
My Teenage Life in Korea



Your POV

I woke up as the light shone into my room. I look at the clock. 7AM.

I turn around and notice that Kyuhyun was still hugging onto me. I look at his sleeping face, it was just too perfect...

I smile to myself before kissing his cheek.


I went out of the room quietly to avoid waking up Kyuhyun. I went down to the kitchen to drink a cup of water.


Just as I was drinking the water, Sungmin walk out of his room. I almost choke onto the water when I saw him as I remember what he said yesterday.


“Omo, my head hurts…” Sungmin groan as he tried to walk towards the couch.

Must be effects of the hangover.

I quickly grab some painkillers and a cup of water and walk towards him.


“Oppa…” I handed him the painkiller and water. He smiles at me as he swallows the painkiller with the water. He lays his head back on the coach, closing his eyes.


Just then, I heard Kyuhyun’s voice as he ran down the stairs.

“Jagiyaaaa!” He came running towards me. He hugged me tightly and I hug him back.

“Hyung? You are here too?” Kyuhyun release the hug when he notice Sungmin was beside me. Sungmin just smile at him awkwardly.

“Oh! Hyung! What happen to you yesterday? You were so drunk!”

Sungmin look at me before looking back at Kyuhyun and said, “I don’t remember what happen yesterday….” Kyuhyun just stare at him confusedly.


He did not remember about yesterday, phew…


“Jagiya! Do you want to go with a date with me?” Kyuhyun suddenly ask me, with a beam on his face.


“Yesssss! Please go with meeeee.” Kyuhyun was exploding with aegyo. I smile and nod at him.

“You love birds go dating while Donghae and I will just stay in the house, enjoying each other’s company…”


Kyuhyun chuckled at his hyung’s reaction. “Quick quick quick! Go get ready for the date!” Kyuhyun grab me up from my seat and push me up the stairs. I look back at Sungmin and heard a sound from him.





Although I am very excited about the date with Kyuhyun, Sungmin’s words were repeating in my mind the whole time.


"Jakiya! Look at that!" Kyuhyun said happily. But I was lost in my thoughts.

"Jakiya, are you okay? Do you feel unwell?" Kyuhyun ask me anxiously while touching my forehead.

"Aniyo, I... I just feel a bit hot." I pretended to fan myself. But, it was true as it is summer time now and there’s not a cloud in the sky.


"Why didn't you tell me? Wait for me there!" Kyuhyun pointed towards a bench under a shady area. "Actually...." Kyuhyun ran away before I could even finish my sentence. I walk towards the bench where Kyuhyun pointed and sat down.


Not long later, a bunch of boys approach me and surround the bench I was sitting on.

"What are you doing here, pretty?" One of them smirks at me before taking a seat beside me.

I just gave them a blazing stare and stood up from my seat, wanting to walk away.

"Heyheyhey!" That guy grabs me by my wrist. "Why are you going so soon?"

"Go away! Don't touch me!" I flung my hand away from his hand.

"Wooooo, Ryeowook is being rejected by a girl!" His friends started to .


He smirks a bit before walking towards me. I bite my lip to hide my frighten feelings.


“YAH!” I heard someone shouting from a distance away from us.

It was Kyuhyun!

I got up and quickly ran towards Kyuhyun. He put his arms over my shoulder before walking towards the bunch of guys, including Ryeowook.


“What do you think you are doing with my girl?!” Kyuhyun shouted fiercely to them.

“Omo! Cho Kyuhyun! You are Kyuhyun right?” Ryeowook suddenly asked when he saw Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun looked at him confusedly while nodding his head.

“YAH! You don’t remember me? I am Ryeowook! Kim Ryeowook!” Ryeowook said while walking towards Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun thought for a while before letting out a smile on his face. “Oh! Ryeowook! Long time no see!”

I just stood there, thinking what is happening now.

Ryeowook then turn and did a 90-degree bow to me. I, including his friends, were shock from his actions.

“I’m so sorry for my behavior earlier on. I didn’t know that you are Kyuhyun’s girl.”



“It’s…. its okay….” I manage to utter out.

He bows to Kyuhyun before walking off while signaling his friends to follow him.


“Jagiya, he didn’t do anything to you right?” Kyuhyun asked worriedly, while leading me to the bench.

“Aniyo…” I said as I sat on the bench. “You know him? Why did he seem so… polite to you?”

“Nothing much actually, I just sort of save him from a gang fight few months ago.” My jaw dropped when I heard him say that.

“WHAT?! GANG FIGHT?! Why are you in a gang fight?”

“Nono! I am not in a gang fight! I was just walking past them when I saw Ryeowook fighting with 5 other guys by himself.” Kyuhyun tried to explain. “It seems unfair for 5 to hit against 1. So, I thought I just lend him a helping hand…” Kyuhyun said while scratching his head.

I just stare at him in shock.

“Okay okay! Enough of that! See what I bought for you!” Kyuhyun smiled as he lifted up two bags from his hand.


"Wow! What did you buy?" He distracted me successfully as I peek into the bags. Kyuhyun began to take out the stuff in the bag.


First, he took out a few bottled drinks. "I don't know whether you want mineral water or sweet drinks. So, I just buy all of them." He explained as he took out more stuff from the bags.


Electric fan, hat, sunglasses, hair bands, umbrella, sun block, shirt... SHIRT?


"Why did you buy a shirt?" I asked him curiously. "In case you are sweating too much and you feel uncomfortable in wet clothes. And you miss out something in the bag."



There was one more item in the bags. It is a container-like item.

I took it out and to my surprise, it was my favorite CANDY FLOSS!

"OMO! WHERE DID YOU FIND IT FROM?" I shouted happily. We had been trying to find candy floss since the time we are in the amusement park.

"I saw a candy floss stall just now."


Where can you find such a great boyfriend? I hugged Kyuhyun and thank him. I felt him hugging me back tightly.


"Quickly eat your candy floss." Kyuhyun said as he separates the hug and smile at me.




“I really had fun today. Thank you!” Kyuhyun said as he hugged me tightly.

I smile before hugging him back. I pull out from the hug.

“Me to…” Before I could finish my sentence, Kyuhyun suddenly gave a quick peck on my lips.

“This is revenge for the previous time.” Kyuhyun smirks as he whispers to me. “Bye Jagiya!” He said happily as he ran away.


I watch his back as he ran away. I was stunned by his action. I brush my lips with my fingers.


That’s…. That’s my first kiss…


“YAH! What are you doing there?! Quickly come into the house! It’s cold at night!” I looked up and saw Donghae looking out from the window of his room, waving at me.

I woke up from my shock and started to unlock the door.

Just as I walk into the house, Donghae was already standing in front of me. “Oppa annyeong…” I said as I locked the door up behind me.

“Annyeong, how’s your date today?” Donghae asked.

“Oh, it’s fun!” I smiled awkwardly at him.


The scene whereby Kyuhyun kiss me kept repeating in my head.


“Omo, why is your face so red?” He said shockly as he points at my cheeks. I touch my cheeks and it was burning.

“It’s hot outside…” I lied to hide the fact that I was blushing as I quickly ran up to my room.




I lay on my bed. It is so quiet in my room.

The words that Sungmin said to me started to come back in to my mind.


I love you, Kathleen…. I love you, Kathleen… I love you, Kathleen… I love you, Kathleen…


I can’t fall asleep as these words kept on echoing in my head.

Frustrated, I got up from my bed and went out of my room.




Sorry for the late update! I was really busy at school. To make up for the long wait, I decided to update a LONG chapter this time. HAHAAA!

@TheNoisiestOne : I am also still thinking of the ending. :) Thanks for your comment!

@AliceHue : GREAT IDEA! Please continue to read the upcoming chapters! :) Thank you for your comment!

@catgirl4300 : Thank you! :)

@Jhiyuminnieseob : Nice to know that you enjoy my story! :) I will try to update as soon as possible. Thank you for your comment!!

@SpyGirlMin : KYUHYUN<3 Thanks for commenting on my story! :)

It's really heart warming to know that you are all enjoying my story. I will try to update as fast as possible. I will be heading to overseas for whole of next week. But, before I depart, I will update another chapter! Please look forward to it! :)


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FellDonghae #1
Chapter 33: I love your story...please update soon :) RomanianELF here and Donghae biased :)
Chapter 33: Please update soon,authornim.Love the latest chap. Hope ur doing well.
Jhiyuminnieseob #3
Chapter 33: i love Sungmin's part here :D thanks for the update! I'm looking forward for your next update! ^^
Chapter 33: I love this story! OMO, awesome update! Author-nim is really awesome. Looking forward to the next update! I'm busy with school & projects that's why I respond late... lol SUNGMIN FOREVER!! <3
Chapter 33: Thanks for the great chapter!! I'm looking forward to the next update!! Hwaiting!! And good luck in your work, like in school work! :) We will be waiting!!
Chapter 33: Hi author! Thank you for this story. love this sooooo much!
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 33: I am really enjoying this right now. I love it and please update!!!
Chapter 33: i really enjoyed this chapter, it seems like a story of a happy group of friends but to think of it... you are with your biases in suju. haha. i love those moment when sungmin had a time for kathleen in the haunted house (btw, i never tried to visit that in USS!! because in the afternoon when we visited, it just rained really hard T_T) and back to the story...EVIL kyu with brother hae haha!!

and that pic of kyu... i just buried myself under the ground.... tooooo cute!!!!!!!!! and... the ending was tooo sweet! i thought kathleen wont let kyu sleep with him :))))

thank you for this long chapter! and study hard! fighting! we will wait for the next chapter patiently. kekeke..
Chapter 33: The roller coaster ... Kyuhyun trying not to be scared.. :3 Tche.. Kyuhyun laughing while Kathleen was scared in hunting house.. You're going to lose her, pabo Kyu ><
Kyuhyun so cute when he was jealous.. and as for Sungmin, he was cute too.. :3
Can't wait for next update..