
2in1 ? 1in2



The final periodical exam is in our hands. I helped myself to focus on this since Donghae and I decided not to date anymore. It's hard, but when my Mom and I settled our problem together, somehow, i thought I made the right decision.
Seeing Donghae in school still made my day.The same feeling like before when I always see him, he makes me happy and inspired. Everything change between us but I know that we're still the same,I know we're head over heels with each other. We're still texting but rarely talk to each other even on school but I'm thankful and somehow it makes me relieve that we're still attach to each other.
But I'm lying to myself when I say I didn't miss those times when we're together. His touch, his hands with mine, his kiss, his i love you's and good night, dream of me messages. His presence beside me, his smiles for me, the sound of his laughter, the warmth of his embrace, I miss him. and the thought made me cry.
"You're in your own world again Hyukkie~"
I snap out on my dreamland and notice that I didn't touch my food. I didn't even drink my strawberry milk too. It's always like that when I was thinking about Donghae and I felt sorry for Minnie for not giving my full attention to him and that make him worried.
"You're thinking about him...again?"
We both sigh. Love is so complicated.
"after the exam, it's already the preparation for graduation!"
I nearly forget about that.
"You're graduating!" i said in surprise.
"Yeah!" he answered excitedly. "Finally!" he beam.
It made me sad. Minnie was leaving me already.
"Don't be sad Hyukkie~!"
"But I don't have you anymore next year!"
"Donghae is still there!" 
I smiled. "Yeah! I hope he's still love me that time!"
"He is! I know he loves you so much!"
"I know!"
"and oh! you still have your secret admirer and your strawberry godmother!" he smiled at me.
Speaking of my secret admirer. "I lose him!"
"My secret admirer, he didn't sent me his letters anymore!"
"Since when?"
"Last last week?"
"Oh! Maybe he already know that you're already have Donghae!"
"I hope so! But you know, i'm thinking if he's mad at me that's why he stop sending me his letter!"
"why he's get mad at you?"
"because...you know, the last letter that i received..." i purposedly cut my word.
"is what?"
"He's asking for my answer for his letter!" 
"oh! that was good! You send him?"
I shake my head and Minnie eyed me disappointedly.
"No doubt he stop sending letters to you!"
"Yeah! But you know, i didn't care anymore right?"
"But you need to meet him and to tell him about you and Donghae!"
"Yeah! But I'm afraid! What if he stole me from Donghae, and force me to like him back, i don't want that to happen!"
"Silly! You're admirer is head over heels to you, i know he's not going to hurt you!"
"you think i should write him a letter?" Minnie nodded.
Then I decided to write back on his letter, maybe after the exam so that we had plenty of time and sure that I can meet him one of that day. Nervous and excited, that's how i feel this time. I hope, he's a good person and I hope he can understand my situation.
The day goes on and the last part of the examination is brought to us this afternoon. Our last exam of the year. I smiled. Time flies so fast. I can't wait for the next day of my life. One year to go for Donghae!
Wait for me Donghae!



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Chapter 27: This story is soooo cuteeee....thank you author-nim for writting this wonderful story.
I had tears in my eyes the entire time I was reading the last chapter. One of my favorite story on aff.♡
Chapter 27: Aww...read this story in one go..! This is great.. really daebak..! Thanks for sharin
g with us ^^
Cece-cix #3
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #4
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #5
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #6
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #7
sorry lol lol
Chapter 27: waa~~ I've finished it already~~ so that's the reason why the title is like that.. well, I admit I got confused whether Hae or Kyu is the secret admirer.. kkk. And there are moments where I hate Kyu.. sometimes xD love the little KyuHyuk moment.. I just wished they did kiss even for once hahaha esp in the 'pouting is asking for kiss' scene --so love this one! And of course HaeHyuk sweet scenes is sooo loved :") Author-nim jjang~!! <3 *pats your back for this wonderful story*
Chapter 3: eeyy.. aren't you two obvious.. LOl xD so much for cutie Hyuk :")
petiteddy #10
Chapter 27: Oh my... you make me riding a rollercoaster when i read this fic.. sometimes i feel high but the other times i feel awfully sad because the drama and.. i just love this fic! Love it how hae seems to be the perfect guy ever and hyuk cuteness? You're just so lucky babe to be hae's boyfriend ^^ i love it how kyu likes hyuk but he doesn't interrupt hae and hyuk's relationship that much.. sometimes you just need a bestfriend who love you not a c*ockblocker. The summary is I JUST LOVE THIS FIC! kekeke mind my nonsense, 'kay?