
2in1 ? 1in2



"Wake up baby!" the sweet voice of my Mom wake me up, i smiled. I'm glad we're okay now, i really love my Mom, and my Dad also. I stirred and hauled my Mom in my embrace and I heard her chuckle.
"My poor baby, still sleepy?"
"Yes Mom!"
"But you need to wake up, it's Minnie's graduation today!"
Hearing the word Minnie and graduation I snap out immediately. "ahhhhh...what time is it Mom?" i ask immediately, she just laugh at me.
"Relax son, it's still early. I just wake you up to prepare!" she said hugging me so tight.
I sigh.
"Good thing you wake me up Mom, aishh..!"
She ruffle my hair. "You're enjoying too much in your dreamland!" I flush, yeah, because i'm dreaming about Donghae. Poor me, I can only see him and touch him in my dreams. Suddenly I felt lonely. Good thing my Mom leave my bed and didn't see how disappointed I am.
"Take a bath now baby, i'll cook your  breakfast!" i nodded.
I finished preparing and my Mom and Dad accompany me on our school. Even though I'm not going to graduate this year, i'm required to attend the ceremony because I have my award for being the first honor on our level, and I'm sure Donghae too, that's why I'm so excited to see him today. I want to congratulate him same as to me too. and also, I want him to meet my parents. For Mom to see my handsome suitor and maybe, she'll change her mind and let me date Donghae. I smiled in my thought. 
"You look happy my Son!"
"Of course Mom,I have an honor again this year!" i beam.
"We're so proud of you!" she said. I'm glad I didn't failed to make them proud of me. It's just I sacrificed my happiness for once, but honestly, I'm proud of myself too, I endured it, and I know i will gain more than of it someday, so nothing to regret, right? XD
We reached the school ground and I accompany my parents to the hall wherein the graduation will be held. We got our seat and I excuse myself for awhile to meet my classmate on our section's room. This will be the last day we can meet each other before the long summer vacation, it's a sad farewell for all of us but we all know that it's just for a while, we will probably meet next year, and that would be the final year where we'll gonna spend our time together as classmates and friends. and that's the right time that I've been waiting for, so again I wish and I hope time flies faster  as this time. 
I reach our classroom and saw some of my classmates in there. all of them greet me and congratulate me for being the first honor of our level. I thank them back for congratulating me and after that we spend our remaining time in chitchatting because we're sure we're gonna miss each other for a long vacation.
"Where's Mr. Kim?" I heard our class Vice President.
"He said, he's not going to attend the ceremony!" 
What? Our homeroom teacher will not going to attend the ceremony? "Why?" I asked.
"I don't know!" he answered, and at the same time our class  President arrived.
"Hi classmates!"
We greet him back. and silent ourselves because he said he have something to announce.
"Listen my beloved classmates, as we all know, our beloved homeroom teacher Mr. Kim Heechul was not able to attend our commencement exercise because......" he cut his words and frown.
"Because........?" we said in unison.
"Because....he will go back to China today...and...."
"What?" we said again in unison. My classmates start murmuring.
"and probably, maybe, he's not going to teach on our school anymore! He filed a resignation letter to our beloved Principal just yesterday!" 
Bee sound can be heard on our classroom as our President break the news. So he's going back to China? It's a sad news for us. Even though he's a natural evil, i know Mr. Kim is the nicest homeroom teacher we ever had. He's easily satisfied and proud on all of us if anyone achieve our goals in our studies. He's a terror but we all know he's just make sure that we will learn from him. I'm very thankful to him, for helping me to achieve my honor today, so sad that i can't give my thanks to him, i really wanna thank him. For this one whole year of my studies I know he aim me to top on our level and the fact that he always delivered the letter of my secret admirer.
Wait, the letter, how am I supposed to know if my secret admirer received my letter? 
[1 week ago]
"Good day Mr. Kim!" i greet.
"Eunhyuk ssi!"
"am, i'm just...uhmm..!" 
He glared at me to continue.
"Sorry Sir, uhmm..I'm just here to give this!" I give him my letter.
"What's this?" he said eyeing the letter.
"My answer for my secret admirer!" I said shyly. He smiled at me.
"Good thing you finally right back on his letter! You know, he's waiting for this for so long!"
"Oh, i'm sorry about that! Can you pass it to him?"
"Of course! But I'm not that sure if I can send his answer for this back to you!"
"It's fine. actually, it's fine if he's not going to reply on that letter because I already ask him there to meet me this day!" 
"oh! Nice try Eunhyuk ssi! So, maybe i should send this to him immediately so he can still meet you!"
"Jinjja?" I said excitedly. Suddenly I felt excited to meet him.
"Let's just hope that he'll meet you one of this days!" he said smirking.
"I really do hope! Please tell him I really want to meet him before the summer vacation!"
"I'll try!"
"Thank you Mr. Kim!" i said and left the faculty office.
End of flashback.
"Eunhyuk ssi!" one of my classmate called me.
"I saw this on your table earlier when I arrived..uhm..I keep it for awhile so that you can't miss it!" he said and give me the letter. The familiar white envelop that I always got from Mr. Kim. Is it the answer of my secret admirer?
"Thank you!" i said and look at the letter. For the last time, i know Mr. Kim still manage to send me my daily love letter, i really need to thank him.
"Okay classmates! We need to go now on the hall, the ceremony will start in a minute!" our class President said and all of us run towards the hall. Suddenly in our way, a familiar feeling invade my senses making me look back on a particular area of the building, our locker's room. I feel someone's watching me.
"Hyukkie! Palle!" 
I turn back to my classmates and walk with them to the hall. I ignore what I felt, and it brings a heavy feeling inside me. Feels like i'm going regret something once I step my feet away. It bothers me, but I ignored it.
"I'll check it later! It can wait right?" i said to myself.
"Did you say something Hyukkie?"
"ah..no! nothing! Let's go!" and all of us goes back to the hall. 
Faculty and staff were already sitting on the space provided at the center stage. Our principal, my Uncle, and other teachers complete the set. The school validictorian and salutatorian was sitting there too, including Kyuhyun, the first honor of freshmen.
"Eunhyuk ssi!" one of the staff called me.
"You need to sit at the stage together with the honor student!" he said and i comply immediately because the ceremony was about to start.
"Hi!" Kyuhyun greet me.
"Congratulation!" I said back.
"You too!"
We sit there and silent ourselves. I couldn't help myself to look for Donghae at the audiences. I can't see him there and I thought that maybe he will not attend the ceremony. But I know he's required too, we're both have an honor and as far as I know, all honored students is required to attend the ceremony. 
"Maybe his late!" i said.
"Huh?" Kyuhyun ask me.
"Nothing!" i said and smiled at him. and with that I suddenly remember Mr. Kim was Kyuhyun's Uncle, why did I forgot about that?
"I heard Mr. Kim is going back to China?" i ask. He look at me.
"How did you know?"
"Our class President told us!"
"Oh! Yes, he's going back, he said he's missing his husband already that's why he needed to go back there immediately." we laugh together on that.
"Hyukkie!" he called me again and I look at him. 
He's looking at me curiosly which made me eyed him curiously too. "What?" i said.
"You look so happy today!" he said and turn his gaze away.
"Of course I am!" i said plainly. I'm really happy today, isn't we supposed to be happy this day? "Why?"
"Nothing!" he said waving his hand in the air. "Be sure not to cry later, okay!" he said mockingly.
"Wae yo!" i pouted.
"Oh, you want kiss?"
"Huh? aniyo!" I didn't pout after that and hit his arm lightly.
"I know you're a cry baby! You easily cried even it's just a simple things that makes you appreciate it!" 
"I know!" he really know me.
We stop talking when the MC officially start the ceremony. I take one last look to the audiences to find Donghae, and still he's not there, i suddenly felt so down. 
The seniors start the march and get their graduation certificate. I saw Minnie and he waves at me. The honorable students of seniors make their speech after the march. all of us I think cried on his speech. It's trully make us inspired and encourage us more to study so well and make our parents and love ones be proud of us. I bet his parents is really proud of him. It makes me determined to make my parents proud too to me also next year. I will aim the top for my parents, especially for grand dad, my guardian angel. I will never break my promise to him. 
after the seniors, all honorable students of freshman and sophomore was called and give us our medals and certificate of appreciation in our hardwork for the whole year. Mr. Kim was not there so my Uncle Teukie, Donghae's homeroom teacher, was the one who put the medal on me. I want to ask him where's Donghae but I'm afraid he'll get mad at me if I do so, so I force myself not to ask even though I know he's the last person I can ask about that.
"Hyuk!" he called me before I can leave the stage.
"Why Uncle?"
"Uhm...congratulation! I'm glad you're happy today!"
It's the third time I heard that statement. Of course I'm happy. aren't I'm supposed to be happy?
"You're all weird!" i said to him.
"Nothing...bye! Mom's waiting!" i said and leave him on the stage.
In an hour the ceremony is officially ended. all guest, parents and students leave the venue. Some stay to take some pictures together with their friends. Some to say farewells and goodbyes.
I roam my eyes all over the venue, hoping that I can see the only person I want to see since earlier. But I didn't saw him and I'm so disappointed. Then I remember the letter earlier,
"Mom, Dad, can I stay for a while?"
"Oh sure my baby~!" my Mom kissed me on cheeks and my Dad hug me.
"You're going to meet him?" my Mom asked, I was taken aback.
"No Mom!" i said though I really want to.
"No, it's okay baby! You deserves it!" she said. Somehow it makes me happy that my Mom allowed me this time, but the fact that Donghae was not here, how would that be possible?
"Really Mom, i'm not going to see him!" i fake smile but I failed, "he's not even here, so no need to see him!" i said fighting the stinging feeling in my heart, I want to cry, but not in front of my parents so i just smiled, 'i just hope it reaches my eyes.
My Mom hug me, i know she's comforting me and somehow it comfort me. "Mom!"
"Don't be sad baby~!"
"I'm not!"
"Go find him! He's there! I know!" she said. I smiled in my Mom.
"thanks Mom! I'm going now!" i kissed them and leave the hall hoping that I can find Donghae, but for now I need to face first my secret admirer. I'm right, he also want to meet me, today at the near park outside. I'm nervous yet excited, finally i'm going to meet my secret admirer!




A/N: I think this is the longest part of the story, neh? ke ke XD. The end is near guys! What do you think is the going to happen in the next chaps? as you see, 'part A' up to this part was Hyukkie's POV, so expect one chap for Hae's POV. and the story, I don't know if my beloved subs would like the flow of it. Did you like it? [anyone?] XD

The big question is? "WHO IS HYUKKIE'S SECRET ADMIRER?" haha, i think I didn't give so much clue on the previous chapters, because mostly the plot was centered on EunHae, neh? [aishhh, can you answer me, just once!] XD...Okay, no more talking from me. We'll see each other again on the next chapter. Do you think I'm going to reveal the secret admirer on the next chapter? [i demand an answer! NOW!] XD. SEE you GUYS! again! as usual, i have my class, so TIME'S UP, cliffhang for a while! It's good for the health, i swear! XD Bye! Laters Baby! [yeah, i'm reading fifty shades of grey], the Christian effect.
@Cyriellema - thanks for still liking this so freakin' much. LOL..SQUEALING~~~~
@Lady_na - Got your answer? Kekeke, hope you'd enjoy reading! 




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Chapter 27: This story is soooo cuteeee....thank you author-nim for writting this wonderful story.
I had tears in my eyes the entire time I was reading the last chapter. One of my favorite story on aff.♡
Chapter 27: Aww...read this story in one go..! This is great.. really daebak..! Thanks for sharin
g with us ^^
Cece-cix #3
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #4
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #5
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #6
sorry lol lol
Cece-cix #7
sorry lol lol
Chapter 27: waa~~ I've finished it already~~ so that's the reason why the title is like that.. well, I admit I got confused whether Hae or Kyu is the secret admirer.. kkk. And there are moments where I hate Kyu.. sometimes xD love the little KyuHyuk moment.. I just wished they did kiss even for once hahaha esp in the 'pouting is asking for kiss' scene --so love this one! And of course HaeHyuk sweet scenes is sooo loved :") Author-nim jjang~!! <3 *pats your back for this wonderful story*
Chapter 3: eeyy.. aren't you two obvious.. LOl xD so much for cutie Hyuk :")
petiteddy #10
Chapter 27: Oh my... you make me riding a rollercoaster when i read this fic.. sometimes i feel high but the other times i feel awfully sad because the drama and.. i just love this fic! Love it how hae seems to be the perfect guy ever and hyuk cuteness? You're just so lucky babe to be hae's boyfriend ^^ i love it how kyu likes hyuk but he doesn't interrupt hae and hyuk's relationship that much.. sometimes you just need a bestfriend who love you not a c*ockblocker. The summary is I JUST LOVE THIS FIC! kekeke mind my nonsense, 'kay?