Op.. Oppa?

My Teenage Life in Korea


Sungmin’s POV


Kathleen had suffered so much because of me… Why didn’t she tell me?

If I knew about the bullying, I could have protected her from it.



"Oppa knows that you LOVE super junior, so I asked my friend to get two tickets of Super Show 5 for you! Let's go together!" 

"I may not be free on that day, oppa..." 

"Wae?! I thought you had always wanted to go to their concert?" 

"Mianhe oppa..." 



Was the bullying the reason she rejected me?


(Ignore the captions on the photo.)


I take my phone out from my pocket and punch in some numbers.


Your POV




“Jagiya, do you know what happen to Sungmin oppa?” I asked Kyuhyun.

Yes, I call him ‘Jagiya’ now after he ‘forces’ me to call him that.

“I don’t know, hyung didn’t mention anything to me.”

“I wonder what happen to him…” I pouted.

“Aigooo…” Kyuhyun smile as he pinches my cheeks. “Don’t make that expression, it makes me go so crazy over you...”


I giggled at his comment and felt my cheeks turn red.

“Someone’s shy again! Why do you get shy so easily?” He smirks at me. I hit him on his chest, leaving him groaning in pain.




“Oh! It’s Oppa!” I show my phone, that indicates ‘Sungmin oppa’ on the caller id, to Kyuhyun before picking up the call.



“Oppa! Where are you?”

“Kathleen-ah, I… I am still outside. Are you free later?”

“Erm… I am free later. Wae oppa?
“Do you want to have supper with me later? Just you and me… I… I have something to tell you…”


Just you and me? The girls…. But since I am with Kyuhyun now, I think they would not find me for trouble if I were to go with Sungmin. I thought to myself.


“Oh… Okay oppa. See you later. Bye!”

“Alright, bye.”



“Who is that?” Kyuhyun ask me curiously.

“Sungmin oppa ask me to go have supper with him later.”

“Can I go too?”

“I guess not. Oppa mention just now that he only wants to have supper with me…”

“Wae……..” Kyuhyun whine cutely.

I chuckled and shrug my shoulder.

“Okay then. But you have to let me stay over at your house! I’m so bored at home...”

I nod my head. (Since it’s weekend tomorrow)




At home

I wash up and change into my jeans and shirt.


After the reluctant separation with Kyuhyun, I met Sungmin at the stall nearby my house.


“Oppa!” I went towards Sungmin.

“Kathleen-ah! You are here!” Sungmin wave at me happily and pass the menu to me as I sit down. “Are you hungry? Let’s order some food.”


We order some dishes and the food come in a while.


“Ajumma (Middle aged woman in Korean)! Give me five bottles of Soju (popular Korean liquor)!” Sungmin shout to the stall owner. The stall owner place the Sojus on our tables.

“Soju? Why did you order Soju?”

"To celebrate this wonderful night!" Sungmin replied as he pours the Soju into our cups.


As we were eating the food, I notice that he was drinking Soju more than he was eating the food.

I just look at him confusedly, thinking why he was drinking so much alcohol.

I tried stopping him but he didn’t listen.


After a while, he looks drunk already.

"Kathleen-ah…” He suddenly said with a drunken tone.

“Ne oppa?”

“Mianhe…. Oppa did not protect you from the bullying..."


Bullying? What!? He knew about the bullying? How did he know about it?


Suddenly, he held onto my hands with both of his hands, "Please give me a chance to protect you… I cannot live without you, please stay by my side…"


I just look at him shockly. “Oppa… Are you okay? I… I think you are drunk…” I pull my hands away from his.

“Aniyo! I’m not drunk!” He pulls me roughly to a hug. “I love you, Kathleen…”




“Op…Oppa…” I shook him. But he wasn’t moving. He was so drunk that he went unconscious.


I hail a cab by the road side and with the help of the cab driver, we manage to carry Sungmin into the cab.


He was lying on my lap during the journey back home.

I was still in the state of confuse of what he had just said earlier on.


Another person who confess to me in their drunken state?!


Why is my heart thumping so hard when I heard him say that he loves me…?

YAH! Kathleen Lee! You are with Kyuhyun now! How can you have this kind of thinking?! Or reaction?! Or whatever stuff that is going through your brain…




I try to support Sungmin to walk by putting his arms over my shoulders. As soon as I unlock the door, I saw Kyuhyun and Donghae coming down from the stairs.

“What….” They gave me a what-is-happening-now expression when they see me supporting Sungmin.

“Quickly help me!” I shout at them to wake them up from their shock.

They immediately came over to me and help me to carry Sungmin.


They carry him to the room and put him onto the bed. I tuck him into bed before leaving the room.


“What happen to hyung? Why is he so drunk?” Donghae and Kyuhyun start shooting me with questions.


“Nothing… He just got too carried away with the alcohol.”

I sense that Kyuhyun and Donghae were not very convinced by my reply but they did not continue to probe on.


As it was already very late, we went back to our own rooms.




I was lying on my bed getting ready to sleep when I heard a knock on the door.

I got up and open the door. Kyuhyun was standing outside, hugging his pillow. “Jagiya, can I sleep with you?” Kyuhyun show me his puppy eyes.


I giggled and nodded my head. He led out a cute smile on his face and went straight to my bed.

I lay down next to him and off the light. I felt him hugging me around my waist.

“Good night, Jagiya.” He said softly.

“Good night.” I reply him while landing a kiss on his cheek.

With Kyuhyun hugging me to sleep, I was able to drift into dreamland quickly without thinking about what Sungmin said to me just now.




How do you think of the story? Please feelfree to write down your comments :)

 @ TheNoisiestOne HAHAAA! Please continue to read the story! Kekekee... :)

 @ SpyGirlMin Kekekekeeeeeeeee, please continue to read and comment on my story! :P

 @ Jhiyuminnieseob  Hello!! Thanks for reading and commenting on my story! Will update again soooon! :)


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FellDonghae #1
Chapter 33: I love your story...please update soon :) RomanianELF here and Donghae biased :)
Chapter 33: Please update soon,authornim.Love the latest chap. Hope ur doing well.
Jhiyuminnieseob #3
Chapter 33: i love Sungmin's part here :D thanks for the update! I'm looking forward for your next update! ^^
Chapter 33: I love this story! OMO, awesome update! Author-nim is really awesome. Looking forward to the next update! I'm busy with school & projects that's why I respond late... lol SUNGMIN FOREVER!! <3
Chapter 33: Thanks for the great chapter!! I'm looking forward to the next update!! Hwaiting!! And good luck in your work, like in school work! :) We will be waiting!!
Chapter 33: Hi author! Thank you for this story. love this sooooo much!
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 33: I am really enjoying this right now. I love it and please update!!!
Chapter 33: i really enjoyed this chapter, it seems like a story of a happy group of friends but to think of it... you are with your biases in suju. haha. i love those moment when sungmin had a time for kathleen in the haunted house (btw, i never tried to visit that in USS!! because in the afternoon when we visited, it just rained really hard T_T) and back to the story...EVIL kyu with brother hae haha!!

and that pic of kyu... i just buried myself under the ground.... tooooo cute!!!!!!!!! and... the ending was tooo sweet! i thought kathleen wont let kyu sleep with him :))))

thank you for this long chapter! and study hard! fighting! we will wait for the next chapter patiently. kekeke..
Chapter 33: The roller coaster ... Kyuhyun trying not to be scared.. :3 Tche.. Kyuhyun laughing while Kathleen was scared in hunting house.. You're going to lose her, pabo Kyu ><
Kyuhyun so cute when he was jealous.. and as for Sungmin, he was cute too.. :3
Can't wait for next update..