
2in1 ? 1in2

*__PART | Å__*


[a/n:: there's still letter after Z acc. to LollZipopZo XD enjoy! but stil it's the last chapter :yeah:]

I stare at the letter, balancing my mind if I'll read it or not. It will not harm me If I try right? With heavy sigh, I open the envelope and read the same letter, yes it's the same, I can tell, because of his hand written, I just smile while reading it, what did he want from me this time?


I found myself on the old park near at my old school back in Highschool. I just realized now how I miss this place. Since I graduated in my highschool, i never tried to come here again, or try to play just to reminisce those memories I treasured in this place. I sat on the same swing I use to ride when I was six, it still the same, though it looks like smaller this time, because I grown up. I still remember anything, how this place became my favorite place because of him.



"Donghae Hyung...he's Aiden, he's my cousin, he's that boy from China, he's that boy you're waiting for your whole life!"

I stiffened on my place as I heard what Kyuhyun's blurted out. My mind still processing what he just said about Donghae's leaving and now,

"What did you just said?"

"He's Aiden.." he repeated.


He nodded not looking at me. I didn't realized I started to cry, my vision blurred because of my tears, then I felt someone hauled me, Kyuhyun hug me. He knows I'm hurt, he knows I will breakdown.

"Why...?" I said between my sobs. "why you didn't tell me?" my voice was crack because of crying.

"I'm sorry!" i heard him said. "I'm sorry, please don't cry!"

He knows everything. He knows about Aiden all this time but he didn't tell me. He knows I'm always waiting for that moment to meet Aiden again. I always asking him since that day when Aiden left, I always asking him when Aiden will come back. I always asking him if Aiden will come back. Why didn't he tell me about this, it's unfair. And why now? Wny now when everything turns to be like before, Donghae is leaving, Aiden will leave me again.

"He want it that way!" he said.

"Why?" I can't say anything. I just can't handle this anymore. There so many things in my mind and I can't process it all right now. Why it have to be this way. It's unfair, i didn't do anything wrong, why did they doing this to me.

I cried. I just cried. I can't do anything but to cry my heart out.




I was playing on the swing, swinging it like before, feet high, throwing myself in the air. Memories of tomorrow came back. I closed my eyes as I recall all of them, that was the happiest moment of my life.




A pair of hands cover my eyes from my back

I stiffened.

"who are you!"

no one answered but I heard a chuckle. "yah!"

"He's my cousin, he's Donghai, and he's from China!"

I pry his hands on my eyes when I heard the familiar voice of Kyuhyun.


i look up to find out.

"You can call him Aiden, his english name!"

"He doesn't have his korean name Kyuhyunie?"

"Nope. It's his first time here in Seoul and he's not staying for so long, so no need to give him his Korean name!"



"Hyukkie strawberry milk!"

"Owa! Aiden jjang!"

"You like it?"

"Of course!"



"Hyukkie let's play there!"

"Huh? But it's dangerous there! and I hate water!"

"Don't worry i'm here, i'll protect you! Come!"



"Hyukkie teach me!"

"Huh? But you can talk now in Hangul!"

"I still didn't get some korean words!"

"aishh, you should be asking Kyuhyun, he's smart you know!"

"but I want you to teach me!"



"Hyukkie! I'll teach you chinese!"

"Owa! Neh! neh!"

"What do you want to know?"

"uhm.....how will you say 'i love you' in Chinese?"

"Oh!...'it's 'wo ai ni!"

"wo...--- what?"

"wo ai ni."

"wo ai ni? wo ai ni!"




"wo ai ni!'



"ya! don't push too much!'

"okay! okay! there!"

"waaaaaaahhhh! ya! you still pushing it too much!"

"okay I slow it now!"

"Wait..wait..stop it! Stop! You ride this, i'll push you now!"

"naaaah..you just want to take revenge on me!"

"i'm not!"



"what's that?"

"It's a plushie and This is Chovy!"

"Chovy! This is Aiden, our new friend!"

"I think Chovy like you! Keep him for me?"


"He likes you, and I think he'll cry if you leave!"

"I'm not leaving yet!"

"But still you are!"


"so keep him, neh? and bring him back to me!"


"He'll cry too when he miss me!"

"okay I'll bring him back!"

"Together with you?"




"Hyukkie aiden was leaving!"

"mwo? when!"


"why he didn't tell me?"

"he's waiting at the park! Go there, okay?"

"now? as in now?"




"mom, i need to go to the park!"


"bye Mom!"

"ya! Lee Hyukjae! You're sick!"



"where am I?"

"oh my son!"


"where I am? where's Aiden?"

"Doc! Is he okay now?"

"Mom, i need to go to the park!"

"Stop whinning, you're terribly sick!"



"he left this for Hyukjae!""

"he's not allowed to drink strawberry milk now, okay Kyuhyunnie?"


"where's Aiden?"

"he left already, they need to catch on their flight!"



"When will he come back?"

"i don't know!"

"Did he said something for me?"




"It's already summer! When will he come back?"

"i don't know!"

"Didn't he take his vacation here?"



"Kyuhyunnie, can you call Aiden? Tell him I already missed him!"

"I can't!"




"Kyuhyunnie, is there something for me from Aiden?"

"something what?"

"a letter or a post card, he said he will sent me a greeting on Christmas!"




"Kyuhyunnie, what will Aiden look like now?"

"why you're asking!"

"I'm thinking if he's still handsome as ever!"

"he's not handsome!"

"he is!"



"waaa..I really miss him and I miss Chovy too!"

"stop waiting for him, he'll not coming back!"

"NO! he promised he will come back!"

"promise is made to be broken!"

"meanie! Minnie!"



The swing stop but i didn't realized it until a pair of hands cover my eyes.

I stiffened.

This is familiar, the feeling is familiar.

I hold the hands in my eyes.

It's familiar.

"who are you?"

No one answered.

"I'm sorry.." then suddenly he said.

It's familiar.

"..for leaving!"

I trembled.

I'm prying his hand but he didn't let me.

He hug from the back.

It's familiar.


"I'm sorry Hyukkie!"

I cried.



He hugged me tightly.

"You're here! You came back!" i manage to say, holding to his arms tightly.

"I am!"

He turn me around to face him. The beautiful face that I've been missing for long long years is in front of me now. I'm still crying, and he's there now to wipe away my tears. He's here, he's really here. But why he's here?

"thank you for coming!" he said.

He smiled. The smile that I've been missing for long long years.

"how co---"

He kissed me. His lips, his thin but sweet lips on mine that i've been missing for long long years. He kissed me gently, a kiss that full of longing for love. I kissed back, we kissed again after long long years.

"I...I miss you so so much!" i said between my sobs. His forehead on mine, he's nose touches mine, he's breath mingled with mine.

He kissed me again.

"I miss you more!"




We found ourselves on the riverbank. Silence enveloped us once again. I don't know what to say or what to do. My mind still processing everything that happening right now. He's sitting now beside me, holding and playing with my hands again like before. I still can't believe he's right here right now. I was longing for him and always waiting for this day to come, I can't imagine it's happening right now.

"Kyuhyun...told me!" i started.

"Yeah, he told me too!"

"Why you didn't tell me that time?"

That's the first thing I promised to myself to ask him. About him, hiding himself as Aiden.

"You know I always waiting for you to come back that day!"

He turn his gaze on the river and said, "I'm sorry...I'm just afraid!"

"of what?"

"I'm afraid, you'll be mad at me, because I didn't said goodbye to you that day!" . "Kyuhyun said, you're crying that day and no one can stop you from crying until you broke down and got sick. It's all because of me. You're hurt because of me, i felt guilty."

I smiled when I remembered that day, after leaving the hospital, i was crying the whole day in my room. I didn't eat and I became more stubborn to my mother.

"it's not your fault!"


"I didn't make it that day! I was terribly sick and i couldn't drag myself to go to the park to meet you! So it's not your fault after all! And I'm sorry also because I didn't make it again that time! I was confuse and I really don't know that you're leaving if it wasn't because of Kyuhyun."

He shaked his head. "It still my fault, I didn't informed you that early! I'm sorry!"

"yeah you didn't!". i chuckled. He looked at me curiously.

"What so funny?"

"Nothing!" i keep on chuckling.


"aish, your squeezing my hand to tight!" i said. That's why i'm chuckling, he's nervous.

"i'm  nervous you know! I was thinking if you'll get mad at me when you see me right now!"

"I should be mad at you, you know. You leave me twice and suddenly you're coming back and surprising me! and you suddenly kissed me! aish, jinja yo! I should be mad at you!"

"But you didn't!" he smiled at me.

"Yeah!" i suddenly think about that. I'm not mad at him all those times. I didn't. "I didn't!"

"Thank you Hyukkie!"

"ani~! I should be thank you...thank you Hae, for coming back to me! I wish you didn't leave again!"

"I'm not going anywhere without you Hyukkie. I love you!" he suddenly said. I smiled. He's still love me. He still waiting for me.

"Thank you for waiting this long.....i love you too Hae!" i lean forward to kiss him, a kiss of my love for him. Finally I got a chance to say that word to him. Finally this day had come, the day we've been waiting for the whole time.

We're together now  and nothing can seperate us.

"there's someone who's missing you!"


"wait here!" he suddenly left.

In a minute he came back.

"He's here!" he said while i'm busy reminiscing what have just happened right now. I looked up to him and the thing he's talking about made me smiled.

"Chovy!" I ran to him to get my plushie, my plushie that I've been missing too for long long years. I get chovy to him and hug it tightly. "I miss you so so so so much!" i said to my plushie. I looked up to Donghae and i was surprised to saw him pouting.

"What's with the pout?"

"I didn't think of Chovy to be my rival you know! We're doing fine in China, i didn't know you're really fond of that plushie!"

I laughed of Hae's cuteness, he's jealous of Chovy, he didn't change. He's still childish as he is.

"aish, come here!" i said to him and he complied.

"why?" he still pouting.

I give him a peck on his pouting lips. He was surprised again. "you didn't know, but pouting is asking for a kiss!" i said to him.

He smiled. "oh! jinjja? So I should be pouting the whole time!"


"why? you didn't want to kiss me?"

I nodded and I laughed to his widened eyes.

"mwo? I'm your boyfriend now, you should always kiss me!"

"Shut up Hae!" i said and turn my attention to Chovy. He really did take care of him.

"and now you're ignoring me because of that plushie!"

"He's Chovy!" I glared at him. Then I realized something. "what are you doing here by the way?" i asked him.

"MWO?" he yelled.

"What are you doing here? you suddenly popped up here!" then I remembered my supposed to be meeting with my secret admirer. "omona, i forgot about him! aishh, it all your fault!"

"What are you talking about? and who's him? yah! you're my boyfriend now! you're not allowed to meet someone beside me!''

"I was supposed to meet my secret admirer now, and you suddenly interrupt! Haish, i can't meet him again for the last time!" i said, talking to Chovy. suddenly I heard Donghae laughed.

"yah! Hyukkie! You still didn't get it this time?" he asked me.

"what?" i asked curiously.

He walked closer to me and hug me. "you don't have to meet you're secret admirer anymore!"

"mwo? why? he want to meet me, let me meet him for the last time'

"You don't have to because he's now you're boyfriend!"

I break the hug and looked at him in surprise. "you're my......!"

"YES!" and now it's my turn to laugh. I can't believe I was right all those time.

"what so funny?"

"you know, i actually know it was you all those times!"

"mwo? how?"

"you're using the best initial that fits you, why wouldn't I figure that out?" i asked him obviously.

"initial? Fishy? You figured that it was me because of Fishy?"

"Yeah! I'm smart you know! and you look like a fish after all!" then I laugh hilariously.

"yah!" he burst out and pull me towards him kissing me again for the nth time this day. I smiled on the kiss and kiss him back.  I groan when he suddenly pulled back.

"why?' I pouted.

"that's your punishment!" he gave me his smirk . So handsome. I didn't realized he still have the same effect on me. "oh! you're blushing Hyukkie! so red like strawberry" he teased me.

"what can I do, there's a handsome fish in front of me!" i countered, well, it's true.

He smiled. "of course I am, the handsome fish for a cute myeolchi like you!"


"yeah! you look like anchovy!"

"i'm not!'

"yes you are! you're so skinny!"

"i'm y!" i said. He looked at me playfully.  "what?" i asked him.

"aish, you're driving me crazy! Come I'll feed you for you to gain some fat!" he hold my hand and pulled me to walk beside him. The hand I've been missing for long long years.

"I want strawberry milk!"

He smiled. "you still like that stuff? I'm wondering what happened to you when I'm not there to supply your daily strawberry milk!"

"What?" i asked him in surprised. "don't tell me...."

"yeah! I'm your Holy Strawberry Godmother!"

I suddenly stop, state in shock, thinking about those times whenever I fantasizing my strawberry godmother in front of Donghae, and now, I found out that he's the one who's doing that the whole time? So embarrassing, i bet he's laughing at my dreamy face that time whenever I got my strvwberry milk.

"What?" he asked, secretly chuckling on my reaction.

"aish, you're driving me crazy!" I said to him in disbelief.

"I know!" he smirk again.

Waah, so handsome as ever. Imagine? I'm spazzing to my boyfriend and at the same time my secret admirer, and also my strawberry godmother. aish,  one in two huh? Nice job my handsome boyfriend.






"it's still a happy ending and it's not an end but an and because their true story had just begun"



a/n: HOW WAS THAT? IT SO RANDOM! WHAHAHAHAHAHA. Forgive me but I have to end it that way. I hope everything was clear now! I know the previous chapter was confusing, neh? But i'm hoping this last chapter answer it all. I'm speechless actually, I finished it, FINALLY. And also one thing, about the title, i told you guys that it's the clue on the story, i don't know if it really the clue, or gave you a hint to the story even though it's really obvious that it's Donghae. Whaha, well anyways, the answer is 1in2, it's Donghae, being the secret admirer and Hyukkie's strawberry godmother. ke ke ke ke. It's lame! hahahaha.

TO ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS who didn't left and stay still until the end, i hope you'd enjoy reading this story. This is the first story that I updated so far because of your help, on leaving encouraging comments to continue this story. I honestly planning to stop this so many times, but I'm thinking about you all, so here I am with my last chapter.

:wae: im so happy! Jinjja! I hope you all too! My last farewell for now! I'M GOING ON HIATUS for the following weeks and be back on November with my new story! I hope to see you all again that time! NEH?


@ lady_na - Thank you for always supporting my fics! and for always leaving comments to encourage me! Thank you!

@charrellx & @LollZipopZo - Thank you for dropping by and for the suggestions, i hope you enjoyed reading it too! and sorry for KyuHyuk, [LOL XD}, i just want to emphasize the main character, Kyuhyun, don't worry, he's alright, he's just trying to help the two because he realized at the end that he can't stop Hyukkie from loving his Hae-Hae. ke ke ke, okay? I'm a KyuHyuk shipper too, BroTP actually.

@pinkapple04, @themasochistic1308, @Cyriellema, @blinkinghee - Thank you for dropping by for the last time. I'm sorry for confusing some of you on some matter, i hope this last chap can answer it all. and it's HaeHyuk! Yeah, i didn't write EunHae, ke ke ke ke, Donghae is destined to be on top, LOL, since it's no use in this story because there's no in here! Kay.? thank you!

@ALL my SILENT READERS - still, thank you for dropping  by and reading this story!















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Chapter 27: This story is soooo cuteeee....thank you author-nim for writting this wonderful story.
I had tears in my eyes the entire time I was reading the last chapter. One of my favorite story on aff.♡
Chapter 27: Aww...read this story in one go..! This is great.. really daebak..! Thanks for sharin
g with us ^^
Cece-cix #3
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #4
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #5
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #6
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #7
sorry lol lol
Chapter 27: waa~~ I've finished it already~~ so that's the reason why the title is like that.. well, I admit I got confused whether Hae or Kyu is the secret admirer.. kkk. And there are moments where I hate Kyu.. sometimes xD love the little KyuHyuk moment.. I just wished they did kiss even for once hahaha esp in the 'pouting is asking for kiss' scene --so love this one! And of course HaeHyuk sweet scenes is sooo loved :") Author-nim jjang~!! <3 *pats your back for this wonderful story*
Chapter 3: eeyy.. aren't you two obvious.. LOl xD so much for cutie Hyuk :")
petiteddy #10
Chapter 27: Oh my... you make me riding a rollercoaster when i read this fic.. sometimes i feel high but the other times i feel awfully sad because the drama and.. i just love this fic! Love it how hae seems to be the perfect guy ever and hyuk cuteness? You're just so lucky babe to be hae's boyfriend ^^ i love it how kyu likes hyuk but he doesn't interrupt hae and hyuk's relationship that much.. sometimes you just need a bestfriend who love you not a c*ockblocker. The summary is I JUST LOVE THIS FIC! kekeke mind my nonsense, 'kay?