Another Day in Singapore

My Teenage Life in Korea



Your POV


“Good morning, everyone!” Leeteuk greeted everyone in the bus enthusiastically. “Did all of you sleep well yesterday?”

Everyone just nodded their head sleepily.

“It seems that everyone is still not fully awake…” He pouted. “Then I guess I will have to cancel the trip to the Universal Studios then…” He mumbled to himself, loud enough for all of us to hear.

“No!” Everyone in the bus seems to wake up when they heard where we will be heading to.

“I was just joking.” Leeteuk laughed. “Today, we will spend the whole day at Universal Studios Singapore!”

The whole class claps happily to the good news.


Universal Studios Singapore (USS)


Entrance to USS


“Class! We will meet back here at 7pm, alright?” The teacher instructed while giving out the map of the USS.

“Ne…” We answered excitedly. The teacher then dismisses us to let us go on our own.


Inside USS

We started walking around, taking photos, and taking rides.


“Which ride should we take next?” Donghae asked as he opens the map.

 “How about this?” Donghae pointed at the roller coaster on the map. “Alright!” Sungmin and I said excitedly at the same time.

Since I was little, I had always loved riding roller coaster. I love the feeling of excitement when sitting the roller coaster. It helps me release all the stress in my body and makes me feel like I’m on the top of the world.

We were all so excited that we started walking as fast as possible to the entrance of the roller coaster.


“Wow…” This word escapes from our mouths as we look at the magnificent roller coaster.


I turn to Kyuhyun and saw him gulping hard in his throat. His face seems to have turned pale and his jaw was hanging open.

“Jagiya…” I lightly nudge him with my elbow.

He jumps up slightly from my touch. “Wh… What?” he uttered a bit.

“Don’t tell me you are scared of the ride…” I smile as I .

“No… no… NO! I’m not!” Kyuhyun stuttered a bit, folding his arms.

“Let’s go then!” I cross my arms over to Kyuhyun’s arm and pulled him to the ride.



We were seated at the first row of the coaster.

As the roller coaster started to move forward, I felt someone holding onto my hand. I turn and saw Kyuhyun holding onto my hand. His eyes were shut and his expression was very stiff.


I guess he is really terrified.


I squeeze his hand a little. He opens his eyes and turn to me. I smile at him and he returns me a faint smile before closing his eyes again.


*Clickitie-click* Sound starting coming from under the car as we were in the steeply-inclined position as the roller coaster slowly ascend to the top of the first hill. I felt my hand being grip tighter by Kyuhyun.


Suddenly, there was no more clicking sound. The sound was replaced by the screaming and cheering loudly of the people, including the four of us, as the coaster went downwards at an incredibly fast speed.


The ride went up and down for several times before coming at a complete stop at the same spot we started from. Everyone raise the steel bar from their laps and got up from the roller coaster.

“WOOOO! THAT WAS SO FUN!” We were jumping around after the ride. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, was still feeling weak after the ride and trying to relax himself.


We continued walking around, taking photos with cartoon characters in USS.

Cartoon Characters:


“HEY! Let’s go to the haunted house!” Kyuhyun said excitedly, pointing at a black house. Donghae and Sungmin nodded their head happily.


I look over at the house. There were ghost-like people roaming around the house.

Just by looking at that gives me creeps.


“I… I think I will give it a miss.” I said, trying not to show my fear in my voice.

“Why? Are you scared?” Kyuhyun lean closer to me, smirking. I sense that he is trying to take revenge to me for teasing him just now.

“No, I am not!” I shout back at him, hoping to hide my fear as I walk away from him.

So, we start walking into the haunted house.

Sequence of walking into the haunted house:

Donghae -> Kyuhyun -> Me -> Sungmin


As we walk through the pathway, spine-chilling sounds and screeches filled the cold air. Using one hand, I held on to Kyuhyun’s arm and covered my ears with my other hand, trying to minimize the scary effects of the sounds. There are cobwebs, gigantic spiders hanging around and even rats running about. All this seemed fine since there are all fake props.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an ugly creepy-looking thing, with a dagger in its hand, started running towards us. I let out a sharp shriek and ran away as quickly as possible.

(It's the SCREAM!!)

When I finally stop running, I look around to find Kyuhyun. To my horror, I found out that I was all alone in this cold and dark place. I took a deep breathe as my teeth started to chatter and my knees started to jelly. I started walking slowly again.

As I was about to turn a corner, two scary faces suddenly appear in front of me.



"ARHHHH!" I scream at the top of my lungs again.

My eyes start to water as I started running away from the faces.

I ran into something sturdy in front of me. I felt something… or rather someone hugging me tightly.

"Don't worry, Oppa is here. Don't be scared." I heard that person said. I look up and saw Sungmin holding on to me.

"Oppa...." I said as my tears continue to flow.

“Shhshh, don’t cry…” Sungmin said to me as he wipes the tears away from my cheek gently. “Come on, let’ go.” Sungmin pull me up on my feet as he continues to embrace me tightly.

I buried my face in his chest, frightened to look around. Although I was not able to look where I was going, Sungmin was still able to lead me through as he held on to me tightly in his arms.

More and more creepy noises started to sound as we walk further into the haunted house.

“We are out already…” I heard Sungmin said as the creepy noises slowly fade away.

I slowly lifted my head up from Sungmin’s chest and felt a beam of light and heat shining on my face.


 “I’m so not going to enter that house again.”  I thought in my mind as I heave a sigh of relieve.


Where are Kyuhyun and Donghae? I thought as I started looking around.


"Haahaaa.." I heard sounds of laughter behind me.

I turn around and saw Kyuhyun and Donghae laughing. In their hands was the mask of the faces that scared me earlier on.

"Jagiya! You should have seen your face just now!" Kyuhyun and Donghae started to laugh louder then before, both slapping each other on the shoulder while laughing.


"YAH!!! You two...." I shouted at them as I began chasing them around. But they just kept running away from me, with the playful expression on their face.


Soon, it was already 6.45pm. So, we started walking back to the entrance to meet up with our classmates and teacher.



(In English) Did you enjoy yourself today?” Leeteuk walk over to our table and took a seat beside me.

(In English) Yes oppa, I did!” I relied happily. “(In English) That’s good.” Leeteuk ruffled my hair, smiling brightly as usual..

(In Korean) *cough*Korean please. *cough*” Kyuhyun fake a cough.


Is he getting jealous of dimple oppa? I just giggled at him.


(In Korean) Kathleen-ah!” Leeteuk continued in Korean. “My parents say they missed you so much since the last time they met you. So, they want to meet you before you head back to Korea.”

“Sure! I miss them too! When will they be free?” I asked excitedly.

“How about later after dinner?”

“What?!” Kyuhyun almost choke on his food. “You are taking her away?”

“It’s just a meet up with my parents.”

“But… but…” Kyuhyun stuttered as he turns to me, looking at me with his puppy eyes.


“I will be back soon.” I gave him a reassuring smile.

“Okay then…” Kyhyun pouted while taking another bite of the food.


After dinner, we went back to the hotel. I went to take a bath as I was so sweaty after the whole day at universal studios. 

After that, Leeteuk met me at the lobby of the hotel before heading to his car. It takes about 20 minutes to reach Leeteuk’s house from the hotel.


Leeteuk’s house

We got out of the car after he parked his car outside his house.

“Kathleen-ah!” Leeteuk’s mum run up and hugs me when she saw me after Leeteuk open the door of his house.

“Umma! (Mom in Korean)” I hugged her back tightly.

Yes, I call her mom. Leeteuk’s parents doted on me a lot when I was little. Probably because they did not have a daughter, so they treat me as their daughter and wanted me to address them like how Leeteuk does.

“Appa! (Dad in Korean)” I release the hug while I bow politely to Leeteuk’s father.

“Kathleen-ah, you have grown so pretty.” Leeteuk’s father said as he walks toward me and places his hands on my shoulders.

“You haven’t changed a bit yourself!” I smiled at him.

“Come on, let’s not stand at the door and chat.” Leeteuk said as he closes the door.

Umma holds onto my hand and leads me to the couch.

Umma – Blue

Appa – Yellow

Leeteuk – Grey

Me – Purple


“So, how is your life in Korea? Are you getting used to living in there?”

“Yes. I had made some great friends at school. They had been helping me with adapting to the life in Korea.”

“That’s great… We were still afraid that you might not be able to get used to Korea after your parents’ and aunt’s death…”

Suddenly, there was an awkward silence in the house when Umma suddenly said about my parents and aunt. My eyes start to water as the memories of my parents came back to me.

“Don’t worry! I’m living very well now. I have already grown up.” I force a smile on my face, trying to hide my feelings.

Umma just gently hug me and said, “You poor kid… you have suffered so much all this while.”

I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore as I hug her back. She just pat gently on my back.

I miss this feeling so much… The feeling of my mother. I really missed my parents so much.

“Kathleen-ah, don’t forget that you still have us in Singapore. We will always be here for you.”

I smile at Appa and nod my head as I wipe my tears away.

“Alright alright.” Leeteuk stood up. “Let’s forget about the sad moments and eat some food!” He pointed towards the dining area.



“Bye, Umma. Bye, Appa.” I bow to them as I stood beside Leeteuk’s car. They just smile and wave back at me.

Leeteuk then drove me back to the hotel.



“Thank you, oppa! Drive safely. Bye! See you tomorrow!” I wave at him.

“See you tomorrow too! Rest well.” Leeteuk replied before he drove away.


As I got out of the elevator, I saw someone outside my room.

To my surprise, it was Kyuhyun.


“Jagiya! You are back!” Kyuhyun ran over and hug me tightly.

“What… what are you doing here?” I asked him curiously as I pull away from the hug, with his hands still around my waist.

“I want to see you… I miss you…” Kyuhyun flash my favorite smile from him.

(I died when I first saw the picture of Kyuhyun...)

I smile at him as I pinch his nose lightly.

“Aright, you have seen me now. Are you going to go back to your room already?” I asked. He shook his head, “Aniyo, I want to stay in your room for a while before going back.” I nodded my head and we walk towards the door, hand-in-hand.



He sits on my bed while I go to the bathroom to wash up.

When I come out from the bathroom, he was already lying down under the blankets on my bed.

“Jagiya… Jagiya…” I said as I shook him. His eyes were still close. “Go back to your room to sleep if you are tired.”

“I want to sleep here…” he said sleepily.

“Go…” Before I could even finish my sentence, he suddenly pulled me down under the blanket beside him and wraps his arms around me.

“I want to sleep with my jagiya…” he said while smirking, still closing his eyes.

I smile to myself as I reach over to switch off the lights.

“Good night.” I said while snuggling myself against his chest as I placed my arms over his stomach.

“Good night.” He peck on my forehead as he hug me closer to him

With Kyuhyun sleeping beside me, my eyelids slowly close and I drift off to dreamland.




School had just started for me, so I might not be able to update as often as before... Thats why this is a super duper long chapter...

Sorry if this chapter is not very good, I sort of rushed it out over the weekends.



@seobieluver Will try to update soon, thank you for your compliment! :)

@PelvicThrusts Kekeee, look forward to my next update! Thank you! :)

@ElfyPuhl Glad you enjoy the story! :)

@SpyGirlMin Oh! You have been to Singapore? Hope you enjoy the stay in Singapore! HAHAA! :)

@Jhiyuminnieseob Glad you enjoyed my story! HAHAA


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FellDonghae #1
Chapter 33: I love your story...please update soon :) RomanianELF here and Donghae biased :)
Chapter 33: Please update soon,authornim.Love the latest chap. Hope ur doing well.
Jhiyuminnieseob #3
Chapter 33: i love Sungmin's part here :D thanks for the update! I'm looking forward for your next update! ^^
Chapter 33: I love this story! OMO, awesome update! Author-nim is really awesome. Looking forward to the next update! I'm busy with school & projects that's why I respond late... lol SUNGMIN FOREVER!! <3
Chapter 33: Thanks for the great chapter!! I'm looking forward to the next update!! Hwaiting!! And good luck in your work, like in school work! :) We will be waiting!!
Chapter 33: Hi author! Thank you for this story. love this sooooo much!
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 33: I am really enjoying this right now. I love it and please update!!!
Chapter 33: i really enjoyed this chapter, it seems like a story of a happy group of friends but to think of it... you are with your biases in suju. haha. i love those moment when sungmin had a time for kathleen in the haunted house (btw, i never tried to visit that in USS!! because in the afternoon when we visited, it just rained really hard T_T) and back to the story...EVIL kyu with brother hae haha!!

and that pic of kyu... i just buried myself under the ground.... tooooo cute!!!!!!!!! and... the ending was tooo sweet! i thought kathleen wont let kyu sleep with him :))))

thank you for this long chapter! and study hard! fighting! we will wait for the next chapter patiently. kekeke..
Chapter 33: The roller coaster ... Kyuhyun trying not to be scared.. :3 Tche.. Kyuhyun laughing while Kathleen was scared in hunting house.. You're going to lose her, pabo Kyu ><
Kyuhyun so cute when he was jealous.. and as for Sungmin, he was cute too.. :3
Can't wait for next update..