laughing at?”

“You just got rejected.” He said, still laughing. Suho smirks at Jace’s comment.

Andrea laughed. “Be nice to my friends.”

Jace looks at her. “Aww come on. I was just playing around.”

Andrea lightly punches him on the arm and he pretends to be hurt.

“Ouch Andrea! That hurt” Jace says while rubbing his arm.

Andrea chuckles and rolls her eyes. “Psh. You deserve worse.”


>>Fast forward<<

-Andrea’s POV-


We all decided to go to the mall after school. We lately hang out all the time now and I’m appreciative about it, even if the love-sick boys are always fighting for Abby.

We all took the bus and arrived there shortly. It was around four in the afternoon and none of us had eaten yet. We sat down at a table to discuss what to eat.

“Well I’d like something with meat.”

Abby made a face. “You’re such a carnivore.”

I grinned and bowed. “Why thank you.”

She laughed. “Well as you know, I don’t like meat.”

“Aww come on.” I said in a baby voice. “Just this once?”

She pouted and enlarged her eyes. “But I don’t wanna~” she said cutely.

I sighed and she smirked. She always wins!

Suho came up to me. “We can go together if you want.”

I shook my head. “I can’t leave Abby alone with Baekhyun and Luhan. She’s a weak little puppy remember?”

Suho nods. “Yeah my puppy.” He grins.

I slap his arm lightly. “She’s my puppy!”

He chuckles and sticks his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes and laugh.

“Kai could watch over them.” He suggests.

I think about it. Hmm I don’t see why not.

“Kai,  take care of the love-struck twins and Abby while Suho and I eat at the BBQ restaurant close to here?”

His jaw dropped. “You’re going with him and not me?” he said and pointed to himself.

I shrug. “Yeah. We won’t be gone for long. Just don’t let Abby go anywhere.”

I see disappointment in his eyes, but he nods anyways. I step closer to him and kiss him on the cheek.

I point at Baekhyun and Luhan. “No funny business while I’m gone.”

They nod obediently and Suho and I walk to the restaurant.


-Abby’s POV-


“I’m so bored!” I huff and pout.

Kai wouldn’t let us go anywhere. He was sitting in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest, looking if he didn’t have a care in the world.

“You can’t go anywhere. Andrea said so.” He says.

“Aww come on! She won’t know!” I plead.

He shakes his head. “She’ll find out.”

I pout again and sit grumpily in my seat. Baekhyun pokes my cheek. I turn to look at him and he smiles at me.

“You look cute when you pout,” he says.

I feel myself blush lightly. Luhan and Kai were discussing over Luhan wanting to go somewhere.

“Yah! I’m older than you!” he yells at Kai.

Kai chuckles. “Well you sure don’t act like it.”

While Kai says that, a crowd of people pass by us. I quickly get up and walk with them. I cheer in my head when I get far away enough, but I feel someone grip my arm. I turn around and see Kai with a stern expression.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay over there?”

I pout. “But it’s so boring!”

“Fine if you want to go somewhere, then I have to go with you.” He says.

“Yay!” I cheer and jump up and down. Hmm where should we go? Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

“Why don’t we go and spy on Andrea and Suho? Spying is fun!” I say excitedly.

Kai smirks. “Good idea. Let’s leave Baekhyun and Luhan though.”

I look in their direction. They were bickering about who knows what.

“But they’re my spy partners!” I reply.

Kai laughs. “They’ll make too much noise. Let’s go before they see us.”

“Wait!” I say as I spot a wig store. I grinned. “We need disguises!”


-Andrea’s POV-


“You have some sauce on your lips.”

I smile and shrug. “Oops,”

I reached for a napkin, but Suho wiped the sauce away with his thumb. His touch made me feel chills.

“Thank you,” I said awkwardly.

He smiled. "Anytime. So are you enjoying your food?”

I was eating BBQ ribs and Suho and I shared a basket of fries. I took a fry and nibbled it.

“Yeah. It’s really good.”

We continue to eat and talk for some time. I had forgotten about Abby and the rest of the guys. He was telling me about stuff from his past.

“Really?!” I ask and laugh.

“Yeah.” Suho says and we burst into laughter.

“Wow I can’t believe you did that!”

Suho grins. “Neither can I!”

We laugh again. Suddenly, Suho reaches over the table and rests his hand on mine. He looks at me intensely. I feel myself blush and I turn away. I then notice something. There was a girl with a red, wavy hair and a guy with blonde straight hair. They both had sunglasses on and were looking in our direction. I narrow my eyes. The guy looks familiar I look at his lips. I’d know those lips anywhere.

“Suho, Abby and Kai are spying on us. It’s the guy with blonde hair and the girl with red hair." His eyes widen.

I suddenly get an idea. “Let’s play around with them, shall we?” I grin evilly.

Suho grins also and nods.

This is gonna be fun.


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A High School Year to Remember: Sorry guys I said I was gonna update the next part today, but I can't I promise I will tomorrow! I'll even try to double update!


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Chapter 27: Awe I loved it good thing Abby choose Luhan and Andrea choose Suho I actually was hoping she would choose Kai but I still loved it :)
Chapter 27: naww, that was so adorable!!!! loved this story evry much, from beginning to end. kekeke <3
onewphew #3
amazing story!!!
*claps hands*
Chapter 27: *dies from the mushiness and amazingness* I loved this story. ;)
Chapter 25: PMG. this is the most bestest of the best chapters i've ever read in my life!! this can't get any better. or can it? kekekeke
kdramalover6 #6
Chapter 23: AH! Who is it?! The suspense is killing me! ;P
Chapter 23: yahh. im sooo desperate to know what's gonna happen next. this is so exciting.
Chapter 21: Love this chapter. :) Please update soon. :D
Chapter 18: One of my favorite chapters yet <3 Update tommrow pleazzzz :3
Chapter 17: OMG, im laughing so hard right now, you've got me straight into this, please keep writing, i love this story so much, probs my best one