
A High School Year to Remember


-Abby’s POV-


“Well that’s enough drama for today,” I smiled, “now let’s go eat lunch!”

“Yeah let’s go!” Baekhyun exclaimed excitedly like a five year old.

I chuckled and we stepped outside. The first thing I saw was Kai approaching Andrea who was still chasing Luhan. Kai reached her and hugged her. We got there fast enough to hear what he said to Andrea.

“You know I get jealous easily. Don’t chase after other guys.”

Andrea blushed and looked down at the ground. I looked at Suho and he pretended he wasn’t paying attention to them, but I knew he was. I gave him a reassuring squeeze and he turned around to smile at me.

“My little puppy is so amazing!” Suho exclaimed. He hugged me, which made Baekhyun unlink his arm from mine. He whimpered in protest and glared at Suho.

Andrea turned around suddenly. “Did you just call Abby YOUR puppy?”

Suho grinned and nodded. Andrea glared at him playfully and punched him lightly.

“No! She’s mine!” she took hold of my hand and pulled me away from Suho. They pulled on me for what seemed like a minute until finally Baekhyun came to my rescue. He pulled me out of both their grips and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"You guys are both wrong!" he exclaimed, "She's mine!" he smiled mischievously and pulled me away. I looked back and saw Andrea, Suho, and Kai walking in our direction, which was our usual table where we sit at lunch. Luhan was sitting down, looking winded after getting chased by Andrea. He noticed that we were leaving so he stood up and followed. Baekhyun sat down and side hugged me.

"Finally Luhan isn't here!" he said and hugged me tighter.

I laughed. "You know he's coming right now?"

"I don't care!" he said and pouted.

Andrea came up to me and poked me in the sides. She grinned and whispered in my ear.

"You're getting hugged and kissed by two great guys and you say you're not pretty."

"I am not!" I responded and tried to cross my arms, but they were pinned by my sides due to Baekhyun hugging me tightly.

Andrea rolled her eyes. "Baekhyun, do you find Abby pretty?"

Baekhyun looked at me. "No I don't,"

"See! He said no!" I told Andrea. I was going to say more, but I was cut off.

"I think she's more than pretty. She's beautiful." Baekhyun said.

Andrea smiled and nudged me. I felt myself blush. "Suho!" he turned around and looked at her curiously. "Do you think Abby is pretty?"

"Yes she is!" He responded, "She's also so cute and adorable!" He leaned over the table and pinched my cheeks. "My puppy is especially adorable when she does aegyo!"

Baekhyun's and Kai's eyes widened. "You do aegyo?! Show me!" he let go of me and looked at me expectantly. Kai also took interest in our conversation.

"What did I miss?" I turned and saw Luhan standing there. He looked a little tired.

Andrea beamed and clapped her hands. "Abby's gonna do aegyo!"

Luhan automatically ran up to me and looked at me expectantly. Everyone was looking at me so I had no choice. Well here goes nothing.

I did my best pout and widened my eyes. I swayed side to side with my hands clasped under my chin. "I'm tired~" I said in a cute, baby voice and blinked my eyes. At first they all looked at me with no reaction. Then they all said in unison "Aww!~"

I laughed at hid my face. Baekhyun pulled my hands away. "You're so cute!" he said and tapped my nose with his finger.

Luhan hugged me. "My jagiya is so adorable! Why didn't you show me your aegyo before?"

I smiled and responded, "Because I don't do it for just anyone."

"Then why did you do it for Suho?!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

Suho stood up. "Because she's my puppy, that's why!"

"Yah she's mine!" Andrea yelled at him. They had their own playful discussion and Luhan had gone to talk to Kai.

"You know what I said earlier," Baekhyun said as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face, "I really mean it."


Author's Note:

I have news! I will be going to KCON with my bestfriend. Yay! We get to see EXO-M!! *spazzing* I will be sure to take lots of photots ^^

That also means that I won't be able to update tomorrow D: but I will update the day after tomorrow hopefully!

Have a great day my lovely subscribers! :D


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A High School Year to Remember: Sorry guys I said I was gonna update the next part today, but I can't I promise I will tomorrow! I'll even try to double update!


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Chapter 27: Awe I loved it good thing Abby choose Luhan and Andrea choose Suho I actually was hoping she would choose Kai but I still loved it :)
Chapter 27: naww, that was so adorable!!!! loved this story evry much, from beginning to end. kekeke <3
onewphew #3
amazing story!!!
*claps hands*
Chapter 27: *dies from the mushiness and amazingness* I loved this story. ;)
Chapter 25: PMG. this is the most bestest of the best chapters i've ever read in my life!! this can't get any better. or can it? kekekeke
kdramalover6 #6
Chapter 23: AH! Who is it?! The suspense is killing me! ;P
Chapter 23: yahh. im sooo desperate to know what's gonna happen next. this is so exciting.
Chapter 21: Love this chapter. :) Please update soon. :D
Chapter 18: One of my favorite chapters yet <3 Update tommrow pleazzzz :3
Chapter 17: OMG, im laughing so hard right now, you've got me straight into this, please keep writing, i love this story so much, probs my best one