Breaking the news

My Teenage Life in Korea



Donghae’s POV

I was packing my bag for school when I heard Kathleen’s voice. “OPPAAAA!” The door of my room flung open. “OPPA OPPA OPPA!” She skipped to my room happily.

“Wae?” I force a smile out when I turn to her.



I saw them at the door of the house from the window of my room.

I felt my heart shatter when I see Kathleen kissing Kyuhyun.

Tears just flow down uncontrollably from my eyes.


Why can’t the person be me?


I guess… the feelings I have towards her would be buried deep in my heart.


As much as I want Kathleen to be mine, I hope Kyuhyun can give her the happiness that she wants…



“I have…” She suddenly stops and looks curiously. “Oppa, why are your eyes red? Did you cry?”


OMO, must be from the crying yesterday…


“Aniyo! The soap went into my eyes just now!” I reply as I rubbed my eyes. “Why do you seem so excited?” I tried to change the subject.


“Oh ya! I wanted to tell you that KYUHYUN AND I ARE TOGETHER NOW!

I felt my heart sank again when she said that.

“Oh… Con..congratulations…” I force out a smile on my face.

She threw her arms over my shoulders. “Thank you oppa!”

I hugged her back. “Kathleen-ah… you must be happy okay?”

“I will, oppa!” She said to me blissfully. “Alright, let’s go school! We are going to be late.” She broke the hug and both of us went to the main door.


Your POV

After wearing my shoes, I unlock the door.

“Jakiya!” Kyuhyun ran towards me and gave me a big hug.

“Oh! Oppa, what are you doing here?”

“I could not wait to see you at school! So I decided to come to your house straightaway.” I giggled and separated the hug.

“Cho Kyuhyun! You better be good to Kathleen. If not, I will beat the hell out of you.” Donghae warn Kyuhyun.


It’s so weird to me to remember how Donghae was the one who was beat up by Kyuhyun in the past.


I ran over to Donghae, locking my arms with his and leaning my head towards his arms. “Thank you oppa!” Donghae just grin at my actions. "Don't worry, I will not give you the chance to beat me." Kyuhyun promised.




"Annyeong!" Sungmin came running to us with his arms open wide.


Is he going to do the ‘hello hug’ again?


Kyuhyun spread his arms wide too, waiting for Sungmin to hug him.

When he was very near to Kyuhyun, he suddenly took a turn and hugged me tightly. I was almost out of breath of his hug.

"Hyung! Let go of her!" Kyuhyun tried to separate us.

"Wae? Why can't I hug Kathleen?" Sungmin pouted, still trying to hold on to me.

Kyuhyun break the hug between us and put his arms over my shoulder.

"Hyung! She is mine! We are officially a couple from yesterday night onwards." Kyuhyun smiled cheekily at his hyung.


"What? Really?" He sound shock at first but his facial expression change a bit.

"Wae? Aren't you happy for us?" Kyuhyun smack Sungmin on the shoulder.

"Let's go to class now! We are going to be late!" Sungmin responded, avoiding the question. He quickly walks in front of us while we followed behind.





Kyuhyun notice that Sunny and the same bunch of girls are staring towards his direction. He turns to Kathleen and saw her trying to hide herself from them.


WHAT?! THEY ARE STILL BULLYING KATHLEEN?! Kyuhyun thought to himself angrily.



Oh no, they are staring at me again. Is it because they saw Sungmin and I hugging just now?

I tried to hide myself by standing behind Kyuhyun.


Out of a sudden, Kyuhyun put his arms over my shoulders.

"Don't worry, I am beside you." Kyuhyun whispered to me. He seems to have read my mind. I smile and nod while leaning my head on his chest.


"What? Is Kyuhyun dating Kathleen now?!" Sounds of murmuring begin between the girls when they saw Kyuhyun’s action.





I can't seem to concentrate in class today. Why must it be Kathleen?


"OPPA! Let's go movie together!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned and saw Sunny tugging onto my shirt.


"Sunny-ah, not today." I force a smile and reject her with my gentle voice.

"I don't care! You have to accompany me today! OPPPAAAAAAA!" She kept on whining and tugging onto my shirt.

"I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I suddenly exploded.

The whole class, including Kathleen, Kyuhyun and Donghae look at me. This was the first time I lose such a big temper, especially towards a girl. Even Kyuhyun had not seen me this angry before.


I turn back to Sunny. She looks as if she was going to break down any time.

"Sunny-ah, mianhe, I didn't mean to..." Before I could even finish, she just dash out of the classroom.


"Sunny-ah!" I ran after her.


It wasn't her fault! Why am I losing temper towards her?


I kept on chasing after her till I managed to catch her hand at the locker's section of the school.


"Why did you even chase after me?! I know you hate me because I bullied your precious Kathleen!" She blurt out.


Bully... Kathleen?



"I know she must have told you about me beating her up. But she deserves it! She had such an evil personality!" Sunny said while smirking.

"Shut up." The anger in me was starting to boil.

Sunny held my hand. "Oppa, I am just helping you to see her true colours..."

"She didn’t say anything about it!" I flung her hand away. "You are the one who expose the truth by yourself!"

Sunny become fluster. "I... I..."


At the café, those injuries on her body...


I gripped on to Sunny's wrist. "TELL ME! What did you do to her?"

"I... I didn't do anything!" I tighten the grip.

"Oppa! Let go! It's very painful!" Sunny groan in pain as she try to break free.

"Then tell me!"

"I… I just hit once to warn her not to be close to you!"

I slowly loosen the grip and let her hand go. Sunny just ran away.


So, I am the one who cause her to suffer so much?




@TheNoisiestOne Thank you :)

@Jhiyuminnieseob HAHAHA! Three of the characters in this story are all my bias! :) Please continue to read my story! Thank you!

@SpyGirlMin Will update soon! :)

Thanks for all the subcriptions and comments!  Please look forward to the next chapter! :)



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FellDonghae #1
Chapter 33: I love your story...please update soon :) RomanianELF here and Donghae biased :)
Chapter 33: Please update soon,authornim.Love the latest chap. Hope ur doing well.
Jhiyuminnieseob #3
Chapter 33: i love Sungmin's part here :D thanks for the update! I'm looking forward for your next update! ^^
Chapter 33: I love this story! OMO, awesome update! Author-nim is really awesome. Looking forward to the next update! I'm busy with school & projects that's why I respond late... lol SUNGMIN FOREVER!! <3
Chapter 33: Thanks for the great chapter!! I'm looking forward to the next update!! Hwaiting!! And good luck in your work, like in school work! :) We will be waiting!!
Chapter 33: Hi author! Thank you for this story. love this sooooo much!
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 33: I am really enjoying this right now. I love it and please update!!!
Chapter 33: i really enjoyed this chapter, it seems like a story of a happy group of friends but to think of it... you are with your biases in suju. haha. i love those moment when sungmin had a time for kathleen in the haunted house (btw, i never tried to visit that in USS!! because in the afternoon when we visited, it just rained really hard T_T) and back to the story...EVIL kyu with brother hae haha!!

and that pic of kyu... i just buried myself under the ground.... tooooo cute!!!!!!!!! and... the ending was tooo sweet! i thought kathleen wont let kyu sleep with him :))))

thank you for this long chapter! and study hard! fighting! we will wait for the next chapter patiently. kekeke..
Chapter 33: The roller coaster ... Kyuhyun trying not to be scared.. :3 Tche.. Kyuhyun laughing while Kathleen was scared in hunting house.. You're going to lose her, pabo Kyu ><
Kyuhyun so cute when he was jealous.. and as for Sungmin, he was cute too.. :3
Can't wait for next update..