
A High School Year to Remember


-Abby’s POV-


“I’m so tired!” I huffed and pouted.

Andrea pinched my cheeks. “You’re so adorable!” she exclaimed.

We were walking to first period and I felt like doing absolutely nothing. Going to school and having lack of sleep is really taking its toll on me!  I also had dark eye circles under my eyes that were a little swollen. I dragged my feet and walked slowly. We entered first period and sat down. The guys were already there, so I waved to all of them before sitting down and resting my head on the desk. I tried to stay awake, but I was failing. All the outside noise seemed to tune in and out and soon I could hear nothing at all..


>>Fast forward<<


“Hey Abby! Wake up!” I heard and felt someone shake me.

I peeled my eyes open and saw Andrea in front of me. “What?” I asked groggily.

“You slept through the whole period.” My eyes widened and I looked around. People were starting to pack up and leave.

“Oh and you whimper like a puppy in your sleep. It’s cute!” she said.

“I do?!” I asked her.

“Yeah you do, little puppy.” I turned and saw Suho smiling at me. Luhan, Baekhyun, and Kai were there also.

My jaw dropped. “You guys heard?!”

“Yup!” Luhan responded and tapped my nose.

I stuck out my tongue and slipped my backpack on. We walked outside and Andrea hooked her arm with mine.

“Well guys, we’ll see you at lunch.” She told them.

Luhan came up to me and looked at me with big eyes. “Don’t go, please?” he said and pouted.

Baekhyun stood next to him. “I actually agree with him on this one.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Sorry, can’t skip class!”

Andrea pulled on my arm. “Let’s go or we’ll be late!”

I waved at the guys and we started to walk away. “Wait!” Kai yelled and ran toward us.

Andrea turned to look at him. “Don’t miss me too much!~” Kai said and kissed her cheek.

She lightly blushed and smiled. Suho then came up. “Good luck!” he said and kissed her cheek as well.

Her eyes widened in surprise and she blushed more. Kai frowned. She then slapped Suho lightly on the chest as a reflex, and Kai smirked in victory. I walked up to Suho and grinned.

“Better luck next time,” I said playfully as I patted his shoulder.

He then turned around abruptly to face Luhan. “How did you make Abby like you? MASTER TELL ME YOUR WAYS!” he asked him. I laughed and Andrea looked confused.

Luhan smirked. “She likes me because I’m good looking and awesome.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Conceited much?” I asked him playfully.

“You know it’s true!” he said while posing. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and mimicked him. I tried not to laugh.

Andrea scoffed. “You wish!”

Kai chuckled. “You’re so desperate that you ask the deer for advice?”

We all laughed and Luhan pouted. “Your boyfriend’s mean!” he told Andrea.

 “Hey! Andrea and Abby!” I heard a girl yell.

“Ally! Kevin !” Andrea yelled. A skinny girl with long black hair and a guy with dark brown hair approached us. Andrea and I met them in our freshman seminar class. They’re always together and they make a really cute couple.

“Hey guys!” Ally said. Andrea gave her a hug and smiled.

 “So what’s up guys?” Kevin asked and Andrea hugged him. Suho and Kai tensed and glared at Kevin. Kevin scowled and wrapped his arm around Ally’s shoulders.

“Nothing much really,” Andrea responded cheerfully. “And still love birds I see,” She grinned at them. I saw Kai and Suho relax.

“Yeah,” Kevin said and kissed Ally on the cheek. She giggled and blushed. Right then, the warning bell rang. Luhan and Baekhyun automatically pounced on me. They both grabbed my arms.

“Nooo! Don’t go!” they whined.

Andrea glared at them both and pulled me away. I smiled apologetically at them and we headed to class.


>>Fast forward<<


“Yay! Ten minute break!” I said as we walked out of class. I stretched and we walked through the halls.

“Boo!” someone yelled into my ear. I squealed and jumped. I ran to Andrea and hid behind her. I peeked over her side and saw Baekhyun and Luhan. They burst into uncontrollable laughter.

I crossed my arms across my chest. “No fair!” Suho and Kai arrived and I ran to Suho and hugged him tightly.

“They’re mean!” I said and pointed at Luhan and Baekhyun. They tried to look innocent.

“Yah! What did you guys do to my puppy?” he asked while my hair.

“Nothing~” they both said in unison.

“Hey Andrea! Where have you been?” A guy I recognized as Jace, Andrea’s friend from middle school came toward us.

Andrea smiled. “Just being around. A lot of crazy stuff because of these two love-struck weirdos,” she gestured at Luhan and Baekhyun.

“HEY!” they both shouted in defense.

Jace laughed and pulled Andrea into a hug. “I’ve missed you!” he said and she hugged him back. I feel Suho tense up. I look at his face and see him staring at Jace. Kai was also doing the same. Suho then let go of me and approached Andrea and Jace. He pulled her away from him and wrapped his arm protectively around her.

Jace raised an eyebrow. “And who are you? Her boyfriend?”

Suho opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Kai. “No. I am.”



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A High School Year to Remember: Sorry guys I said I was gonna update the next part today, but I can't I promise I will tomorrow! I'll even try to double update!


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Chapter 27: Awe I loved it good thing Abby choose Luhan and Andrea choose Suho I actually was hoping she would choose Kai but I still loved it :)
Chapter 27: naww, that was so adorable!!!! loved this story evry much, from beginning to end. kekeke <3
onewphew #3
amazing story!!!
*claps hands*
Chapter 27: *dies from the mushiness and amazingness* I loved this story. ;)
Chapter 25: PMG. this is the most bestest of the best chapters i've ever read in my life!! this can't get any better. or can it? kekekeke
kdramalover6 #6
Chapter 23: AH! Who is it?! The suspense is killing me! ;P
Chapter 23: yahh. im sooo desperate to know what's gonna happen next. this is so exciting.
Chapter 21: Love this chapter. :) Please update soon. :D
Chapter 18: One of my favorite chapters yet <3 Update tommrow pleazzzz :3
Chapter 17: OMG, im laughing so hard right now, you've got me straight into this, please keep writing, i love this story so much, probs my best one