Chapter 8

Meeting By Coincidence {HIATUS}

theADVICE  part2

"Well, you know, like how to win over her heart." Baekhyun said. 

Minhee bursted out laughing, "OMO! That sounds so cheesy!" 

I giggled along with her. It wasn't everyday you would hear the Byun Baekhyun say something like that AND start blushing. 

"Y-yah! Don't laugh! I-I'm serious!" he exclaimed. It took a couple of minutes for the both of us to calm down. 

"Okay, Oppa, we'll tell you a few things." I said. I looked at Minhee and nodded at her to tell him. 

"Well, Hee Jin isn't exactly like any other typical girl. She's actually kind of tom-boyish. You should've seen her back then! She wore jeans a lot! She only wore a skirt or dress for very very very special occasions." Minhee told him. Baekhyun was slightly nodding his head the whole time while on his straw. 

"Hee Jin likes the color green and white lilies. She also secretly likes cheesy things." Minhee continued. 

"But! Don't be too cheesy!" I warned him. Minhee glanced at me and nodded quickly. 

"Yeah, what Soomi said. She also doesn't like being lied to and she doesn't like it when someone is really late." 

"But, she'll excuse you if you are only a few minutes late though." I added. 

"Okay...." Baekhyun commented. Minhee poked me slightly, signaling me to tell more. 

"Okay, so Hee Jin also turns down a lot of boys who flirt with her, so you need to work hard and not give up, arasso?" 

Baekhyun nodded again and I continued. 

"She also likes to be the one who dumps not the other way around. Hee Jin also doesn't confess easily. She gets scared that she might be turned down." 

"So, you're saying she's kind of like you two when it comes to confessing?" Baekhyun cut in. 

I gave him a playful glare, "Yah...don't cut in! But yeah..." 

He laughed out loud. "Haha! Remember that one time when you were too scared to con-" I quickly reached over and put a cupcake in his mouth. 

"Shut it! I'm still talking!" I scolded him. Minhee shot him a quick glare. 

"Oppa..." she said. Baekhyun stuck his tongue at us. I gave him an offended look. 

"Oppa! How could you do that!? I'm disappointed!" I exclaimed jokingly. 

Minhee joined in, "Oppa, we're not going to tell you anymore!". His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. 

"Hey, I was just kidding you know! I'm sorry! I jus-" 

Minhee and I busted out laughing again. Baekhyun's facial expression was priceless! He must really like her if he's this desperate. 

"Oppa, we're not telling you anymore. The other information you need to get from Hee Jin," I turned to Minhee, "-I feel like we told him too much..." 

Minhee shrugged, "Eh, Hee Jin will be fine. At least we didn't say anything embarrassing." 

"Thats true..." 

Baekhyun made a little cough, "Guys, I'm still here..." 

We both looked at him. "Yeah, we know!" Minhee answered him. Baekhyun rolled his eyes. 

"So, how am I supposed to get close to her? I don't think I can do it..." 

"Don't worry Oppa! We'll set you two up somehow!" Minhee said happily.

I nodded, "Yup. You're lucky to have us as your best friends!" 

"Sure, sure." was all he said. Then his phone started ringing. 

"Yoboseyo? Oh, hyung!..neh?...Okay...Bwoh? Why don't you just ask manager-hyung?...fine..see you later." 

Once he hung up he laid his head on the table letting out a long sigh. 

"What is it?" I asked him. 

He looked up at us, "I need to go get groceries." 

"Oh! That reminds me!," Minhee looked at her watch. "-I need to go! My shift at Omma's store is starting soon!" 

"Oh, really? So, am I just going to be left here?" I asked them. 

"Sorry, unnie. I don't think you would like to just stand around in the store and stack stuff up. Anyways the job's taken already so...mainhe!" 

"Mi-ah! You can help me with the groceries! There's going to be a lot and I can't carry it all! Help out your Oppa this once, please?" Baekhyun asked me. I thought for a moment. I don't have anything to do so, might as well! 

"Alright, I'll help." 

He jumped up and hugged me. "Yay! Thank you!" 

"Arasso, Oppa! Calm down! You're attracting too much attention!" I whispered loudly to him.

He stopped jumping and looked around, then he gave me one last squeeze. 

"Mi-ah, we need to leave quickly! The boys are starting to get hungry!" he grabbed my hand and started dragging me out. I quickly grabbed Minhee's hand as well. 

"Oppa! Let's buy our groceries from Minhee's and Imo's store!" I said happily. He looked back quickly, "Arraso! Let's go!" 

Once we got to the store, Minhee left us to go to the back and change. Baekhyun Oppa went straight to the snacks and grabbed some ramen while he was on his way there. 

"Oppa! Are you seriously buying ramen right now!?" I asked him. 

He looked back at me, "Wae? It's fine. Kyungsoo's making rabokki." 

I gave him a baffled look. "Yah, that's not healthy! Give me the cart, I'll buy the groceries." I quickly got some more vegetables and actual meat. 

"Do you need rice, too?" I asked while looking at the bags. Baekhyun and Minhee came up next to me. Baekhyun dropped in some more snacks. 

"Yah! Oppa! What did I just tell you?" I yelled at him. He gave me a pouty look and used a bit of aegyo. 

"Pwease? Mi-ah?" He said. He added a little "Buing Buing" to it too. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes and sigh. 

"Fine. Do whatever you want, but your paying for your snacks!" I told him. 

"Baekhyun-Oppa! Don't do that much aegyo when your around Hee Jin! Only I can!" Minhee yelled at him.


"Min-ah, which bag of rice should I get?" I asked her. She walked up next to me and pointed to a particularly large bag. 

"That one. It'll last them for a few months or so and it's pretty cheap." she said. I nodded to signal I had heard her. 

"Baekhyun Oppa! Stop looking at the bacon and come here!" I yelled to him. He looked up and stuck his tongue out then walked over. 

"Wae? What's so important?" he asked. I pointed to the rice bag, "That." He followed my finger and then finally found the bag. Then he let out a huge sigh. After he carried the rice bag to the car, I went back in and payed for the food. 

"I'll see you in a bit, okay Min-ah?" I said to her as she was putting the stuff into the bags. 

"Yeah, if you come back late, I'll just tell Omma that your with Baekhyun Oppa." She handed me all some of the groceries and helped me take the rest to the car. 

"Okay, I'll see you later unnie!" She waved excitedly until we cooled see her no more. 

"So, are you going to cook for us, Soomi-ah?" Baekhyun asked me. 

"Eh? Who said I was going to cook for you?" I said. I saw him give me another pouty face. 

"Don't do that! You know that Minhee does it better!" 

"That's because Minhee is Minhee and I'll only stop if you promise to cook for us!" 


"This is where you live!?" We had arrived at a huge house. It was so beautiful! 

"Yup. Well, for now. Manager-hyung was thinking of moving to a different place." Baekhyun said as he grabbed the sack of rice. I heard him make a little grunting noise, so I turned around. 

"Oppa, gwenchana?" I asked him. All he did was just nod back at me. I walked up quickly to the front door and rung the door bell. I heard a lot of muffled voices. Finally, the door opened. A guy with chubby cheeks had opened the door. What was his name again? X- Xia- Ah! Xiumin! 

"Oh! It's you! You're the girl from before!" he said as he opened the door widely. I gave a quick nod and walked through to let Baekhyun in since I heard him make another grunt. 

"Xiumin-hyung! Take the rice!" Before Xiumin could reject, the rice was already in his hands. 


Baekhyun ran back out and got the rest of the grocery bags. By the time he got back, most of the guys were already downstairs and had greeted me. 

"So, I heard from your friend here that she was going to help me cook?" D.O said. 

"Yup! Her cooking is jjang!" 

"Arasso," D.O turned to me, "why don't you come to the kitchen with me? I was just about to start cooking!" he said.

"Neh!" I said happily. 

I followed him and he showed me where the utensils were and the plates and bowls. 

"I'm going to start frying these eggs and you can start chopping the veggies." he told me. 


Then he turned to the sink and yelled, "Luhan-hyung! You were supposed to finish the dishes!" 

I heard a faint "Neh!" coming from the living room. Then Luhan came running in. He gave me a quick wave and got straight to work. I somehow felt as though my face was getting warmer and I felt a bit embarrassed when he came in.

"Hey, Soomi-shi, are you okay? You're face is kind of red." D.O pointed out. I felt my cheek and it was undeniably warm. My eyes darted to Luhan as he turned around and looked at me. 

"Gwenchana?" Luhan asked me. 

"N-neh! It just might be because of the heat in here!" I said. I mentally kicked myself for stuttering. D.O nodded his head.

"Luhan, open the window in front of you. It is getting rather warm." he told him.

Luhan gave me a concerned look and opened the window.

"Do you feel better, Soomi-shi?" he asked me. 

"Neh! I feel fine now, thank you." I answered. He nodded and continued to finish washing the dishes. Then Baekhyun walked in. 

"Hey, have you guys seen Chanyeol? I think he might have taken my cap." 

"Chanyeol went to the grocery store to get us some ice cream." Luhan answered him. 


"So, when are we going to eat?" Baekhyn asked. 

"When Chanyeol gets back with the ice cream." D.O said without turning. 

"What if he takes hours?" 

"If he doesn't get back in the next 2 hours then we're eating without him." Luhan said.

"Aish! That guy better hurry up! I'm starving!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

Hehe, sorry for not updating....


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MayaLisa-K-POP #1
Chapter 28: Battle of the Main Vocals ....
MayaLisa-K-POP #2
Chapter 34: Author-nim pls update :)
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