He appeared again..

My Teenage Life in Korea


Your POV

Days at school past quickly with Donghae and Sungmin as companion at school. No ChoKyuhyun appearing anywhere…


Donghae and I had been hanging out together almost everyday (even when there is no school). Sungmin would also often hang out with us when he is not pestered by his ‘fans’ in school. Donghae and Sungmin had also become closer after hanging out for a few days.


We will always go to Bluez (which is the name of the café) after school to slack and chit chat. We can talk all kinds of topics for hours and hours.


At the Bluez:

Sungmin – Pink

Donghae – Blue


“Hey, Donghae, I had always wanted to ask you something.” Sungmin questioned Donghae.

“Why do you look so unsociable in the past before Kathleen was not transferred to the school yet?”

I leaned my body towards Donghae as I was curious about this issue too.


“When I first met the classmates in the class, I feel that they are so lively and hyper. I, on the other hand, did not dare to approach them as I did not want to have the ‘awkward atmosphere’ between the classmates and I.” Donghae gulped on his saliva as he continues to explain.

“But when Kathleen first came, she come up to me first and chatted with me. She made me felt very comfortable.” Donghae took glances at me and noticed I blushed a bit at his statment.


“But I also tried to talk to you on the first day of school!” Sungmin complained while pouting. “You did not really care me though.”


“But you were always surrounded by a bunch of girls! Every time I want to approach you, you were always encircled with so many people!” Donghae retaliate back at Sungmin.


Sungmin and Donghae kept on ‘debating’ on why they didn’t talk to each other in the past.

I, who is on the side, was listening to their childish debates. I was so amused by their conversation that I burst out laughing.


These two dorky fellows. I am sure my life in Sapphire Academy would be colorful with them.


One week later:

A week had past after that incident when Donghae was punched in the stomach by that Cho Kyuhyun guy.


At the Bluez:

Me – Green

Sungmin – Pink

Donghae – Blue

Kyuhyun – Grey


“So, did Kyuhyun look for you?”

“No, ever since that incident, I had never seen him.”

“Great! Does this mean you are ‘freed’ from him now?”

“I think so... hahaa” Donghae prayed silently while forcing out a small laughter.


Candy floss for sale! Come here to buy candy floss! A voice from a woman who is selling candy floss on a push cart shouted.


“Donghae! Sungmin! Do you want to buy some candy floss?” I looked at both of them excitedly.

“Sure!” He replied. “But can you just call me oppa? I am not used be called ‘Sungmin’ by a girl…” He smirks cutely at me.


I looked at him blankly for a while. In Singapore, people of the same age don’t usually call each other ‘brother’ or ‘sister’ (since oppa means elder brother). They would just call each other by names.


“Err, I can try.” I smiled at him awkwardly.

 “I will just stay here and look after our stuff.” Donghae replied while sipping onto his coffee.


Sungmin and I went out of the café and happily skipped towards the candy floss cart.


Donghae’s POV

“HEY! What a small world!” A familiar voice echoed the café. Before I could even face the direction where the voice come from, a palm smacked onto my back with great strength.

I am sure it will leave a bruise on that spot.

I turned back, enduring the pain, and saw the biggest fear in my life smirking evilly at me.



An uncomfortable premonition of fear aded my senses. Kyuhyun sat down on the chair beside me, without leaving eye contact with me.


I gulped at very second when Kyuhyun slowly move towards me.

I stole a glance over at where Sungmin and Kathleen were at. Both of them were back facing him, still queuing for the candy floss and chatting happily.


Great, now no one can save me.



WOO! Thank you memememe3296 for commenting on my story! I will continue updating once I am done with each chapter :) Thank you everyone who subscribed to this story too!

Please continue to read my story! Thank you very much :)


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FellDonghae #1
Chapter 33: I love your story...please update soon :) RomanianELF here and Donghae biased :)
Chapter 33: Please update soon,authornim.Love the latest chap. Hope ur doing well.
Jhiyuminnieseob #3
Chapter 33: i love Sungmin's part here :D thanks for the update! I'm looking forward for your next update! ^^
Chapter 33: I love this story! OMO, awesome update! Author-nim is really awesome. Looking forward to the next update! I'm busy with school & projects that's why I respond late... lol SUNGMIN FOREVER!! <3
Chapter 33: Thanks for the great chapter!! I'm looking forward to the next update!! Hwaiting!! And good luck in your work, like in school work! :) We will be waiting!!
Chapter 33: Hi author! Thank you for this story. love this sooooo much!
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 33: I am really enjoying this right now. I love it and please update!!!
Chapter 33: i really enjoyed this chapter, it seems like a story of a happy group of friends but to think of it... you are with your biases in suju. haha. i love those moment when sungmin had a time for kathleen in the haunted house (btw, i never tried to visit that in USS!! because in the afternoon when we visited, it just rained really hard T_T) and back to the story...EVIL kyu with brother hae haha!!

and that pic of kyu... i just buried myself under the ground.... tooooo cute!!!!!!!!! and... the ending was tooo sweet! i thought kathleen wont let kyu sleep with him :))))

thank you for this long chapter! and study hard! fighting! we will wait for the next chapter patiently. kekeke..
Chapter 33: The roller coaster ... Kyuhyun trying not to be scared.. :3 Tche.. Kyuhyun laughing while Kathleen was scared in hunting house.. You're going to lose her, pabo Kyu ><
Kyuhyun so cute when he was jealous.. and as for Sungmin, he was cute too.. :3
Can't wait for next update..