
2in1 ? 1in2




It's the 3rd Day of our Training, 2 days before it end up. Well the main purposed of the training is to enhance our ability in studying and also because all of us was chosen because we excell on our studies, the other purposed of this training is to teach us how to handle some problems, most student like us go through, so to summarized it all, this training teach us a lot about ourselves and how to deal with our studies.
It's early in the evening, 6pm. Donghae and I take a rest on our shared room for a while. We finished one of our activity earlier and as usual, we have our little game at night. That little game serves as a remedy for us, because of our activities all day long. Our activities is not just to play around, yes its so much fun, which the both of us ended up on playing after we finished what we're doing. We need to use our brain on each of our activity, which is the main purposed of every activities everyday. It's fun but at the same time, we felt exhausted after thinking and analyzing what we'll gonna do on that activity. But once you finished it, you felt really happy because you know that you used you're effort to finished that.
"Hyukkie, are you hungry?"
"Hmmm..a bit? you?" i answered.
He was lying on his back on his bed and  looking at the ceiling, and i was just staring at him secretly. Well, now, he caught me staring at him, and I can't help myself to blush on embarassment. He smiled at me when he noticed my reaction.
"You're so cute Hyukkie~!" 
I just smiled, trying to hide my red face behind my pillow. I have a feeling that he's still staring at me.
"Uhm..Hae? I guess you're hungry too..let's eat outside!" i manage to say then immediately get off from my bed and walk through the door to go outside, not waiting for him, i can't stand his stares towards me. and i heard him chuckled when I pass to his bed.
"Wait for me!" 
We're now outside the Hotel, i mean outside the Resort, where some restaurants and fast food chains can be found. We decided to eat outside tonight since I found out what's our menu for tonight which the facilator provide for us. Our meal for the Training was provided by the facilatators including breakfast, lunch and dinner. We just have to go to the dining hall of the Hotel if we want to grab some foods. Unluckily, tonight's menu is definitely the food that i really don't like ever since. In contrast, it's Hae's favorite food, which he giggled when he found out that his favorite food was serve tonight, seafood. 
"My favorite!" he said cheerfully and I saw him very excited.
Unknown to him, i groaned secretly, just because of the smell of the foods at the counter, my face shows disgust and I really want to throw up. But everytime I see Donghae flashes his most beautiful smile for that food, I force myself to smile too. What will I do? I want to eat together with Donghae and knowing that it's his favorite, but I really can't stand eating that food.
I looked at Donghae who's mesmerized while observing the food.
"Uhmm.. Hae!"
He looked at me. "Yes Hyukkie~!"
"I hope you don't mind if i'm not going to eat with you tonight?" i asked.
"Huh? Why?" he asked sadly. Now I regret asking that.
"Uhm..it's just the f..."
"You don't like the food." he concluded smiling at me. Eh? Smiling?
"how..how did you know?" 
He just shrugged his shoulder with his smiling face.
"I'm sorry for that. I think I just eat outside, i really don't like the food here, sorry! Enjoy you dinner Hae, i'll be back after I ate outside!" i said, feeling sorry for him, i was about to leave when he called me, i looked back.
"Hyukkie~ Let's eat together outside!"
"Let's go!" he then grab my hand and pulled me outside.
"Wait, Hae!" i stop him. I know he really like the food there. I felt guilty, i don't want him to sacrifice his favorite food for me. "you know, you don't have to do this!"
He suddenly frown.
"I know you really like the food there and it's your favorite, i'm just concern on you, you see, i can eat alone by myself...!" im a bit nervous telling him not to care for me because of my taste in food, he's frowning and I think he's a bit mad on me.
"But I can't eat alone!" he said, pouting and still holding my hand.
So cute. He looks like a kid, adorable kid. It was a new scene for me again so I just smiled at him.
"Kaja!" i said and we both eat outside.
We found a small restaurant which serves some of my favorite Korean foods. Well, i felt like i'm a bit selfish tonight, i'm just thinking about my cravings and not Donghae's. But he insisted that he also like the food, so we decided to eat there. We ordered our food and eat happily, enjoying our time together. We're so full and we stayed for a while to have some rest which lead us on talking again about ourselves.
"Why you really like seafood?" i asked him.
"Because it's delicous and I really fond of sea creatures!" he answered smiling. Well yeah, it's obvious on his name.
"Why you hate it actually?" he asked me.
"Uhm i have an allergy. and the smell is not that nice!" i said in disgust, and he laugh at me.
We kept on talking and I'm glad that I didn't felt guilty anymore because Donghae was not able to eat his favorite food. He's happy and I'm happy too. It's really fun with him. 
We didn't notice the time because we're so engrossed on talking though we always talk to each other when we're together. 
It's already passed 7, an hour of spending dinner outside. We both got panicked because we're going to be late on our little game everynight. So we run so fast to cope up and for us to get there on time, but unluckily the game was already started just a minute ago.
"Where have you been?" the game facilator asked us while watching some students who's currently playing  the game he made and laughing at them when someone was eliminated on the game.
"Sorry Sir, we ate outside!"
"Oh! You have your date?"
"NO SIR!" i answered immediately which the facilitator and Donghae laughed at me.
"I was just joking Eunhyuk ssi!" he said while laughing at me. aish, so embarassing. 
"It's okay! But sadly, I have to punish you two for being late!" our facilatator said while smiling on the both of us.
"Bwo?" i burst out. What punishment? "will it hurt us Sir? What kind of punishment?"
He laugh first.
"It wouldn't hurt you Eunhyuk ssi! I'm just going to split the two of you! Meaning, you're not going to be partner for our game tonight." he answered.
"But...!" i tried to argue, but knowing the fact that we're totally late on the activity, we don't have the chance so we sadly complied to our punishment. 
We're not partners tonight but a rival. aish, i hate this. I always want to play together with him. I want to do everything together with him. I want to make moments with him, but tonights activity ruined it all.
He was paired up to the other guy name Kibum. and i can't help but to look at them everytime we play. I'm irritated to what i saw. This Kibum is feeling close to Donghae. He laugh with him and he even hugged Donghae million times already since we joined the activity. I hate what I'm seeing and I can't stand it anymore. I'm annoyed, really annoyed which I didn't notice that it affect our activity. I'm not thinking of the activity anymore but the fact that that Kibum was flirting with Donghae. I can't concentrate on the game until something unexpectedly happened.
I was about to have my turn on the game. I wasn't thinking right and I didn't realized that what I'm doing was wrong. Then when the time I finally realized it, i was so embarrass and all i'm thinking is to get out and vanish immediately in the front of them all, especially to Donghae. So without thinking any further, I throw what I'm holding on and stomped my feet to release my frustration but I didn't realized that the tiles near the pool was so slippery so I ended up throwing myself to the pool.
I was totally shocked when I felt the water. I can't swim, i scream to myself. I can't swim, someone save me please! My mind keep on shouting until I lost my conciousness and not remembering what happened after that.




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Chapter 27: This story is soooo cuteeee....thank you author-nim for writting this wonderful story.
I had tears in my eyes the entire time I was reading the last chapter. One of my favorite story on aff.♡
Chapter 27: Aww...read this story in one go..! This is great.. really daebak..! Thanks for sharin
g with us ^^
Cece-cix #3
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #4
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #5
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #6
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #7
sorry lol lol
Chapter 27: waa~~ I've finished it already~~ so that's the reason why the title is like that.. well, I admit I got confused whether Hae or Kyu is the secret admirer.. kkk. And there are moments where I hate Kyu.. sometimes xD love the little KyuHyuk moment.. I just wished they did kiss even for once hahaha esp in the 'pouting is asking for kiss' scene --so love this one! And of course HaeHyuk sweet scenes is sooo loved :") Author-nim jjang~!! <3 *pats your back for this wonderful story*
Chapter 3: eeyy.. aren't you two obvious.. LOl xD so much for cutie Hyuk :")
petiteddy #10
Chapter 27: Oh my... you make me riding a rollercoaster when i read this fic.. sometimes i feel high but the other times i feel awfully sad because the drama and.. i just love this fic! Love it how hae seems to be the perfect guy ever and hyuk cuteness? You're just so lucky babe to be hae's boyfriend ^^ i love it how kyu likes hyuk but he doesn't interrupt hae and hyuk's relationship that much.. sometimes you just need a bestfriend who love you not a c*ockblocker. The summary is I JUST LOVE THIS FIC! kekeke mind my nonsense, 'kay?