Chapter 29

Meeting By Coincidence {HIATUS}

After gathering all of the equipment, they all decided to spend the night over at Suho's house. His dad had bought it for him and the members to spend time alone when they weren't busy promoting. They were all pretty wet, and it was already 12 in the morning. The girls had talked to their parents that they were staying at a friend's house, not mentioning that there were nine boys in the building. Minhee and Chen were both knocked out on the couch, the two that drank the most soju. Everyone was too tired to even realize that there were two new couples in the house. 

Chanyeol slept on the ground next to Minhee's couch. Chen was sleeping on the other one. There were four rooms available. Suho and D.O. slept in the first one, Xiumin, Tao, and Lay slept in the second one, and Soomi and Luhan slept in the third one. The fourth room was for Hee Jin and Baekhyun, who were still awake.

Hee Jin dried her hair with towel as she opened the door to the bathroom. Baekhyun stood against the wall and stared at her. She jumped in surprise and put her hand over her heart. "Oppa! You almost scared me!" He laughed. She was wearing one of the boys t-shirts and sweatpants. They were still a bit big for her. "Were you waiting for the bathroom?" She pointed her thumb to the open door.

"No, I was waiting for you." Hee Jin blushed as he took his hand in hers. She closed the lights to the bathroom and they made their way to the bedroom. Hee Jin let go of his hand and landed on the bed with a sigh. It had been a busy day. "Are you tired, Jin-ah?" Baekhyun went into the spot next to her. She smiled and nodded. 

"Good night, Oppa."

"Awwh, no good night kiss?" She hit him in the chest. "Oppa! People are sleeping!"

Baekhyun pouted and pointed to his lips. "Just one? Please?" She smiled and landed a big kiss on his lips. He pulled her closer so it could last longer but she let go and giggled at his silliness. 

"Can I get a few more seconds?" Hee Jin laughed and turned off the lamp beside her. "Good night Oppa." She heard Baekhyun sigh before turning the other direction and falling asleep.

Soomi and Luhan were still wide awake, thinking the other was asleep. Soomi couldn't sleep because of all of the excitement. She had gotten a boyfriend, had her confession, and played in her first professional concert in just one day. Luhan was thinking about Soomi, at how her eyes lit up at his confession. He finally suceeded in having a relationship with the girl he loved. Girls liked him, but he never really was in a real relationship. Luhan stared at the ceiling.

"Yeobo, you asleep?" He didn't get an answer for a couple of seconds. "No."

They turned to each other on the bed. Luhan smiled and touched her damp hair. "I can't stop thinking about you." Soomi laughed and poked him. "Now that I think about it you are a little bit cheesy." 

They laughed together. Luhan put a hand around her waist and their bodies touched. Soomi was breathless, their faces were almost touching again. She looked into his eyes and Luhan kissed her nose. "Good night, Soomi." He finally closed his eyes, his hands still around her. She smiled and closed her eyes too. 

Good night.

Chanyeol felt a big weight land on his body. It was light but heavy at the same time. The weight made a snoring noise and he opened his eyes to find Minhee sleeping on his chest. He looked up, her blanket was still on top of the couch. Chanyeol giggled to himself, knowing that she had fell off the couch. She was peacefully sleeping there, he didn't want to disturb her. But she couldn't sleep with him, the members would think wrong. He checked his phone, it was three in the morning. 

He sighed and carefully carried her lifeless figure to the couch again. He put the blanket over her and kissed her on the forehead.

Only five minutes later, he felt another weight come on top of him. Chanyeol opened his eyes to find out it was Minhee again. He smirked and grabbed her pillow and blanket from the couch above. He then set it down on the space beside him and laid her next to him. Minhee snored softly, not noticing anything. Chanyeol landed another kiss on her cheek and fell asleep.

"Look at those two. Tch, they're not dating? Just look at them." Soomi held the coffee cup in her hands and stared at Minhee and Chanyeol. Hee Jin and Baekhyun joined her, amused at the scene. They were both snoring loudly, one of Chanyeol's legs on Minhee's. Minhee's hair covered her face and blew up every time she snored. Chanyeol's head wasn't even on the pillow, surprisingly the pillow had flown across the room to Chen's couch. Suddenly, there was a loud bang in the kitchen. Suho's head poked out of the door.

"Sorry! It's kind of hard cooking without D.O. here, he's still asleep." 

"I'll help! Hee Jin, hold my coffee cup for me. Thanks." Soomi rushed over to the kitchen to help them cook breakfast. Minhee woke up and rubbed her eyes.

Her head was throbbing, and she felt like she hadnt slept for ages. Minhee looked down at her clothes and stared at it before realizing that it wasn't her own. She was wearing a huge t-shirt and sweatpants that went past her toes. Her dress was sprawled out on a table waiting to dry. Chanyeol's leg was over hers. She immediately put it to the side angrily. "Yah! Park Chanyeol!" Chanyeol instantly woke up to the sound of her voice. She felt like the room was spinning, but it didn't matter. "Did you change my clothes?" He looked at her confusingly before nodding. She began to throw a fit and hit him. "Yah! Are you a ert?! Why would you change my clothes, huh? Why didn't you let one of the unnies change it! Why?!" 

Chanyeol immediately stood up and began running. Minhee followed after. "Sorry! Soomi was already in her room and Hee Jin was taking a shower and I didn't want you to get sick and you were all wet! Ah! Don't hit me with that! Yah! Minhee!" She had pillow in her hand. They were running around the whole house. They ran into the kitchen, where Chanyeol took up a frying pan, trying to defend himself. "I didn't see anything! I closed my eyes the whole time! I-- Ah!" She hit him hard again before they both ran out of the kitchen.

Soomi and Suho stared at the two. She turned to Hee Jin. "What's that about?" Baekhyun and Hee Jin shrugged. Soomi felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and she yelped in surprise.

It was Luhan, groggily talking into her ear. "Good morning." She giggled and hit his hands. "Morning! Don't do that! It tickles!" He laughed and picked up a piece of toast before stuffing it into his mouth. Suho looked in disbelief at the two.

"Yah, you two are really a couple now, huh? Please Luhan, no lovey dovey stuff in front of me." Luhan stuck out his toungue. "You're just jealous, grandpa!"

"Yah!" Suho sneered at him before going back to cooking the rice. They heard a loud thud in the living room, and Chen quickly made his way to the bathroom to throw up. Suho chuckled, "He gets that for taking my money."

"Guys! Come here! Soomi! Suho! Hee Jin! BAEKHYUN! Minhee's not waking up!" Soomi's face turned pale and she dropped her things. 

"What?! Minhee?!" They all went into the living room to find her in Chanyeol's arms. He was slapping her head lightly. "Yah! Wake up! Minhee! Wake up! I'm sorry! Don't play with me!" She was unconscious. Chanyeol checked to see if there was a pulse. There still was, but her skin was turning a scary white pale and she wasn't waking up. Suho checked his watch. 

"The ambulance won't make it here on time if we call now! Yah! Chanyeol! Carry her to the car!" Suho grabbed his keys off a table while Chanyeol carried her on his back. They were still in their pajamas, so Soomi grabbed a coat off of a rack and buttoned it up quickly. "I'm going with you!" Hee Jin and Baekhyun stood there, panicking. 

Baekhyun grabbed a small sweater and sunglasses. "Jin, stay here okay? Tell the other members. I have to go with Minhee." Tears were on the brim of her eyes. "Will Minhee be okay?" Baekhyun held on to her hands tightly and kissed her cheek. 

"I'll make sure she's okay. Don't worry."

"Yah! Baekhyun, are you coming?! Quickly!" Chanyeol yelled from outside. He let go and closed the door behind him leaving Hee Jin in shock.

Soomi held on to Minhee's cold hand while Chanyeol grabbed on to the other. "Suho! Drive faster!" He tried to go in front of many cars as he could. "I'm trying! But it's not good if an idol he's caught by the police okay?"

Chanyeol her hair and whispered a few words into her ear as they came to the front of the emergency room. Chanyeol immediately got out, carrying her on his back again. They reached the desk and immediately got a room for her. The lady handed a clipboard over to Soomi. "Please fill this out!" 

After a twenty minutes, everything was settled. Minhee was laying on the hospital bed, a mask attached to her and things sticking to her arm. Chanyeol and Baekhyun stayed in the room while Suho and Soomi went out to talk to the doctor. 

"So, what's wrong with her?" Soomi asked worriedly. The doctor set down his glasses and smiled. "It's just acute alchohol poisoning. She seemed to have consumed a lot of alcohol in a very short time, am I right?" They both nodded. "Her head was spinning at first, and then she would have became angry at something. Running and walking might have caused her body temperature to go down and she became unconscious. Soon she will be vomiting out the alcohol. You don't have to worry as much. We're giving her some treataments so the alcohol can slowly come out of her, she'll just have to stay in the hospital a few days. If you hadn't brought her sooner, it would have been much more serious."

Soomi nodded and tears streamed down her cheeks. "Thank you! Thank you!" Suho rubbed her back and handed her a tissue.

They went back into the room and Chanyeol looked up, expecting some good news. Suho smiled, "She just has a little alcohol poisoning. Minhee will need to stay in the hospital for a few days." 

"Oh thank goodness!" Baekhyun said out loud. Suddenly, Minhee's eyes fluttered open. She stared at them all and slowly took the mask off of her face. "Where, where am I?" Chanyeol held on to her hand again. "Your in the hospital, we'll explain later. Get some rest, Minhee!" 

Minhee lurched forward, holding it in. She pointed to the trash can. Chanyeol immediately brought it forward. She pointed an angry finger at all of them. "Don't look!" Minhee began to barf, and some landed on Chanyeol's shirt, although he didn't mind. She wiped with a napkin. "That's just gross, Minhee." Baekhyun said. "Yah! I told you not to look! And it's not like you haven't seen me puke before! Sorry Chanyeol Oppa! I-- I--" Her eyes slowly closed and she leaned back to the bed. She rested again.

"Woah." Suho said, staring at what just happened. Soomi grabbed Baekhyun and Suho's hand. "Let's go Oppas. Chanyeol stay here with Minhee, I'll grab you a shirt." Chanyeol nodded in agreement and grabbed the trash can, putting it back to its original spot. He stared back at Minhee. This girl got into too much trouble.

30 Minutes Later

There was a soft knock in the door and in came a nurse. She bowed an handed him the t-shirt than Soomi was going to bring in. Chanyeol thanked her and stared at Minhee. She was asleep, he could change in here right? The bathroom was at the end of the hallway and she could wake up angry... He shrugged and went into a corner of the room, taking off his t-shirt. He  was about to grab the shirt off of the chair when he saw Minhee's eyes wide open. "Oppa?"

She quickly covered her eyes. "I didn't see anything! Keep doing what you were doing!" Chanyeol blushed and grabbed his shirt, quickly putting it on. He sat down on the seat next to her. "I'm done, Minhee!" Minhee turned her red face towards him. 

"So, what's wrong with me?" He pulled her into a tight hug. She looked at him and hugged him back, confused. "Why did you drink so much last night? Pabo! You almost died!" Minhee's mouth formed into a circle. "O-- Oh... really?" 

Chanyeol nodded, "Yah, don't you ever drink that much again, you hear me? Never again! Or else I'll put you in rehab or something!"  Minhee laughed and poked his shoulder, "You wouldn't put me in rehab." 

"He wouldn't. But I would." The two of them looked up to find Minhee's mom standing at the door with her arms crossed in front of her chest. 

"O-- Omma..." Minhee's mom walked up and stood next to Minhee's bedside. Then she slapped her shoulder, "Yah! How many times have I told you not to drink!? So many times I can't even count! And did you listen!? It went through one ear and through the next, didn't it?!" 

"Uh, ahjumma, don't be like this..." Chanyeol said, trying to get her to stop punishing and scolding Minhee.  "Andwae. This girl needs to learn her lesson. She's too young to lose her life!" 

"Omma! I am perfectly fine! I didn't die!" Minhee said, grabbing her mom's hand. 

"But you could have! What am I to do if I lose my only child!? I already lost your father!"  Minhee's grasp on her mother's hand slackened a bit when she mentioned her father. 

"At least I'm sill here..." Minhee said, not looking up, and bit her lip as a habit. Her mom softened seeing how sad she looked when she accidentally mentioned her father.  "Yeobo, just be more careful next time, arasso?" Her mom said, patting her head softly. Minhee nodded as a few tears escaped her eyes. 

"Aigoo, my little baby. Don't cry, sh... I'm sorry, just don't go over the limit again, okay?" She whispered as she brought Minhee into a hug. Chanyeol silently left the room, feeling as if they needed their space, so he started to wander around. Chanyeol sighed and put on his sunglasses, he didn't want anyone recognizing him, it would bring out too many rumors. He walked down the halls to the lobby, where her waved to the nurses at the front desk. He stepped out into the sunlight and sighed, glad that Minhee was safe and sound in his mother's arms.

Chanyeol was about to get a cab until her saw a familiar figure down the sidewalk. It was Luhan holding on what looked like Soomi's hand. Wasn't that a little bit too risky? They were still rookies after all. Curious, he started walking their direction. Luhan and Soomi where talking silently together. "Luhan hyung!" Luhan looked up in surprise at the taller one and half smiled.

"Oh, hi Chanyeol."
"Where are you guys going? Eh, on a date? You guys are already that far?" Luhan gave Chanyeol a playful smirk and just chuckled. Soomi blushed and grabbed on harder to Luhan's hand. She made a motion towards Chanyeol. "Oh! We were, well, we were going to tell the company about our relationship. We think it would be better for the company to handle it instead, before things got out of hand."

Chanyeol nodded in understanding, "Can I come with you guys? There's no schedule today for us, is there?" Luhan shook his head, "Some members are filming for Beatles Code 2 today. Go ahead... but we'll be talking to Soo Man by ourselves." Chanyeol nodded again and waved his long arm out at a passing taxi. It stopped and the three of them got into the car.    

A man in a black suit set down his binoculars and smirked, taking a sip out of his untouched mocha. The man grabbed his phone out and began typing in the number he was instructed to call. He waited for them to answer, "Did you get anything?"
"11:45 PM Luhan and Chanyeol on their way to somewhere with a strange girl. She doesn't look like an idol though, someone we don't know."
"What if its a sibling?"
"Oh, it's not a sibling. We suspect her name is either Kang Soomi or Lee Hee Jin, but my men are still checking up on that."
"Good work, find out more and I'll raise the amount." The call ended.                       


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MayaLisa-K-POP #1
Chapter 28: Battle of the Main Vocals ....
MayaLisa-K-POP #2
Chapter 34: Author-nim pls update :)
Chapter 33: update ! <33
Chapter 27: UUUUPPPDDAATTTEE!! PWEEASSEE!!! I jongmal want to know about Hee Jin!! xxDD
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