*__Part P__*

2in1 ? 1in2



A/N: New chaps for @lady_na, who always support my fics and leaving comments and for @Cyriellema, who said she love this fic freakin' much [LOL XD]...thank you for spending your time reading this fic! and to all my silent readers, ENJOY Reading...SUBSCRIBE NOW! XD

I'm singing to the christmas song playing continuously while happily decorating our Christmas tree. I'm really enjoying it, and tonight is Christmas eve. My Mom and Dad was busy preparing our food for tonight, since we're just three in the family they didn't cook that much. But they make sure that it can serve all of our guest for tonight.

I was busy decorating when I heard my phone ringing. I immediately answer without looking at the name of the caller.




"What you're doing right now?"

"Decorating our Christmas tree!" i said excitedly.

"Oh! I'm already done with that!"

"Really? It's quite hard for me because i'm doing it alone, not like you, you have your dongsaeng to help you!"

"You're talking about Sandeul? Dream on Hyukkie~! You can't get any help from him!"

I laugh at him, his brother Sandeul is more stubborn than him.

"what's your plan for tonight Hyukkie~?" he asked.


"nothing! Just staying with Mom and Dad!"

"you don't want to go out?"

"i want to, but i don't have anyone to accompany me!"

"let's meet then!"


"neh! I have a gift for you! I want to give it to you personally!"

"nado! So, where will we meet?"

"at the park, near our school!"

"okay! I'm coming!"

"yeah, be sure of that! i heard there will be a fireworks display near there!"

"oh! that sounds nice! i definitely coming!"

"See you later then!"

"Neh! See you! Bye!"

I received more calls the whole day. I'm glad that many of my friends remembered to greet me, but I couldn't help myself to expect from someone I really want to greet me today, Donghae. Why he's not calling me?

after an hour of decorating, finally i finished it beautifully. Then I put those gifts my Mom wrapped since the other day under the tree. I can rest now. I'll sleep for awhile and ask my Mom to wake me up when it's already time for Christmas eve. I sleep but still waiting for Donghae to call me, but I didn't receive one from him, maybe he's so busy and forgot to call his friends, how sad.


I ask for my Mom and Dad's approval that I'm going out tonight to meet my friend, and they allowed me so i'm glad. I left the house where some of my relatives was already there .

"Oh! Hyukkie baby was going to meet his boyfriend!" Uncle Leeteuk teased.

My Mom freaked out and tends to not allow me to go out. I glared at my Uncle.

"I'm not! and i don't have a boyfriend!" i said pouting. They all just laughed at me!

"my baby is so cute! I'm just joking my cute nephew!" he said and pinch my cheeks.

"i'm going!"

"take care son!"

I hurriedly left the house after that. It was so close, i got nervous when my Mom freak out when she heard about me seeing my boyfriend. all of my relatives know that i'm not allowed to have a boyfriend until i finish my studies with honor, which i promised to my grand dad, my Mom's dad, before he died. That's also the reason why i don't like to confess my feelings for Donghae, i don't want my promise to my grand dad to be broken, even though there's a saying that promise is made to be broken, yeah, like i did once to Donghae, but i'm glad we're still okay after that.

I reached the park where Minnie said to wait for him. He's still not there when I arrived. I sat on one of the swing near the bench. Good thing there's so many people around, I feel safe to wait there.

"you're dead if you're too late Minnie!" I said. It's cold here and I easily get cold, good thing I was able to wear a thick coat to keep me warm and a pair of cute gloves for my hands.

Five minutes, and still I see no Minnie. I decided to make a call and when I about to get my phone, I felt someone walk behind me, but i ignored it. But I was startled when a pair of cold hands cover my eyes from the back. I felt nervous, but not that much because this thing is quite familiar, Donghae always did this to me. But the possibilty of Donghae was here is low so I think I shouldn't be expecting that much. Though I really like to see him right now, on this Christmas eve.

"Minnie?" i try to asked, maybe it's really Minnie and try to play with me. I heard no answer but a chuckle.

"Yah! answer me!" i said nervously, now I'm truly nervous, if it's not Minnie, who else would do that to me?

I grab the hands in my eye to remove it and get a chance to look who's behind me, good thing he let me. I immediately turn back to find out but I saw no one behind me, but I heard someone chuckling. I look down, when I hear the sound from there, and I was surprise to see a grinning fish down there.

"Yah!" i burst out and he end up laughing. I pouted.

"Surprise!" he beamed cheerfully, then he back hug me. I couldn't help myself to let out a smile.
He gave me warm in this cold night by doing that.

"You scared me!"

He laugh again, never letting go of me to his embrace.

"You're so cute Hyukkie~ you know that?!"

"I know!" i beamed.

He let go and walk in front of me, still beaming widely. I just stare at him, trying to hide my pending smile. What can I do, he's really cute on that expression. He stared back at me. No words from both of us. We're battling now of staring until we both ended up on laughing to each other.

I snap out first cause I remember something.

"What are you doing here by the way?" i asked.

"huh? I don't know! You, what are you doing here?" he asked back.

"Yah! Stop joking, will you." i smiled at him.

"Minnie hyung called me and said we will meet here! You, what are you doing here?" he answered.

aish, I got it now!. So this is the gift he's talking about. Minnie hyung I don't know how to thank you for doing this. I smiled endlessly. He really knows what the best gift for me.

"He called me too!" i just end up answering him honestly. He laugh, and by that I know he got that too. Minnie hyung called the both of us and end up seeing each other tonight.

"i think i need to thank someone later!" he said and cup my face with his cold hands.

"Merry Christmas Hyukkie~!" i smiled.

"Merry Christmas Hae~" he didn't let go my face. "why you're not wearing your gloves?" I asked when I felt his cold hands on my face.

He just smiled. "I forgot! i was so excited!"

"huh?" i asked curiously, what did he mean by that?

"Come on Hyukkie, i have a gift for you!" he said then pulled me up. His hand was still cold.

"wait!" i said. I take off one of my gloves and put it in his bare right hand.

"what are you doing, your hand might get cold!"

"aniyo!" i answered, then I intertwine my bare right hands on his bare left one. "there, not cold anymore!" he smiled endlessly and i gained a light pinch from him.

"i like it!" and we walk hand and hand.

"where are we going?"


"secret~" I scowl, but it's only for a joke.

He stop and eyeing at me curiously with are-you-mad? look.

"Just joking Hae!" i beam.

He sigh heavily.

"i thought i did something wrong again!"

"yes you did!"


I laugh.

"Joking again!" well, i don't know what i'm doing. I'm just so happy and i don't know how to entertain this overwhelming feeling so I just want to play to condition my heart beat.

"Naughty! Kaja~!"

We walk not so far and we end up on the riverbank. Expectedly there's so many people there. Might be watching fireworks display too. Oh I remember now.

"five minutes!" i heard Donghae said.

"are we perhaps...." will be watching fireworks, together?

"yeah, the two of us!" he smiled. I smiled back.

We just hold hands and wait for the right time to come, and it came so fast, we just realized that it started when we saw the beautiful display of light in the sky.

"beautiful!" i whisper.

Then, the display begin, it was simply breath taking. It so beautiful, especially when there's a special someone beside you. I felt his hand towards mine, and it's not cold anymore. I turn to look at him and I was surprised when i saw him staring back at me.

His eyes was shining and full of adoration. Wait, adoration? towards the beautiful sky perhaps. But he's looking at me.

"Hae!" i manage to say before i felt his body against mine and hugging me tightly. I close my eyes to feel him, he's so warm.

"Hyukkie!" he called.



I chuckled.

"Weird!" i said to him.

He chuckled.

and all we did is to hug each other under the cold night sky of Seoul coloring by the thousand lights of fireworks. We remain like that until the 15 minutes of fireworks display ended.

"that was nice!" i said, i mean the hug.

"you like it?"

"i like it!" i answered.

"i like you!"

Yeah. I like you too. Wait, did he just confessed?


"Hmm.." he snap out with what's-wrong-thingy look. I think I heard it wrong. He didn't said anything. He didn't right? But i hope he did,

"Nothing!" i just answered.

"weird!" he copied what I said earlier and smiled. He then look back to the sky, my eyes never leave him.

Say it again.



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Chapter 27: This story is soooo cuteeee....thank you author-nim for writting this wonderful story.
I had tears in my eyes the entire time I was reading the last chapter. One of my favorite story on aff.♡
Chapter 27: Aww...read this story in one go..! This is great.. really daebak..! Thanks for sharin
g with us ^^
Cece-cix #3
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #4
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #5
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #6
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #7
sorry lol lol
Chapter 27: waa~~ I've finished it already~~ so that's the reason why the title is like that.. well, I admit I got confused whether Hae or Kyu is the secret admirer.. kkk. And there are moments where I hate Kyu.. sometimes xD love the little KyuHyuk moment.. I just wished they did kiss even for once hahaha esp in the 'pouting is asking for kiss' scene --so love this one! And of course HaeHyuk sweet scenes is sooo loved :") Author-nim jjang~!! <3 *pats your back for this wonderful story*
Chapter 3: eeyy.. aren't you two obvious.. LOl xD so much for cutie Hyuk :")
petiteddy #10
Chapter 27: Oh my... you make me riding a rollercoaster when i read this fic.. sometimes i feel high but the other times i feel awfully sad because the drama and.. i just love this fic! Love it how hae seems to be the perfect guy ever and hyuk cuteness? You're just so lucky babe to be hae's boyfriend ^^ i love it how kyu likes hyuk but he doesn't interrupt hae and hyuk's relationship that much.. sometimes you just need a bestfriend who love you not a c*ockblocker. The summary is I JUST LOVE THIS FIC! kekeke mind my nonsense, 'kay?