Nice Way to Meet a Person..

A High School Year to Remember

-Abby's POV-


"HEY! Abby wake up!"

I groan and pull the blanket to cover my face. "It's too early," I mumble. Andrea pulls the blanket off of me and I shield my face from the light. 

"Well I don't care it's first day of school remember?" I sighed when she said that. I really didn't want to go. Apart from being alone, I was just plain lazy. I tried to pull the blanket back but Andrea's stronger than me. Ugh I need to eat more veggies, fruit, meat, and drink milk or else I'll never be as strong as her.

"Alright, alright I give up!" I shouted as I stood up to start getting ready. Andrea smiled in victory and went to change. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After I was done I put on a simple blue shirt and pair of gray skinny jeans. I tied my hair into a ponytail and straightened my bangs. I applied liquid eyeliner and mascara. I looked at myself in the mirror. Well I guess I look alright..

I looked at the clock and it read 5:45. My mouth gaped open. Why so early?! It only took me about 20 minutes to get ready and I was pretty sure that Andrea doesn't take long to get ready. Andrea walked in, already changed. She started to put on her foundation.

I walked over to her and asked "Hey Andrea, why are we up so early?" She turned to look at me and responded, "Well it's the first day of school and we need to pick up our schedules and I don't want to be in a really long line." 

"Oh I see," Hehe I didn't think of that. No wonder she's the Umma!


-Andrea's POV-


"Umma! I want coffee!" I sighed and turned around to look at Abby, who had said that for about the 100th time this morning. She was pouting and she refused to keep on walking. Lately Abby has obtained an addiction for coffee. Seriously, I don't get how she likes coffee so much.

"Fine then let's go." I said in an irritated voice.

Abby squealed and jumped up and down. "Yay! Thank you, Umma!" I laughed at how happy she was just to get coffee. We walked into Starbucks and waited in line to order. 

Abby looked at me with a tired look. "Nervous for the first day of school?" She asked.

I thought about it. She did say it was gonna be a normal school year. "Hmm, not really,"

"Yeah I'm not nervous either."

She ordered a vanilla bean frappuccino, yeah she likes cold coffee instead of hot, and we sat down at a table to wait. I noticed that a few girls were whispering and squealing excitedly. I sighed. Gosh they're so girly. One of them pointed at a table with 4 guys seated there, drinking coffee. Hmm why are they so excited about these guys? I told Abby and she shrugged without looking away from her phone. 

"One vanilla bean frappuccino for Abby," Abby got up and I followed behind her. At the same time the 4 guys got up and started walking in our direction. Wow now I see why the girls we're so excited about themThey were all extremely hot. I didn't notice that I was staring until Abby nudged me. I woke up from my trance and I noticed that one of them was looking at me. He caught me staring and chuckled. I blushed and started speed walking away.

Abby followed behind me. "Hey wait!" she shouted. She was half running half walking and the guys were in front of us.  They all turned around when she shouted and she didn't notice there was a spill on the floor. She slipped and fell on the ground, coffee soaking her jacket. Her drink flew in the air and landed on the cute blonde guy from the group.


-Abby's POV-


Ugh such a great way to start the first day of school. I looked up at Andrea, who had already started apologizing to the guys and cleaning up the mess. I looked at the guy who I had spilled my drink on and he looked shocked. He's probably so mad right now. I sighed and bent my head down while still laying on the floor. I didn't care if the coffee was still soaking my jacket, I didn't have enough courage to stand up and apologize to him. The other three guys of the group we're silently laughing at the blonde guy. I stayed in that position for about thirty seconds, probably looking like a weird person. 

"Here. Let me help you up," I looked up and saw the guy who still had vanilla bean on his clothes. Wow he's amazingly good looking, and even more up close. He had big eyes and a doll-like face. I was shocked so I didn't respond to him  helping me. When I'm shocked, I usually have no reaction to things. It seriously gets annoying at times like this.

Andrea came up to him and said "Oh I'm sorry she usually doesn't react when she's shocked," She pulled me up and I finally regained my senses. She left to keep on cleaning the mess. I looked down at the floor. "I'm really sorry about what happened. Please don't be mad at me," He didn't respond so I looked up at him. He was smiling. Why the heck is he smiling? Did he plan some evil way to kill me for spilling coffee on him or something?

"Don't worry, It's alright. I'm not mad," He said while looking in through his backpack that he carried. "I have extra clothes so no problem." I looked down at my soaked jacket and shirt and sighed. He noticed this so he said "I have an extra jacket if you want to use it,"

I smiled at him. "No thank you," He smiled back. It was such a sweet and angelic smile that I almost got into a trance again. No Abby, you shouldn't like him. You spilled your drink on him and he's way too good looking for you. Plus you don't even know his name!

"My name is Luhan, by the way," His voice brought me back to reality. I looked away from him and said nervously, "My name is Abby." 

"Nice to meet you then,"

"Hmm you think that we met in a nice way?" I asked him.

Luhan laughed and said "Well not exactly the way I'd like to meet a person, but it was still nice to meet you."

I giggled when he said that. Wait did I just giggle?! My eyes widended when I noticed that and I got nervous. I walked over to where Andrea was. She had finished cleaning up the mess, with the help of the guy with black wavy hair. He was a little bit more tanned than the rest of them. Waaa~ He's good looking too. I looked at the 2 other guys with them. One of them was shorter than the rest and had reddish-brown hair. He had a mature vibe to him. The guy standing next to him had brown hair and he was wearing eyeliner. Wow I take that back, they're ALL handsome.

I started getting self conscious. I took out my phone at looked at my reflection. Well hair looks alright. Then I remembered my coffee soaked clothes. Ugh nervermind, I probably look hideous. I sighed. I didn't even get to drink coffee. MUST..HAVE..DAILY COFFEE..

"Hey Abby, why all the sighing?" Andrea asked. All eyes were on me. I looked down at the floor. "It's nothing," I muttered.

"You want coffee don't you?" I looked at her and didn't respond. How does she know?! 

She smiled. "I knew you wanted coffee really badly today, but I don't think it's a very good idea. We only brought enough money for lunch and you pretty much spent it on the coffee." Ugh I forgot! So now no coffee and lunch? Well this day keeps getting better and better..

Someone cleared their throat. "I have extra money so if you want, I can buy you another frappuccino," I looked up and saw the guy with eyeliner smiling at me. SUCH..A..CUTE..SMILE.. 

"Oh no it's fine," Andrea responded for me. 

He took out money from his pocket and started walking to the counter, "Vanilla bean right?" I didn't answer but he ordered anyways. Why would he do that? I guess he's just being nice. Andrea nudged me and whispered to me, "Oooh~ he's buying you a drink!" I blushed. Argh! Face stop blushing! 

He came back with two drinks he handed me one and he drank from the other. I thanked him and sat down. I drank from the cold drink silently while staring at the table. Luhan sat next to me while Andrea sat next to the guy who had helped her earlier. "So..uhm what's your guy's names?" The shorter guy said. 

"My name is Andrea," Since I didn't respond Andrea responded for me. "And this is Abby. Sorry she's not talking much, she's just shy around people she doesn't know." I looked up and he smiled at me reassuringly. "Well my name is Suho and this is Kai," He said while gesturing the guy with black hair. "And my name is Baekhyun!" The boy with eyeliner said enthusiastically while waving with both of his hands and giving a bright smile. I smiled. He's so happy that it feels almost contagious. "My name is Luhan," The blonde guy with big eyes said. He smiled sweetly and did a peace sign. Wow he's really cute too. Andrea smiled and waved to all of them. "It's nice to meet you guys," She nudged me and told me to do the same.

My eyes widended. I looked at them and managed a small smile. "Nice to meet you guys," I muttered.

I finished my drink and thanked Baekhyun again. He smiled and said "No problem." Right at that moment I heard Andrea shout. "ABBY IT'S LATE! WE SHOULD GO!" She started walking towards me. I jumped and automatically grabbed Baekhyun and hid behind him. I realized what I did and apologized to him. He laughed. "It's fine," He said.

Andrea came up to me and pulled me by my backpack so that I was walking backwards, a weird way she has to get me to walk faster. "Wait! Where are you guys going?" Luhan asked. "School! Again, nice to meet you!" She shouted while walking away. They waved to me and I waved back. Soon we turned into another street and I lost them from view.

I sighed, they were really nice. Well I have to stop thinking about them, we probably won't be seeing them again anyways. I thought as we entered the school's gates. Andrea finally let me walk on my own. "I hope today is a good day," She said. "I hope so too," 

Well that was a interesting way to start the day..



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A High School Year to Remember: Sorry guys I said I was gonna update the next part today, but I can't I promise I will tomorrow! I'll even try to double update!


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Chapter 27: Awe I loved it good thing Abby choose Luhan and Andrea choose Suho I actually was hoping she would choose Kai but I still loved it :)
Chapter 27: naww, that was so adorable!!!! loved this story evry much, from beginning to end. kekeke <3
onewphew #3
amazing story!!!
*claps hands*
Chapter 27: *dies from the mushiness and amazingness* I loved this story. ;)
Chapter 25: PMG. this is the most bestest of the best chapters i've ever read in my life!! this can't get any better. or can it? kekekeke
kdramalover6 #6
Chapter 23: AH! Who is it?! The suspense is killing me! ;P
Chapter 23: yahh. im sooo desperate to know what's gonna happen next. this is so exciting.
Chapter 21: Love this chapter. :) Please update soon. :D
Chapter 18: One of my favorite chapters yet <3 Update tommrow pleazzzz :3
Chapter 17: OMG, im laughing so hard right now, you've got me straight into this, please keep writing, i love this story so much, probs my best one